V"'3 - yf <* f •* • g ^ g r - « K j - r ^ • * : , - ; - ; t t - *z; yf»rr. 1 * ' ' * * ". s* ,<&-:tJkit\*\!k Hd. '» • r **'" . " ' I "•" V <^' " "' '> " " ' 11 " '• ' '* va.1 • THE McHIimt JPLA- IKDEA-»L•*i-K•-. • -.' Tlnttiday, June 1, 1W0 iPPfF^ rp - ' - X ' - < ' ttllltt Of tuterest tmlren from t fflaa Of the McHenry Plaindealef of years SCO. I forty litre kg* The Central Opera Hott« •as filled almoBt to Its limit with relathci and friends of the five graduates of 1910 last Thursday. Talks were given by the graduates on "The Purpose of Education," "Influences That Educate." *HooBevelt Might Honorably and Advantageously-- Be^Alade I'rcsi- '<i»ut in 1912." V ' Following a custom that they have practiced for yeafs. the Dundee Canoe Club came to McHenry by train last Saturday and Sunday and on Monday morning left this village via the Pox River- to paddle their way back to their •ative city, , A bit of excitenient took place to Centerville early Monday morning when two buggies were upset, throwing their occupants out. The accident happened when the wheols of the two vehicles became interlocked when passing each other. No one was seriously Injured although both buggies were occupied by. women and chil - "Wen" ' *~ Notwithstanding the disagreeable. cold weather, a large crowd of resoisters were out from Chicago Sunday and Monday. All the hotels along the river did a good business. Over fifty Chicagoans "passed the two days at Lily Lake. Twenfy>Five Team Afro James Bigelow Perry of Revolutionary ancestry and son of Col. Jason Perry and Sally Wilson Perfy, died Ma'y 27 after a five weeks' illness. He at one time served as postmaster at. Mcllcury and, was one of McHenry's . first visage hoard members. If the prayers of residents along Waukegan. North Green and Pearl streets are answered by the hoard of local improvements, these streets will come in for paving improvements this year. For the first time in the history of St. Mary's parish, a local young is to read his first mass here next Tuesday morning. Rev. Robert Freund, C.P., who is to be ordained into the - priesthood in Wichita, Kas., next Sunday, will read the mass here next Tuesday •t 9:30. His numerous friends in this City and throughout this community will be pleased, ho doubt, to learn of the marriage of Charles W. Frett. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Frett of Aurora, to Miss Rose Frisch of Aurora. - The annual commencement program of St. Mary's parochial .school will take place on June 11. The class roll: Rita Bacon, Anna Mary Blake, Arthur Diedrich, Charles Dowe, P2dward Frett, Flora Freund, May Justen, John Kasch. Williaifi) Kelley. Earl^-Msr- •hall. Eleanor^Jay, K1 rnpfnt v/nr. JLouise Oertel. Mviij^Rotherinel, Anthony Schneider and Edward ftwnnei. COUNTY AUXILIARY PLANS TO PURCHASE NEW BABY INCUBATOR The McHenry county council, American Legion Auxiliary, announces the start of their annual magazine subscription campaign. Mrs. William Green, of McHenry, president, states that the commissions deriVed this year will be used1 in the county council's established scrvice work and also to purchase another baby incubator. Although the council, through similar campaign, already obtained a baby incubator six years ago, another one is needed. As a result of the previous campaigns sponsored by the Auxiliary various pieces of sickroom and emergency equipment were obtained, including a polio pak. a resuscitator for the sheriff's office, an audiometer and in the last year's campaign a Pneophore. All these are available to residents of_ the county upon application to the chairman^ Mrs. Rose Arp at Hebron. As in past years, only accredited representatives, registered at; the sheriff's office arid bearing letter of authorization signed by Mrp Green, Mrs. Afp and Mrs. Elbert Buch of McHenry, secretary of tho council, will call on the residents to explain the plan in detail. Residents when called on, should request to see the representative's letter of introduction. This is to eliminate any misrepresentation by an unauthorized person. Do^ nations are not to be solicited or accepted. The county council again wishes to announce that the already'obtained equipment, when not in use, is available and any resident of McHenry county, when needing any of the&e should avail themselves the privilege. Spring Grove Last 8taai Battle mountain state park near Pendleton is the site of the last Indian battle fought in Oregon. Marauding Paiute and Bannock tribes created months of terror in northeastern QragoounUl gybduad in ihtGAKS ARM Kenneth, 6-year-old son of Mr. •#d Mrs. Elmer Hettermann of Richmond Road, brake his arm In two places when he fell in the family home recently. . y Read the Want Ad*. about p/i-- " r Save Woods from Cows Pasturing livestock and growing a woodlot just do not go together. The two operations should be separated. Grow the woodlot without livestock, and pasture the animals on Improved pasture outside the wooded areas. Little Danny>May, small son of. Mr. and Mrs. Edward May, returned to school 'last week, having been absent several weeks dui' to an appendicitis operation which he underwent at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Kyren McGrath is also recuperating from an appendevtomy which was performed several weeks ago. Firemen who attended the county firemen's meeting at Carey, were Arthur Kattner, Hanlel Miller, Charles Freund, Frank Tiuney and John Sheets. A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Nick Freund recently in honor of her birthday. Cards were played and prizes awarded those achieving high scores. A delicious lunch W;IH served which included a large birthday cake. The pinochle club, met at .the' home of. Mrs. Mel Kutish one recent evenings Prizes for "high scores went to Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs, Al Schmelt/.er,, while consolation prize went to Mrs. A'rthur Kattner. foliowfag cards, refreshments were served by toe hostess. Tli? Christian Mothers and Bias-1 sed Virgin Sodality held their annual meeting at the Parish hall recently. Services were heal in church before the meeting, at which time new members were installed in the Sodality of the Christian Mothers. They were Mrs. Fred Barnard, Mrs. Adele McColgan. Mrs. Gertrude Justen, Mrs. Bernice Wipper, Mrs. Helen Smith" Mrs. Helen^Colgan, MJ-s. Eugene Hergott,"" Mrs. Luella Braidman and Mrs. Lillian Heraty. There was election of officers at the meeting and new officers elec-| ted were Mrs. Frank Tinney, presi-^ dent, and Mrs. Charles Freund," recording secretary. There was also a social evening at cards and bunco and prizes went to Miss Anne Spindler, Miss Barbara Schmitt, Mrs. Frances Hergott. Mrs. Al Schmitt, Mrs. Clarence Miller and Mrs. Peter May. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda. Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern. and spit, Frankie, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and' Mrs. Kenneth Anselment and son. Kenny, visited one recent day with Mrs. Michael . Degen in Kenosha. CLARENCE'S SHOP --Full line of lawn furniture, bird homes, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. Screens and blinds made to order. CLARENCE SMITH John8burff, HI. Phope 583-J-l Ohio River Basin Thtf Ohio river's rich basin covers tome 200,000 square miles and is home to about 20 million people. The area includes ISO cities oi xnore than 10.000 population. Subscrfbc foc,,_Tbe Plaindeatei POWER LAWN MOWERS "The Famed Jacobsen" Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jubg of McHenry were Sunday visitors In the Math Nimsgern home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sassana of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney on Sunday. Tom Prenderville of Elgin was a caller on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Al Schaefer and daughter, Dolores, of Milwaukee visited the Clarence Miller's home on Sunday. Mrs. Alice Claim and Mrs. Al Malecki and children of Berwyn viBited Shirley Dawson and Ginny recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Billy and Jean Marie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman in Wilmette. The Spring Grove boys lost the game with Algonquin at Algonquin on Sunday afternoon of last week. Let's say the "breaks" were against them, but better luck next time. They did win over McHenry though, the score 7 to 5. Those who missed the party otf May 20, given by the Lotus Country Women's Club for the benefit of the Spring Grove Fire department missed a very pleasant evening. The large crowd enjoyed the evening playing pinochle and five hundred. Mrs. G. H. Jones, president, in behalf of the club presented twelve beautiful card tables to the fire department. Proceeds from this party will be used to purchase chairs. Much credit is due Mrs. Jones and her committee for their excellent management of the large crowd. Also .to Joseph Kobesrrssttiinnee,, G. W. Weber and Mr. Jones, Paul and Mrs. Albert F R Y E R S r 2 TO 3 LBS. PAN READY ALSO PACKAGED FOR FREEZZ& , . J*rom Pen to Pan Taste the Difference1' .. -- WILL DELIVER --: PHONE McHENRY 699-Bif Johnsburg Poultry Farm Brits for their wonderful cooperation as well as those Who generously donated prizes. Otto Schuen and John Rauen was the lucky winner of an electric clock. A delicious lunch was served to eman carried home a special prise climax the evening McHenry Country Club * So the public will become acquainted with our Golf Club and Dining Room Service we will serve • - v • v ; " French Fried Perch ^ • _. iBrinrtlng twneh fried potatoea, aaltd aqdeeffaf June 2, 5 P:M: to 9P:M: and Every Friday thereafter If you Want them, as yott H|e tha*. > Come and Meet Helen and Doc. FREE DEMONSTRATION LAWN H0WER SHARPENING USED POWER MOWERS HETTERMANN SERVICE FHONg JOHNSBURG 411/' !5%0FF « On Yew Coleman timlM Time spect viscount I America*f Largest-Selling I " «> urn FtimcE lire's Why Vi Offer This Srarair Sptciil: Every Fall, we go crazy trying to meet the flood of orders and installations. Every floor furnace we install how helps relieve that rush later on--and we offer this discount to make it worth your while to order now. My wife's a pretty busy woman-though I could leave out the "busy" and rftill be right. Big old house. Three kids. Lots to do all the time. But she manages fine. "I've got a wonderful helper," she often says. "Runs errands for me, carries messages to and from my friends, gets help quickly when I need It and does a lot of my shopping. Never complains, never takes time off or vacations. And works 24 hours a day for Just a few nickels." 4Bht means our telecourse. We've that to a busy about the biggest the family 1 J~f. •>> * * < ' t •' AP EMh year ear ••steaare art aatlng aiare fresh flak * aad aaafaai kaaaaaa al tfca hick qaality and great valaat •hay (lai at Aft P. Da yea tika tka varieties al uiftal efferetf at year UN It tka seafeetf fraak ail pre parly eleaned? Dees yaar aaafaal paakaga atay in aai aaaara till yaa gat It kaaiet If tkara'a aaytklag yaa iaa't Ilka akaat ear kaatfllng at aaafaai, please let aa kaaw. Please writai Gitteaier Ralatlaas Dept^ AftP Feed Stores 1 410 Laxlngtaa Avaaae Maw Yerk 17, N. Y. nm mi w m m '*0^ is «•!» .!«.* L4rte"" WHGCHttWK wwhViVsxVpU >AUIN MD. *|PE FIORIDA SWEET COW - CAtlf- H(* «• »' V/hW* Potato** tO fia®®'- OWXN't ALL «UCN CUT, MfW ItM MCI .3S5i»e Asparagus20c 8WJFT8 BROOKFIELD ASSORTED ^ ISP ' ' A NO. 2 AA, Cheese Spreads 2-5 oz jars 29 * ™ SpiBJCB pack . * . . . z t.n$3o Salad Dressing Pt.. Jar 27c Yukon Club Root Beer... 2^ 39' CHED-O-BIT « _ a • aa . A A Cheese Spread 2 lb. loaf 73c Brack's Circus Peanuts 29° MICKELBERRY'S SKINLESS Snow Crop Frozen Foods GREEN BEANS MIXED VEGETABLES GREEN PEAS LIMA BEANS , RED RASPBERRIES STRAWBERRIES »• * 1. Coleman Oil Flat-Register Models sit in 2. Coleman Dual-Wall Model. Set under floors, no basement needed. Sizes for 2 to 5 wftll," usfe no floor apace. SQuOQO and Roomis^30,000 and 50,000 BTU. BTU. Ibre's Antoiwrtic Farnote Heating-Priced For "Stove-Heating" Bvdgets ^No Work! No fires to build or tend, no ashes to clean out. Light your Coleman Floor Furnace this Fall and revel in the kind of automatic warmth you want till Spring 1 No Dirtl No fuel-grftne, no ashes or mess! Less cleaning, less laundry with a Coleman Floor Furnace! Warm Floorsl Loib».^,I makes the Floor Furnace that keeps floors warm--up tflL 4 or & rooms. Mace comf or t-^better health. « •' • * • • . • ; y Needs No Basement, and no costly duct& Easy to install--no "tearing up yout. house 1"-- AVAILABLE FOR GAS AND Oil. Our men are Factory Trained to install your heating system properly. Phone your Coleman Authorized Dealer for a free heating survey HARDWARE 132 Green Street VYCITAL'S Phone 98 SHEET BOJI9 McHenry, Illinois * P miN WMM BullHaads MISM UU tail Yollew Pike «Me u.43c LAKi SUMRIOR Fresh Whitoflsh MISH nut PIN Drawn KorriHC 25c 25c 19c 39c 33c 49e LB. 59ci t. 19c 4N»rLUS Marshmallews *5%. 19c A4A» Luncheon Moat i2-or ...TIN 33c tULTANA Fruit Caaktall \ ...n.?:TTN 31C I4NNCR Sweet Piekles 32-OZ. JAR 39c SULT4N4 Prune Plumt... 2 n°N? 37C AUNT JANI--CANDUD 0111 Strips li-OZ. ..JAR 35c USDS CORNia Beef Hash. 2 'TINS 49C MILD ANO MSUOW C 0'Cleek ...SALB6. 97c M6/IDCilr Redi-Meat ..... ,..,^i41c RICH ANO PULL-ROOIID Red Circle ..SALBO. 99c S4MQUS7 Whale Chiakea y&n M vieoaoua 4«to WINKT Bakar .. SLABO. 99c •INCH CU*tt>--*HA*r OheMar CCi Cheese ..LB. 33 M4H¥SL Sandwich PKS. Rolls.. .OM2 21 SWIFT'S 4SSMTID ^ Ghats* Spreads 2 jars ItC CHIO-O-MT--OUICJC MitriMe GhtoseFoed »e: 2lC IMPORT aa DANISM Bleu Cheese ts. 79c CfiAM RICH Cattage Cheeia CTN. 29c MAHVIL Sandwich Bread JANt FAMm Half ft Half Cake MAKVtL Frankfurter Rolls JANt P4RXIR-ri4$T Raised Doiiuts lo-oz. ia. LOAF IOC CACH 28c 21c OfKF® 12 33c STOPS ODOR BEFORE IT STARTS DIAL SOAP 2-*37e BUTTER KERNEL Peas & Carrots 2 37c Suecetash Peas ft Garrets "VH 19c *oTIzN 11c FASTIK, RICHER SUDS LUX FLAKE* LARGE NCG. 26 RED CROSS M4C4RONI /TLLD SPAGHETTI 7-OZ. PKG. SXWTIR'S Butter Cookies r 26° Lit BY BABY FOODS 3^30' KIRK'S HAHDWATtH CASTILE SOAP 3 cakes 25e FOR THAT SFARKLF OXYDOL T26c TIDE'S IN . .. DIRT'S OUTI TIDE r26e A BETTER BUY! LUX SOAP r He i 9Hattfua le All Super Mirketi eed Self-Service Stores KITCHEN CH4RM , WAXED PAPER I >.\. 20* « FOR FRYING OR S4KINO CRISCO •-u DM PUU--ALL VEGETABLE SPRf : 89e ^ 4 V4L0Ff SILVER DUST re2Sc MAM* WASHING tA$f SURF r26e FOR COMPLEXION CARE CAMAY SOAP r Mc. KILLS ODORS AIR-WICK •OTTIE 59C CHIFFON SUDS LAST Chiffon FMh