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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1950, p. 2

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RJMUDINCI CHANGES DIPLOMA / tn<T«i Pirty Honored Gndaatei The Pre-Teeu club party for eighth grade graduates was held oa June 7, beginning with a hike from the Toddler Shop to the V.F.W. grounds. A ball game followed in which the club's adviser, Mary KAUSS, played with the losing team in a 17-0 score. Members of the sixth and seventh grades brought lunch for themselves and also for the graduated. Twentyfour,, were present to enjoy the party, which included th« roasting of wieners. •AKT AXX FREUXD MisB Mary Ann Freund, daughof Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, L*4*ftdu*ted Thursday evening, June from St. Mary's high school, Ock. Miss Freund received diploma from the Most Rev. i J. Boylan, bishop of Rock- , Presentation of diplomas to |Mr fourteen graduates took place front of the beautifully decor- Itod altar in St Mary's church. dtoeired 7tth IMhday H«r« v Mrs. Anna GtffttMrdo e<8ef>rat#6 wr seventieth birthday annivertary last Sunday at the summer iome of her daughter, Mrs. Leo Keipple, at Pistakee Lake. All but jne of her ten children were able be present to spend the day with her and to taste the attractively decorated cake which was the centerpiece on the table. Mrs. Saszardo was presented wtth- *a variety of beautiful gifts. Attending the anniversary parwere the following children: llr. and Mrs. Joe Guszardo of Mc- Hpnry, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dichiagb and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Bhabow and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gianni and family, Mr. and i. Leo Keipple and family, the SAirso Colin, Rudy Jaeger and IAb Oustardo families and Sam Qvuardo all of Chicago. Mr. and i. Harry Stamer of Chicago •were unable to attend. The celebrant has eighteen crandchildren and four greatindchlldrMt. • IrMal Shower Per Dorothy Kalth Mrs. Dolores Musser of Wood- Stock and the Misses Pat a*hd Joan Krein of Lily Lake were hostesses miscellaneous bridal shower last Saturday afternoon at the of Mrs. Mildred Hitzman in Lombard for Miss Dorothy Smith Ringwood. Sixteen friends and ifaltives were present to enjoy the party. Miss Smith was presented with many lovely gifts, after which tasty lunch was served. Miss Smith will become the bride ! James Krein, Jr., on July 1. Entertalaed At Snrprise Party , j-- / .V • Mr. and Mra.-:^ii|ai'? IMefceuii entertained at a surprise birthday party last weekend for her cousin. Miss Mary Stanberry. A buffet lunch was served and the guest of honor presented with a beautiful gift. Relatives and friends were present from McHenry, Woodstock and Kenosha, Wis. .. ChrlBttn Mothers Planning Picnic The Christian Mothers and Altar society is planning to hold a potluck picnic at the Veterans of Foreign Wars grounds on Thursday June 22. Those attending are asked to bring their olrn silver. ¥ 160 Attended Lutheran Eveut • * , About 150 lads tttettdei public card party held at the Legion home last Tuesday evening, sponsored by the Ladies Aid of the Zion Lutheran church. Thirtytwo tables were in play. Members of the society are receiving congratulations on the success on the first such party which they have undertaken. •' BRIDAL PlfXrRES Two local photographers are responsible for the lovely bridal pictures in recent issues of the Plaindealer. The pictures of Mrs. Richard Wilhelm and Mrs. Edward Buss, Jr., were the work of Worwick's Studio and that of Mrs. James Hettermaaan came from the Frost Studio. Members of the largest Red Cross j ona Kane, Lillian Michels, Mar-: first aid class to be presented with ' garet Granath, Mattie Matsat, Mercertificates this year was the j cedes Iiuska, Theresa Schlitt and above pictured group at McCullom Edward Justen. Lake, instructed by Maxine Hoen- j Seated, second row: Florence schell. | Kane, Kathryn Linnert, Celia Mus- . Left to right, back row: Tom ynski, Maxine Hoenschell, Gert- Dledrich, Gertrude Maxwell, Cel-jrude Makofskl, Mildred Rochelle Miscellaneous Nhower ~ For Diane Bacon The Misses Celia Page SOd Marie Stoffel were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous bridal shower last Monday evening at the former's home, honoring their classmate, Miss Diane Bacon, who will be a bride next Sunday. A social evening was enjoyed, which Included the opening of many lovely gifts, after which a delicious lunch was served. Attending the shower were Nancy Nelson, Sally King, Betty Schmitt. Marilyn Schmitt, Joan Freund, Eva Unti, Joan Nell, Mary Kay Freund, Mary Ann Bolger, Dolores Rogers, Elaine Freund, Rita Bolger, Joan Nimsgern, Nancy Siemon, Marilyn Freund, Dolores Glosson, Ronnie Burns, Faith Langworthy, Mary Ann Wiedrich and Jeri Einspar. HARRIED IV WILMOT Peace Lutheran church in Wilmot, Wis., was the scene of a pretty wedding service last Saturday, June 10, when Miss Geraldine Gauger, daughter of the Oarl Gaugers of that city became the bride of Mr. Ralph Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown, alof Wllmot, but formerly McHenry residents. The service was read at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Following a honeymoon trip, the couple will reside in Antioch. 0.EA NEWS On June 10, Mildred Howorka was worthy matron and Herbert Howorka, worthy patron, at Richmond chapter. There were twenty members from McHenry who accompanied them. On June 13 a stated meeting was held, with a parcel post party after the meeting. Refreshments were served, with Clara Novak acting as-chairman. June 27 will be Members' Night, at which time a program will be presented. On Jusie 30 there will be a joint official vialt by Matilda C. World, worthy grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star of Illinois,* at Harvard, with Hebron, Richmond, McHenry and Harvard attending. McHenry officers will open the chapter. A banquet will be served at 6 o'clock. Honored At Farewell Party Mrs. Eleanor Nye entertained at her home on Elm street last week in honor -* Mrs. Ben Diets, whb is leaving soon to make her home in Glendora, Calif. Cards were enjoyed, with prizes awarded to Mrs. Bruno Juerjens, Mrs. Albert Vales and Miss Rose Huemann. Mrs. Diets was presented with a lovely gift from her friends. AUXILIARY BOTES ! W«u'a Clab Hears Review Mrs. Vanessa Sellfe of Wonder Lake reviewed the bobi "I Married A Redhead". Miss Mary Ann Bolger presented several piano ^ selections to conclude the program. I The committee in charge included Lenore Cooley, chairman; j Hthel McGee, Lillian Bolger, Helen pitevens, Joanne Rulien, Jennie Richardson, Maurie Taylor <£Heanor Foley, Dorothy Gibbs fcnd fSnthryn Conway. Reception Fer Newly wed 8 June 84 Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Heldora Frieda Thordar of Rockford, 111., and Reykjavik, Iceland, and Fred Matzat, Jr., son of the senior Matzats of McCullom Lake, in Chicago on May 29. The newlyweds are enjoying a wedding trip and upon their return, on June 24, his pareuts will be hosts at a reception for friends and relatives at their home at the lake. ADMIRAL EMPLOYEES WED Two employees of the Admiral ration, Miss Betty Heynis Miss Edith Dahl, both of Wau were brides of last Satur June 10. Miss Heynis was to Norman Hertrel id Lake's Catholic church, Miss Dahl became the bride William Francke in a garden eddlng. rcall* Foresters H«talkthi Sixty members of the Juvenile WWMlers of St Clara's Court, No and their mothers attended Installation of officers last at 8t. Mary's-St. Patrick hall. A 6 o'clock pot-luck ' preceded the installation, [ (Allowing were installed: Jean chief ranger; Dorothy viaechlef ranger; Mary --crstary; Doris -Bauer Doris Ann Justen and Gerasch, conductors BUN and Marion Blake First Father-Daagkter Banquet Well Attended Fathers, uncles and friends of the McHenry Girl Scouts were privileged to escort the young ladies to the first annual fatherdaughter banquet on June 6. Approximately . 165 people attended the affair held at the high school cafeteria. Among the guests were Fr. Edward Coakley of St. Patrick's, Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer of St. Mary's, Rev. Wayne Price of the Community Methodist, and Donald Liberty of the McHenry Bible church. Wm. Althoff represented the city council, John Looze the Business Men's Association, and C. H. Duker the schools. Committee women, and leaders of the troops also attended with their husbands. The program consisted of "The Salute to the Flag," the Girl Scout promise, introduction of leaders and "God Bless America." The invocation was given by Rev. Price and the Benediction by Rev. Fr. Coakley. Mrs. Frank Gans served as toastmistress. As president of the Girl Scout association, she expressed appreciation for the good support being received from the community in this youth project. A magician, Ralph Freimark, entertained for forty-five minutes with a series of tricks which intrigued and baffled the girls and also the fathers. The regular monthly meeting of the V.F.W. Auxiliary to Post 4600 was held Monday evening, June 12, in the new meeting room of the club house. Mrs. Peggy Kraus, rehabilitation chairman, announced the results of a very successful Poppy Day sale. The organization taking part in the annual sale of poppies are grateful to the public for their donations to this worthy cause. The monthly Downey party wiU be on Monday evening, June 19. Those to assist the hospital chairman Lena Kilday, will be Ercel Richardson, MildrM Reese, Aileen Ilogan, Louise Smith, Gert Barbian, Peggy Kraus, Helen Knight, Eleanor Creutz, Betty Houck, Mary Hetterman and Eleanor Peterson. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 10. There will be a pot-luck picnic supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting and initiation of new members. Ail members are urged to attend. Plain dealer. and Myrtle Burg. Front row: Shirley Olpen, Marie Burg, Claire Seeber and Marilyn Lively. Ml*. Justen and Mr. Dledrlch are members of the local vfire department. V "; --' \ . f CELEBRAT® ANNIVERSARY Mt\ and Mrs. Edward Larkln (Nellie Sutton) of Elgin celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home last Sunday, with open house from 2 to 6 o'clock for relatives and friends. The Larklns^ re well known in McHenry, where they are frequent visitors and where Mrs. Larkin spent her early years. Helping the couple celebrate on Sunday were their five children, Miss fteulah Larkln of Syracuse, N.Y., Robert Larkin of Pleasantville, N.Y., Miss Eleanor Larkln of Chicago, Miss Marion Larkin of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs, Lucill^ Frisch of Elgin. FOREIGN GFISTS Woodstock's foreign embassy guests arrived on Tuesday of this week, representing fourteen foreign nations. John Strom of Woodstock had arranged for the group to visit Woodstock, the only small city on their tour. •M .. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf June • Mctfeftry Wbman's Club--American Legion Home. J«ne 10 Bakery Sale Sponsored by McHenry Community P.T.A.--10 A.M. To 1 P.M.--Justen Furniture, 101 8. Green St. * June IS V.F.W;-Auxiliary Meeting--8 pjtt. June IS Public Card Party--Sponsored by Zlon Lutheran Ladies Aid --8 p.m.--Legion Home. Pthnfc Card Party--Legion Home --8 p.m.--Sponsored by Zlon Lutheran Ladles Aid. OiB.S. Stated and Parcel Post Party. -- , Circle I, W.S.C.S,-- Mrs. NtlsOh Davis, Pistakee Bay--1 P.M.-- dessert Luncheon. L&dles Aid Society of Zlon Lutheran Church--American Legion Home--8 P.M. • ' Jane If Circle 1, JW.S.C.S. Meeting --ICr* Ray Ijornsberger Home. June 15 Day of Recollection --- Catholic Daughters of America -- St. Mary's church--10 a.m. W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Community Methodist Church Parlors ^ p . m . ' June 18 Vacation School Closing Exercises For McHenry Bible Church--7:80 P.M. June 17, Youth For Christ Rally--McHetiry High Sdhool--7:45 P.M. June 19 • * V.F.W. Auxiliary Downey Party. Past Matrons' Club---Goodell-Jones Home. June 20 Riverview Camp, R.N.A.--Regular Meeting. July 1, 8, 8, 4 American Legion Carnival. July 10 V.F.W. Auxiliary Meeting-- Pot- Luck Picnic Supper-- 6:30 P.M. Auffuat 10, 11, 12, 18 V.F.W. Carnival-- City Park. and son have moved from the Joe Hay cottage on ~ John Street to Wfodstock. The Paul Patske family has moved from the Victor Freund place on Rt SI, north of the city, to the home of the late Mrs. Augusta Patzke. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Caldwell have moved from the Martin Johnson place at Fair Oaks to an apartment in the Riverside hotel. TkoMdagr, ivm 15, vm Harry Love, Youth For Christ, will the district rally In McHenrjy achool at 7:45 p.m. Saturday. Oospellaires quartet from Free church in Chicago will sup-; ply special musk;, along with girls' trio from Crystal Franklin Anderson will singing and delegations from Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Wonder La) join the large rally. -All are vited. AMERICAN BANKING • ... .. -»• * V<. ROW y«0B FOI CLOTHES* lericans arc the best-dressed people oti on the average about lM out of each iollar of income for clothes and personal care. How much eucli individual spends depends, of fourse, on income and personal wants. But people lyho manage their money well have more funds for clothes and for other things they desire most. It's easier to make money go farther when you have a _cfrecking account. Your records tell you where fee money goes, and you can control your spending. Why not itart your account with us now? ¥ ACTION McHENRY STATE Member Federal Reserve System Member Fedaral Deposit itysuranci Corporation MARRIAGE IHSTITUTE Courtship, choice of partner, and the engagement period will be the subject of Dr. Bertha M. Shafer's second lecture ,of the Marriage Institute on Jutre 18, 8 o'clock, Grace Lutheran church, Richmond. A coffee hour follows the lecture, as well as a lecture period. Tickets may be procured at the door. THERE IS A PLACE FOR YQV . Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! AT Riverside Mfg. Co. We are now accepting applications for ADDITIONAL HELP. v We will teach you a very good paying trade eewing dresses on power machines, and pay you while you learn. If you are ambitious and steady worker apply SA persori at: Riverside* Mfg. Co. 200 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, QL <• -H- i -n t fr •> • OPEN FOR BUSINESS ATTENTION Household Furniture at Auction DON'T FORGET THE DATE Sunday, June 18th - 12:30 P. M, WAUCONDA, ILL. 2 fcfocks west oa fift from intersection 12-59 across from cemetery. Everything in household furniture, appliances, some antiques, lawn furniture, garden, carpenter and small farm tools. 4 Attention 4-H and FFA members: Ti^athor ^ halters, brushes, combs, neck chains etc. ' , ^ > ^ORREST R. GRUNEWALD, Mgr. and Auctioneer Our new hosiery shop is now open for business, SPECIAL Introductory Offer A PAIR and A SPARE 51 Gauge - 16 Denier 45 Gauge • 30 Denier $1.29 3 pr. limit FRMY and SATURDAY ? ONLY! McHENRY HOSIERY MILL CRYSTAL LAKK ROAD W. McHENRY 11'+4 i M1 i 1 • '1' ••••H A'Guaranteed Tire at a Saving Wft Silver Jubilee TIRES 7u flu Tex 4 : ~ *00x16 ii|| exchange , . 0$mymm Cer4 CenttracNairv SUU Wells • UMntWorwHy y. '•, A good quality, safe lira. to |iw thousand* of m(Im of lmbt*-fru mtvIco. Not a retread, but, brand mw factory fl««h stocks. YOU NEED AN Certified Power Mower tQQ QP • 5 Slatted, It'tMl Oy»yD • Chain and B*HDHv« imOVtlne • 4 Cycl«, 1 HP Engln. SILVER JUBILEE KAW** MOWERS • ' - $21.95 • /Compare others at $25.00 2S Mo*. OucirantM,! Batt«r|p to9.5- 45 powor-packod platm, tOO amp-liour capacity. Bulb to glvt maximum sonHeo. j : - » • ^ Now Solid WasMc Sallsl Croqast Sets W Six-play#r Mts wHh brlgMly itripod 8-Inch maltoto. Coraploto with handy ttorago rack. N k'Sowth S«nd" Samba# fly Rods ^ $95 Throe-ploco singto-built split bamboo, ample 9 ft. Imgth. Waltod nidral sllvsr forrwlos. Uglitwlghl Aluminum ' Hitrmos Bottk n Mmtthti Ganufno "Thormos"} roplacorfblo sHvorod-glass vaomm lMlor. Ivory plastk cu|k 100 Insukrtors Oivon with hM Controllcn ti--If 14.4S " |fts x Combination offorl Standard 6-volt battory-oporatod controller with high-low control. SPECIAL 20 GAL. GARBAGE CAN * Casting Reeb Htm Hjongi*/' « ing r*«li--standard OPEN SUNDAf MORNINGS 9 A. M. to 12 NOON NEXT TO ci tn( (c* V McHENRY, Illi.

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