. uv • < ' Thursday, Jane 22, 1950. ---•*i tWIi Itaori A nent gathering «aa held at UM At. H«nn residence north of McHenry, at which Miss Maureen Henn. a Jane graduate of St. Mary '•-8t. Patrick's school, was j£seat of honor. Present besides elaaamates, and frie'nds and relatlvea In this community were tb«? following out of town guests: Mr. tMkd Mrs. Gerald J. Mannix. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Strand and son. Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Schide and pon and Miss Maureen Casey, all oil Chicago and Mrs, Lavin of River Forest. Miss Henn was presented with many lovely gifts. Preand-Seymoar. Nuptial Vows ; Announcement has been made of the marriage on May 27 at Evan- MOB of Miss Joanne Margaret Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund, and Jay Robert Seymour, son of Mrs. Francis Seymour of Fox Lake. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Seymour of Chicago. The. newlyweds are residing at 327 Jfi. Ma«on avenue, Chicago, both Employed In that city. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1948 and the groom of Grant high school at Fox Lake in IMS. 8M*- Katertalaei Mi*. andNMrs. Leo Blake entertained about fifty relatives and Meads last Sunday in honor of their daughters, Marion Jean, a recent graduate of St. Mary's school, ' Eleanor Marie, an aspirant at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, who is home for her summer vacation. A social afternoon was spent and supper was served. Gilests were preseuL from Waukegan, Oak Park, Libert^ville, Fort Jennings, Ohio, and Oiiir Rehearsal At (Nmell-JeiM Home Wrty members of the First Bwtfst church of Elgin met at the Goopell-Jones home one evening l*st week for their weekly rehearsal *nd to enjoy a social evening. Ia Bte absence ofthe regular orgaajst, Mrs. C.' W. GoodelJ acted to fiat. ftijirtfcrv A catetNria, style luli^H WM served and the group eDjdyed several hours of singing add visiting. Warren Jones la soloist irtth the church choir. MISS ELAINE KT.EMM BRIBE ON SATURDAY OF MR. GEORGE CROSS One of the most beautiful weddings of the season took place last Saturday. June 17, at 4:30 o'clock in St. Paul's Lutheran church. Round Lake, when Miss Elaine Klemm of Volo became the brido of George Cross of Wonder Lake. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm and the accessories and a similar corsage. A dinner and reception tor 100 guests followed the service at the Villa Hotel Resort Mrs. McNally cut and served the fourtiered wedding cake. Before leaving on their honeymoon, the bride threw her bou- BOB SOHPLTX AHO BEIDE or SATTTTTOAY TOLIVELNBAIVAJTP Few" preddiags of local interest have caused such genuine happiness among so many people as that of Robert Schultx last Saturquet, which was caught by Marlon (day, for to all who know Bob, hla Hephew 0! Local Woman Recover! From Accident Wirtr of Volo. Mrs. Cross' traveling ensemble consisted of a twopiece green linen suit, white accessories aad a white orchid corsage. The newlyweds left for Mercer, Wis., and from there will visit Canada. Upon their return they will make their home in an apartment in Lily Lake. Mrs. Cross is a 1948 graduate of the Wauconda high school and has been employed in the office of the Admiral Corporation since that time. Her husband graudated in 1947 from the McHenry high school and is employed by the Illinois Bell Telephone Compaay. tPre-Teen Clab I To Meet July 1 At last Saturday's meeting of the Pre-Teen club, volunteers were jasked to serve , at St. Mary's-St. i Patrick's P.T.A. style show to I August. The baby sitting lesson concerned games for the toddler iand nursery age child. The next i meeting will be July 1. Pnoio by oiwiclc, Mchenry Olrtea-W^aer * * Exduafeg - ' * A wedding of interest locally was solemntied in Chicago's St. PrisciUa'a church last Saturday morning, June 17, when Miss Cynthia Aon O'Brien became the bride of James Wagner. Mr. Wagner is the so^ of the former Esther Freund of McHenry. Attendants for the couple included two cousins, Richard and Dorothy Hiller of JohnsbW ftist Matrons' Club Met Xoada? Twelve members of « the Past Matrons' club of the O.E.S. met at' the home of Mrs. C. W. Good- Miss Ethel Jones on Monday evening. Lunch was served and the evening spent in visitine. -- groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cross. The double ring ceremony was performed in a church decorated for the occasion with lighter tapers and baskets of spring flowers. Music included "Marche Nuptiale" by the organist, E. H. Klemp, the wedding march, and two vocal solos, "O Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer", by Nancy Arneson of Round Lake. The attractive bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of white sheer nylon marquisette, with narrow satin ribbon bands on the skirt and underskirt of heavy taffeta. The dress was styled with fitted bodice, long close fitting sleeves and tiny collared neckline. She wore a wide, sweeping train and Juliet cap, the latter featuring three satin bands which carried out the detail in the skirt. From the cap fell a fingertip illusion vei|« She carried a colonial bouquet of white MtseS aSkd stephanotis with satin streamers. Mrs. Dorothy McNally of Volo acted as matroa of honor for her sister, attired in a dress styled similarly to that of the bride but in avacado green. She wore a headpiece of matching material, entwined with stephanotis, and carried a bouquet of pink glads and stephanotis. Bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Wagner of Volo and!Miss Dorothy Behake of McHenry, close friends of the bride, who were attired in gowns of lilac shade and headpieces made like that of Mrs. McNally. They carried light salmon glads in colonial bouquets. Henry Cross, brother of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Richard Wilhelm, a friend, fend James McNally, brother-in-law of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Klemm chose a dress of navy blue sheer, white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Cross was attired in a pink linen drdss, white Martin G. Conways Hold Open Hease Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Conway of, John street will hold open house for their neighbors, friends and relatives at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall on Saturday. June 24, in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. Open house will occurr after 7 (J®-.". Joan Young's Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of 805 Massina, Waukegan, formerly of McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Elleti, to Frederick Sandeen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ernest Sandeen of Kasser, Minn. No date has been set for the wedding. Rath Relhansperger Honored At Showers Miss Ruth Reihansperger was guest of honor at two pre-nuptial showers held recently in McHenry. She will become the bride of Thomas Fenwick of Chicago on Saturday, June 24. Last Friday evening Mrs. George Kauss entertained at a kitchen shower. A social evening was enjoyed and the guests enjoyed a tasty lunch served from a table lighted with candelabra. Attending the shower were Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. Herbert Reihansperger, Mrs. Frank Gende, "Mrs. Harry Durland, Mrs. George Johnson and the Misftes Maurle Taylor, Helen Stevens, Adele Froehlich, Clara and Lena Stoffel, all of McHenfy; Mrs. Ann Fenwick of LaGrange and Miss Gloria Pursain and Mrs. Joan Timme of Chicago. Miss Reihansperger was also honored recently at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Frederick Wahl in Orchard Beach, •with their bridge club members as hostesses. Guests Included Mary Tittle, Peggy Kerber, Alexia Roche, Marge Adams, Marilyn Reihansperger, Evelyn Hart, Geraldine Stewart, Beatrice Newtek, Adele Froehlich, Viola j*rda, Mary KauBS, Eleanor Sullivan, Betty Nielsen, Helen Heide and Joan Timme. happiness means theirs also. The 28-year-old bridegroom, son of Mr. burg, took aa his bride Miss Jane Nottlemann, 22, a nurse at St. Luke's hospital, where she met h^r husband-to-be. More than nine years ago, frith his high school diploma tiuked away only a few months, Rob received a back Injury In an* accii while at work at the Eftpfal oratories (formerly the Chemical company.) It iiiV|,tkn he began his long confineaS||tto the hospital, which he left <16 return home last December. Bob Is In fine health today and is able to get most anywhere be desires in his wheelchair. H« also has a specially built automobile which provides enjoyment durlftg his leisure time. Bob and his bride were marrfi Saturday in Grace church at St, Luke's hospital, with a reception following in the bride's home In Elmhurst. His nephew, 'Paul Schultz of Chicago, served as best man. The newlyweds will Harvard, where they ased a new home and will work in the city bridegroom is employed' keeper by Conrad Motors stock. ' ' | Cy Mrs. John R. Smith and Mrs. Helen Young and son, Alfred, of McHeary, Mrs. Dora Rich of Graystake and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle of Ifeake Geneva visited Almond Thurlwell at the Elkhorn hospital last Thursday evening. The 64-yearold man, an employee of the Public and Mrs. Paul Schults of Johns- »»rvlce company and a nephew of Mrs. Smith, suffered two broken legs and a back injury in an accident two weeks ago In which his grandson, Stephen Carter, 14 months old, of California, was killed. Mr. Thurl well is a resident of Grayslake. Riding in the car, when the acjnt occurtfd were his' wife, ie T^prlttyll, their daughter, Mrs. Lotfl^^t^ter and her three children, ,«jfo/>were visiting here from 0Ullt^i|a. They were enroute to Danen, Wis., to attend a wedding. Mrs. Thurlwell suffered serious bruises, Mrs. Carter vas cut about the face and Linda Carter, 3, suffered a broken leg and sftull fracture. . BVSCIE falter C. iduated from re: where he 8 MAJOR ud" Hodgkinson Lake Forest colreceived his B.A. degree in business administration. He is a Kappa Sigma member. mot CHICAGO COTJPUR HAKBIJCD SA AT TOtJHOBEKa' THANKS to take this to thank neighbors for floral bouquets, cars, rds of sympathy and the many 4 „, r kindM#^* extended in ou,* '" "blreavemttrt?^ We are especially fateful for, the services of Msgr. x, Fjr, Baujflpofer and Fr. Blitsch. FAMILY OF CHRIS BLAKE A very lovely wedding was solemnised on the lawn of the Lawrence Youngberg home/ on Tiilymoor-Griswold Lake road last Saturday afternoon, June 17. The ceremony performed by Rerv. Wayne Price of the Community Methodist church, united In marriage Mildred Riney and Harold Nelson, both t5f Chicago. Mrs. Riney was given In marriage by her son, Robert. T- • couple was attended by his daughter, Mrs. Helen Antonucci, as matron of honor, anH his son, Harolj^- 3r>^ best man. A buffet supper on the lawn for sixty guests followed the service. The Youngbergs haVe been residing in thfs 'community since 1947, having purchased the former Henry Weber ffrm at that time. Parcel Post Sale Postponed McHenry Chapter, No. 549. O.E.S., held a stated meeting on June 13, at which time the parcel post sale was postponed until later. During the meeting, Edith Harrison was installed as Adah for the remainder of the year. Balloting took place, after which refreshments were served, with Clara Novak acting as chairman. Announcement has been made of a joint official visit of Sister Matilda June 30 at Harvard, with McHenry, Richmond and Hebron assiisting. June 27 will be observe^ Members" Night. f . GRADUATED StUDAf . Marvin Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz of Volo, received his B.S. degree in agriculture last Sunday. Duning his university days, he belonged to Alpha Gammr Rho fraternity, agricultural council, member of the university dairy judging tea mand president Of the Dairy Production club. CHURCH CARNIVAL ; St. Joseph's church at Richmond is sponsoring its annual carnival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 23,24 and 25, featuring a fish fry on Friday evening and family style dinner on Sunday. There will be games and prizes. Rev. Fr. F. J. Miller, formerly of St. Mary's parish, McHenry, is pastor of the church. Renew that subscription Ho the Plaindealer now! " White hatB and black velvets in beautiful styles; large and small head sizes. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 6 Come In and see our large selection of summer and early fall hats. White hats and black velvets. All head sizes. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. f Subscribe for The Plaindealet GRAND OPENING DANCE Grand Opening dance at Brldg4 Ballroom, McHenry, Saturday^ Jnne 24. Door prises, favors and free sandwiches. I Read the Want Ads. FISH FRY : I ! FRIDAY, JUNE 30 6 to 9 P.M. AT THE "" AMERICAN LEGION HOMf ADULTS 50e v CHILDREN 25c ; Jiff35':* i. y (&4..V ALSO ItA&B-Q PLATE LUNCHES nivlfrTp/.Q !, •*- • - By - pgP^;l|gUIEEI0AM LESION AUXILIARY i.Z'H >•••••••••< I #•••< PERSONAL A fn ready to serve as your ^ constant companion, personal messenger and social secretary ... help with shopping, run errands. I work 24 hours a day with no time off and no vacations -- for just a few nickels a day. I'm your tielephoas. L & H TELEVISION EMERSON and MOTOR0t% ^ -- SALES -- SERVICE Phono 403 v 601 Front ife or 6S3-K-2 West McHenry, Illinois SORTS : UNSUITS 1 to 14 UNDRESSES &&&* V-0:1 mmm %m c 0 $1.00 to $7.93 Lovely .. Playtex ..Baby Gift ...To • Every ...Customer Regardless ..of • Pnrt&tse. , * Thur. Fri. And Sat., Only 312 BLH STREET MoHENKX PHONE 748 Trlplo Celebration At Pries Kesltfence Many homes observed Father's Day last Sunday with family gatherings honoring tha head of the household, but few could boast a triple celebration such as the one held in the Pries home. In fact, Father's Day was probably the least important of tl|e three reasons the Pries family had for celebrating. Thfe other two observances were in honor of the fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, Sr., and the arrival home of the little daughter, Susan Elizabeth, who Joined the William Prlea, Jr., family on Jnne 12. The little lady was born Jane <, put on her best company manners for the following guests who gathered tor dinner and a social evening: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bottle and children, Victor and Marion, of Waukegan, and Mrs. Lena Bohr of McHenry. Subscribe for The Plaindealer Sarprlse Shower For Brfde-Te-Be Miss Barbara Freund was gu« of honor at a surprise linen personal shower held on Thursday evening at the Bernard M. Smith home, with the Misses Doris Smith , and Loret a Kunz as co-hotessot, - Bridal games were played, wlt| Marion Freund, Eleanor Edstroijl and Jerl Nimts awarded prisefk* Lunch was served front * decorate ed table over which was suspendoj a white umbrella. ^ Guests Included Shirley Suttoifc Gwen Wheelock, Marion Frettnd, Susan Olsen, Joyce Huska, Jeri Nimts, Eleanor Edstrom, Kathryf| Fredricks, Winifred Youiig, Buss and Margaret Crulckshank. Miss Freund will become bride of George Gilpin of Gr wood on July 1. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store McHenry. AMBSICAN BANKING ACTION YOUH PROSPECTS F0H FUTURE SAVING How much will you be able to save In the decade Ahead? Prospects are that.average income will be So will savings. Under our economic system the trend is from lower income into higher ranges. The saving^ estimate is that about 9 cents out of every dollar will go into savings in 1950 and 1960. V The American free enterprise system provides the Opportunity to work and earn and save. Hie decision to start saying and the will to keep it up depends upon the individual. We invite your account. McHENRY STATE BANK lumber Federal Reserve System Member Fodaral Deposit Insurance Ooryotatipir • -' '< *•; t>' nm LAWN MOWERS' "The Famed Jacobsein" fUEE DEMONSTRATION LAWN H0WEB jSHABPENUip ; USED POWER MOWERS HETTERMANN SERVICE ' PHONE JOBNSBimo 4134 OLDSMOBILE DURABILITY RUNT «] Outperforms « 131 other cars ill grueling Texas Guatemala Vdow. Tht map of rft# count. At rttU, Ifrrtrhrl andkii{)I(timohiU"88. ' ifapi I) V Here's proof of the brilliant performance and rugged dependability of the "Rocket 88" Oldfmobile. In a 2178-mile endurance run, down the full length of Mexico on the newly opened Pan-American Highway, a 1950 Oldsmobile '*88 topped a field of 131 other cars! In fact, three of the first ten and six of the first twenty u*re Oldsmobiles! This is clear evidence of the outstandittg performance and endurance built into every "Rocket" Engine and every Oldsmobile! Make your date with a "Rocket 8" at your nearest Oldsmobile dealorV! IV S B ! Y O U R N C A R 1 S T O l D S M O i l l l D i A L I R R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 40S JRONT STREET I MCHEHRY, Tf.f. 0