Thursday, Jimft |v:> *; fj t * >. •jvxrjjp •••• ' • *'i ,* ' >,• * '.• ' %* '. \ - f ' ' f jW.V, as •*.. • i* «$.;," . *>• r. 'w,' -^V" •W.iw' -. -"-tiA.WJte PLAlMDlALnt MBHEALTH TALKS "Flajrtag 8att» n The Fowtt" Even thdugh there la a law forbidding the sale of fireworks, many persons will manage to obtain them illegally in their eagerness to give their children a bright and happy "Fourth". Accidental burns, loss of sight or an 4rm or a leg will be the result for nme children because of the inm fringement of the law, the educa- |P tional committee of the Illinois State Medical Society cautions in * Health Talk. .. Designed as a protective meaitfSre, the law .seeks to prevent private use of explosives, whether . they be rockets, firecrackers or sparklers. The tragedies associated with indiscriminate use of these forms of fireworks are permanent reminders of carelessness during ^ a few minutes of play. ^ How much better to take the child to one of the numerous public displays, where every precaution is taken to safeguard spectators? Let the child enjoy the beauty of the colorful shown, but teach him to understand the need for safety. Parents should also caution youngsters in other rules for playing safely. A bicycle, for example, ^ should not be given to a child until he understands that he is being given a trust. Carelessness on the streets with bicycles has resulted in permanent injuries, even death, as well as weeks of illness through broken and crushed bones. This first real holiday of the summer months is usually marked with a rush to the beaches, where children and adults alike spend hours in the sun. Prolonged exposure, without tempering so necessary to acquiring tan, is not wise. Sunstroke and sunburn are not pleasant conditions for heedlesAiess to a few rules of common sense. "TBven though the "Fourth" this year 1b not officially a- three-day holiday, there will be some who will be able to consider it so. The automobile is a convenient vehicle to take the family on a jaunt to £ the country, away from cltv beat. How many will arrive at their destination safely,' because they attempted to get there too soon? Caution should be used on the road. Speeding should be avoided and certainly anyone driving a flir should not drink. Mental and physical alertness Ik necessary to avoid accident. Remember it may not be you, but the other fellow who has taken the W chanre. Be ready, so that you can avoid the accident. Holidays are intended for fun ind Recreation. Keep them so. Whatever your plans, include a little common sense so that you and your family will be intact to enjoy the next one!. f TKACHK SHtaVME A shortage of 1,104 qualified teachers exists in the elementary field , in Illinois, according to Noble J. Puffer, chairman of the state Teachers' College Board and director of the Department of Registration and Education. Bachelor degrees will be awarded to 1.448 student graduates this year at Illinois State Normal University, Normal; Western Illinois State College, Macomb; Eastern Illinois State College, Charleston; and Northern Illinois State Teachers' College, DeKalb. Because of the heavy demand for elementary grade teachers, an increasingly large enrollment at these colleges daring the summer and foil terms te predicted. Hew BseT . Everywhere the looked he could see nothing but orders piled up. Plenty of jobs, but no man power with which to do them. As he stood contemplating the mountain of unfilled orders he was amased to hear anold familiar refrain. "Mister, have you got • Job for me?" He turned eagerly and grabbed the man before he could get away. He didn't seem much of a catch but he did say that he knew something about carpentry. Glad of any help at all, "the contractor sent the new man out on a housing job. A few hours later, when he went out to see how the man was getting along, be groaned at the sight before him. "For heaven's sake," he cried, '1 told you to cut one hole In this root. Why did you make two?" The man looked at him end explained. '1 had to make two. 11m was too small." SLIGHT DELAY FAIR TH8PECTI0M At least one full-time state food inspector will be on duty at ea<*h fr of the ninety-five county fairs to be held this summer throughout Illinois, accordihg to Charles W. Wray, superintendent of the state Division of Foods and Dairies. Two inspectors will be assigned to the larger fairs. Health and sanitation regulations will be strictly enforced assuring fair visitors protection against unwholesome food and drinks, and unsanitary coftdl- _ tions, Wray said. Glass-on-iteel enameled baking pens may be used as refrigerator containers or as serving dishes in addition to their primary use. Ifae sanitary glass coatings of such pans do not absorb or Impart foreign odors. Postal Inspector--"There have been complaints that no mail has been sent from this ststion for several w«eks. What's wrong?" New Postmaster---"Well, you can see for yourself that the bag ain't nowheres near full yet." 'Eegimented' Atom* "Begbnented" atoms behave much better than those in a "disordered" condition. Lining up atoms like platoons of soldiers greatly improves the properties of magnetic materials. HARD OF HEARING NOW HEAR CLOCK TICK A new dev%;e has been developed to give hope for the hard of hearing. Through the adaption of a new miniature electronic tube, science now brings restored bearing to the deafened. No more cumbersome batteries or battery cords needed. This new device weighs only a few ounces yet so powerful the hard of hearing may ut kaar whispers. It Is suggested, if interested for yourself or a friend, write Tonemasters, Inc., 400C, S. Washington St., Peoria,. Illinois, for full free information. adv. • • • >4 m m ikvt« Ut M0*£ f*r a l$t ttSS t f TAKE A VACATION • • TOUR e • • e Transportation, hotel accohiihodations; and special sightseeing Mil arranged for you in advance by experts and included in one amazingly low price2 California Yellowstone Colorado Rockits N«w York City Historic Eait Pacific Northw#tt I? Pacific Coast Canadian Rockies Alaska Florida #- and many ethers to ekmmtm from! SE&OTODAT PGR nil FOLDS* I OMYHOUNO TKAVK MMIAU | WNwfli Htm* OMYHOUNO ftPMINAf Cor.-Green and fkoae 104-8 I I j ffeiM tend Greyhound"* Am*Min£ | • America Vmcmtion Tour Folder, |Ar. j { ing full d*ecripttr» detmila mbomi m I ' r«rte(r o/oanAw feun. Name Address Ctty, State WOH50-23 COHMTATION FA1E, FESTIVAL TIOKBTS AXX NOW AVAILABLE Combination tickets which wHl admit holders to both the Clacago Lake Front Fair and the Chicagoland Music Festival in Soldiers' field on Aug. 19 have been made available by Officials of the fair and by Chicago Tribune Charities, Inc., which sponsors the annual Music Festival. Tickets good for admission to both events may be purchased at the Chicago Fair grounds or at the Tribune's public service offices at 33 W. Madison st. and in the Tribune Tower for fl.55. This Is a savings ot twenty cents; the regular price of a Music Festival is $1.25 and a fair admission ticket is 50 cents. If weather is inclement on Aug. 19, it Is planned to have both tickets good on the next day, which is a Sunday. The combination ticket plan is especially designed to accomodate visitors from out of town who would like to include both the fair and the Musie Festival in a one-day visit. Atomic Tool Use New atomic instruments ire helping dentists find out more and more about teeth. The electron microscope -- with far greater magnifying power than any optical instrument--has been used to explain the effects of using fluoride to check tooth decay. Order your rubber The Plalndealer. •tamp* at kkt j. *'i Vs f ' -W. . A •.& * OLD AGE PAYMENTS A continuing downward x trend in the number of persons on the old age pension, aid to dependent children and blind assistance rolls is shown in Illinois Public Aid Commission reports for May. Old age pensions were paid to 127,393 persons during May, the lowest number so helped since November, 1948. Total thus paid during the month was $5,747,369. Aid to dependent children payments were made to 88,917 persons; total payments were $2,316,- 368. Blind assistance payments were provided for 4.448 persona; total so paid, $209,580. ILLINOIS COAL The shipping coal mines of Illinois produced 4,288,888 tons during May, according to the state Department of Mines and Minerals. This compares with 4,437,465 tons mined in April, and 4,080,860 produced ia May, 1949. Adequate 8*betttnte - 1 ean't understand you/ the spinster's nephew. "You seem so happy and contented and yet I've been Under the impression that u n m a r r i e d l a d i e s u s u a l l y a r e grouchy and irritable." "Well," she explained, smiling, "I've got a fireplace that smokes, a parrot that swears, a cat that stays out half the night, and a #bg that barks. What more do I want?" TIME OCT Wracked by an unprecedented number of questions after a lecture, the tired doctor finally asked if there were any more questions. A young man raised his hand. "What time is It?" he asked. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store MftHenry. 8tf "TOWER LAWN MOWERS . "The Famed Jocobsen" FREE DEMONSTRATION LAWN MOWER SHARPENING USED POWER MOWERS HETTERMANN SERVICE PHONE JOHNSBURG 413-J I AWNINGS Tarpaulins Canvas Goods Large Selection of Materials lit. Washing** Mount Washington, New Hampshire, highest summit in the north-* eastern United States, has a mere 38-foot altitude edge over Mount Washington in southwestern Washington state. The summits are 6.288 feet and 6, HO feet above sea level respectively. Renew that Plalndealer subscription to the now! , Light Palette Compared with the unvarying red* yellow color of incandescent light, a palette of 10 colors has been developed in the fluorescent field. Included in this number are five shades of white. One of the newest is a soft white fluorescent which duces ljght with a peach tiai. Hainan Ant Eaters According to an official of flu South African native affairs department, the Shangaan natives of the Transvaal and Rhodesia would have starved without such dietary items as ants, • locusts, caterpillars, and beetles. Fried ^3 ants, he reports, taste something like crisp, sweet-and-sharp bacon, | and are high in vitamin content. '>;•& Villa Home on Pistakee Bay For Convalescents and Elderly People, (Both men and women) • £4 Nursing cases accepted. Beautiful landscaped grounds. Eight acres of park. Excellent fishing both summer and winter. Food plentiful, home prepared. Free transportation to churches of all denominations; also pre-arranged trips to theatre, ooroerts and lectures. Rates moderately scaled from $90 and up monthly, -depending on accommodations. For further information, call or write Mrs. "Z". Villa Home, Pistakee Bay, Rt. 1, McHenry Tel 378 or 461 ORDER EARLY ialiiing in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. and Distributors • ; • • • ' .• • ' * • , of McHenry You are invited to display and demonstrate your merchandise & V.F.W. V-JT DAY to be held In The City Park August 10-11-12-13 For More Information Write A Post Card To V.F.W. Box 245 or Call McHenry 545-W-2 <ium Safoty-ehocki stop lights, sifaal lights, headlight aim, brake linaif, tires, front wheel bearings. Correct by macMnet wheel ment for easier steering. Stop op performances dean spark plugs, adjust carbureter and daatrfl^ otor, tune up engine, , a& five tires Improve rtdax LUBRICARB "fabrication- phis" maintenance. SEE YOUR