OKDHUHC* crtr or Mini Ktlearr, Coiitjf Illtaels ^pTEBOl Z0KIH6 0UDT19C1 Aa ordinance regulating and restricting the construction, alteration and use of buildings and land locations in the City of McHenry, McHenry Countjr, Illinois, (or trade, commerce, industry, dwelling apartments and single family residences, until the effective date of a comprehensive Zoneing Ordinance 'now in preparation or for j period of not exceeding twelve months; providing tor issuance of building permits and fees therefor; and provided penalties for the violation of any of its provisions; WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, deems it necessary to promote the public health, safety, security, morals, comfort and general welfare, and to conserve property values throuffhout the City against undue and unnecessary transition _ «s .authorized by Statute ("Revised Cities and Villages Act, passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, August 15, 1941) and has appointed a Zoning Commission to further such purposes, and WHEREAS, during the time of preparation of such comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, It would be destructive of a general plan for zonto permit further transition of real estate within the limits of the City by encroachment of One specific use upon an area of any other use with erection or alteration of improvements, which will Inaugurate changes to defeat the purposes of such comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE MEMBERS. OF THE CITT "COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 8ECTI0IT I jfVw > period of twell»-Q2) months or until the effective date of a comprehensive toning ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to locate, erect, construct, alter or use any building, structure or land for trade, commercial, Industrial or 4fny purpose other than for single family residence use, except In areas outside of residence districts as hereinafter defined and as "otherwise provided In this ordinance. •' \ A That land with existing Improvements already fn use for -other approved purposes. SECTION II All unincorporated land Within Vie City is hereby classified as residential district except: (a) That lantr used for othor Than residential purposes before and on the date of the adoption of . this ordinance. (b) That land 150 feet in depth fronting on both sides of ,a public or private highway, street or court, 25 percent or more of whose frontage 200 feet In each direction from the center of any W proposed building, structure of use, was used for other than residential purposes before and on the date of the adoption of this ordinance. Buildings, structures or land used or sought to be used for farming, truck gardening, the growing of trees, shrubs, vine* or plants, (bat not Including commercial greenhouses or conservatories, professional offices or other. customary home occupations, Incidental to the residential use of property conducted by a family within Its place of residence, and boarding houses or lodging houses not Catering to transients, shall not be affected by the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION III All undeveloped land within the city limits shall be submitted to the Zoning Commission first for classification before approval can be had for a specific use, except: A That approval has been Already had for a specific use. SECTION IT A written permit shall be obtained from Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk, or his duly appointed deputy, before starting or proceeding with the erection, construction or alteration of and for the change of use of any building, structure or land for any purpose except as provided herein. The application for each permit shaH be made on the form prescribed by the City of McHenry; Zoning Commission, and shall give a description of the land involved, proposed use, a description of the surrounding area and such other information as may be required by the issuing authority. The fee for such permits shall be two dollars for the first thousand dollars or fraction thereof of the cost of the proposed building or alteration, and one dollar for each additional thousand dollars or fraction thereof of such cost. Each application for a permit shall state the estimated cog of such construction or alteration. SECTION T For a period of not to exceed twelve (12) months or until the effective date of a comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to locate,' erect, construct, alter or use any building, structure or land for any purpose whatsoever as defined herein requiring a written permit, and that shall cause undue and unnecessary transition and damage therefrom,- in the opinion of the Zoning Commission determined upon proper petition for complaint as otherwise provided in this Ordinance. 'SECTION VI Any person', firm or corporation to whom a permit has been refused, may apply to the Board of Appeals for variation of any of the regulations of this Ordinance. Said Board of Appeals, which is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Enabling Statute, shall have alT the powers and duties conferred thereunder, shall adopt its own rules, however, not in conflict with the Statute. In the performance of its duties, the Board may incur such expenses and expenditures as shall be authorized by City Council of the City of McHenry. Where an application for a variation of any of the regulations of this Ordinance Is made to the Board of Appeals in which it is alledged that practical difficulties, or particular hardship not intended or not common to other ownwill be imposed in, in carrying out the strict letter of any of such regulations, the Board of Appeals may vary the provisions of this Ordinance In harmony with the following rules: No variation In the application of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be made concerning the use of land, existing improvements or improvements to be made, or the tntenslty of such use, unless after a public hearing as approved by the McHenry Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Appeals shall find that such variation will not: (It impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, (?i increase the hazard from fire and other dangers to said property. (3) diminish the values of adjacent lands and Improvements, (4) increase the congestion or traffic hazards In the public streets and highways. (5) inaugurate a transition within a given area thereto through an encroachment by other uses and purposes and (6) otherwise impair the public health, safety. comfort, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of said City of McHenry. SECTION vn Any person, firm or corporation, or agents, employees or contractors ^)f such, who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than One Hundred and no/100 ($100.00) Dollars, for each offense and a separate offense shall be considered for each day on which a violation occurs or continues. Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk, shall be the enforcement officer of this Ordinance, and shall have power to make such orders, requirements, decisions and determinations as are necessary to enforce this Ordinance. SECTION vm All Ordinances or Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION a This ordinance shall be In full force and effect after Its pass»g< approval and publication as provided by law. GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor. ATTEST: •< EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. : - PASSED: WM. H. ALTHOFF , GEO. J. FREUND CHARLES W. VYCITAL ARNOLD ANDERSON LEO G. ROTHERMEL EDWARD THENNES _ Passed and approved jtene ' 1950. 'SEAL) (Pub. June 29) Order" your rubber stamps at The Plalndealer. 11 n111e 11 tiit in»ilitH City Council Proceedings •HHHiH I 1111 I'M H I > COUNCIL ROOM June 19, 19S0 The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson, Freund, Rothermel, Thennes, Vycital. Absent: None. Motion by Vycital, seconded by Thennes, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Reports of officers and icommlttees were received by the Council. As per published notification, a public hearing on proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance was held. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Rothermel, to pasB and approve Interim Zoning Ordinance as submitted. Motion carried. Motioa by Freund. seconded by by Althoff, to approve the appointment of the following Zoning Commission as appointed by the Mayor: Roy A. Kent (Chairman), Charles W. Vycital, Leo G. Rothermel, rioyd E. Covalt and Henry B. Tonyan. Upon roll- call, the following; voted "Yes": Althoff, Anderson, Freund, Thennes. "Not Voting": Rothermel, Vycital. Mqtion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded l|y Anderson, to approve the appointment of the same members named as the Zoning Commission as a Zoning Appeal Commission. Upon roll call, the following voted "Yes": Althoff, Anderson, Freund, Thennes. "Not Voting": Rothermel, Vycital. Motion carried. « Motion by Freund, roconded by Anderson, to designate July 5th instead of July 3rd as the next regular meeting date. Motion carried. Motion by Vycital, seconded by Rothermel, to adjourn. Motion Cesspools & Septic Tanks Service. G. A. DOUGLAS PlIONK MCHENRY 776-W M H I I I H i i n n n M i i i n H m m m n f n m m All Roads1_ead To • I >•* »•«••• % _ . % _v McHenry On July 4th P * • Only a fey days remain until the Fourth of July, when McHenry residents will once more realize that, rer gardleso of census figures, the community is literally 'bursting its seams. \ Although Memorial Day officially opens the summer season, it' is not until the Independence Day holiday, jphen city schools have closed, that all roads seem actually to lead to McHenry. Here in this lovely vacation land thousands will enjoy daily a life of leisure on the beautiful waters of the surrounding territory and also the partaking of the many attractions offered oft land, f • Even vacationers cannot dream forever, but those - T,who jnuStj account for a well stocked larder and th£ necessarv household and hobby needs will enjoy shopping the modem stores to be found in McHenry. Whether it be kitchen items for the ladies or fishing equipment foe-the men, drop in and visit us today. We can help Bupply your jieedk, v • i Nickels Hardware Main Street Phone 2 West McHenry MIHIIOHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMI ^ GEORGE P. FREUND ==--4- Mayor EARL R. WACSH - City Clerk. . OLD AGE INSURANCE GOES TO 900 WOMEN IN TWO COUNTIES Of the total number of persoitb in the Waukegan area receiving monthly Old-Age and Survivors Insurance payments, approximately 31 per cent are women, according to figures released by Bernard Barnett, manager of the local Social Security office. This means that more than 900 women are receiving these payments in the two counties served by the Waukegan office. Women today are increasingly taking their place In the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance system. As ihi indication of this, more than 13.SOO.OOO women who wqrk now have insured status under the Social Security Act. Not only are retirement payments made to women who work • + but wives and widows may receive monthly insurance benefits based on the wages earned by their huBbands. In addition to the monthly social insurance payments now being made to women, lump-sum death payments are paid to the family of the worker who dies when there is no one entitled to such monthly amounts. In ccse of the death of a woman who is employed under social security, this lump-sum may go to the widower or other member* of the family if there is no widower. The Waukegan office, Mr. Barnett said, is anxious for women to 'understand their rights under the Social Security Act. Persons wishing information should contact the local field office in .Room 4 of the post office building. * In Illinois it is customary for a farm owner to maintain one-half of division fences--usually the half on his right as he faces the division line from his property. COMPLETE THEE SERVICE TREE FEEDING,- J * Trees SPRAYTNGT * J"? Weed Control * Fly and Mosquito. ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 510 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 ••asSSf '.shsss-- e^JTsect*00* - J Villa Hotel Resort On Beautiful Pi&takee Bay MODERN COCKTAIL LOUNGE THE BEST IK FOOD * No# flaying Every! Saturday Night Ed Klemme and'His Strollers TELEPHONE PISTTAKEE 378 Mchenry IMPROVEMENT COMPANY McHenry* I1L PHONE 188 - Or - Mt-M-1 nAAD Til r rnrcirr a IfUUli I ILL vufflUuRl Asphalt and Rubber Foundations - Driveway* also • and ^ Plastic Wall Til# Sidewalks - Stabs Riverside Tile & Cement Ce* 126 Riverside Drive Phone 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, }£. MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION >• PKAQEK BEER FRED BOWMAff, Fish Fry on Fridays j?? J ; JSr't %-^r Slf . it . ' ** V " 'i w Short Sleevja Long Sleeves $2.95 up Plaids and Plains * Here's lelsare wear • at Its beat! Soft* comfortable collar a a d ' f a l l e a t tkroafhoat for easy wear! Fall raage of colors la paste hi aad rich toaes. Bay a few today for allaaauaer copfeit. ... fyitpfeAaLt'l Mem PHONE 19 208 South Gren Street McHenry, Tiiipaln See the 1950 "Presidential" I: Cost conscious? A husky, SeS»-- $2272.20 ""i . Every Model with Built-in "Picturemagnet" Aerial and Sensational New "Super-Range" Chassis' r"»l| J 1950 Zenith* "Adorns" Talevlsten Console wifb new "Sup*r-Rang*" chat tit, built-in "Pichir»mogn»t" atrial and Oaf-Ban "Black" Blaxkh tube, 105 tq. in. Screen. Cabinet of graceful, contemporary design in genuine Mahogany or Walnut veneer*. Completely Installed ladadiag Aatenna Only $285.00 i3l/t" Table Model - Completely ... lastalled incladlug Table aad . Aatenna ' ONLY 1260.0ft A* *S 1SB WtlS SMM we . A And this: If* Coasole Model ONLY IS49.00. Completely Installed laclailag Aateana --^4 tboot ^ driving now. Come InmSeeii.Comparel 135-HPEIQHT • W-HPSUPtt* MM* CUSTOM* / There's nothing else like it! PACKARD ULTRAMATIC DRIVE Exclusively yours, at reduced extra cost, on all 1950 Packards!' Come in--we want you to drive it! -- . ~ -- f------ ^ WEST McHENRY MOTORS New Zenith tlexMe "Block1* Tele s i • reduces glare and blur. Gives you unequalled television picture clarity, even in lighted rooms--the way medical authorities recommend television should be viewed! ) New "Seper-Reeye" dwili it;has increased sensitivity for unexcelled perforro& nce--even in many -'fringe" areas. €fast Orde Screee Whfc Hcteie €» frel... allows your choice of either circular or rectangular type of television picture. Pes Kieb Aeteewtk Tiaiag... just one twist brings in station, picture, sound ~-all pre-tuned, all pre-adjusted! Bwllt-Vss "PlctereM|Mt" Aeriel.i. allows you to enjoy Zenith TV without an external aerial in many locations. «fa»U.3.NtaK '"'t ' >' ROUTE 31 WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS MW DOWN PAYMENT;;; EASY TERMS StetfcHik flewebuf 514 WEST MAIN STREET HcHXMBV, ; PHONE McHENRY 123 J ¥9