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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1950, p. 14

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!immwm "r^T&v1 W ' - v't" *> * • " >: wowIiiSSS CWCAKTtOffr£|lJ-y C0W&b THAT \ TEt-MEE/ ft* * j£PttTTV J PDWTIVE WOTI „jF&e**wmMa>Tbco*- K>«a€TRyPO*HE* /HOTMOfc-.X |EE*E«lttKONE Ren <WETOLD#*E ABOirf.. */TO4*P7H*r**BCE CCIMI»»LOVE rttohbeucvc it not/ rvt nam*#lr* fw«5£f*cvE' «rr thooakt not foosot; h owzrlutiy COmH&ifOD 1\ OH. H'LO. Jfc906R.' TW5E D*D- 0LAMED MICE Al?f CAt?eY!N6 OFF ALL THE FEED AND OLifZ LA5T TPA.P JU5T BPOXE.' J I! X WANTED mm mmw <,t, J, . - * ; This will be the last time I will be writing these notes. It has been a lot of fun. As I sit here I recall another moving day, the difference was that i'nstead of moving furniture that day, the house was being moved. How I wish I could move that wa^-again but this time it just won't work. I recall how the joints in the old building creaked and groaned; today It is mine. In the excitement of getting ready for Conference and all, we forgot to report- on the installation of officers for the W.S.C.S., which took place June 15. Mrs. Ruth Barker was installed president, Mrs. Olive Hoyte as vice-president and program chairman, Mrs. Ethel diMMM Ifc mtir»da j, Jnne *9,1960 Baflejr u i nimpMrttii. secretary, Mrs. Susaa OtM as recording steward. Mrs. Cora Duker as treasurer, Mrs. Lois Bggert chairman of Qircle One, Mrs. Wflma Dickow of Circle Two, Mrs. Ray Horenberger of Circle Three, and Mrs. Avis Gaas chairman of the nominating committee. The next meeting of the W.S.C.S. will be held on the third Thursday of September, when enrollment of members will be held. This year we had thirtyfive enrolled and next year it Is hoped that this number will be greatly increased. Our Conference challenges us to have every M'ethodist woman a member of the W.S.C.S. This is a grand goal to shoot at and with the help of each person It can be made. Conference is over and it has been another wonderful experience. Several challenging messages were given and we all felt within our hearts and lives a new warmth, a new desire to serve the Lord and Christ. On Thursday and Friday our lay delegate, Lon H. J. Smith, attended the sessions. Mrs. Smith accompanied him on Thursday. At the afternogp session Sunday the appointments were read and the Rev. Mr. Jack Cormkm m A veteran air line pilot who had broken all records, for safe flying was asked how he did it. He replied that he had never taken oft without a little feaV in his heart. Fear Is a distasteful word to most Americans. It connotes cowardice. Our forefathers did not "win the wilderness by being afraid. Our fighting men have not preserved our freedom by a craven reluctance to take chances. * Yet the early settlers took no foolish chances. They built stock- *ades for protection, and they kept their powder dry. Military men jspeak of the calculated risk, which means that the chance of success has been weighed carefully against the danger of failure. • That is what the air line pilot 'meant when he confessed fear. Not timidity. His intelligent fear-- the knowledge that there are forces continuously at work to trap the unwary, that his experience and skill might be tested and found wanting. Such intelligent fear was the pilot's secret of safety. It made him foresighted, alert, prudent. As a result he never had an acci- K. C. NOTES »v This weekend millions of Americans will set out to commemorate I the birth of this nation's indepeni dence. It would be well to approach the occasion with intelligent fear--recognition of the extra hasards, determination to meet ttem with extra care^ The National Safety Council tells as that the fourth oC July ^celebration & one the f s *erous single periods of * • • iThe council's exhortation 1 ; Alive on the Fifth" is not just a '•*. t jslogaa, because, it is statistically possible--even probable--that hun- *>reda of persons who begin this ^ : Iholiday will not be alive on the <*s,5 Ittth. They will be an anonymous »'r ]>art of a short word--toll--which ,. . flti neatly into newspaper headilines suclr as "Holiday Accident / ""3T0II Mounts". a So if you are drivfclg this weekly end and your patience is strained ,*>££ by a slow moving jam of cars ahead, be a little afraid to pull out of line and race into the unknown. Take counsel with fear if you consume a hearty picnic lunch and then are tempted to swim alone, Or to demonstrate your prowess as a distance swimmer in college days long gone. The "dud" firecracker or skyrocket will not suddenly blind or burn if a touch of fear keeps you from rushing forward with match In hand to relight a faulty fuse. Or better yet, listen to- fear which ell® you to forego personal fireworks altogether, and to give your kids a bigger thrill at a public display. These are the things Fourth of July accidents are made of--the recklessness, the thoughtless chance-taking, the show-off attitude, the impatience and discourtesy. / Fear--intelligent fear--of the consequences may give you pause --and save your liftjj Courage is not foolhardiness, and a chance in a million is not the wiso, man's odds. Get a little scared on the Fourth --and be alive on the fifth! Talking It Over In another day or two we start the month .of July. Along with it, the great American holiday celebrating the Declaration of Independence, which stated among other truths that mankipd wfcs entitled to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Also privileges with the strong Yankee idea of not being "beholden to anybody" for favors. Every day, plans for giving us "something for nothing" are being offered like a mess of pottage. Listen to the radio, look at television, read the ads, they're all the same. It's an idea that no doubt appeals to a great many. However, a little thought should convince us that if yre do get something for nothing, SOMEBODY has paid for it, and it might be ourselves, although we may uot realize It. Even our Lord did "not promise us something for nothing. He promised us Eternal Salvation, only if we gave ourselves first to Him in service of devoted love, sacrifice and adoration. We might keep these thoughts in mind. Installation of Officers Thursday evening, July 13, will be the last time the Grand Knight, Ed Frett, and his staff of officers will be in command of the Council. Ed will start the meeting and then hand tim gavel to Anton P. 1 lound, the newly elected Grand Knight, upon whose shoulders will fall the responsibilities of the assemdle. Therefore, we ask that you be kind enough to be in attendance at the meeting when Grand K^night Elect, Anton P. Freund, and his staff of officers are installed by] er of the Northwestern university pistrict Deputy Peter J. Thai man. I dental school told the American Circle the date on your calendar now, Brother Knights, so you won't Thumb Sucking Thumb sucking may cause permanent damage to s child's teeth and jaws, Dr. George W. Teyschforget-- July 13. Hang! Bang! Our Uncle Mike reminds us that hig shots on the Fourth of July can be very p a i n f u l ' t o a l o t of little squibs on the Fifth. G'BYE. ' dental association at its anouftl session. Dr. Teuscher took issite with the .idea that if the habit f$ stopped before the. JgettMgent teeth grow in, they will nofc affected. He urged that parents be warned that thumb sucking can cause an abnormal position for both permanent and first or primary teeth. Difficult Assignment One of the most unusual and difficult assignments ever given U.S. marines was to transport several lions from Addis Ababa, Ethopia, to the sea coast. The lions were to be presented to President Theodore Roosevelt as a gift from Em* peror Menelik. FOR SALE At Beautiful PistakeejBay New 5 room convertible, home in Bay Vie# Park. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, living room 14x24. Water rights, also vacant, 2 easements, 1-9 ft.,--1-5 f$, Fine fishing. , SEVERINGHAUS ESTATE, PHONE 194 dr see ypur local dealer 1 Ptalakee Bay McHenry, Illinois Destroy CRABGRASS Loss Of Vsiee Complete loss of voice often occurs when people want to escape a problem they do not wish to face. The affliction, hysterical in origin, occurs mostly in women, and the voice can be soon restored by proper psychological treatment. bett waa appointed to the Community Methodist church ,of McHenry. The Rev. and Mrs. Cor bett come from the Keystone state, to which we will return and will take up a new pastorate in early September. The Rev. Mr. Corbett will preach his first sermon this Sunday at the regular time. I sincerely pray £hat you will give him the mm faithful and continued support for the future as you have given me In the past. And I want to say thanks again to everyone, f sincerely hope that you will continue to use the'slogan which has headed and closed this column for quite some time as your good-bye to friends and neighbors and with your permission I want to write it/ once more, challenging you, 'See you In church Sunday." Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. Mfr . umt Bach fall we bear towylsliiU concerning summer vacationers who have returned to their city tomes and left their pets behind. However, this year the complaints of stray dogs In the community arf arriving considerably earlier thgn usual. One such animal, evidently mistreated, found shelter recently in a large pipe, partly filled with water, besifo the road. For three days it came out for food offered it, only after the donors had left. Eventually it was necessary to shoot the animal, which would allow no one near it. Other similar cases have also been re^ ported, along with pleas from afi9' mal lovers that dog own*** wha wish to dispose of their Mpsta" 49 so in a more humane manner. I Order your rubber stamps at |h« Plaindealer. ******* Look like a SCUTL Brick Laying -- Tuck Pointing ACID CLEANING WINDOW CAULKING _ FIREPLACE CHiafNEJS CEMEXt C. S. JOHNSOS WATER PROOFING IL V. JACKSON Crescent Drive NEW DRY COMPOUND This newest development off Scoffs Research provides 4he easy, safe and certain way to rid lawns of ugly Crabgrass, also colled Wiregrass, Fall Grass, Watergrass. SCUTL is quickly applied by hand from box with shaker top or with a spreader. Use It now to "sctrfffe" Crabgrass before it takes over your lawn.- AA for ^ sg ft Box -- $ .9$ mrnjnjm '250 sq ft Box -- 1.95 1 IF ITS WILSON WEAR ITS FAULTLESS Realijr eoo! beatuc it'f This remarkable Sanforised coc-^ I ton fabric lets in the hreeaet • la ,«SM| [lightweight... yet tailors into one of the handsomest Sportshirts ever to carry the Skipper label. Trim tapered waist. Choice of white or polid colore, short or long sleeves. Get funfortaUe in one todavw - $2.95 and np bly. To lessen the burden we ask that you be as generous as possible in yoqr attendance during the coming year, and that you respond immediately if asked to appear on any committee. AH committees working in close harmony with a Grand Knight, can achieve success no matter how high the hur- 8CH00L~t0NF{T8I0N Some confusion has existed as to what is going • to happen in 8chooI Unit District 301, commonly known as the Plato-Barrington district, where all seven member^ Of the board, of education resigned in a body Tuesday evening of las(f week. It appeared that eventually, the entire problem will land in the lap of B. Earl McCoy, county superintendent of sehools. The board because so much of its territory has been debauched and annexed by other school districts, it felt "it could/no longer function efficiently in granttag the pupils the type of education facilities they are entitled to and at the same time keep the tax on a sound basis," MeHENRY BJORKMAN S "RIVERSIDE HARDWARE' 130 Riverside Drive Fkone 722 117 SO. GREEN ST I ijyiwp Specializing in Pre-Teens Ear Girls" 312 ELM STKEET McHBNKlt PHONE 748 give you more pewerfnl performance, thriftier operation - i-'-i - ^ v< vv. * FRIDAY, 6 to 9 AT THE resigned original ftenew that subscription to the Mriadsaler now! AMERICAN LEGION HOME ADUJ^TSjOc -- CHILDREN 25c ALSO BAR-B-Q PLATE LUNCHES 50c EACH * !'• -'5 L You can •xpoct great things of these new Chevrolet trucks. They're the most powerful truck* Chevrolet has over built, yet they cost surprising!^ little to oporato. Two rugged, wonder-working Valve-in-Head engines-th*1 Thriftmaster 92-h.p. and the new Loadmaster 105-h,p.-bring you performance that saves you time and money. New Power-Jet cavburetion provides smooth,' quick acceleration, and the 4-speed Synchro-Mesh transmission in heavy-duty, models means fastfr tlUHng and greater safety on the grades. To you, this means wonderful new performance • •. less time on the road • • . less time in the haul. So do yourself, f . f a favor. Visit our showroom today. Chevrolet trucks f have whdt you want! ^CHEVROLET a i Sponsored By AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONK 277 - ^ HcBENSY, ILUNOIS ; ir f* ^ 1 * £ "' % 0 ' ' ' ,** ' .. !:|v/•' ~:s• ' A

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