Wfl ,"l,,'r '*€-• >.VVHNtjSMK Jilartitfl Cowylf Sfceened Anaivertiarjr Mr. and Mrs. William' Tun* of JafeDlbarg celebrated their silver WuiilUK anniversary last Sunday btjr Entertaining guests at diuner and a social day. They were the recipients of many lovely and useful gifts. TH* Koa*!WY P] ; ** *T"f V"';£«i n ; r*y temfcimfifiii John May died on Jan. 10, 1917, and his wife. Elizabeth, on June 30. if>3", the latter at the age of 95. a miscellaneous shower given the hotne of Mrs. Jeanette Johnton, with Mrs. Hulda Johnson and Mrs. LaVern Wahl assisting her as hostesses. A social evening was en- Joyed, including a tasty lunch. MIsb Dietrich received a variety of beautiful gifts. Among the thirty guests were the following from out of town: Mrs. Ruben Ricke and Mrs. Mildred Wat or man of Harrington. Miss Dietrich will become the bride of Roy Waterman of Barringtoh today (June 29). riaocfcl* Clmk At OKrirt Hone The Canadian Pinochre~cIub nu-t last week Weduesday evening at This Yungs, married in Chicago of Mrs. Grace O'Brien. ®n ^iue 27, 1926, have resided in ^l>rf awarded -to Johnsbdrg for the past mne vears ° PHt'h Marguerite Adams. Elea- Present at Sunday s celebratto ®<>r Miiior and Tillie Bruce. Lu'm-h Were an aunt and uncle. Mr. and/*'®* w*v\pd at the close of games. Mrs. Henry Yung, Sr., and family next, hostess to and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yung, jr.,; cial*. * : », of Cliicago Heights; Mr. and Mr*; | 1• "ri_r...." Peter Klein, Mir. and Mrs. l At - Rep^ Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGotii-'j rick aud family and Mise Marr r Mis? BarKara Freuud.^'"'a "SrTde cf Sebastian of Chicago; and Ferol rncxt Saturday, was honored at a Martin of McHenry. Also active«.foonsfhoKI shower on Thursday In the celebration was 'Mr.- Vunc's j ow ciiiir of last w*vk at the home ot mother, Mrs. Katherine Yung, who (Mrs. Shirley Sutton, with Mi s. came from Germany three years i Sutton and Miss Joan Freund as hostesses. Games were enjoyed, with prize? merited by Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer. Mrs. John Moeller. Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck and the guest of honor. A color scheme of aqua and yellow was carried out in both the room and the table decorations and in one corner of the room gifts were placed under a large umbrella. The table was centered with love birds and a liny umbrella. Twenty-four guests Were In attendance. BRIDAL COUPLE ago and has been living with her •on and family since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Yung were pleasantly surprised at a celebration Oil Tuesday evening, when twent> - six friends called at their home. The guests brought a delicious lunch and also presented the couple with the gift of a chair, in addition to a corsage for Mrs. Tung. Attending the party were Messrs. Mhd Mesdames Joseph P. Miller of McHenry, Frank Pechert of Crystal Lake, Joe L. Freund, Harry Kollenkark, John N. Schmitt,, William Hiller and Math Smith of Johnsburg, Anton Wieser of Ring- Wood, Anton Widhelm, Steve Freund, Gregory Kattner and Albert Schmitt and Mrs. Catherine Bugel and sou, Arnold, of Spring . Grove. Choral Club Held Samtaer (lathering One of the most enjoyable parties ever held by the McHenry Choral Club took place on Monday evening of this week in the Oommunity Methodist church hall. The only note of regret was that the gathering served as a farewell for two charter members of the organintif n, Rev. and Mrs. Wayne **ice. Thirty-six members for the bustttesf meeting, which was followed by a rehearsal for a summer app^krance of tiifr 'Tcltife Members tliea -gathered at onto long tfthl^ tn e"njoy a tn°ty lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee "Aulti Lang Syne" was sung in hon<R* of the departing members, afteit which they were presented ® gift. Community singing followed, to the accompaniment of the ftub's able pianist, Ida Quinlan. Attending the party were Clifford Kiehl, Alfred Oeffling, Ethel Bell, Gwen Wheelock, Fred Wahl. Tim Wheelock. Helen Zettlmaier, Dan Justen, Joyce Schmidtke, Myrtle Vfoss, William Meeker, Norbert Mauch, Florence Welter, Laura Smith, Edith Anderson, Otto Mueller, Leone Tonyan, Betty Long, Eleanor Ebey, Ethel Hansen, Kurt Vosa, Moward Stoller, Frieda Mueller, Josephine Wellhoefer, Otto Pyrite, Ida Quinlan. Adele Froehlich, Ruth Barger, Delia Cheney. Clara Cristy, Phil Wheelo<*,^ Kenneth Ebey and Evelyn Community Club At Hettermaan'g Tavern The Johnsburg Community Club will hold ita next meeting at Hettermann's tavern on July 11. Th*> refreshment committee will include Eugene King, Math Lay, Jo«» Lay, Bill May and Fraak May. THE ROBERT THIELS Personals "fltUTH RUBAITSPKKOKR SATURDAY BRIDE Of THOMAS M. FSNWIOK the Mrs. Dorothy White of Cleveland visited a few days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch. She was ac companied here by her daughters, Dana and Christie, who remained to spend the summer. Mrs. Barbara Homburg spent several days this past week with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. Reiter, at Elkhart, Ind. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Reiter in LaPorte, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck, Jr., and his brother Arthur Kenhebeck, are enjoying a week's fishing trip into jiorthern Wisconsin. i Mr. and Mrs. Pay Landerth of Chicago sp^nt the weekend visiting in the Stephen U. Schmitt > home. \ "Miss Marion McOmber has turned from a month's trlft ; through the West. iv ! Albert and George Vales of ChJ- * . cago spent last week with their * mother. • ! Mr. and -Mrs. Irvin Nester of St. Patrick's church was scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday, June 24, when Miss Ruth Reihansperger became the bride ployed by the Continental Insurance company in Chicago. Mr. Fenwick graduated' from the Lebanon high school and soon afterward entered a five-year period of service in the army, serving with both the infantry and antiaircraft In the European theatre. Upon his discharge, he attended of Mr. Thomas Mackin Fenwick of.I the University of Louisville for a time and is at present a salesman for the Sparrer company In Chicago. Among out of town guests toere Included Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brents of Lebanon, Ky., Miss Mary Margaret Fenwick of Frankfurt, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fenwick and son, James, of LaGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Tlmme of Oak Park, Miss Mary Reihansperger and Mr. and MYs. Harry Wheeland of West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kinzele and spn of Hammond, Ind., Mr. ind Mrs. P. Anderson, Mr. and Ml-s. William Bene, Mr. and Mrs. James Lanoue, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Walinder, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cryan, Robert Powell and Dick Henry of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. E C. Henne of Evanston and Mr. s*nd Mrs. A. G. Gabriel son of Park Ridge., children of Chicago called on McHenry relatives Srinflay. Mike and John Purvey of .Crystal Lake are spending this week with their grandparents, the Albert Purveys. WorwicK fuoio ^ ^ ^IAAAAAA. AMONG THE 8ICK Mrs. Ed N. Yojing has been confined to her home with a painful foot infection tor the pint two weeks. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Ed N. Young have sold their home in Lake View subdivision and have purchased a new residence on Maple avenge, which they now occupy. CARD OF THANKS We wotild like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped in our rescue following last Thursday evening's river accident, including the McHenry and Woodstock police and fire departs ments. ; ,f V MRS EDITH BICKLER „ r MRS. FLOYD KENDALL •£ MRS. EDWARD WETZIG •;ROBERT GOSSELL friends and nefehbors tor' t*«Hr cards of sympathy, floral pieces and many other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. They were sincerely appreciated. THE FAMILY Or , W-r JOHN W. AD • W • ,f •_ ; 1 lh CARD «P THANKS ,ft I would like to thank all tboiM who sent me cards, gifts and other remembrances and those who visited me during the time I was confined to the hospital. I greatly appreciated everything, r .MRS. HENRY BRIT? COMING EVENTS? Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thiel re-' turned the latter part of May from f Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of a wedding trip and are now re-1 Woodstock visited relative! hfre siding in Austin. Mrs. Thiel is . the on Sunday. i j former Miss Betty Munger, daugh- Miss Marguerite Johnson Attendter of the Leo Mungers of 739 N. e<* *he wedding of a friekt| ftj Parkside and a graduate of Siena Princeton, Ind., on Saturday. high school. The bridegroom is a Mrs. Laura Kennebeck of Des- Plstakee Ladles To Hear Book Review The Woman's Activity group of the Pistakee Yacht club will mpet on Tuesday, July 11, when a book review of current fiction will be presented by Mrs. Ruth Hankel of Chicago. The meeting will also include cards and a luncheon. Mrs. Edwin Marz is acting chairman of this public social event, and reservations may be made by calling her at 645-R-l by Juljf B. Plan Card Party July 2f ***0? T^,tS^r and Rosary Sodality «t St Patrick's church is planning a public card party whirh will b» held on July 27 on the parish lawn Mrs. Ray McOee is general chairman of the event. Xsare To Attend ' Cleveland Wedding J-nrg »ean°r Fo,r>>' ana children. Ju a, Maurice and Martin, Mrs ^ ^ha'in. .Tunrnv Jay Mflhnn,.v felt.8 MSP^me Guercio and Miss Rita Martin and leaving today iJ lSISdRM l° attend the weddi of »gs "« s Mary Lou Sibila and I)r lay„They wi» also visit a re-latlve, Mrs. Mary Fol^y, who in actively Interested in the weddine arrangements despite her almost LyeaTS She wiH obs*rvo that birthday anniversary early in tfif fall. * Postponed 'Meeting •: ^ The Riiigwood nome Bureau unit has postponed its next meeting from July 4 to July 11. It will be held at the home of Mrs. William Born in Wickline Bay Subdivision. " Local Folks Attended Forester Convention Mrs. George P. Freund, Mrs. George J. Freund, Mrs. Paul Gerasch and Mrs. George Worts of St; Clara's court, C.O.F., and Mrs. Arthur Stilling. Mrs. Joe Miller, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and Mrs. Arthur Klein of St. Agatha's court, Johnsburg, spent a few days last week at Aurora, where they attended the Forester convention, held in the Leland hotel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel of Johnsburg. The couple met four years ago when Miss Munger was vacationing in the summer home of friends in this area. Attendants for the couple included the groom's sister, Dolores ThieL, as bridesmaid, the groom's brother, Harold, as best man, and his cousin, James King, and uncle, Elmer Miller, as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller of McHenry are grandparents of the bridegroom. Semi-Annual Sale Of Hospital Gift Shop . The Woodstock ary gift shop will hold its semiannual sale at Pell-Bari Farms on Friday afternoon, June 30, frojn 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Ray Gould,, who manages the gift shop at the Woodstock public hospital, stresses the fact that attractive gifts may be purchased the year around at the shop. This summer sale for which Mrs. E. D. Pelligrin is opening her lovely home, is an opportunity for friends of the hospital to get together Tor a social hour and to view the attractive Plaines spent the weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Arthur Bickler has rehnmi ed to Chicago after spending a week with Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Mrs. Sue Wright of Chicago was a weekend guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs, Ben Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Dalin of Chicago. BIRTHS Fox Yalley Camp To Meet July 18 The July.: meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R.X.A., will be held on July 18 at 8 o'clock at the R. N. A. hall in West McHenry. Rose Dietrich - - ftnest at Shower Miss Rose Dietrich was honored on Wednesday evening. June 21, at ; Mr. and Mrs. George Hr'da are the parents of their first child a sottr--born at the Woodstock iroBpital on June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wesson announce- the birth of a daughter at the Woodstock hospitaLon -June 22. Mrs. Wesson is the former Miss Mary Sutton. " Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DiBona are the parents of a son, born at St. Joseph's hospital, Belvidete;' on June 19. A boy was born at the W6odstock hospital on June 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Buch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney of Elmhurst are the parents of a son, born at the Elmhurst hospital on articles which Auxiliary members mafce for the shop. Tea will be served for a small ; ^une 2®- Mrs. Skoney is the for* mer Miss Evelyn Weingart, daughter of the Frank Weingarts of McHenry. fee. Proceeds will go to the Auxiliary fund. Mrs. Robert Andrew is in charge of the tea this year. She is to be assisted by Mrs. H. C. Wiley, Mrs. Jessie Pfeiffer and Miss Alice Pfeiffer. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Stratton of Woodstock celebrated their golden. wedding anniversary last Sunday. Guests were present from Elgin, Calumet City, Joliet, Marengo, Barrington, Algonquin, Woodstock McHenry, and Oak Park. McHenry 'oiks who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Lfo Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rauen, Mrs. J. P. Frey and John Regner. Oliver Stratton. son of the celebrants, Is a husband ot the former Carolyn Regner of thW city. Rivervlew Camp Picnic Jnly « „ Rirervlew Camp. R.N.A , will enjoy its annual picnic on the V.F.w grounds at noon on Thursday July 6. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass and their own silver. May Beanlon • Last Knnday t A reunion of the descendants of the late John and Elizabeth May 'Wfa* held last Sunday, June 25 1960, at the Bernard Bauer hoimsouth of McHenry. Approximately 800 relatives were present to en- Jdy visiting, cards, horseshoe, croqaet pnd baseball. A pot-luck din- Mr was. served during the afternoon;" * >• Ouists wore present from Ingel- «Me, muhTBrd. Elmhurst, La- Grange, Heftrpn, Woodstock, Wilntstter ibaMha Spring Grove, John*b«r£,: Richmond, Hartland, Bristol, Wis., and McHenry. To render better service to our customers Wt recently purchased a New Brake Lathe Machine. This enables us to give you a better brake job by machining the brake drums. We also invite other automotive service stations to take advantage of this service trade prioes. Overton Motor Sales BUICK -- OLDSMOBILE Telephone 6 McHenry, Illinois MARRIAGE LICENSES Dorothy Adams arid Frank Adams, both of Spring Grove. James Krein, Jr., Lily Lake, and Dorothy Smith, Ringwood. groom the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fenwick of Lebanon, Ky. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptials. ^fS^The Slikife were beautifully decorated with bouquets of gladioli and fevcrfetf. Mrs. Carl Weber <^|ayed both > the organ procesftjpjpl and ^recessional and Miss Adele FroeMich was vocal soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in a gown pf white marquisette oyer taffeta, ili. princess style, with fitted bodice and full skirt ending in a tt-ain. She wore a fingertip Veil held in place by a band of marquisette and seed pearls and carried a bouquet of white carnations and lilies of the valley. Miss Gloria Pursain of Ctifcago, a friend, acted as maid of honor, attired in a yellow organdy dress. She carried a bouquet df white daisies and wore a in her hair a coronetjtgf same kind of flowftrs.'" "W t " ' " '* LeRoy Fenwick, brother" of the groom, served as best man and ushers were Herb Reihansperger, her brother and C. E. Brents, his brother^iv4aw, of Leganon. Mrs. jffejfan8perger chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of poHdre fetoe-,-with which she wore navy and white accessories and a white rose corsage. His sister, Mrs. C. E. Brents, was attired in a !acj» dress with brown fliccfes'sories and also had a white rose corsage. Present, too, was the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Simon Stoffel, who wore a navy and white print dress and a similar corsage. Dinner was served to twentyfive members of the two families at the Villa Hotel Resort, jvith a lecaption for 125 guests following between 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The bridal couple left later in the day and after a week's Redding trip will return to reside Tin pimhurst. ,„,T.he former Miss Reihansperger is a graduate of the McHenry high school and of Rockford college. Since that time she has been em- . Jnly 1 Pre-Teen Club Meet! g--Toddler Shop. July 1, 2, S, 4 American Legion Carnival, July 1 Pre-Teen Meeting. Jnly S Annual Picnic--Oakhurst Subdivision. - W • . , Riverview Camp, R.N.A. -Picnic-- V.F.W. Grounds. . July 10 >v ' V.F.W.I Auxiliary Meetln(F=1"ol- Luck Picnic Supper-- 6:30 P.M. Angnnt 10, 11, 18, 18 V.F.W. Carnival-- City Park, July 11 Dessert Card Party--V.F.W. Hall Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club. Johnsburg Community Club --Hettermann's Tavern. Ringwood Home Bureau Meeting- Born Home. Book Review--Sponsored By Wo man's Activity Group of Pistakee Yacht Club. July 18 Fox River Valley Camp,< 8 p.m.--R.N.A. Hall. Jnly 27 Public Card, Party--Sponsored By Altar and Rosary Sodality--St. Patrick's Lawn. August S Public Party -- Sponsored By 8t. Clara's Court, No. 659, Lady Foresters-- Parochial School Hall'. Angu*f24 Betty Nielsens fashion Show- Sponsored By St. Mary's St.- Patrick's P.T.A.--Villa Hotel Resort, Pistakee Bay--1:30 P.M.- , MEDICAL MEETINi the Medical and Dental Heafth committee of the Elgin area is sponsoring a meeting at the Masonic Temple on June 29 at 8 p.m. The speaker will be former congressman Everett M. Dirksen, who will speak on the subject of 'Socialized Medicine". Interested persons are nvited to attend. Renew that subscription to tie- Plaindealer now!- 1 '• a,fARD op THAJJKg I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who remembered me with cards, gifts and in other ways during the time I was confined to the hospital. I was also hap£y for the visitors who called during my illness. 7 - MRS. E. R. SUTTON ^ CA»D OF THANKS "We would like to take this means of thanking the friends, neighbors and relatives who sent gifts and cards and who attended our gOlden wedding anniversary celebration on Saturday. The remembrances were greatly appreciated. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway card of thanks Wo wish to thank our relatives, Tt MEHOBIAM In loving memory of our beloved husband and 'father, Stevs Schaefer, who passed a#ay .Hiyears ago July 2. When tfe evening shades are . falling, ^ t'l : And I am sitting* all alono. In my hearty there comes a ^ S longing, ^ '||g - If you only could come homs. - * • • Oft and oft my thoughts do wander To your grave so tar away, Where we laid yott dearest hua- , band and father. ^ , Two years ago. ' - Loving wife and boys; ; * Reglna Schaefer i * SOLDIER DROWNS . . Robert W. Sedlacek, 19, of River Grove, a soldier on furlough from Alaska, was drowned below the Fox Rixer dam at Algonquin last Thursday afternoon. Hes was, the third drowning* victifn ih the Fox River this year, the other two being a fisherman^drowned near the McHenry dam this spring and a Cary girl who fell through a bole in the ice during the ski jun)p last January. The young soldier had been visiting his mother, Aprs. Josephine Sedlacfek, for two days when the accident occurred. % i •r iii^ i .One hundred and seventy-four , years of independence celebra* > ' ted in the American tradition : THIS BANK WILL NOT TRANSACT BUSINESS ON JULY 4TH McHENRY STATE BANK . Member Federal Reserve System Psdsra) Deposit Insurancs OerporatlM *yftcli^r SUP* mm?* f/ THIS WfiK ONLY! LOVELY COLONIAL 8 OZ. GLASS TUMBLERS Mo/s Tbwer for less Money/ NSW WILLYS STATION WAGON WITH SENSATIONAL NtW HURRICANE ENGINE 4 FOR JUST aEr£s,u.,i-» ssts®- M JS h»art tMni ft mwmSu »ns#t, 3-quart tauc* h*art ' •maU cover. O! poli*h*d FSM.r*n Atumlmrai Chef Pott Use for broiling eliminates cleanin lobs! Keeps cover foods perfectly fresh. Ideal (or frozen foods. aluminum. mo** l to 05 Ceeky Maker, Pnrer U « Cake D«(«r. M. °,or *•» SO* Cast* Iran Chicken Heats evenly, nates sticking, burninq. i'?,' , . with self bastinq cover. 'u» 10 Lasts a lifetime. 1 " el '"eludes extra. ------ larqe cloth ba9.'fTpla>' bull design. 1 tic decorating 00BS> S Cooky maker*. •*wl Ifli Cmritt Provides 4 handy, large* an<fs mediunft* sued covers. With gcQT ALTHOFPS HDWE. PHONE 182 . ^ "Tbe Store ^That $0ri McHENRY, ILL Built'1 TELEPHONE 403 tome In ao'd see die crisp, distinctlvotyling tbf gM. die Willys Station Wagon its fresh new beauty. Drive this great car and see for yourself how its amazing new HURRICANE Engine steps up perfotmance ***** aplfc down fuel costs. The HURRICANE gives sensational power and. mileage. It literally squeezes more energy out of every , drop of gasoline... develops more horsepower for its size than any other type of automotive It has 7.4 compression, hut does not teouire Premium /hW. The HURRICANE is year, .held ahead in performance and economy, SEI IT TODAY! GARAGE 604 TRONT STREET