vmnfw ft. UK PUUMDuUft <~Jm ".y >-js - s,^.'t " ^•'Vt ram A4hriaor) What a refreshing experience it Is (9 attend a coaference like Paul Wfcalen and I did last week. The Midwest Training School of the American Farm Bureau Federation was lurid at Sturgeon Bay, Wis- COB|IB. Our wires' went along as did Don Peasley, publicity Department of the I .A. A. As unusual as anything was the place where the event was held. The Door County Highway Department built a huge garage about 400 feet loag and about 80 feet wide with doors along both sides which raise op along under the roof. This was the meeting place with room iior about 1500. In the summertime they run the machinery all out doors and hold conventions in this building. 'With the cooperation of the Door , County Chamber of Commerce. They don't miss the chance to sell , Sturgeon Bay cherries either. Their lu nch stand sold only cherry pip and you could bny canned cherries, pie mix, Juice--in fact almost any form of cherries you could imagine. Door county produces more cherries per square than any like area In the world and has the largest cherry orchard In the world containing • TTjMO or so trees. fim Tuesday night the employees at the highway department put on a 'fish boil" ittr >60 of us, at $2.00 . eppfc. They put o«t six big butcherteg kettles with wood fires under tketp. They had wooden sided wire trays to fit the kettles with handles on them' so that they can be lifted out by two men with six foot long iron bars. In one tray they put SO pounds of potatoes with the Jackets on and in another they put 100 pounds of lake trout and add 20 pounds of salt. This concoction is boiled vigorously for 11 miautes. This is served with slaw, bread, pickles, coffee and ice cream. The highway department is helping to pay for their building with these dinners and contentions. Comments of Speakers America must be informed and helpful on the refugee problem in Europe if peace is to be attained in the world. For instance, there are 12,000,000 refugees in western Germany, as many as the total population of Canada and it is only as big as Kansas. Kansas has a population of 2,000,000 while western Germany has 50,000,000. Why is America great? 1. We have a very peculiar form of government which emphasises the human. 2. Has two strong political parties and not 15 to 20 cutthroat gangs which call themselves political parties. 3. We don't have tne most natural resources of any nation, but our government encourages the Investment of capital, both domestic and foreign in their development. 4. There are no state trade barriers. 5. Ours is the most Christian nation in the world. Our government has three branches--Administrative, Judicial, and legislative. The legislative is the peoples braach- and is the only thing that has stood between us and dictatorship. Only 2 of the 2,000,000 people in the administrative branch are responsible to the people--the president and the vice president. In 1900 Oklahoma had no federal NEED YOUR RUGS CLEANED? W# Glean Rugs by the New Mersa System. fl«ONE WONDER LAKE 348 JLake Dry Cleaners lax. In IMS the bill was $500,000,- 000 of which 80 percent was lost to the people In Oklahoma on the way to Washington and hack. Women are. the greatest economic force in America. 85 percent of the teachers are women, they spend 85 percent of the money, and out vote the men by tar. Where thte labor party has recently been voted out like in Australia, it was the women who did it. A communist is a socialist In a hurry. See me for the good stories personally. At our recent conference at Urbana it has been reported In Clinton, Rock Island, Macoupin and Cumberland counties that the second crop of alfalfa and clover are not palatable and when eaten cauae slobbering and in horses cause undue sweating. If such hay is allowed to lay in a pile and gets rained on, a ring of soap suds fprms around the edge of the pile. If yott have had such experience report to me so the Dairy Department of the College can get samples of the hay to find opt the cause. Read the Want Ads! 8tnagth si Sggi According to tests made at Cornell university (on 3998 eggs laid by a flock of white Leghorn pallets) the average pressure required to break an egg was 9.8 pounds, with the highest 18.7 pounds. Pressure was applied from end to end. It was found that the pressure required for breaking was about three to four pounds less when applied between the sides of the egg. California Vineyards California vineyards and the wine industry have come a long way in the last 180 years--expanding from a few vine cuttings at the Mission, San Diego, until today, vineyards spread over some 557,- 000 acres, or more than a third of the state's vast fruit and nut acreage. Altogether, California is reported to have better than 233,000,000 grape vines from which are produced wines that are com* parable to the finest Europes^ brands. Netherlands Capital Amsterdam, the capital of Netherlands, - is criss-crossed more than 300 bridges. Canals through the city and divide it Ini 90 separate islands. the W« specialise in fast efficient service.) WONDEJt LAKE, ILLINOIS McHenry Countr^Club So the public will become acquainted with oiir Golf Club and Dining Room Service we will French Fried Perch £ • Including french fried potatoes, salad and ctfffce. Every Friday - 5 P:M:~to 9 P:M: FIFTY CENTS Cocktails if you want them, as you like them. Come and Meet Helen and Doc. I Apple Tree ~ S ptk shade Of the old oppls tree •houHr\>e cool, for the tree Is supplied by four gallon^, of water an hour. An apple tree will draw that much water from the ground, making a total of 98 gallons a day. This is the amount it needs in order to replace the water constantly evaporating from its leaves and cooling the surrounding air. ^ First SnbmartnQ ; Submarine warfare has iff be* Sinning during the Revolutionary war, but with an inglorious introduction. In 1777 David Bushnell, inventor of a little round submarine called "the Turtle," tried to drag a box of gunpowder against the British frigate, Cerebas. His mine became fouled and he sank a friendly schooner instead. Hii Bats sre able to fly in complete darkness becsuse of their own builtin rsdar systems. The explanation offered Is that these creatures locate and avoid obstructions in their way by making supersonic cries wMch are echoed back from the objects--as identifying electronic "echoes" come back to radar gad* gets. The night-flying #techniqbe of the creatures was revealed by experiments in which blindfolded tats were able to get about without ipiahap, while those with their ears covered could not Origin ml "Greeer" The early spice trade gave rise to the word "grocer." The old and Important Pepperers' -guild of medieval England was succeeded in 1345 by s group known later as the Grocers' company. The term "grocer" distinguished these men--dealing in "'gfrroasils"" d(laarrtgfce)) aqnuaannttiittiie«si --^from those hsndling retail trade. Many-a her sponiw Ifeio laking earn of it kiddles,.hut the mamma sail catfish really point For shout 80 days hat mste patiently holds a meoOAd at eggs the size of marbles. B» doesn't swallow them, bat netthsv does be 'set to swallow aar food,. .V.,.'- •' Marine Insoranc# •Rte oldest form of Insurance t> marine insurance, traces of which are found in the sea regulations of ancient Greece and Rome. CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, treUis, picket fence, etc. Screens and blinds made to order. . CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, pi Phone 583-J-l _ fcj From where I sit .../Woe Marsh f Maybe § ThislKWofce Us Upf / - Harper gays: "Hold on, Joe. talk this oat, over sapper and glass of beer at Andy's." He poistted eat that thsoe aMOL; ] areat criminals Jnst --riisn. WpF ; . i a lot of as seem to be gettia* tbanl; >1 judging from the trash ye|£ •*« slong roadsides. From whssetF sit, this near aeddent may be tkpL: \ ^ lesson we need to make as stop -* :j'A tering our roads--and start stew* Mig a little telfraat rsasHiniUj. for our neighbors! > Because a couple of thought! drivers threw a newspaper out of their car yesterday, Miss Gilbert, our school principal, nearly had a bad accident. She was following them on the highway and the paper flattened >ver her windshield, so she couldn't see. In a minute her little coupe was across the line--right in the path of an oncoming trailer-truck. It missed... but only just! The parties were recognised and •oon as I heard about it I ran over to Sheriff Harper--demanded thay * brought op on charges. Bat Copyright, 1950, United States Bremen SELECT YOUR HAM AT A&P! you'ro going in for at outing or planning to spend the Fourth of July at homo, you. can make short work of your marketing for tho big day at your thrifty A& PI *'• cram-packed with luscious, savory raady-to-aat or smoked hams. Yes ,?. you will make picnic far* boyond compare when you 'choose your ham from A & P I AGAINST THE PUBLIC AND INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE SERVED BY FIVE WESTERN RAILROADS EMERGENCY BOARD sf IB tseh so hssr, sr $M4 s day for swhdNssa mwwilid by As Tullihass'i Uslsa aVXI BH^OATsOTflHfe JAUsmMamnXVAFMe MIWIIRITHMI| IN IIMNMOVS HNI1U9 M HIV sspassss Isvehred, lbs answer to 0**tw* ngntr MIVGRMNOT, MMNPMM ai npiT Thaft |«I« SM »T MM IHtto ix< Ins that »ki A1F btttor Hip Mfeay. IM toy top ARMOUR'S SLICED BACON SLAB BACON prediet COOKED OR SMOKED U A kit n/VfVw 11 TO l< LB. AVO. WHOLE Ok HILL SHANK HALF FULL BtITT HALF .59' . 63e NMUI WMNOS AaMAJ UAMIA I TO 12 UMNI RMS u» AH...,, COOO0 Oft ^ ^ ® .m - i •WlWll AV04e*e*^i*e^m«*i*ee»*eML tmmnrt $TM . CMmd Nam witsors cnrmmi lb.49c Vk 46c SMOKED Boneless Butts POX ecuns M-Vs Fi|«s » WILSON'S I lb. o»; Spiced Lunchion Meat ^ Boiled Ham^^ Mfcxfismr gun SkMMsFni djpr. JOHTTO' Oetan Perch , CAPT. IOBTFU" Bknetts^ /4sP WUbUf A' '4-V FRUITS and VEGETABLES MNQWT IUM Whoto ChtekMr LflOS COSNSO eeeoooooooew* eeeeoM«4*«4ft* esseeeet STAUY'S ff Union leodbrs'answer to Board is.. WAFFLE SYRUP T |9C STAUFS Oraasi Gen Starsh ^ I3C C4UMMNI4 MOWN HEAD LETTUCE nORI»4 OROWN _ Rtd, Ript Watormolon & CAUKMNIA--MIW CSOF Yaloncia Oranges CALIFORNIA OftOWN Juicy Lemons CALIFORNIA ORPWN Santa Rosa Plums BAKERY, h 25c WHOLE MELON • ••»seseseeeeesesseeos«« ^ eeeeeo^oeeeoooo-eseseee CCIN PLUS so. am -....J&4IS U. STAUN In lace off >eard findings to tho contrary, union loadors insist on 48 hoars pdy lor 40 hours work. This would bo an avorago Incroaso of 31 cants an hour, or $2.48 a day. So Union loadort havo caEad a complotaly «m|Mtified strike on 5 Western raHroads/ offectlvo Juno 35. Chi June 15, en Emergency Board appointed by President Truman under the terms of the Railway Labor Act recommended the railroads grant switchmen a 40-hour week and a wage increase of 18 Cents an hour, or $1.44 for an 8-hour day. Despite the added financial burden involved, the railroads are ready to accept these recommendations, as they have always accepted Emergency Board recommendations on national issues. But the leaders of the Switchmen's Union refuse to accept! They demand an •verage increase of 31 CENTS AM HOUR OB #f.46 A DAY--although their present earnings are substantially higher than those of liurkars in other industries! v' Board Sajs Demands Uqjastified |n its report, the Board declared this defNnd unjustified by all the evidence pre- . fented. It also pointed out that it would jj|ive the switchmen an unfair pay advantage over other groups of railroad em* ployes, and would add too great a burden .00 railroad costs. j ' Here is another case of a rai|road union Oouting the findings of an Emergency ipoaid--another case of calling a crippling strike in an outrageous and reckless attempt to force demands which the Board clearly labels as unjustified! Leaden of the Switchmen's Union an calling this strike in defiance of the Board --in defiance of the facta--and at the expense of the public! In its report on this case, the Boaad made this statement: "Tho rsflroad Industry, Ml Btws, needs above dl else a period of rolHwo itefaHy to odfr«»» nd edap» HwW to present cowpelltUo post-war condh Despite this warning, the leaders of the Switchmen's Union are upsetting the apple-cart--forcing a completely unjustified strike against everybody who uses the railroads. FIVE WESTERN RAILROADS AFFECTED IT TNE JUNE 2S STOKE The Avo roilroocfc effected by thit striko, which goes into effect s at &00 AM local finse, Sumday, Jum 25,1950, are: CNcifi Grist WsstMi Railway CMSMV Ofcafa, tack Islari & PacMIc laNrsai Caspay Iks Banar ft Ha Graads WSstan Rabssi i Irsat Nartfcsn Rslwsy tsepssi Us «Mtn Padfle laNisad Csopaqr It is time to put an end to such un- American tactics! The Answer to a Raw Attempt At Dictatorship is "No P* In the interest of the.public who depend on" the railroads every day, there can be only one answer to this outrageous and dictatorial action by the leaders of the Switchmen's Union. And that answer is--"NO r* Caba Gloss Stank 13 STALgrS STA-FLO LIQUID STARCH / r 23* JANi PARKtR POTATO Chip i&SSe JANE PARKtR SANDWICH Relit 21 e JANE PARKER FRANKFURTER Rolls J?*' 21c MARVEL SANDWICH WISCONSIN FANCf Swltt ClitiM SUCK MIL-04IT Anerleaa SWIFT S ASSQRTED f Spriads CHSD-O-SIT Wc is. We 29c Irat^ AOM: 18C --Antrim MMENTO LOAF 78C YOUR A&P WILL BE OPKN ALL DAY MONDAY. JULY 3rd--CLOSED FOR JULY 4tb--AND BUSINESS AS USUAL WEDNESDAY. JULY 5th COLDSTREAM SSAN%, . P* "iWakR SWeStMeeVaS (lllMaHIIHIIM,<...a YUKON CLUB Assorted Bcvcram l^u-% • run m.ap rusoN cms Rcot §m ANN MOf Salad Dwulac.....„„ ANN PAM--IN TOMATO UlCI Bcaas with ftrk MttD AND MELLOW 8 O'dcck Ctffcc . MCH AND FULL SOOMS Red Circit 6«ffct: vieocous AND wimr MIL Vs.! 1MHL .. TIMO MCM affoc+hr* la ell Sapor MarfctH mi Salt Sanrtca ^nai tASTERK SOUTHEAST! Rn WfeSTERN RAILROAD We ars publishing this and other advertisements to tall^to you |t first hand about which are important to everybody. CVT-RfTff WAXED PAPER • HtFT. ROLL X3 FOR FMYINQ OR SAKINO CRISCO . r 9le fJU VCOCTA1U SPRY TIN if FLA VORKIST 4-IM-1 FflO. fjilUm y BnteM ~29M^30* ASSORTED FLAVORS FLA-VOR-ADE 3«~I3C RED CROSS SRANO Macaroni ft Spaghelli '-oi Ac ^ PKG. 7 run IN CVFRR FIO. CRACKER JACK 6 -- 25c ANNUM MARSH MALLIWS r 19* CROCK KUREO DILL PICKLES Vi 29* A FINC PRODUCT BORAX r iae « LITTLE OOfS A LONG WAT BORAXO £ I8e FOR THAT LOftLT LOOM LUX MTM SUP • A T H | |C / 1 1 SETTER WITH LUX CARf LUX FLAKES £ 27e FOR DISNCS SURF -27e OfTS DIRT OVTI TIDE l-27e FOR TNAT SFAMtf OXYDOL -27" 4y ^