TOLD TALN at Interest taken frtMft Hw H Hie McHsnry Plaindesler iMirs Mo iiiimtiHiiiiinii - ' tiMndtT'^r ii ltw $ '• Pwtjf Tears Afo m balloon ascension and fro*- gMr^ll handicap motor boat race %tlt uke place under \he auspices the Piatakee Yacht club at .jim Bay on Sunday. July 24. winner of the boat race will a $100 stop watch. Mm c. G Frett is confined to jMr home here, suffering with a fc«4ty broken left ankle, sustained when she jumped from a meat «ra«on last Friday night. Mr. and Mr*. Frett were driving along Main street when the shaft suddenly broke. They had their colt hitched to the wagon and the miriute the •haft dropped the colt made a frantic effort to run away. Witnesses called to Mrs. Frett to, jump and she did, with the above given result. The West McHenry State bamk How has the services of a clerk in the person of Miss Julia Stoffel. Mr. Stenger has worked hard and faithfully during the years that (he bank has bepn in existence and (be bank officials, we believe, act- «d wisely In giving the popular 4Mhier the services of a clerk. One of the grandest dancing ••ents of the season will take fiace at Smith's hall, Johnsburg, On July 20, under the auspices of St John's court, C.O.F., of Johnsturg. The floor committees selected include William Thiel, Johnsburg, Nick Schaefer, Pistakee Bay; ~ |oe Hejraer. West McHenry,; Math Weber, McHenry; Nick Kline, Spring Grove; James L. Conway, Ringwood; Joe Btten, Solon; and Math Brown, Volo. C. E. Reasner has now disposed of all his Orchard Beach property Twenty-Fire Ywurs Ago "Jack" Stenger, 2% year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger, wa3 struck last nite by a Ford touring car as he attempted to cross Main street. Kirk Schroeder of Ringwood, driver, is not held at all responsible. He was driving at a moderate rate of speed, but it was dusk and the street lights had not yet been lighted. McHenry staged one of the largest and best Fourth of iuly celebrations this year that has been witnessed in McHenry county in a. number of years. Not only one day did the crowds gather but the day before and the day after. Ray McGee, commander of the American Legion, announces that he believes when the total amount is turned in, that over $2,000 will be cleared at the carnival. Arthur E. Jacobsen of Chicago, who was spending the day Monday with three companions alongv the Fox River, Was instantly killed in the evening, during the severe storm, which struck here about 6 o'clock, by a bolrof lightning. The majority of people attending a meeting at the city hall last Thursday were in favor of pav- , ^ J . ,V rf • * * 4" 'A .1 »"*Y«" i tag District No. 6, which is made up of Peitl street, from Park avenue west to the Ringwood road, and Green street, which extends from Elm street to Washington ChM artuMsr Good behavior kt chttdrsn M r*d by giving thorn start*. ictk» and recognition. I 1001 General Machine Work Coaiptote Machine Shop i MNtchintry Parti Repaired or Duplicated. Fast Service, Reasonable Prices. i McHENBY MFG. CO. Crystal Lake Road Phone KeHenry 4W street. The ordinance was passed. On account of the many objections regarding the paving of District No. 6, which is made up of Waukegan street, the matter will not be decided upon for fifteen day* LIONS PROJECTS The Barrington Lions club wlifcK launches its twenty-fifth anniversary celebration with an indoor carnival on the evenings of July 13. 14 and IB, has many Barrington improvements and benefits to show for its quarter-century of activity. Attesting to its long .list of civic interests are included thrfollowing projects; Each year the Lions club, in conjunction with the local American Legion post, presents a scholarship for the University of Illinois to one of Barrtngton's outstanding students; the club spent $6,600 for lighting the softball field at North Park, where thousands of sport fans are enjoying the season's games;, the club purchased the property an J made a donation towards paving the Lions drive entrance to North Park; contributed $1,000 for the improvement projeet around the railway station. Subscribe for The Plalndealer WING AND FIN Hunting And Fishing Club Offers its facilities of the Dining Room, Trap and Skeet Courses to our friends and neighbors of the surrounding country. A Complete Menu of the Finest Foods featuring MALLARD DUCKLING -- PHEASANT and RAINBOW TROUT dinners Served Daily 5 to 9 Except Monday 8aturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 to 9 p.m. COCKTAILS AT THEIR BEST We Cater to Parties and Banquets For Reservations Call McHenry 647-J-l One Mile North of Intersection of Highway 12 ft 120 on SULLIVAN LAKE JJF f ¥VV VVVVVV™ VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV * TV WW W WW :• ' $ J, TRACTOR ft PASSENGER & Of All 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL SEAT COVERS ' • ' -S, We Allow A Liberal Trade-In Allowance On Your Old TIRES ' Regardless of Conditio^ mm iATTERUB--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a *fir Ifrestone Super Battery. ^ f• 1*Sfc.V • . WALTER J. FREUND IKy n l . Tires -- Tabes -- Batteries -- Accessorise l ' w T i r e a n d T d b o V u l c a n i z i n g B f c y sle Repairing ' "K AU Work Gnaraateed _ !1, •<«Jt? sir ^'•'"v •.* ffeMt orav Bf•i' nnr«8 iro SUHDATS West l«lmy> v--t ,r RINQWOOD TELEVISION PKAOES BESS rasp BOWMAir, Wtmp Ttikjtj oa Friday! ppta "SPEEDY" I or [®as^saaaSi«,Ji mmm. *l||v m: > Hfiiuiiit WILLYS • OVERLAND SALES 104 FRONT STREET PHONB i -)<u 41.. U i :%shi days gone 'by the old stone collar was the family's reserve pantry. Today you can depend on your noighbornood Jowel store for fine roods for your family. It's a qiant pantry of food treasures from all over the world--at your service six days a wool. ^QodStotU -- SEAVE 'EM "YUMMY" I SALERNO Batter Cooki 23e READY TO HEAT AND SEKVE COLLiGE INN WHOLl •ii«» ::» DELICIOUS FRESH STRAWBERRY FLAVOR ORCHARD MAID Strawberry Preserves r 29* PERFECT FOR CHILI OR SALADS BLUEBftOOK Red Kidney Beans - I0e DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING 7-Up 25e*~ SoJf-Servlce Meats- No Waiting! BOTS. •Hut Bottl* Dapuit TENDER, FLAVORSOME KERNELS Chicken b your best buy * week. Serve it cold Se.rv* ^ fc®*. serve chicken salad or serve It fried -- ummiiim, yo«r family wiH fc® frfoasod. swifrs ctovH^oo^ Cut-llp Fryers I "EMIUM ' A«MOU« Whole Grail Con PACKAGED BiwSilrEO • • • » u fij1 SWFTS PREMIUMII A«MOU« CIOVEMIOOM PACKAGE* FROZEN «VISCE*AT«0 • e WLL Lt. AC| ,«• m **»• Oil DEWKIST - RED^ ^ Raspberries - * - SNOW CROP OR MWOTE "AffiCONCf^® Oranp jpp-f-* w SFRAYWST_ ^ (0.O2. JC© e. ^ MSGS. W iY" '• -- CHERRY. LCMON, LIME, ORANGE. STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY Jell-O 4«»2?e TANGY AND CRISPY v DERBT-----" • '; V • . ; 17-OZ. CANS JEWEL 109% PURE BEEF \ Hamburger BUY JEWEL SALAD DRESSING YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Trtif your family to refreshing summer salad creations made with Jewel Salad Dressing. Smooth asd creamy, it adds that extra zip to make veer favorite salad taste even better. JEWEL BACKED IN NATURAL JUICES CHERRY VALLEY Sweet Pickles k 25 SERVE IN A SAJLAD OR A HUNrS Fruib for Salads 35' 'k ' > RICH--FULL BODIED FLAVOR HUNT'S 14 OZ.|C0 o a a BPT. USE IT TO PROTECT tfCNlC FOODS REYNOLD'S Salad Dressing QUART JAR OES ro* SUMMES SALADS--RECIPE Bridge Mix Pink Salmon n-oz. CELLO PKG. A DELICIOUS CHEDDAR CHEESE AGED OVER ONE- FULL YEAR--DE MILL SHARP ! Cheddar Cheese- • • ^69* AGED OVER SIX MONTHS--DE MILL MEDIUM SHARP Cheddar Cheese* vv *5(r DE MIU--MILD LONGH6RN Cheddar Cheese- *49* COCKTAIIi READYSMALL CLEANED MAIN DISH MEAL IN A MlNUTt --SROADCAS1 21 FT. ROLL Aluminum Foil WHITE, CLOTH-LIKE. HIGHLY AtSORggNT SCOTTIES CLEANSINO 1 ^ Tissues-.. •kaHahSllila* 0U8 CM 6MM 4'/2-OZ. lfc"OZ CAN W CAN RASPBERRY LEMON AND ORANGE--JUNKET Sherbet Mix • • • -2««29* DEAN'S CHOCOLATE PERFEC1 REFRESH MEN! FIsvorsM MILD-PURE Wsssos Drink 3^ 25' PKGS. Departraenta Ope| Until 9 P. M. On iday Nights 207 East Brink Street Crystal Lake DELICIOUS BREAD SPREAD--GOOD LUCK Margarine o e CTN. 3|c ALWAYS CRISPY FRESH--FLAVORKIST Saltines . • • • «. <£' 27* WONDERFUL FOR ICE BOX DESSERTS--SUNSHINE V/2-OZ. ACC PKG. I-LB. .CANS Vanilla Wafers KENNEL TESTEDI VET APPROVED! Pard Dog Food 2 c THE SOAP DOCTOR'S ADVISE Ivory Soap .. 3»" 23e CLEANER CLOTHES--SPARKLING DISHES Tide £E 27' LEAVES WASHABLES FRESH AND FRAGRANT _ Chiffon liakes*. 27* SOFT PASTEL COLORS TO MATCH YOUt BATHROOM--COLO SOFT Toilet Tissue • • • W* FOR A SOFTER. SMOOTHtR COMPLEXION FOR A SETTER EASIER CLEAN I NO JOS NO RIISBINO. NO BUFFtMO SPIC aN 44t AERS ^ jq( JjoodStoUi 9)c AERQ fcw WAX! >OTHE« WASHES < SK„5S25* ^". 3-17* Oxjrdol. X2T vm .. . 2- -25* »«-- *> JUST RIOHT FOR TOUR VACATION FASTER ACTION. SOFTER. SMOOTHES CLOTHES SPARKLINO WHITE «IF IjL *, Sa* iL.* .. £b.,. - jetS. il. •••v. • '-.A*: -J--;: •M&i" J;C