Ut. Mary's Catbnllc CbtUch • iaases: Sunday: 7:00, 8:39, '.0:00, 1&81'. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. , Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. onfessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday: A,After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; w3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. * Mggr. C). S. Nil, Pastor. Bt. Patrick's OatAolle Chxttck /(asses: ^ " Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, J£:80 and 11:30 a.m. . Efaily Mass: 7:00. * ' > 'Week Djiys: 7:00 and 7;30. . First Fridays: 7:00. distributed at 6:30/7:00, daring the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and ;•, :7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thurs days before r^.rat Fiidays: 4:00r • , to 5:00 p. in. and 7;00 to 8:Oil j». m. , .. _"-'V'*•••• * *#ev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Kton Evangelical fcntberan Cfcurcb (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) 408 John Street West McHcnry, Illinois. Service: 8:00 a.m. finday School: 9:00 a.m. Serpicer 10:15 a.m. Fou arc cordially invited to attend our services. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. - Commanlty Methodist GhiwA Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to and your family *j come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor.. MrHenrjr Bible Church It# S. Green Street (Pries Bldg.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. Young People's Service, 7 p.m. Evangelistic, 8 p. 19. Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. You're always welcome here. # Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 601-J-J and 8t. John's Catholic Church Johnsburg Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 11:45. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:35 and 8:00. ^ifessioiis: S^turdnys: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3 Thursday" before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:30. Rev. Joseph . M. Blitsch.. 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:0f^;»S8 Confessions: Saturday: 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 7:45 ftav. James A. Vanderpoo'. Pastor. fC Gospel Center -.•> Wonder Center, Wonder LNs (Nonsectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m> Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. 8unJay Evening Service: 7:46 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:0t p. m. Bring the family with you to Sun •lay School and Worship Services. I'here is a place and a welcome for everyone. FBANK W. ANDERSON, v\' '• Paslir.:/ Church Ringwood, III. , ^ ^ Sunday: Public Worship, 9:10. v. Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening, Bev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. St. Joseph's Church '..V Richmond* Illinois 8anday: 8:00 and 10:00. DUly: 8:00. ;r Fr. Frank J. Miller, psfftor. . Si Mary's By The Lake* Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald. Piatt, Priest-in-Charge Mission House, 331 McHenry Ave. Sunday?: 9 a.m. fioly Eucharist. dolv Days (Prayer Book). 6:30 a.c. holy Eucharist""™" Mowing the Lawn f Here are some suggestions for the home owner who mows his own lawn. During cooler periods set the mower to cut the grass at 1 to 1V^ inches. When the temperature nears 80 degrees, adjust the mower to cut at 1% to 2 inches The longer grass reduces evaporation of moisture, holds down soil temperatures and protects the stalks and root systems from blistering sun rays. If a catcher is not used, mow the lawn counter-clockwise. Mowers throw clippings to the left into the path of the "next time around." Chopped finer by the second going over the clippings fall out of sight among the roots. Atomic Bomb Book Available To Public A description of just what happens when an atomic bomb explodes will sooa be available to the general public in an official government document now being printed at the government printing office. Entitled "The Effects of Atomic weapons," the book will be released about Aug. 1, and advance orders inay now • be placed with the Superintendeat of Documents, Washington 25, D.C., at $1.25 per copy. All proceeds from the sale go to the government. ' Of primary interest to persons engaged in civilian defense and the building traces, the book contains previously unpublished details ' on atomic explosions. The damage caused by the | atomic bombs ia Japan is examined, with estimated of the probable effects on American cities. The aypes of buildings which besq withstand the shock and hazards of various radiations are described and illustrated. The book was prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission from nonconfidential scientific and technical information. It is the inost informative and authoritative book o'ii atomic weapons which can be made public and is the most significant document to be published since the Smythe Report. - DIES IX HOLLAND Death interrupted the European holiday of a Marengo man who was revisiting his native l^nd for the first time in years. Ben VanderPal, 66, died suddenly of a heart attack last week Wednesday in Tyjne, Holland, where he was visiting a brother. With his wife, he left the Uunited States April 16 and had planned to return August 8. Read the Want Ads. KAJiK RESOURCES Total resources of the financial institution, the Home State Bank of Crystal Lake, for June 30, 1950, were the largest ever shown on any publication, date, according to statistics released by Exfcutiv® Vice-President Harold J. Bacon. The statement shows assets of over six million dollars for the first time in history. IMWiLHibbMihi Of Snail ChUrtytyll Onltl . Some of the smallest units of the sun • powered factory system that manufactures plant food were photographed recently under the electron microscope. They were located in singlecelled green alga, an elementary type of plant life. The units appeared to be relatively round and the smallest of them were only about 10 molecules across. This work is part of a general study of protoplasmic materials and small particles at levels below the ordinary microscope and Just above the molecular level. In this region are also included fractions of chromosomes, which may Include genes; viruses and many unidentified particles within cytoplasm. Many of these objects are made up of only a few molecules J Less is known about »hls region, although it is within the visual range of the electron microscope, than about that of the molecule, which has never been seen. Of course the scientists admit ft would be something of an accom* plishment to photograph the camera- shy molecule. However, they; don't anticipate seeing a single molecul^ with present equipmei#. Transvaal Africa's Transvaal district, around Johannesburg leads the - world in production at gold andvies with the Belgian Congo as No.<? 1 source of df«monds. Niagara Tightrope walkers have taken death-defying trips across Niagara (alls. The master of them all was Jean Francois Gravelet, knowi) as Blondin, who in 1859 presented a show experts say has never been duplicated. Performing on a cable stretched across Niagara river, Blondin skipped, pranced, ran, turned somersaults, walked backwards, sat down, reclined, walked with baskets on his feet and Italy Rati of Eya FatlgniMf f At Various U|Mii\g Lovtl* An investigation Js underway by scientists to determine the rate at which your eyes tire under various types of lighting in plants and offices. Standards are available to indicate the visual efficiency at different levels of illumination, the scientists point out. But little work has •tut* tk- * w u a?1 ! been done on the progressive ef- ^,^_Mth,C®nAury j fects on visual function of one type barrel riders with Mrs. Anna Ed son Taylor, "Queen of the Mist," achieving the distinction of being the first person to survive a trip over Horseshoe falls in a barrel. Others were to follow but so many lotf their lives that U.S. and Canadian police now forbid such exhibitions. DtognsMs ef Calilll ' Research indicates that the Huggins blood serum test , is not adequate for diagnosing cancer. The simple but sough screen test for cancer fails to pick up enough cases of cancer, and may indicate caAeer where there is none. DO YOU HEAR -- BUT DONT UNDERSTAND? Do you catch some of the word! but don't quite get what people are saying? Why strain and feel embarraBsed when there's an easy way t«j> end all this? It's the amazing new "Toneinaster" that's helped thousands of folks lik# you by bring ing voices to them so clearly thef understand every word! .No more embarrassing ".mistakes" and "misunderstanding" -- you'll be able- to hold your own with anyone-- in business or socially. If interested for yourself or friend, write Tonemaster, Inc., 400D S. Washington St.. Peoria. Read .the Want Ade!. of lighting in comparison with another. Types of lighting to be used in the study are incandescent, mercury, fluorescent and sodium light. Subject of the experiment will perform detailed visual tasks under each of the five types of illumination lor periods^ from one to four hotirs. A special test has been designed by the researchers to determine to what extent visual ability to resolve details is effected after^the various periods under the lightj^V/c. ; • -- Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drbg Store, McHenry;V^TV'-^rx^V;--^-;:.- • k WE HAVE THE A N S W E R PROTICTS THE KIDDIE* FROM ANNOYING t INSECT <• BITES IT'S OOOM.CSS PLEASANT TO USfc "'Mill Coma in and get a botil* today BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 . McHENRY MmUm Allergy Animals grazing on sweet clover, buckwheat, sudan grass or certain kinds of weeds and shrubs may develop a type of allergy called photosensitization. Substances in these plants make white-skinned portions of the body extremely sensitive to bright sunlight, and the skir\ swells or gets dry and scabby. The best way to prevent such trouble is 40 provide plenty of shade for stock pastured on allergy-causing plants. Application of brown dye to the white parts of the skin also gives some protection. Another way is to pasture sensitive animals at might and keep them in sheds or shady places during the day. If none of these procedures is convenient they should at l'ast be confined to shaded areas during the hours of intense sunlight. Subscribe for The Plain dealer time from the stai use of the group of stai* in Dipper, known as the These are the two stars in the bowl of the dipper which show the direction of the north , star. Imaging a clock dial, the ntorth star at the center and the pointers the hour and read thie apparent time, can be dooe to the nearest quarter hour. To this add the num. ber of months simce Jan. 1, also to the nearest quarter. Multiply by two and subtract thfe product from 18-% (or. If the product is greater than that, from 10-V«). The result is the time in hburs p.m. If it is more than 12, ssibtract 12 and you have the time a.m. This is time, fast or slow of standard depending on wb etl or west ol the cen your time zona. COMPLETE TREE SERVICE :v-' tees feediho . * Treee itS SMtAYINO ^ » w««d Control S * Fly and ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Wankegan Road McHenry 724 Villa Hotel Resort On Beautiful Pistakee Bay HODERN COCKTAIL L0UH08 THE BEST IN FOOD Now Playing Every Saturday Night "Alice Barbian al the piano Every Saturday Nighf TELEPHONE PISTAKE* 8t -1 Tr's Csliolic Oh arch. Spring Orove S u n d a y -- i u i i C s i I l l t t f t . Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:<a). Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. ^ifessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. lev. John L. Ualeirteu, Pastor. Christ the King Catholic Church Wonder Lake Sunda$' masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 "A" vav M MOTOR SERVICE FOR BETTER MOTOR PERFORMANCE ffltui your electric motors i attention, why not coll on om trained mechanics and complete facilities for expert serv- |ce? Our careful workmanship and quality replacement parts H will restore your motors »• peak performance and efadency and give them addad years of good service. When you need new motors, install « Deico or Sunlight. We hava types and sites for all usee. SEACO SALES & SERVICE J,llymoor Subdv. of Lily X«fc» M Phone MfHenry 181 i, 5-DAY 1 FREE HOME TRIAL ( Use a night cooltng ' • window fan in y o j r I home for 5 days FRFF! Ysv'll say, toe. i. "Stmmar heat tout mean anything at oar house . ., oar night tooling fan keeps as tool and • tomfortable in spit* *f the temperature. Phone or write our nearest store for your 5-day fret trial night cooling window fan ... have it delivc to your home without cost or obligation... <Vn out what comfort is! Just plug it in, turn it on, and you're ready to enjoy cool sleeping no matter what the temperature reads. The gentle breeze created by a night cooling fan will help you feel cool and evaporate skin moisture... just like any other breeze. Thousands of people have discovered real heat lllief with night cooling fans... why don't you? **••••••••••••••••••••••• $49.95. Ask dpalar's or our CONVENIENT TERMS..i on your monthly Service Bill. Chevrolet smooth, effortless, no-shift driving V SIT THE LEVER IN "DRIVE" AND GO! Sit in a Powerglidc CNcv relet and enjoy ftmst noshift driving at lowest cost. All you haie to do is: Set the lever in DRIVE"--press o® the accelerator--and goI NO CLUTCH NO You'll silently, effortlessly to top back to again, depending pressure of your foot oa the accelerator SMOOTH POWER-FLOW AT ALL SPEEDS! You'll enjoy an absolutely smooth flow of power at all speeds You'll have unlimited flexibility and change of pace from 1 m.p.h. to top driving speed, without any lag, drag or roughness. MUCH FASTER ACCELERATION, TOO! The traffic light says "Go . you press on the ac celerator . . . and you're away in a flash on a smooth, ever-mounting wave of power, while others are shifting gears 9 DRIVING OPERATIONS INSTEAD OF 151 Start the engine ... set the control lever... press the accelerator . . . and that's all there is to it! With Powerglide Auto* matic Transmission, you steer, accelerate and brake as desired with no 'illlGfh to touch! MORt EFFICIENT OM ICE OR SNOWI Yes, you can r6ck out of snow or icy ruts with this automatic drive, changing from forward to reverse instantly, without 'clashing. Other advantages include Emergency Low for extra brakingpower. Commk • Cktvfihli SO MUCH SIMPLER-- SO MUCH SAFER!. What ease -- and what safety--compared with other drives h Your left foot hds nothing to do. Your right foot operates accelerator or brake* pedal, as desired. Both hands are free to steer! FULL CHEVROLET THRIFT IN OVER-ALL DRIVING! In addition to all these advantages, the new Chevrolet with Powerglide Automatic Transmission brings you traditional Chevrolet economy in over-all motoring. It's extremely thrifty to operate and maintain. CUTS CAR urn You'll be much laxed on both long and driving easier nmn before. Moreover, it greatly reduces car wear and greatly increases car life! *Combitu*ion •/ PmrmiUU Amtomjiit TrrnumlutOm ami m-h.f. tngimt mptiomJ om D* Lmx* <«* * mi yssW sAjf to Ti FIRST... AND FINEST ... AT LOWEST COST! CHEVROLET AMERICA'S BEST .,. AMERICA'S SELLER \Y~&* 377 CHEVROLET SALES ^ • McHJENBY, TT.T.TWOTj I.HIWW.IW .1 -.I- - ;l, ; "WW- a;"; •