Spring Grove Malm Street by Ralph Stein >fp (by Mm. OurlM FraaadV =%n. Ray May was hostess to the Mbtnbers of her club at her home oa Thursday afternoon, July 6. A delicious chicken dinner was serred and cards were played in the afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Urs. L. L. Kag&n, Mrs. George W. May, and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer. ^ Members of her club met at the ^TOnie of Mrs. Peter May on Thursday afternoon of last week. Game* of five-hundred were played an! prices went to Mrs. G. Fyffe, Mrs. .Prank Wagner, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Jake Miller and Mrs. William Engels. Re-, fresh ments were served after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miche'.s and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and tgferagliter, Charlene, of Johnsburg Were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund on Thursday, night. Tom Freund is recuperatHui - from an appendicitis operation Which he underwent at St. Therese hospital in Waukegan on July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wageman, sons, Gary, Danny and Bobby, of Stacyville, Iowa, were guests in the Walter Brown home several #**ys last week. On Thursday they enjoyed the game* between the @*bs and Brooklyn at Wriglev Held, Chicago. The firemen held their regular meeting at the- fire house on Monday night. Plans were discussed for their carnival, which will be Iftld the first week in September. Congratulations to Mrs. Margaret Vteltes, whose seventy-seventh birthday was on July 15. She was '^pleasantly surprised" at a party given in her l*nor at the home of 16*. and Mrs. Joseph Nett in Johnsburg Thursday evening. 'The annual summer festival tftlch is held on St. Peter's parish grounds will be this Saturday and Sunday, July 22 and 23. There will be games for young and old and refreshments will be served. At noon on Sunday a chicken dinner will be served- by the ladies the parish and at five a supper of ham, German potato salad, etc., served buffet style. There will be . * musical program on Sunday ttlght.' Everybody welcome. Mrs. A1 Maleckl and children of Berwyn, Mrs. Charlies Freund and children, Mrs. Shirley Dawson, ' daughter, Giany, and Mrs. Ruth McGovern enjoyed a picnic on the lawn at the home of Mrs. George ^W. May of Richmond on Thursday ^fternoon. There was a ball game and the children enjoyed riding the pony. A delicious lunch of chicken sandwiches and barbequcs was served. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund of McHenry were visitors in ths Charles Freund home"* on Friday Bight. 'The first soft ball games of the season were played under the vflood lights at the Spring Grove '^llaraond on Friday night. . fcA large crowd was present to witness the games between Ric.imond and Woodstock and between Ringwood and Spring Grove. „ rI',f. I ' A* »»J *• * • -Av- * y'A NO HURRY HERE... y HE'S ALMOST UtfE FOR WORK Two Assistant -- Supervisors May The new census figure for McHenry county makes several townships eligible to elect assistant supervisors, according to an announcement made last week at the meetiag of the county board. Should the various townships take advantage of this prerogative, the board membership would be raised to twenty-six. The new assistants would be from the following communities: Two from McHenry, two from Algonquin, one from Nunda and on? from Chemung. At present there are seventeen supervisors and three assistants. According to law, each township is allowed one supervisor f<Sr 4,000 population and an additional one assistant for 6,500 and two assistants from 6,500 to 9,000. In townships where a regular flection is not being held next spring, a special election to fill the vacancy may take place. Re':ew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! \ RESERVE APPLICATIONS Chief W. J. Poggemann, the navy recruiter in this area, has announced that he has received authority to accept applications from volunteers of the naval reserves for active duty. Men between 17 and 31 years of age are being accepted for duty in the regular navy. For information, contact your navy recruiter on Mondays or Wednesdays from 9 to 5 p.m. in room 2, in the new post office building, 326 N. Genesse street, Waukegan. Mind your motor manners. Couresy will prevent accidents. Need rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. ; , r Renew that subscriptloa to ttt Plaindealer n^wT • MOSEY INN , RINGWOOD y i'ELEVISIOtt ? PKAOU BOB ncn BOWMAN, Flih Fry on Friday* 5 "T McHENRY COUNTY NEARING TOP IN BOND SALES DRIVE ^ • Nine Illinois counties have ^"reached their quota in the Savings Bonds drive. Many others are neariag their goals. . In Chicago, Arnold J. Rauen of Mstakee Bay, gtate director, U.S. treasury Savings Bonds division for Illinois, said investments La 'B" Savings Bonds through July 8 totaled $45,819,262. This IS almost 82 percent of the state's $6<- 048,00 quota. £i McHenry county has reached 92.2 percent of its bond quota through July 8. Sales through that date were $224,068. The county's quota is $243,000. RED CROSS WILL ACCEPT QUESTIONS ON KOREAN TROOPS Announcement has been made by the McHenry county chapter of the Red Cross that it would assist in any situations involving local servicemen in Korea. The statement was made in connection with a report from the Red Cross national headquarters iu Washington, D.C., that it would accept inquiries concerning the welfare and location of dependents of armed forces personnel presumed to be in Korea or who are being evacuated to Japan.' Inquiries concerning American evacuees other than dependents of servicemen should be. -sent direct to .the Division of Protective Services, Department of Stale, Washington, D.C. Any inquiries regarding a Korean national should be sent directly to the Korean, embassy, Washington, D.C. As all communication facilities to Korea are temporarily suspended at this time, the Red Cross cannot transmit to Korea reports regarding emergencies at home. However, reports of home emergencies will be relayed to the military for their decision. Routine welfare inquiries regarding military personnel will be accepted at national headquar ters. BURGLARIES SOLVED Marengo, Rockford and Belvi dere school burglaries which or curred some months ago were sol ved this week with signed statements by Harry Rosa, 42 and Howard D. Carlson, 29, both of Chicago. Carlson was arrested recently by FBI agents in St. Louis oh a federal charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. He was want ed In Rockford in connection with two school burglaries and was returned there last week. Rosa was named as his accomplice and returned to Rockford last Thursday. Perennikl Flower Beds To give perennials the added energy needed to go through thi summer months, give them a light application of plant food even though you may have fertilized earlier in the spring. Where possible. mulch all perennials as well as annuals, with two inches of pine straw. This will conserve moisture over a long period of time. Watering'can be done very easily through the pine straw mulch with no danger of packing the soil if this system is used. Water only during prolonged dry spells. Read the Want Ads. Carman Fair "Hi-ho, come to the fair" had a lery special lure for lawbreakers j(i the early days. While the rules ^gt the fair were very strict, it was tradition that no one could be ar- Arested for s crime he had committed elsewhere. The Irish ctr* fled this Idea of immunity one Step further. During the great Carman fair held every third August, all personal possessions hdlrf lor debt had to be returned td the •wners, and feuds between the of Ireland and Scotland temjporarily were forgotten. » GAS MISERY Takes Joy Out of Life Recently a McHenry man said he used to feel like a swollen baljgxra after every meal. His food tlirned right into gas; ,he had gas gains almost constantly. Now this man is praising JlERTA-VIN. He said this new giedicine moved inches of bloat •roul hi9 stomach and now he can what he- pleases, without gas ^ ppnTi-VIN ^ taken before iieals and works with your food; Ihus you get the fullest good out of your meals. It contains Ten Great Herbs with Vitamin B and Iron so it not only releaves gas; it also makes the nerves stronger irlth vitamin B and enriches the blood with iron. Miserable people Jioon feel different all over. So 0K go on suffering! G.t CERTAYIM Bolger Drag store. COME IN and Enjoy the Sparkling Rhythm of + ERNIE WAGNER * ai the Hammond Organ ____ NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY Your Favorites, Old and Now Hoar thorn as presented by this artist of the RED STAR INN Richmond. Illinois I* IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR HARDWARE NEEDS . .. YOU'LL FIND IT IN NICKEL'S * Ar Hardware is the little machinery of the home that keeps it running smoohily! And the quality line and convenient location ..of ..Nickel's hardware store Is a household word. Nickel's carry all the leading brands in hardware* to easily take care of your needs. Best of all, these supplies are near at hand -- a real boon to busy homemkers! You're ahead all the way down the hardware line when you do your shopping in Nickel's! Make it a habit! NICKEL'S HARDWARE thin Street Phone 2 Wert McHenry OPEN FRL and SAT. EVENING TIL' 9 'MM* . t. ---iL SALE ON VEAL RIB VEAL CHOPS 1 ' lb. 65c MEATY RUMP VEAL yl. lb. 59c LEGO-VEAL ROAST ti ^Agr' 4b. 62c i ' "1 BONELESS VEAL STEW m r lb. 67c FANCY LOIN VEAL CHOPS lb. 69c A Dandy Pantry Item OSCAR MAYER CHOPPED HAM -K - V • vt' I lib. 7V2 os. each $1.39 SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY ONLY PINK BFAFTY Salmon V 40c MISSION W. K. Golden Com 10c DEL MONTE VAC. PACKED W. K. Golden Corn 2 29c CONTINENTAL 4 ' 8ER, EARLY JimB Peas , 3 8 t°' 23c DOIBLE DUTY Duz 2 S£ 49c PARK DALE PEARS \mnm\ • •' ... : n No. m dm Tin 55* RED LABEL GOLDEN CORN ' M , 303 ... „„ Tin 25< CHICKEN OF THE SEA -- TUNA Bite Sise Small Tin 29* BOUNTIFUL SUCED FREESTONE ; PEACHES ~ 2 No^ 45* JOAN OF ARC -- Red Kid BEANS If 300 :;-^,..Tin 25* Tjou wlit'needZfieie BIRDS EYE FROZEN SUCED STRAWBERRIES If Of. Pkg. RED LABEL COFFEE 1 Lb. Bag 63« NORTHERN : ' ' TOILET TISSUE O Reg. O Rolls 20* DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE .. Oz. , Tin 35* A BIG CANNING HELP SURE JELL O 2 Vi Oz. £* Pkg. 19* 1 " y PAKOWAY WAX 1 Lb. •\ Pkg. 19* While They Last Favorite Refreshing Flavors TALLY-HO BEVERAGES |J Large O Bottles 25* BIROS EYE CUT STRINGLESS WAX BEANS 29c BIRDS EYE FRENCH FRIED POTATOES • ! 10p^ 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES WATERMELONS lb. 4o SUNKIST LEMONS doz. 45c LARGE LETTUCE AA HFMord a AHHOME GROWN CABBAGE ' - %l It. 5c MICHIGAN CELERY HEARTS " * . bunch 15c STORE HOURS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. WE SELL AT CHICAGOLAND PRICES YOUR WE KlfCOURAOK 7EIDA7 SBOFPHH( OPEN TOO. 9 CERTIFIED FOOD ST0R TOf i