iw'» » iiw j.w v, up"!11 J; i" * 'f? y'>*V 8ppssw*mwww»:F» Vtif '- ^ i.--*-, /?"Y " * '. :y,,/ -*vg.v. •>. ' ' "r'J » • , • .'t ' s• .,s' > ' ' ",• 1 i-j t.-'.f* <-. , • -',, :• \> ' - • • •- ^ UmiA m w . * t, ;n '* t •-' ?. i v( « - , - / « >< i tf .? ,sy, << i . M > . . . ? . » • # * • » , * , * i ' » • ' " # £ ] » • } ' f» Income. October ti WBHui Tuunu. Firm Adrlsor) :%v $»<» * . - ,.. ' .. •' j, lMOHM taites lire w<*ng mp io '01km more revenue for the governit and to tend toward reducing on. Our inflation Is caused the tact that there is too much »jr compared to the goods ,ble for sale. Installment B| is our other inflation fac-, and that has been curbed too. Whether or not our leaders have fone tar enough remains to be #een. We may see more curbs *fter the November election. A man in the lowest Income bracket will have to pay 20 per Cent more income tax on his 1951 Income than he did on his 1949 This really starts with iber, 1950 income. Where a change comes during the year it pake* extra figuring in computing your tax. Did you see the new shelled Corn dryer in "Successful Farm- ^|T' One is being built on Clanjrard farm. It Is portable and the Iwterials cost about $400 except for the fan and furnace. It will btfld about 800 bushels which will Mb dried in a day's time. The corn Is put in the holding tin on top and Is alloyed to run down over a wire screen through Vhldl the hot air is blown. After held in the drying chamber fin* ten hour or so, it is let down £a coottng chamber and then red into an elevator which put it into a bin or truck. l A regular dryer like we have •NB hooked to a canvas ssausage <91 the side of corn cribs in the tost few years Is used to do the frying. A demonstration will be held at Clanyard farm at Huntley on Nov. 1» to see this new dryer in operation. Corn jwill be picked in the field, shelled and dumped into the dryer and then elevated into bins. Are you planning to vote "yes" an the blue ballot election day? If yon don't want to milk by hand or plow with t'orses or drive a horse and baser to town anymore you are free to go and buy more modeqpiproept if you have the tfc« money. Our government is ran by very strict laws, tnsRiy of which are oat of date and the amending Machinery is extremely out of 4nte; in fact, they are still plowtug' with a forked aMcds. - Yo* were apparently for modernising your farm and your method of transportation; now be for nfodernfelng your government. This isn't safety week but did 9*>u know there were 798 accidents in McHenry county ID 1949: ttrenty-three people were killed and 466 were injured. Per square feile this compares favorabiyerltb the Korean war. . ^ . Farmers in Illinois have been dliftpptitnted in the number of trees available from the state ljarserles for forest planting. Orders ' being placed now are being ttarnrd flown for next spring delivery. Farm Bureaus are Interested in this problem and a resolution will probably be introduced at the I.A.A. convention in November requesting legislation providing financial support for an expanded state nursery production program. There have been over 300.000 trees planted in McHenry county o|i margihal land1 fit only for forefttry since the start of our soil conservation district In 1947. This same thing all over the state has chused the shortage. Before the etnphaslft was placed on conservation. the state nursery couldn't give the trees away. .Ran on to an outline catted "Community Builders vs Wreckers." On one' side of the page Is llkted what the builderB do and on the other side is what the wreckers do. You can't help but automatically think of Rome people J** know that fit in each ^catagory. * MILK PRODFCTYOV The August production of milk c^wi on Illinois farms averaged' 8^7 pounds of milk per cow, a rate three per cent above last year and- IS P«fr cent higher than the teny* ar average, accordfng to the' state and federal departments of agriculture. . J MOTOR TESTS ,HlftOr proficiency tests which are expected to provide valuable information on both normal and physically handicapped children am to be conducted at the Lincoln 8tate 8chool and Colony, Lincoln r according to Fred Hoehler, direc-q tor Of the State Department of j Pibllc Welfare. A federal grant of $3,500 makes -this work possible. Th« testa will be given by grad-j •ate psychology s\udfentn from Wtous universities of the state to groups of children ranging (Mm R to IB years of the pub« lie school* of the local and,' adjacent areas are to co-operate in • Bill FKODUCTIOI A marked increase In Illinois production for August, with July, !§ shown In report of the stat#, of Mines and Miner-| [ August output of shipping % |<lln totaled 5,070.299 tons. Inly nrodnctlon was S.8M.966 tons. ' Ii : $• 4 . >, • if # «%*•*• ^ ft Av J.:A. 'aii! > r * }(il Vi U , A, / (ictoM for your cenvesfeitce with taeh pwrekot* (f par Drug Oepartfnest during thi* 1(6 ONE CENT SALEI Whitt limit** / qiaifitin fast! & : i •m •' /%% * i #! Bjg^rs, ssm ifs sxr TV * . " \ £ <4 * / f;- iiif V'fe TJVilti) 1- fi$t 'it£4J D R u L.d •Ji* PERFiCT1°M Cream mi£K Ephedrine Nose Drops 69c--i-oz. bottle 2 s 70® WALCSMCN RUBBING ALCOHOL 43c --full pint 2 i 44c 29T6UDE Cern, CtHeas or Brnion Pads Medicated Disc ii Full PmI HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Regularly 37c 2i3t° 23c MZ. BOTTLC TINCTURE IODINE 2 i 24c f ermuU 20 ianolceb SHAMPOO ;.r"" 2 s 90 STORF Formtila 20 LIQUID SHAMPOO WITH EGG 2190 2 for price 6f I plus 1c . twice as much f^r a penny more) NtHit Mtriin You buy one item at its HAIR tegular everyday selling price ADD A KNNY TO GET TWO! ioc Value 59c VALUE WAL6REEN CAST0R1A 6-oz. bottle ., TIDY U(«M, Creia Ptwder Stops perspiration 2 '"SO s*QZ, BOTTU CAMPHOR5 ATED OIL HARD RUBiEft SAVE 4' You SAVE 21c tdideyo dCoRrEaAnMt 1-ounce j«rs •on 405 39c «-Ot BOTTU BAY RUM 2 i 40 VALUE. SAVE 54* Save 48< OKLIS Foamy Tooth P«sto economy 2nu»SQc in s;m i LACES UK 4* MILK Of MAGNESIA TABLETS 45c--bottle too s46® Vou SAVE 62« MWOTt Mineral Oil Big Pint bottles MINERAL OIL <IUCKM lUXURY unrtM wit Mor$ *0 flavors 2»«6< you SAVE 62* ORL1S Mouth Wash 2 ro«64c walcrehn ammoniateo tooth paste "^gularly $gc 2 f" 40c Add tc--Savc88c SYRUP WRITE PINE 8-oz- bottle. 2 m 90° IE OIRTMEIT, 1-0*ri!»E;73AVE 22* Hua 20% radwol CxeiM Tte on TUB^tiiM, luf«»» and BilKaM* tOe STYPTIC PERCH 2'N11C 35s EPSOM SALTS pound pxk... 2 3Se 29* FOOT MWIER Glide...... .2'«30c 2S« MM-ESE TOOTHletE 2'-2«C 39' SILK OF SMflEIM pim ,i« .2'«>40C 25* SACCHARIN %-gr. bottle iooo. 26c 20* SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR >*'. • 2"»30e 39* WAVING FLUIO uPanic... . 2'«40C Ti* OOLPH LWIMEIT,4« . 2»« 60c 29* TOILET UlOUM^n 2™ 30c 25* MERCttlOCRROMl *H)x., .. .2m^fe 10" MEDICINE OROPPEN...I... 2'mlie J9«--7 Drem CHAMILY PERFUME 2 m 69c WWMMM NMN MEW! $3.98 Olafson AYTINAL Multiple VITAMIN CAPSULES with Minerals 2Settles en •f 1M Contains nine vitamins and eleven] minerals! Stock up for the whole] season at this special sale price! items advertised in this section are NOT included in this sale at ONE CENT SALE prices but they are offered st savings up to 45% Over our everyday prices. 64< NSMAMNE POWKR ANTACID. 4 VS-Ounce package POI 79c 33c CAMPH0-LYP1VS ONITMINT. 1%-ouncejat.now FOR Potent OlAFSEN AYTINAL Multiple Vitaminsi Nine important vitamins each capsule.. normal need is 1 a day. dee Pout*'* arable R OR ICK 63'UUUESKIUH KELLER'S. Medicated ointment FOR 79c 49c BREWBS' YEAST OLAFSEN vitamin tablets. 100s. FOR 69c VALUBENT T00TN BRUSH •val sr tsf M...... 2:16 l'*1s.l 29 BEEF, IRON »d WINE TmIc. Fad m 2i1« 8» COU NEW "fERFECTIOH." Mz. jar 2i1- 25' Storidont Tootl Brash Chaies af faar styles 2:36 Your choice of either powder or lipstick at ONE CENT SALE price. 01 FOR 1I ~ CHAMBLY sr TAHiNI 2^1" Battles •f 10® 2» DiealeiMH Phosphate 100 capsules 2hrU! Thianki Ciloriie iootabitt« io-mg.2 * i» Thiaaio Chloride 100 tablets, 50-mg. 2^421 (SARDLLOTION H-oz. Six« CALAMINE LOTION RegUiafiy 40C 2i41c $2.98 V«/u« Olesa Pereeaorphaa 2 m 42S ^CA TUS *COUGH SYRUP 2 i 80( 3te Velte PO-DO Shave Cmi 2*51' :^l . OelceO/ Sherelawi StaOsMry 2 16" Fomous "Tyssn** Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe Tesr CfcSlce 2<"13 Molded in one piece of fresh live rubber; 4N-M*fal UTILITY BOX 12 5^x5x3 V^r inches, stronz snap fastener. Has many uses. Regularly 98c each. r._. ^ ^ INK L»rnin» POWDER PUFFS 2 »«13c ISxtSlzzh DISH CLOTHS 2 ' » W 35&Yi&>9 SHOE swm 2m 2i '4 •«\ZL