*fp^p^wpww"?w M >y*h, W; «JW/U mm # $*5'^K^rtr^wri* fW7|Jk<* v1-*^ wvv-wty xm. i^iv*m>: lvrr*tWwy*z*r -trr *>/ w<*:. , *1_ . '•« ... .» ',»**•* ,, ,. J .. . ^ "* ' " . " * ' * K.W _$*.,. «• .&.<*, t . .Jin .•'mL" 2_ .- , ^ *Wh* L„_ _ >•> sff 5r ' lflSflP*" ->^-*«*^»*«<*'.;<»4 rUTKDKALKf ' i&:* LILY LAKE & £- LILYMOOR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gemskie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brei and family, all of Chicago, visited at Molitors Sunday. (ijr Joble) P.TrX. business lheeting will be FVMay evening, Oct. 6, .jjt the schoolhouso. - ' : ' ftrs. Milinac attencfed* Tf!e "wSeTy program at McHenry high school last Thursday, Sept. 28. There . were many interesting discussion* and suggestions for safety. ^ Our school wai furnished with two signs, warning autolsts to "drive slow, school." These signs are to be placOG on the road, on* Rt. 120, at a certain distance, east ,and wear of the school:, '/; , _ The Lily Lake LadWsLee«ue met Wednesday evening, Oct. 4, sit Mrs. Hyatt's residence. Louise Nielsen's brother, George Zobjeck, and family are living in the "little red. house" cm the Nielsen Estate. We have a new fire-fighter in our midst A small fire started in the kitchen of the Maleckr home, and Mrs. Malecke successfully put It out with a blanket. Though the fire lasted only a few minutes, quite a bit of damage was done to the home. John Moss of Chicago, former long time resident of Lilymoor, will spend this week' visiting friends and neighbors here. Mr. and Mrs. Gusiav Priese of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Knockaert of Elmhurst, and Miss Clodine DeLannoi of Armentlers, France, were Sunday guests of the i-R&X .Bieseckers. Marshall Plan Cotten The greatest demand for a commodity purchased with Marshall p'-an funds during 1949 was for cot ton., Hie economic Cooperation ad ministration disclosed recently. During the year cotton purchase approvals issued by ECA for Western Europe totalled $575,900,000 Machinery and equipment was second with $493,000,000; bread grains, third, $427,300,000; and petroleum and products, fourth. $420 - 400.000 The 1949 ECA figures included: $1,861,900,000 for industrial items; $1,823,400,000 for food and agricultural commodities; $276,- 800,000 for ocean freight; and $15,300,000 far tpohniral services Annual Meeting Of IAA Nov. 13-16 The square dancers met at the Nielsen residence Thursday, Sept. 28, and will meet there again this week, Thursday, Oct. 5. Gilbert Mercure was elected as chairman, and Lucille Nielsen as secretary. All young people are requested to join, as soon as possible, and help organise this worthwhile venture. George Roeske, gunner's mate Aboard the U.S.S. Allen Sumner, left for Cuba, Oct S. * i Miss Gloria Harle Of Et til wood Park, and Miss Marcy Szarek of Johnsburg paid a short call at the home of the Ray Bieseckers Sunday, Oct 1. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Zelent of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koob. Later they visited the Charles Norman family. Fossil Finds la U.S. No human fossils or skeletal remains have been found in the new world of any human group other than homo sapiens. This is the scientific name for modern man, and includes all races now living. There is some evidence that early hunters were present in what* is now the southeastern U.S. and the Great Plains, some 15,000 to 20,- 000 years ago, before the end of the fourth glacial period. No remains of thier bodies, have been found, but they left tools which, in the way they were made, resemble some of those found in Europe from the later part of the Old Stone Age. -- Complete line of Lee's poultr remedies at Wattles Drug StorrrtcHenry. 8t» Many Illinois farm folks are already making plans to attend the annual meeting of the Illinois Agricultural Association to be held in the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Nov. IS, 14, 15 and 16. Approximately 5,000 farmers and their wives are expected to attend the four-day session in Chicago. This will be the thirty-sixth annual convention of the IAA, the state Farm Bureau organization with 176,506 farm families as members. Also holding tyeir yearly meetings at this time will be the nineteen affiliated companies of the IAA. These affiliated companies are made up mostly of marketing co-ops, insurance companies and co-ops supplying farmers with fuel, seed fertilizer and other needs."' One of the highlights of the annual meeting will be an address by Allan B. Kline, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Also speaking to some 500 IAA delegates will be Charles B. Shuman, Sullivan, 111., IAA president, and many other agricultural leaders. •TTVTTTTVTTT M.B.C. News Hog Cholera, Ne. 1 Killer Hog cholcra is still the top-ranking menace to United States hog production, but other diseases are rapidly moving up. Erysipelas, infectious gastroenteritis, and rhinitis ("bull nose1') are causing increasing trouble in swine-growing areas and in a few specific instances have caused heavier losses than cholera. According to veterinarians, swine are subject to at least 30 different diseases and sometimes several of them strike a herd at once. Vaccination prevents cholera and erysipelas, but farmers must rely on good sanitation and smart management to keep out most of the « Read the Want Ads! ^ L & H TELEVISION EMERSON and MOTOROLA SALES -- SERVICE Phone 403 604 Front 8t or 653-R-2 West McHenry, Illinois Pleasel Dear Friends! When I ask you, "Are you a Christian?" Please do not tell me, "I am a Baptist, a Methodist a Lutheran, a Catholic." Being a member of a church, no matter what church doesn't make you a Christian. You should join a church because .you have become a Christian. A Christian is one who believes on Christ and loves Him, one who is born again, born from above by God, the Holy Spirit. It's our relationship with the eternal living Christ, not with the temporal man's church, that determines the Christian. God says in His Holy Word, the Bible--"But as many as received Him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God even to them that believes on His name; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will'of thg flesh, nor of the will pf man. but of God." John ch. 1, vs. 12 and 13. There is nothing here about Sacraments, station In life or that it costs a single penny. All He says is "receive and believe". Besides, it says, "As many". That means you, that means me. How about it friend? Are you born of God? You are according to this scripture when jrou receive Christ as your Savior that sacrificed His life for yotfr'sins, when you believe on Him. Are you a Christian? Try and write soon. . ^ 4W18TOR LIBERTY P. O. Box 232 i McHenry, 111. High FitqMMy StmrWavM UmI in Sail Stons Ilium A new technique for breaking gallstones bv high frequency sound waves has been developed. Experiments, which have been restricted to anesthetized rabbits and « dog, open up the possibility that gallstones may some day be treated without surgery. If gallstones can be successfully fragmented by high frequency sound waves, or ultrasound, the small, broken pieces may then pass into the intestines and be excreted through natural elimination. (High frequency sound waves are waves which vibrate with a frequency too high to be audible to the human ear). In these experiments, the ultrasound was introduced through an abdominal incision and directed on the gallstohes without damage to the surrounding tissue of the animals. Thus far, doctors have limited their research to the proof of two basic points: first that gallstones can be fissured or fragmented by ultrasound; and second, that live animal tissue surrounding the gallstones need not be damaged during the brief exposure to ultrasound. Make Availabe 1951 Licenses , Baking Pans Glass-on-steel enameled baking pans may be used as refrigerator containers or as serving dishes in addition to their primary use. The sanitary glass coatings of such pans do not absorb or imnnrt foreien odors. *7a4e @A»tec Iran the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES The Stasatieaal *He** PEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRE TKSMS The Famous Patented Tinstone TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE Well install the tires right on your farm. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST %t 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Alterations) Bye* Examined -- Glaiees Fitted tlaaal Training -- Visual Rettabilitatfl»a Complete Visual Analysis Hears Daily: • to 18 and 1 to Saturday Evenings: 9:00 no S:S0 ONB JgcHENRY ICS Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett has announced that application blanks for 1951 vehicle license plates were available to the public beginning Oct 2. The secretary, in announcing that applications are available, reminded applicants that Nov. 1 is the deadline for applying for reassignment of present license numbers. Until recently the deadline was set at Dec. 1. but action by the General Assembly moved the date forward one month. Barrett stated that over the counter sale of plates would start in Chicago on Dec. 1 and urged Chicagoans to avail themselves of the speedy "cash and carry" plan to save them the trouble Of sending their applications to Springfield for processing. She Shan im finishes ^ In centuries past, queens, princesses and their attendants owed a share of their luxury to which were made by secret ulas -- often with raw ifiaterials brought from tar places by seafaring men at the peril of their lives. Toilet articles, snuff bakes and jewel cases were beautifully and painstakingly decorated, lbday, highly specialized industrial finishes are used for even more articles for Miss and Mrs. America. The millinery, leather goods and textile industries make constant use of them. Milady is likely to weat )r carry specialized finishes on hei apparel and accessories wherever she goes. • Lumber's Part • Ho >SfHeF material has played such/ an important part in the building of America or is used for so many different purposes ju is lumber.' " v "\ MILL on Nippersink Greek North end of . . . WONDER LAKE at Bridge We have added to our regular menu of Chicken, Steak, Lobster Tail.. SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE _ FRESH SHRIMP COCKTAIL FRENCH FRIED SHRIMP ~~-- Complete dinners served • te • pja. Tuesday thru l*iH<J ' Saturday • te 11 pjfc* Sunday 1 to 8 pja. Ala Carte Orders Anytime We Cater to Parties An Aerovent Venti-Pack worth $15000 •r a Credit Certificate worth AmvBftfVMlN-tefc <2522 . toward th« purchase of an A«av« VALUABLE PRIZES ^ * 6 Complete Aerovent Venti-Pack I iplete Padki * 52 Credit Certificates NORTHERN IIUN0I5 SILL MTU At public auctkm last week, H. Leon Marcus of Chicago r~ntrif ed the Hotel Lasern and Its ttafir Ishings, the Lusern garden tfc-- tre, at Lake Genera, several ai* Joining lots, commercial pier rights and 300 feet of lake frontage for $61,000. The property was offered first in separate parcel sale, but following that, Karens overbid the total amount. About 100 persons were present, although approximately thirty were bidders, it was reported. Frankfurt, Germany, ever vears ago. iOBEPH X. WATWMI Atteraey-at-law M WiiM--lhM (ITO BH wnfleBBiKT. ILL. . Pious IfcflfMy 49S-W PLUlBlIfl ilO BXATIIO Quality Fixtures tag • Water System • Ellctrk Water Heaters Softeners - Sepates suites. •OB FUSBT, PHOKE XeBBVST HIGHEST CASH NHCtt i«lt lir Oead aad Crippled and Hoys--Sanitary reajsr |fraS lag--Taakaes and sale. Plane* AiMntea 11C M- •elfoi-y m. Cfcanrea. ntate* tee. Home Furniture and Repairing SO years Phone Plstakee fSt«M* tic* ppmunn RR. l, PHrtaqua MeHeery, til. vBwoniirai Attanwy>At»Laae OoiQreena rurnday and Friday Other Days - WANTED TO Mil r CALL AT 9NCB <M HOG*. ROB! We pay We pay ft te 9» far 0M tone fer desra kaspsa MATT* BUNK! Johnsburg Phene J( A. P. I'BBUND Sua rating .. .. aad. Cinm .Tindw ,... -ROAD BtllUMMG* v ' rsi «4-M H a. H. PKASUS, *• & Cblrepcastar ise Sw Vresa 81*. UaOy • te IS 1 OSH ItlU) - > Per The • w^e* «# w forcompfsft/ cortfre Takes only a few minutes. Call Us Today We can supply your tire needs. Passenger and Truck Tires of All Sizes. We Allow A Liberal Trade-in AlloVancs On Your Old TIRES Kagardless of Conditio^ JATTERIES--We allow yon 25 per oen$ discount off for your old battery on a ivvr ?irwwa® Sirimr Satterv. T""'" WALTER J. FREUND Pbene SM ' Thr*a -- Tubee -- JBatteriee -- Acceaswies Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairfaqi AO Work Guaranteed West HcHsary OPEH E FININGS AUD SUHDATS SlwdMy constructed for long We, trouble-free service Catwpleto with totally enclosed, ball bearing motor, weat guaad, shutter and controls EstRy installed in M|uare opening in walls or windows Thermostatically ceatrolled dampering shutter works aulomaticaNy-• whan fan is itop^ismptr closes automatically to prevent backdrafts Shutters mounted inside fan housing for protection against weather Here's your chance to win that completely automatic electric ventilating system you want for your dairy bam, hog, or poultry house. Farm Life's Ventilation Contest offers 6 Aerovent Venti-Packs each worth $150, and 52 Credit Certificates, each worth $25.00 towards Ihe purchase of a similar unit--58 prizes in all, for the winners of this easy contest. Complete the following sentence in 50 additional words or less: "We need an Automatic BecMc ValMig System because ..." That's aU there is to it... nothing to buy, nothing to seV. Notice: All entries must be dearly written or printed on the official entry blank fwmidied in Form Ufa Magazines. Submit a; : as you Rfce, but, remember, no entrant may win more then one award. MOW TO GET YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY .K You will find your official entry blank for Farm Life's Ventilation Contest in Farm Life Magazine, or you can get one from your Ifcal electric utility store or office. Remember to ftim tamely ypur name and address. , Contest ends Midaighc, Oaober 31. 19JO, Your entry must be postmarked before midnight, October 3 IPSO. Judging will start immediately so the winners can have Iteir ventilation systems in operation as soon as possible. Winners will be contacted immediately after the judges have made. JUST FOUOW THtSi SIMPU *ULtS t. In your own $0 words or less, complete the ttateose "We need an muiomatic electric ventilating nine ybouerc ause..." on the official^ entry fb, lamnmkd. mCmkLmr fyprit MM tdJreu 0* tkt Contest entries must be postmarked before ait Tuesday, October J I, 1950, the closing dste their decisions. Sincerity and thought content are all that mat* ter in this simple contest... No nee<^to dress up your entry .. .It's What'you say that counts. WHO CAN ENTER Farm owners, tenants, farm managers and members of their respective families residing in the rural areas served by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Illinois Northern Utilities Company, or the Western United Gas and Electric Company in the following counties are eligible to enter this contest: Bmr« DwP*ge Kmmisket Bureau Crmudj KtmdmU 3. Entries will be judged on originality, saitabilhy and aptness. Decorated or fancy entries will not cowaf extra. Judges' decisions will be final, aad in case of Pmrim Stark Csrntt Htmry Ckh* Gmi J* DsvUss LmSmlh D*KM Ksm* Le* Livingston Marsball-Prnttutm Mftcf rHleltnmrryn SWbti*t*esbi*MdS*»M Mercer Will Ogle Wmdjnd ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded. No entries will be returned. Contents and ideas therein become property of FARM LIFE MAGAZINE. 4. Grand Prize and Certificate winners will be t one award. 5. Farm owners, tenants, farm managers aad of their respective families who are rural residents in the area served by the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, Illinois Northern Utilities Company, or the Western United Gas aad Electric Com* |>any in the counties listed arc eligible to eater the contest. Employes of the coa[ cies, aad members eligible to enter. MBNBY PLOBAL Cft 9aa HHe On Pleven for aB 8TOFFBL A •earaaee egei preperty ia the Weat lelsphsti R:. INStfl BABL B. Wi ttre. Ante, Farm ft Ml Bain naif BBUABLB COl Whca yea aeef ^ ef avW Pheae a et leceea • M.. Kbs it. b. h. w4twm .-m •'•'-eeStS-- *TiI » . ')• AL*8 WBLDINQ AND JjtlMahs Acetykae WaMSaaa ALEX W. WSH. SlS-W-l^j WCAUM M. rABBOIJ^ m!' Attstt) HI-- P U B L I C S E R V I C E Siii'iiaf Mi/Him*'- 4Mb* C O M P A N Y ail* nwwaiHH frtili' iw 1 ij Gravel Bsx 1T2. Bt. t. DR. B. & nu Oa Highway SI--Office w. <Wke Beara: 1 p. a.hl Except ilMiM Bveaiata by IHL B. 1S9 On* Pheae SM (HHre Hearst BikKlei except W« aB day Ws Sss!sk& unrkiDfl IVCXfBIBfM-VIBL AC1B C&XA90MI f, S. JefeHMi B. •. fheae StS-B •