. j r . • f - r . urpSfMt ^ _ . .??*!* frP**"1*- C9Ue dothts and a trim figure msybedazzl* a bntwrt for tone if youlrt on* of thou woman whoaodroop nMi 'jetsa Psrticiitartjr one who hat iassla man has Hwww 9 * ® ' w a y * t o f i n d o u t i f j r o u Y a k e e p i n g u p a g o o d b a c k -- •, ®°®** i* to consult your mirror. Doas your *??"r wrtnaai? Do you appaar vibrant, bouncy and ani- £m? bsou or hubby?™ •"•J* HUyiUI* itanoa that's sure to tt yow4 tmo ihrrdopr r eveals curves tat&e wrong plaeee. try theeeaxarefcw. you achieve aa erect b^iSt55 piXrT ^yhptdingyour anna straight aft your aides. Lift than to tatrt and swing them forward until your hands meet; then a* motion and swing your arms backward as far as they will this several times each day to relax and loosen your shoulder .A wc<wJ set of muscles can be put into play by swinging your arms to yyy*" position. This movement, which should be smooth and *gpe#*dinated» is made up of three steps. Wrt lit your arms from a «i*wgiit>g hands*at-thigh position to a J"**®*1 reach above your head. Stretch them as high as they will got. Then sudpenly relax your elbows, allowing your hands to bounce lightly ypon the top of your head. The final step is tr «iing them outward, and then downward again to their original position. Afters few vMks with these exorcises, your carriage will express ft tiTZXVS™ ^ 3f9Mr n*w *ttracUven«t wUl cop Home Bureau ,:s Future Planned The future of the Hom£ Bureau in McHenry county received the attention of almost 200 members who attended a meeting held last week in Woodstock, at which time new officers were elected. The metting was called after the home adviser, assistant home adviser and seven members of the board of directors had resigned. Explanation wai made of the i*eason for the adviser. Miss Marion 3imon, leaving. The county board was said to have been 'forced to out her salary $1,000. which is the "nr" "SPFEDY" peatupes OM CM?S EVERV VtAP, SPEEDY" WHAT WOULD "te>U UKTE IN A ' amount given to her out of county funds. This left her with only the basic state pay of $3,087. She had been hired in the belief that the extra $1,000 would be a part of her salary. However, rising costs made many items exceed the amount budgeted for them and left nothing to pay the adviser. Also, through an oversight of the Home Bureau board, only $250 was collected of $600 aid voted them by the board of supervisers. After the county books were balanced it was impossible to obtain the money. A vote to raise the county dues from $3 to higher amounts met with defeat when the $6 and $7 were voted and barely won oat on the $5 vote. Mrs. Marlowe Shaw of Greenwood was elected president along with the following other officers: Mrs. Earle Johnson, Huntley, vicepresident; Mrs. Ben Barber, Greenwood, secretary; Mrs. H. D. Lekberg, Woodstock, 4-H chairman; Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, McHenry, special projects; Mrs. Ralplj Ostrander, Woodstock, major projects; and Mrs. Ray Wiersrria, Hebron, community interest. Mrs. Carl Brukhoff, treasurer, is one of the two officers who is held over from the former governing body. Renew that subscription to th* Plaindealer now! l?BOI lOESOl I0E301 aoaa by McHENRY GARAGE COMING EVENTS October 17,18,1ft, 20 Rummage Sale--Blake's Garage-- nBored By Christian Mothers d Altar Society. October 8148 Centennial of McHenryf Methodist \ Church. " ' -V • October 8£ Jirls' Juvenile Forester Meeting -parochial School Hall--7 p.m. October SC St. Clara's Court No. 669 Hallowe'en Party -- 6 P.M. -- Pot- Luck Supper. [ w October 87 ° pible Church Hallowe'en Party.-- \ 7:86 P.M. | • November f tar And Rosary Sodality ^Bet- November t g C.O.F., No. 564. Adrift Girl Scout Association Breakfast -- Mrs. Roy Miller, Hostess. **'• ! November 8 Mary's-St. Patrick'sP. T. r A. eeting -- 3:15 P.M." November 3% C. O. F. No. 694 Meeting. • November i| C.O.F. Initiation. ^ ... November 88-88 ' Frwrcs of 1950 -- Sponsored by €6mmunity P. T. A, -- High rchool Auditorium, r > *' December t * " McHenry. Choral Club Winter Concert-- High School Auditorium-- 8:16 p.m. • December 16 Holiday High School ConcMt --* School Auditorium. "MABCH OF TtftTBEGINS FILMING CONSOLIDATION The "March of Time" will begin last week filming of two-reel motion picture on the consolidation of schools for release to all theatres over the nation in November. The March of Time had investigated the progress of school consolidation in all forty-eight states and had consulted with the National Education Association and the U.S. Office of Education before selecting Illinois as the best example in school consolidation in the nation. The March of Time said, "Al- J though school consolidations are under way in many states throughout the nation those in Illinois have advanced to the best degree to enable the March of Time ta prepare a well-rounded story on the consolidation movement." Camera crews of the March of Time went into the Congerville- Eurewa-Goodfield Community District No. 140 (Woodford county) last week to start filming the story of what has been accomplished there during the past few years. OUTAltS LEAVE Jay Monaghan, Illinois state historian and author of published works covering a wide range has been given a leave of absence by the trustees of the state historical Library to enable him to complete the manuscript of a book dealing with the Civil Wafr west of the Missouri river. The leave becomes effective Oct. 15. Dr. Harry E. Pratt, well known for his writings on the life and times of Abraham Lincoln, will serve as acting state historian during Monaghan's absence. Order your rubber stamps at Plaindealer now! EGG LAYING CONTEST Tod honors in the twenty-eighth annual Illinois state egg laying contest, sponsored by the state Department of Agriculture held at Quincy, went to a pen of crossbreed hens owned by R.S. Houston, Fort Madison, Iowa. Hfs 13-bird pen produced 2.905 eggs during the 51-week competition. A Black Australorp ben owned by Berry's Ajax Hatchery at Quincy, which laid 274 eggs, was the fadividual high producer in the heavy class. Star of the light class was a single comb White Leghorn owned by the Stouffer Poultry Farm, Mt. Morris, III., with a total of 280 eggs. i gut. NEXT BEST ID HA&SSS anew car urrnNa NICKMUEkV NHtlNRYGMMSE QVE^DORPPgaeNT THEVT.L MAKE IT PON AND WOE nVACTLV LIKE , new' WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET ^0Ea0K=^E=SS530a0SS55Sa0ga0g&5SSSSSg0JS80l PHONE 403 lOESOl THOMAS A. BOUR Represntatire 8th DISTRICT ON HIS RECORD - VOTE DEMOCHAIl#::«f;g November 7th \ 'M ***•*- Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR ^Christian Science: Rational ReBgion By. PAUL STARK SEELEY, C.S.B, ember of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. in Crystal Lake Grade School Auditorium Paddock Street corner McHenry Avenue TOURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 26, 1950, S \ AT 8:00 O'CLOCK i v ^ ; Under the auspices of . - •tlgful Chalet ot Christ, Scientist, CrjrsUl Laks, Illinois , ALL ARE WELCOME oors CftimdmUf! Use the long-handled Bruce Dooat with its magic Pad and wax-rich Bruce Floor Cleaner to keep your wood floors and linoleum sparkling clean and polished. Doozit Pads can be used several times. Use different Pads for buffing, for applying wax. For higher gloss Use Bruce Tuf* Lustre Wax or Paste.Wa* after cleaning. MICE DflOZIT <1.89 CompM* with on* Pid, Eitra fidi Ife Iran Floir Cluwr lie* 1"2.4 0 Bnfci Tif-lnstn f» 98c* $£m Bract Mi Wn 59ciktu« ALTHOFPS HARDWARE •THE STftJ^. THAT SEBTICE BriLT" Phou 284 KeHmry. I1L I E > t ins »* SPECIMEN CONSTITUTION PROPOSITION BALLOT To Be Voted at the GENERAL ELECTION on Tuesday, November 7,1950, McHenry County, Illinois County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois EXPLANATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT A comparison of Section 2 of Article XIV (which provides the method of adopting amendments to the Constitution) as now in force and as sought to be amended follows: * Provision of Present Constitution Changes Made by Proposed Amendment Amendments to not more than one article may be submitted at any session. Requires the votes of a imgoiity of all electors voting at the election. A^ r-8. -The form of the ballot for submitting Consti- J tutional amendments is determined by action • - : -<>f the General Assembly. TM»- f Alt 1. Amendments to not more than three articles may be submitted at any session. 2. Requires the votes of a majority of all electors voting at the election or of two-thirds of those Voting on the proposition, whichever is less. 3. Tuture amendments would be submitted either on a separate ballot or in a special column on the ballot. t$on, For this proposed amendment to be adopted it must receive a majority of all votes cast at the general elec- , November 7, 1950. Failure to vote on the proposition has the same effect as voting against it. a YES NO For the proposed artiendment to Section 2 of Article XIV of the Constitution. - - . A gT Garden TtesU \ PRODUCf L 1^ CANNED GOODS 1 FLORIDA JUICE O RANG E S 3 DOZ. $1.00 TUBE TOMATOES •UP LC. PASCAL CELERY 2stks.33' SWEET POTATOES 4k.2S< DRY ONIONS HOYT'S PIE CRUST and FILLING Qjttpcolale or Lemon »?25c Sbs.19* | SWIFTNKNG 34b- 87° £reen giant PEAS BISQUICi 1 4p^' 39° NIBLETS * -• CORN « 2 t™ 33® KARO SYRUP ^ 15° NIBLETS . ^ HEXKORir 1 '212^37® LIBBY9 T Tomatoe Juice PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER ] ; 25° 12°z.2jW -3 Jar mrn^B ;|| 1 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 3T°339c CHINESE MAID BEAN SPROUTS 3No. 2 ABl Tins fell iMPARTMENT 08rAR MAYER BARBECUE BEEF 12 oz .tin 49c CANNED -- 10 lb .arg. LB. HAMS 79* OSCAR MAYER -- 10 to 14 lb. avg. SMOKED HAMS S). 57' - » OUR BEST SUGAR CURED J:- CORNED BEEF n : i • - H - r KB* ARMOUR'S CHILI CON CABNE 16ox. tin 29c SLICED -- SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT lb. 55' , KOSTO PUDDINGS 5 FliTon 3 £123° CHICK'N HICH DOG FOOD Z M i Z f PERK DOG FOOD 2 - 1 lb. tics 23c JOY 6 ox. btl 27c SW^RL reg. pkg. 27c FAB r«g. pkg. 28c I Super Suds ng. pkg. 28s | CERTIFIED FOOD STORE STORE NO. 360 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL' 9 V*." 1 I;, - 'A.!' jv- - - W; • r.t >.j