* !>; tetfe t <••> ^ ft «• ~^p- '*1 %" •" • tfy'"" M I M I H H I I M I M HHK H M I I i m H I I I I H (tar Mrs. Oor-*« Sheparin - *- , - r , * . [ * ' < j* • / * • w <r. « **«• •" •*? j j.' * } . .*ti' ,:i-*- ^ Thuredsy. «: Mrs Lester Carr entertained the Itomen's five-hundred club at her ftome Wednesday. A 1 o'clock desert luncheon wan served. Prises #ere awarded to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained their five-hundred club 1* their home Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and B. T. Butler, high, and Mrs. Rose Jepaon and George Shepard. low. The W.S.C.S. was entertained in ' the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley | Thursday. A pot luck dinner was •erred at soon Mrs. Kenneth Criety. the president, opened the Meting and introduced Mrs. Lillian Forsbar*. president, of Wonder Lake's League of Women Voters. who explained «the Gateway aneodmest and urged all women to vote in the November election. Plans were discussed about the costing tuur to be held Thursday Oct. 9L Mr? John Hocan was pleasantly surprised at her home Thursday •rosing when a group of relatives cane in and helped her celebrate her birthday. Those from out of town to attend were Mr. and Mrs. RtroM Ackerman and family. Margaret. Darlene. Marvin and Leonard Ackerman of Poplar Grove. The Greenwood and Ringwood Senior M.Y.F. group enjoyed a party afterward in the Greenwood church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley entertained at a party Sunday at their home in Fox River Grove in honor of the nintieth birthday of tor father, S. W. Smith, whose birthday was Oct. 19 and the sixtyfirst wedding anniversary of the 8mithR. which was Oct. 20. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Smith and sons, Frank and 8am, and Miss Katie Freund. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbur Benoy and three daughter* «>l Elkhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Win. y.'urtzinger and three daughters of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Hopper and two daughters and ?.1r. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and *on of Chicago, Vr. and Mrs. John W. Smith, Mr. aud Mrs. B. T. Butler, A. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slanek and daughter of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Banoy of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swan and daughter of Ridgefield, Lynn Hanford and mother of Long Lake and Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith. Mr. nul'ttrs. ». W. Sratth and A W, Smith were dinner guests of lir, and Mrs. John Smith Thnrs day In honor of the ninetieth a birthday of S. WiMaitluHe cele hrated his Mrthd^^gr fating din Mir on the same farm where be| was born and where he lived al* his life but the &!x years he war in the north easteapi part of Kanaka. where be war* married Oct 188#. They caaM to Illinois in 1810, where they llred on the farm until 1943, when they moved to Ringwood to the home they purchased and retired from the farm Mr. and Mrs.- Smith are both enjoying fairly good health. Mrs. Agne Jencks entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday In honor of the birthday of her sonin- law, Tom Pettise of Harrington. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Dundee. \Mr. and Mrs. Tom . Pettise, son 'and daughter. Mrs. Bar! Jencks and daughter and Mrs. Nancy Mattison of Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Libertyville spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Tolefson of Marengo spent Tuesday with Mrs Wm McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods of Genoa City spent Tuesday evening in the Pete Sebastiah home. Mr. and Mrs Rimer Tnrr and family spent Sunday in the Dewey Beck home at Crystal Lake Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter. Marian were visitors at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. King ?n»i Mrs. Warner 9of Crystal Lake visited Mrs Ull Conway Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Jolitt of McHenry visited relatives. and friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret Schmikel of Chicago. Miss" Cora Walters. Mrs. Floyd Howe. Mrs. Felvey Davis and Mrs. Dorr of Crystal Lake were visiters in lite Louis. Hawley home Sfonday Harold Jepson of Dundee called on his mother. Mrs Ro^e Jepson. Tuesday evening. The remains of Mrs. Emma Merchant were brought here for burial Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of Jackson. Wyo.. spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Kenneth Cristy home. Mrs. Rose Jepson visited her daughter. Mrs. Virginia Jones, at Hines hospital Thursday. Mary Ainger of Hebron spent Wednesday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Patsy and Nancy Wiedrich spent Monday and Tuesday with their grandmother. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. & Mrs. B. T. Butler. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Weldon Andreas attended a teachers meeting at Aurora Friday Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend in the Wm. Pagni home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas, at McHenry. % Miss Susan Muny of DeKalb spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and daughter, Hiley Jean. Mrs. Reed ind Mrs. Smeltzer of Woodstock were visitors in the Beatty-Lo* home Saturday. Betty Jean Buss of McHenry and Mary and Charlotte Hogan attended a 4-H Federation meeting %t Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kmet returned to their home in Springfield Sunday after spending the »ast week with their daughter. Mrs. Mitchell Kane, and family. Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry was a visitor in the Beatty-Low home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kmet visited relatives at Milwaukee Wednesday and also visited the Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Musty visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mossy at Marengo Sunday. Mrs Agnes Jencks of Chicago spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and MVs. Lcals Fawiey fnd daughter. Marian, were Sunday guests in the Cora Walters home' at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mrs. Rose Jepson attended the Barber- Avang wedding at Greenwood Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family of Armstrong spent the weekend with her mother, Mra. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Lena Peet spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ed Peet at McHenry. Mrs. Harry Ritter and children of Woodstock spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey and family and Mrs. Rose Jepson visited Virginia Jones at Hines hospital Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters. Alice and Marian, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze visited friends at Jefferson Park Sunday. Roy- Welter and children of Woodstock visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter, Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Northrop of Harvard spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. Mrs. Cecil Bergy and daughter. Geraldihe, of Walworth, Wis., and Mrs. Gene Barber and daughter. Patricia, of Beloit, Wis., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. Mrs. Harry Ritter "and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron; Roy Welter anil children of McHenry spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Welter. , Mrs. Vern Malsch of Burlington visited her mother. Mrs. Flora Harrison. Saturday. Glen Wattles of McHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. Harrison home. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday with her -r*.- "34"' ' Phone us ot hail us . . No matter the time of day or night . . . we're always at your ready service to take you safely and quickly to your destination. McHENRY CAB Phone 723 daughter, Mrs. Jf. C.; Pearson, and family. ( Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul and guests of Harvard visited Mrs. Collins Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Flora Harrison and Mrs. Collins attended the centennial at the Methodist church at McHenry, Saturday evening. Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Donald Brenner attended a bridal shower for Carol Harrison at Huntley, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Flora Harrison was a supper guest in the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ardin Frisbie at Greenwood, Sunday evening. MISCHIEF ABROAD - HALLOWE'EN NIGlSt. MOTORISTS WARNED Car owners are warned about the mischief that is abroad on Hallowe'en. The roaming bands of clowns, witches and elves content themselves with "tricks or treats" most of the time, but their big brothers oftem are harder to please. This is when the family automobile becomes the victim. If a garage Is available, the car should not be left on the street on the evening of Oct. 31. says the Chicago Motor Club. If It must be left parked at the curb or in a driveway, a close watch is urged. But above all, urges' the Motor club: keep it locked. Elbow grease can remove soap from car windows, but slashed upholstery is not so easily, or cheaply repaired. A motorist who did not take the precaution of locking his car doors has often come out of the house on Nov. 1 to find the seat cushions and backs thoroughly cut up and ripped. Waxed windows are less destructive but.they are a niusance to be avoidedTwax rubbed into the car body is worse as it is much harder to reniove and can leave a ffermanent mark. *. An assault on the tires brings trouble. Hallowe'en marauders may be jr.tisfied with leaving the air out of the tires but the moire energetic remove the valve or go at the tire itself with an ice pick. The Motor Club Urges extra caution, too, in the act of driving on Hallowe'en. What may appear to be a stray cardboard carton in the POTATOES WHITES $2.25 . f.U' JBEDS $2.50 IDAHO RUSSETS $3.00 GOOD KEEPING -- BEST COOKING | Order Your Winter Supply Now -- We Deliver A. KNIGGE •=" ... PHONE 510-J-2 I East River Road McHenry, I1L SHAVINGS and SAWDUST Loose or in $12.00 per lon.^l our EktraV-., -- > Delivery KINDLING WOOD 60c par h*g street riiay have bean filled by prankster! with bricks or other heavy bbjfccti. And this is the one night in the year when small people are given leave by parents to be on the streets; driving in residential districts will take special attention. SUPPORT Announcement has been made by the state production and marketing administration of a price support rate of (1.41 for corn grown in McHenry county. This, year's corn will be supported by means of commodity loans and purchase agreements. They will b^ available to farmers from harvest time through May 31, 1951,- with loans maturing July itk 1951. Complete llift or Lee's poultr remediea At Wattles Drug Storr toHepry. lb ELECT ErojlwiiAaAni iJ rC. lPattmMi oit McHenry County For--* . HONEST EFFICIENT SERVICE VOTE DEMOCRATIC November 7th First OsMsi Hrt Jeremiah Wilkinson, of Cumberland, Rhode /Hand, is said to hav* cut from iron sheets "the first coldcut nail in the world." Maple feTTUp piodueObn t) Toik state fcr 198Q was «r*- at ffcfcdOV gaUons, a IT p* creitse ovot 194t. "i W- ?, " 'V • u-:-"* »"• »<* ! " - RINGWOOD TELEVISION PftAOEE BKER ' VBED BO WHAN. Propt,' fish Fry on Fridays PICTURES etflAMCD \T NO iXTRA KR6E PER ROLL A. amzniirsasi WATTLES DRUG STORE MAIN STREET MCHENRT. ILL. PHONE 450 ^j^ags Extra Crystal Lake MiH Co. At Ridgefield 1 "<fc© Builders: We can supply Ready-Mixed Concrete tor **9 kind of job--from a back-yard lily pool to a com- ]>lete new home or building. Prompt, quick delivery e«- " "L"' ^ i and when needed. 7-^.-- Our Ready-Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring *nd strong--as you expect ot good concrete. 1 he 'mix' is tight for the use intended ... accurately proportioned at . Jour central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit ot large volume production. To Prospective Owners of Netf Homes and Buildings; 1*1 Of course you want concrete. It's the modern way to build • --firesafet permanent, moderate in first cost and requiring no maintenance. Let us put you in touch with ex- . perienced, reliable contractors who will give you a quality * V at a satisfactory price. Your Contractor or Call Us.' Sand & Gravel Co. " : Phonr McHenry 97-J McHonry, I1L li*. •:,% \ C & NW and County MB" Phone Crystal Lake Manufacturers at x Window and Door Frames -- Windows -- Doors Storm Sash -- Combination Doors -- Cabinets Hidustrial Wood Parts -- Boxes and Crates Interior Trim and Wall Panelling YooTl whiz through wa*hday when you have a modern automatic washer to take over the work. While you relax or catch up on that mending, your clothes will be washed, j rinsed and spun cleaner than clean. No more lifting heavy wet laundry to the ~ wringer or from tub to tub... an automatic washer takee the work out of washday! Get an automatic WASHERS CONVENIENT TERMS;;.on your monthly Ssrvic* Bill. Arfr «|eaf As AufoMclfc Wrfnt todoy of ov ssorstf riMor your Arfsr1! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHLRN ILLINOIS rn m miROIIIY with new Here's a n«w combination--the new 1951 Mwcury with new Merc-O-Matic Drive--that will change your ideas of motoring pleasure. It's so easy to--tjjlll'c NOTHING LIKE handle it's such a dream to drive. And as for * "tKt 4 NUf MINV* smooth power and smooth IT ON TMt ROACH drive it yourself ... today? The new 1951 Mercury is on display now at our showrooms. HENDRYCHS^ FORD-MERCURY McH.nry Cuntr'F Only Factory Authoriud Mweniy DM^CT. - For Courteous Service - i Open Till 9P.M. , 0