•»<?«•!• »X«4 WOOD «XVV7 .7-a.1 '^V, i,f i r< ^¥\ *>$ lilVM-VV4Pnx w v* jf, ^ *ii 1 *' _ > (' THE McREMmy PLAHVDEALER * - iMMM*«l»I1 IHy Mm. C3«cree Sbepard) At WJ.CA sponsored a partjjf it the htvtiK nl' Mrs. Lena Peet Monday afternoon for th* older Women of the community. A plea- Mtnt afternoon was spent and lunch was served. The bunco club w«*s entertained In the hdtne of Mrs. Thomas tibherty at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Prizes were siwardcd to Miss Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Lester Carr. ' A miscellaneous ^bridal showir leas held in the church hull .Thursday evening for Carol Harrison, who will be a bride on Nov. 11.' Bingo furnished••'^t<irfato*irtt;^orYp Krtlb.-p^niav- aft>r t h e e v e n i n g . S h r r e n u r e d ^ a ^ y h ~ - nice gifts for Her. home; At th* close, refreshments ' were- :servi>dy ^The W.S.C.S. wHl hold their.next meeting Thursday. Nov. 16, in -the church hall. They wjir ehteitain the Antioch W.S.C.S. ; members, who Will bring a birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane entertained their card club at their home Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. AVnlter Low and Daniels Rawson, high. and Mrs. Harold )3tanek and Walter Wilcox, low. J. C. Ewell And Win. CruickshanV: attended ft shorthorn sale at Mason City. 111., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and children of Genoa City called on his mother. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Sr.. Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Howard Shepard and son, Howard, Jr.. of Memphis. Tenn., spent from Wednesday until Snnday with his parents, Mrand Mrs. George Sher^rd. - Charles Carr and daughter. "Mr* Dewey Beck, of Crystal Lake visited relatives at Racine. Tuesday. George. Bill and Elaine Wiedrich of Harvard spent Tuesday afternoon with their grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son. Howard, Jr.. and Mrs, George Shepard spent Friday in the Alan Aingor home at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of Milwaukee spent the week in the home of his sister. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, and family. Mrs, Rose Jepson spent from Wednesday until Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Norman, and family at Evanston. Mrs. Lettard Brown spent Friday and Saturday with friends at Palatine. Miss Margaret Cruickshank •pent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunham Of Des Moines. Iowa, spent fhe weekr m! in th B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristv and son, Jerry,- and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson spent Thursday evening in the Nelson Cristy home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaner Sr.. and son, Mehin. of Mundelein spent Sunday afternoon in the home of their son, Mitchell and family. Mr., and Mrs. Elmer Schafer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence,'Adams spent/Sunday evening in the Etonaid Justen home. Sunday dinner guests in the B. T. Butler home were Mr. ifind Mrs. Frank Dunham of Dor MoinpM. Iowa, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rtan<>k and daughter of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Honoy of Crystal Lake and A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Xelsan-^-of Milwaukee atid Mr. and neth Cristy andl son. Jerry, were "Sunday dinner guests in the Gordon Possum home at Solon »1HTV Mr. and <JMr«;--Clarenee Pearson and family attended the ice Fol- , lies in Chicago Sunday. : J; .. " :\ ' *, ' ; Mrs. Collins spent th«* weekend in the home of her. s^ri, Roger, and family at Melrotu Park. Mrs. Agnes Jcncks of Chicago t^pettt the weekend at jter home* hrre. * rr Mrs. Wm, McCannon and Mm Luella Stephenson, with Mrs. Rob» ert Thompon. spent Friday in the Merritt Cruickshank home at Morton Grove. , Mr. and Mrs; Clarence Adams and family were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams. Mrs. Je ster Carr and Mrs. Oscar Berg were visitors at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and sji-n. Howard. "Jr., and Mtsv Georgo Sbrpavd we,re visitors in the Karl Colby hom,e fW Crystal1 L«ke: Thursday "afternooij. ; - - Mr", -arid Mrs. K. »N. Miizzy took their " datighter,' Puranuo. back to nding the re. v ^ •••• It-/ • » IIEMVj^ »*« •J* »J» %••/%< II,. Mary's Catimlic Church At 3681 Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, '0:00, ll:St' Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00. lOiOCk Week Days: (5:45 and 8:00^ First Kriilay: 6:^0 and 8:00* >ufessi«ns: Saturdays: 3:00 p. in. and 7:00 p. m Tliursda;' before F'irst Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Mssr. C. S. Nix; Pastor. ' >Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and fsniily. w»ire,"' suppier 'Quests Sithdhy ih •til© home of het parents, Mr.' and Mrs. joe Co idon. at Ricbmofid. ... . - Mr. and Mrs. JdSn R<^id of De- Is.'lh and Mr. and Mrs. Kd Kup.hal of ,T)undee were Sunday guests of Miss Aiice Pert, • 1 ~ 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wrtv Crui^kshanki Jr.. and son .of Vistakee-Bay. spent Sunday with his p-'rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cniickshawk. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Craine. Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Paul Nordgren of Wnn.kegan spent Monday in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. home. Mrs Catherine VogH and daughter. Mrs. 3 >n*i. "-Laurence, and children of Klkhorn spent Thursday ;n the Frc | \\"ie(lrich. Jr., home. Mrs: Wm. Cruickshank • spent Wednesday- in 'Chicago- with her daughter, Mrs. P. <&, Lovelette, and f.-.milyi Many a guy who thinks he is stoaling a kiss, but fails, to realize he is losing his freedom. St. Patrick's ('athollc Chorcfc Masses: ,v.--• \ -.* Sunday: 8:00; 9.:OO, iO:0O and 11: HO a.m. , : Daily Mass: 7:00. •• Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30,. H.rst Fridaxs: Communion dis- • triliuted at 6:30 and during '..7:00 and 7:30 MasaeB. ~"f^K Confessions* ^ Saturdays: 4:00 to Si-00' p:kf. ktid . -7:00 to 8:00 p,.m., f and on Thursdays before First Fri- "• days: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and "7:00 to S:00 p.m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Christ the King Catholic Church Wonder Luke Masses: Sunday: S:00 and 10:00 a.m. Weekdays: 8:25 a.m. Confessions: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. B"v. James A. Vanderpoo' Pastor. Si. Jljrj's By The Lak«, EphcQpyl Oriole Trail and Dole Ave&ue ' Cfystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Priest-in-charge Mission House, 331 McHenry- Ave. Sundays: 8:30 A.M. - Holy Eucharist 9:30 A.M. Family Eucharist for boys and girls of the Church School and members of ^heir families. 11:00 A.M. - Morning PrayeT except on first Sunday and Prayer Book Holy Days wheji Holy Eucharist will be celebrated) with sermon and Senior Choir. Uncic1 ^ain »on Evangelical kutlusran Cturcl w7 "NGV\ Li-;T'S AIA. BUY BONDs" f Is the suggestion to be carried by the I I'. S. Savings Bon'is Division this ' Fall to mere than 50 million people j I now employed throughout the United States. Your 'Tncle Sam" en- | dorses this great effort because I I know that-the Payroll Savings Plafi ' now in operation in thousands of con- ' cerns is the means of building future financial security for everyone participating In the program. Savings, built up through the Payroll Savings Plan will enable YOU to take that mortgage off YOUR home--and off YXUR future. A well-managed home maintains a financial reserve"1 aga inst future neei's ani e.nergen- » cies. Start YOUR RESERVE today, j " S . TreiS'jrv Oer>ortm#fi# I lluin or shine, our taxi ser* vice is on call to the people of Mclfenry and surrounding community. We promise •iuick service In comfortable rare. Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 \The Church of the Lutheran Hour) 408 John Street- West McHenry, Hlianp|" i."rv-' Sunday School: 9:00 a.m,^" ,, Ser pice: 10:15 a.m. " s Vou ar, cordially invited to' attend »ur services. Rev. Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor. , Community MetDortist. Ohuzeb Main and Center streets Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:46. Official board meeting on •Vednesduy of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to /on and your family come and worship with ui»'. Methodist Youth Fellowship Sundays, 7 p.m. ' Young Adult ^Fellowship: SuW days, 8 p.m. • „ '*•- Cheruh and Junior choirs: Wednesdays at 3:30^).m« i?enior Choir:* Thursdays, 8 p.m. >f . J. -Elliott Corbett, Pastor. McHenry Bible Church mj S. tircen Sti^et (Prteg Dldg.) 8uri«lay Ilibl^e School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. Sunday School: : 15 A*M. ' Evangelistic, 8 p,m. . Wednesday at 8 pTiS., ihrayftr Meeting. Yon're always welcome here.' Donald O. Liberty, Pastor, bailing Address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232 Mclienry, Phone 601-.I-2 St. John's Catholic Church . Johnsburg Masses: '• '• Sunday: 'It*,'- 8MSH+A9- Ad •11:45."- " " 5 ' * > Holy Days: 7:0® and d:00. ' ?i' 4 Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 0:35 Mfl onfessions: Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 and 2:30 to ft Timrsdav before First ^Friday t 2:30 and 7:30. - Rev. Joseph M. Blitsch. -• 8t .*e er"s Cp-nolle CbufCh, 8pfing Qrove ' » i 'iUi Sunday -10»5C Holy Days: 6:30 and ®:um. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. onfessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7-15. Thursday before First Friday-- , M 8:30 and 7:15. . "Rev. John L. DaleMMia, Pastor. Sospel center Wonder Center, Wonder Late (iNo.-bectariau) dervices: Sunday Bi'^le School: 10-00 a. *, Morning Worship: 11:0f: a. m. SunJay, Eveniag Service: 7:4i> p. in.. Prayer meeting, Ttuisday -- 8t(M p. m. Bring the family with you to Huu •lay School and Worship Services. There is a place and a. welcome fo' everyone. h * FRANK W. ANDERSON, • v-: J LATEST OF AtlTQ IN HERE THEY ARE! • cm#eh ••'•" Riugwood, 111. , v <" 8iiimay: Public Worship, •. CHtir^h School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve "ing, . , liev, Charles 8tevras; I'Mtot. Joseph's Chui i Richmond, Illinois ,"\- Sunday : 8:00 and 10:00. • * • Daily: 8:00. , v.- >r Frank J. Miller, piatQC. Seamless Steel Pipe The biggest size of seamless steel pipe, used mostly for pipe lines, ii two thousand times the diameter of .the smallest size of tube, used for hypodermic needles. The man who Is car-conscious today has his automobile fitted out with the latest in spotlights, bumper guards, directional indicators and plastic air vents for the windows. But what were the "latest features" on the market 35 yearB ago? What gadgets caught our fathers' eyes? The Chicago Motor club lists some advertisements that appeared on the pages of newspapers and periodicals of 1915-- Auto horn, signalling device of the mecTmnical type. In this horn, th"e operating plunger is set at an angle of 45 degrees, thus making ther operation quick and easy. The action of the horn is unfailing and the tone is loud, penetrating and commanding. The bracket has. three point suspension and enables the horn to be mounted on any part of the body. Anti-Rattler. To be fitted in tho doors of cars and eliminate rati, thing. It is fitted to the door of the car or the ledge of the hood, price is twenty-five cents each for doors having a jamb. For doors without a jamb an adjusting plate is used, and price is somewhat higher. Tool bag. It keeps the motorist's EITHER WAY YOU BREED YOUR COWS ARTIFICIAL- NATURAL %HH»HH»%H%%»H»HH%%hw -- FOR -- Roofing -- Tile -- Gutter and All Building Material! of Sears Roebuck See Represen FRANK Call 767-W <« MO Riverside Dr., FREE ESTlMA'flfc; .»f767l v^'vj f7l"v3 6 out of 10 Settle on the First Service Whether you use a bull or have us breed your cows artificially, you can reasonably expect 60% to settle on fiibt service and 90% with three services or less. We make no charge for second and third services, where necessary. We give you a sure breeding date and a breedir^ record recognized for registry. There's no trouble breeding your smallest heifer or largest cow. High quality semen from each breed is available every day. Phone for service or information. • GUERNSEY • JERSEY • BROWN SWISS Proved Sires (also Angus) from N SCIENTIFIC BREEDING INSTITUH J i ROBERT L. FLEMING CALL STATIONS: McHENBY 729 " Woodstock 322-M and 10S Richmond 111 TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES Mb'fnc Improvements a lifetime MADE WITH Ihe new rooms?^.. o y t h i SHERMAN Moke th* Sherman •.. -- ... y°who,e'in Chicago* New room., dramaticallydMigned. • Fascinating restaurants, including the beautiful new College Inn Poriwhoute, famous We" of the Sefc . ' • Handy-to- |•vq rytking IbcafJon, . • Garage In hotel. •MERMAN Ipb end Clark Streets CHICAGO I Mk W.Berino, Board Choi, llMM A. Han», Preside Nay, V. P. and O#!!'! tie tie'fe READY-MIXED CONCRETE Helps your contractor give you a better,; job with less muss • • • . For dozens of improvements troand your home or place of business, no other material 4|>ffers the service and economy •fJiresafe, permanent concrete. if you are planning a new walk, driveway, foundation* porch or garage, floor--build it the convenient, low cost way with %tady-Mtxed Concrttt, McHENBY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street McHenry, 111. Check your tire needs now and take advantage of our big .trade in allowance on your old tires. . . , v . . . ; 1SH0W and HUD GROUND GRIP TIRES Don't take a ekaace. ^Drder your snow a«d mud tires now and be ready for old^man winter.. TRUCK TIRES We can supply you With all your tire needs. Don't endanger lives with old wcrn-out tires. TRACTOR TIRES Don't lose valuable time in your fields with tire trouble. Replace those tires now and avoid trouble later. Thursday November 9, II tools In Plato \dslit opened •o that aoy/todl can be instantly picked out for use. T*he bag has no straps or buckles, the folding halves being separated by breaking two clasps. The tools come into sight in an open space ready for selection. With this bag the chances of losing a tool are reduced to a minimum . All steel and telescoping shovel. For use of motorists and others. Blade measures six by eight inches. Handle is sixteen inches long. Weight is two pounds. Telescope feature may be found in the handle, which 'may be uaed full length or shortened. When telescoped the shovel is easily accommodated in the car. Rear, stop signal. Designed to act upon application of the brake. Red disc with bulls-eye to the center and mounted on an arm pivot# behind* the license bracket A ,l«mp is mounted on the arm to. shin* through the red bulls-eye at night, When the brake pedal is operated the signal rises from behind' the license and waves back and forth for a short time. ' Door curtain opener. To f& evei make of car and to be used wij existing curtains. Its use ena|)lf& the passenger to open the door tfe same as if a close body were, fitted. The opener Is a simple inconspicuous steel support for trie, goor curtains making them as much a part of the body as" the . doors of a limousine. >. . . . . . ;>i The secret of happiness is feot to do what one likes, but to be ablelike what one has to do. % MMI ^INGSIZE Q V\ U » T V SNAPSHOTS , Wr' v -* v • 'lit,; ALL PICTURES tNlAttSCD AT NO EXTRA CHARgEl wAl8VM 'j V _ **P*E uRna *R tOamLeLr aJeWtk. QetFUMW-toitSfr WATTLES DRUG STORf 515 MAIN STREET • ' McHENBY. ILL. PHONE 450 ANTI FREEZE Frigitone permanent anti freeze -- Alcohol VULCANIZING We vulcanize by the Firestone factory method. 1 \ BATTERIES We allow you 15% discount off for your old battery on a new battery. WALTER J. FREUND Tirea -- Tubes -- Batteries - Accessories tire and Tabs Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed Pheae IN West MeHeWf OPEN HVESntOS AND SUNDAYS Conv»ni«nl torms on your monthly Service See Ihe Glodiron at o«r nearest sMfe or your Dealers, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of NORTHERN ILLINOIS j