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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1950, p. 6

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.!§• fellow silhouetted abort la weft known in this area. A civic leader--a solid business man. He will be remembered by many tor the important part he played in developing our local court of C.O.O.F. If you are i farmer, you Will easily identify him as the man that baa the "Case" well in hand,' In "Case" you use farm imple-; intents and equipment; or in "Case"' yon should be in need of parts or ' repair on your present equipment. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE A SET OF 11 MAC CQMBINATION WRENCHB8 Xf, Jfc-* W% DIS^ COUNT. it»i was vet as "Sweetest Day"! The young man silhouetted above was quite busy all that day meeting the demand for his product. In less than a year he has developed a large following among those who recognise that a high quality product, to retain its standard, must be maintained under proper conditions-- which f is the rule in his spotless, air conditioned store. So Mister, if you would keep in the good traces of the little woman, drop in frequently and bring home a box of hand packed Andes Candies. You'll find them always fresh. CUT OUT THIS AD -- WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE A REGULAR $1.16 POUND BOX OF THIN MINTS TOR ONLY $144, The young fellow silhouetted above has had plenty of experience in home furnishings. His well* stocked store c a r r i e s cuch exclusice linesas Kroeh 1 e-r, Haywood-Wakefield, Howell, Lane " Cedar Chest, and many others! In fact, he has furniture and furnishings for every room in the - house--including all accessories, ; rugs, etc. A good point to remember in^ buying anything a* important as furniture, is first, quality, and then the overhead cost of your dealer! If he's in the : low rent a r e a , the advantage i s . , yours! CUT OUT THIS AD-- WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE ANY ONE OF OUR FLOOR OR BRIDGE LAMPS AT A IO'/P REDUCTION. y w When what you eat is important to you, the price you pay is also a factor. The store operated by the fellow silhouetted above has the advantage of co-operative buying power. The high quality groceries and meats handled here are gauged to fit any sized budget. This store carries a very vast -amount of Frozen and Refrigerated foods--the largest supply of Baby foods in this area--all Grade A meats--a self service system, (every item in plain sight and priced) still ample help to help you or your children shop. Suggestion: Place your order now for your Holiday fowl or roast; you'll get what you want, and at a price you won't mind paying. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE A 1 LB. . BAG OF CERTIFIED COFFEE FOR ONLY 70c. "Oil for the Lamps of China'* , was the title of an educational book and movie! Well, the fellow pictured above does not have oil for China, but he does have plenty of oil, either lubricating or fuel for you. Don't wait until you run out of either before reordering! Although their service is prompt and the sun rarely sets on an old order, there is alwayB the chance, you know that this record may be broken. An additional clue to his identity--he was raised and educated here -- captained the highschool foot and basketball teams, played with Notre Dame, and was, a Navy Flyer in World War II. CUT OUT THIS AD--HAVE THE OIL IN YOUR CAR CHANGED." THE LAST QUART IS ON HTM, (10) . The man silhouetted above, because of his long association with builders, carpenters, and repair men, is in position to advise you correctly regarding the correct material to use, to obtain the best results! Whether it involves lumber? builder's hardware} cabinets, ' windows, or . shades--coal, cement, .* tile, roofing, or insulation, his company carries a vast supply. Their long existance, plus the several yards they control, places them in a position to satisfy your every need. # CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU CAN PURCHASE A $3.00 WAL£REST DOUBLE BARREL, ADJUSTABLE. SPRING CUSHION ACTION COMBINATION DOOR CLOSER FOR ONLY $1.50. <*• - M*oe Ills, the fellow silhouetted above has been dealing in Real Estate and Insurance in this area. Whether you're buying or selling, either vacant or improved, Resort, Farm I|Md or Acreage, it is well that you deal with a concern that, through long years of experience, knows valuwi of Real Estate in. this area. If you are not certain that your various Insurance policies offer complete coverage, you are initted to bring them in. Let fi« or his staff of experts ex-' amine them--you can rely on their advice! This service and advice ^ • -ft??*" " . ' ' ' ^ Si uAwm. ^ .11 \ W (14) Wlken year farm equipment is in need of service or repair, or you're seeking that certain tool or implement; when a Tractor accessory is urgently heeded--you are most apt to find it here, where they carry a large s e l e c t i o n of. Farm and HOme appliances from which to ftkoose. A Visit to this man's atdjjfcjijlrtll Convince you. Clue--his t^fness Is knowing the needs of a mrrffir. CUT OCT THIS AO--WITH It YOU CAN PURCHASE 100 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 6% IN. SINGLE FACE RAPID FLOW FILTER DISCS FORTIIC. m s# This lady and her husband, who comes from a family of bakers, operate a very modern bakery. They are noted for their Cream Cheese and Cottage Cheese Cakes, Danish Rolls and Homemade Do* -nuts. Did you ever eat a ham that was baked in Rye Bread dough? If your roast for the Holidays is too large for your own oven, they will be very happy to roast it for you at a very nominal charge! CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOtJ CAN PURCHASE A 65c 9- INCH PUMPKIN OR MINCE PIE, SAT. NOV. 11 FOR ONLY 54c. " v " % • CIKt- W qs •-( M-C 1 main pictured above has been doing business in McHenry since 1906. He is assisted by his daughter and three sons. His store and shop is very versatile. In this •tore you can get anything txom a paring knife to a complete new heating plant. If you want to lessen Santa's burden this Christinas, you'll also find it's easier on your purse, If you select your toys here. Sdon they will display a very extensive array (probably by the time you read this). Take advantage of their lay-away plan NOW! CUT OUT THI8 AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES AT 20% OFF. J? Tt has been- Jtald tbat "the best cure for that Itown In the dutiips feeling is the --lection of a new hat"! A visit It®, the shop operated by the conttfslal lady silhouetted above provides a fine array of chic models t$Mjfs sure to satisfy both your «tHlty and your purse. You will alao find real bajr* in Lingerie, Meteta, Slacks, Blouses and Handtftgs. If you wtMid enjoy 5th Mmmne styles, at Main st. prices, vWt this little Bit ftlHDp on Green au The lady silhouetted above has reason to be happy. Business is good--the product is good! In four years time, she and her husband, Dick have established a following who come from miles around for their Pumpernickle Rye -- their lemou filled Tortes, and various •Coffee Cakes, every weekend; their large, crisp Donuts (made by hand), Whipped Cream products, etc. She is a member of the Christian Mothers, and the C. D. of A. as well. • CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE ONE DOZEN CAKE DOUGHNUTS, WED. NOV. 15 FOR ONLY 65c. If ym drt*e a car, yon, no doubt, have had occasion to visit the establishment operated by the fellow pictured above, for either your Anti-Freeze, a part, an accessory, or a tool. If you are one of those who do your own minor adjustments on the car, you often find it necessary to replace a spark plug or other necessary part. Perhaps you would like to add a handy accessory--seat covers, etc. You'll find this store open seven days a week for your convenience! CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE A $1.49 AUTO HANDY LIGHT (12' OF CORD) THAT PLUGS INTO YOUR CIGAR USHTJER -- FOR ONLY 98c! Ldnevery thing else, the cost of Furniture has risen! If your present favorite chair or divan is beginning to show signs of wear, or if you feel that present day designs out mode your one beautiful livingroodi set--see the man pictured above. Learn how •economical it will be to bring your furniture up-to-date. His is an expert in this field! H|s overhead is low. Every advantage is oyurs! CUT OUT THIS AD--IT WILL ENTITLE YOU TO A 10% DISCOUNT ON THE LABOR INVOLVED-- IF YOU CONTRACT FOR THE WORK THIS WEEK. W TI^R *D--WITH IT MAY PURCHASE ANY BLIP .THE HOUSE AT K IS* (8) All his life, the fellow pictured above has lived in the Fox River Valley. It wasn't until 1946, however, that he decided to establish himself as a business man here. In this short space of time, he has become known to many as the man to see, if you would have the correct time, either in the purchase of a new watch, or the repair of your present time piece. If you are seeking that rare or popular record or album thereof, you may find same at his popular store on M--- Street. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU WILL RECEIVE A 20% DISCOUNT QN MANY OF OUR BEAUTIFUL WATCH BANIjp. • (12) V •..u»*afta.r3fc Here to that "friends la need" when you require that certain tool or gadget to complete a job of repair around the house or farm. Here you will find a store completely stocked with such items as, mechanic's tools, plumbing supplies and fittings, kitchen hardware, sporting goods, and paints--plus a knowledge of how to use them. CUT OUT THIS AD--IT WILL ENTITLE YOU TO PURCHASE ANY PORTIONi^)F A GOOD SUPPLY OF ASSORTED H1BBARD PAINTS AT COST. The man pictured above recently moved his business to McHenry from McCullom Lake. He deals with ether waves. He has been connected with, both Radio and Television since their infancy. The demand for his service by the people of McHenry prompted him to take up a place of business here, where he not only repairs, but sells new Radio and Television sets. He is an Admiral fellow. CUT OUT THIS AD--PURCHASE A TELEVISION SET .THIS WEEK. HE WILL INSTALL IT FREE! • <i8> • The young fellow pictured above is the manager of a 25 year old business, which has supplied many families of this area with their home electric appliances, their Heating plants; and for years, Santa has made a number of his selections among the many toys and other useful gifts displayed here every seasoiL Another clue!/ 'This concern is the largest dis-' tributor of Dri Gas in the city. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU CAN PURCHASE A REGULAR $1.98 WORKMAN'S LUNCH KIT COMPLETE WIITH PINT THERMOS BOTTLE FOR ONLY $1.39. This young lady, together with hor mother, operates a rather specialised business, that caters to our future presidents and first ladies. It's just the place to select that .appropriate gift for the newly arrived citizen. Those all Important properly fitted baby shoes. Those early school, play and dress^ up clothes. A store of this type Is an asset to the community, with Its fitting rooms, baby bed, play pen, comic books, and sanitary bath room especially designed for the little bne. Because of its volume, you get high quality, high standards, nationally advertized children s wear--at price* you don't mind paying. CUT OUT THIS AD-~triTIf IT YOU MAY PURCHASE REGULAR 39c SOCKS. SIZES 4 TO 11 FOR ONLY 4 PR. FOR $1.00. 18SS1M* awn's fatten lished the buainess^'now run by he and his son, Bob. This com* prises 3 generations, which meanT solid business practices in thMf dealings. We believe their greatest recommendation is that today they are furnishing the homes of some brides whose grandmothers before them had their homes furnished here. They are exclusive dealers in this area for Frigidaire, Kling Bedroom Furniture, A.B.C. Washers, Roos (Sweetheart) Cedar Chest, etc. • CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH T& YOU CAN PURCHASE A BSAUTIFUL 27"x54" HEMP FIBRE RUG This man Is your sage advisor. He's your doctor's friend, because your doctor knows that when you bring your prescriptions to him, they are compounded exactly as written. Here you will find a full line of cosmetics, sundries, package drugs, patent medicines, and toilet articles, camera and photographic supplies -- a spacious fountain. In fact, everything you would expect to find in a modern, up-to-date D Store. CUT OUT THIS AD^-Wrl* FP YOU MAY PURCHASE 2 - 8 OZ. JARS OF FORMULA "20" CREME SHAMPOO, RBGULA&v fl.«* JAR, 2 FOR $1.98. (1») The young lady whose silhouette makes it appear that she is a Brunette, and belies the fact that she is a pretty Blond, is associated with McHenry's most popular style shop. The shop has been here for the past 14 years, and its customers are ladies . and misses who are particular about their appearance from foundation, to dainties. V> street or party garment. ladies come from a radius of 50 or 60 miles for obvious reasons. They hav£ learned that it's possible to wear "Boul Mich" beautiful apparel at home town prices. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU CAN PURCHASE A LACE TRIMMED ARTEMIS SLIP FOR m It takes years of practice to reach the degree of efficiency possessed by the man pictured above. His work brings him right Into your home. His suggestionsare worth heeding, if you contemplate new drapes, slip covers, bedL spreads, pillows, etc. His knowledge of color schemes that will best harmonize with your fixtures and trimmings are most •- helpful; you see, every order is a ' personal order. Every article is custom made, and because of his low operating cost, the price of properly fitted slip covers and drapes is comparable with ready made, hit or miss types. CUT OUT THIS AD--CALL 490 ASK HIM TO, COME OVER TO YOUR HOME WITH SAMPLES. HAVE HIM MEASURE UP WHAT YOU WANT COVERED OR DRAPED. THE AD WILL SAVE YOU 10*. (H) O "Time marches on," when If* running! If it's not running, bring . that balky timepiece here for aft overhauling or oiling, expertly done by the man pictured above. And to you young fellows -- see him first for that Ring! If hfv hasn't it in stock, he will sav<T you many $ $ $ by getting yott" the best -value for your money. Best of all, you will be dealing with someone upon whose integrity you can rely. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE BEAUTIFUL $1.76 FpR ONLY* 68c. • : M - •; • i. It has been said, "Life is Gamble"--"Marriage is a Gamble". But it's no Gamble if you shop at the store operated by this man, for such items as Infant's wear, Ladies R6ady to Wear, Men's work clothes, Sporting GOods, Hardwear, Paints, Household Accessories, and Electrical Appliances. Toys--Toys--anil more Toys. Use their convenient lay-away plan. This General Merchandise Store has the advantage of co-operative buying power. Why Gamble, when you can get quality merchandise at the right price here. CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU CAN PURCHASE LADIES WASH DRESSES $2.98 VALUE FOR ONLY $2.39. (24) ./ If yo« are a connoisseur of good food; if you like imported cheese or a tasty snack; if guests drop In., unexpectedly, or if you have forgotten a vital extra to round out a meal; you will find just about anything you need In the store operated by the lady silhouetted above, together with her husband. We show her picture because she; is the important member of the firm. You see, she makes all the. Home-Made Pies, Bakes the Ham, makes the Chop Suey and Chill-- while all he does is go to the fish market on Friday for Fresh Fish, keeps the shelves and Frozen; Food department well stocked dishes out the Cold Cuts, takes your money, etc., from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., seven days a week. m v.. The fellow pictured above owns a manufacturing business -- he ftells both wholesale and retail. The product he manufactures is qf a very exacting and personal nature, and is worn by both men and women. It's of the highest duality, and during the war many women stood in long *queues to get them. However, if you would save on your present day requirements,^ this will advise, for instance-- CUT OUT THIS AD--WITH IT YOU MAY PURCHASE LADIES REGULAR FIRST QUALIT# $1.49 NYLON HOSE FOR $1.25 PER PAIR. ALSO MEN'S IRREGULAR NYLONS TWO PR FOR 98c. v (M) -4~. _ (I . ,The fellow pictured above, to* gether with his tpartner, is expert in the new art of Television. In their new store on Front St., they are displaying Emerson and Motorola. They plan to announce a Gala Grand Opening, but up to this writing, they have been so busy filling orders and installing new T.V. sets, that they find it impossible to pick a definite dati Why not drop in on them for i demonstration, now--today. They have some very attractive models, and they make dandyc Christmas gifts! CUT OUT ThlS AD--WITH IT YOU CAN PURCHASE A 10. 12 or 16 INCH BLUE TELEVISION „ SCREEN FILTEJt At A 20% DISCOUNT. (

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