and Mrs. MltckeU Kaiie r«- tVMi hoM fridty twaing from • trip to Toroat0, Canada. On the w*j hHM they stopped at Niagara fatli. Mr- aad Mr*. Clayton Brace and family and his mother visited relatives at Belridere Sunday. Hon WaUdntton and Mrs. Rose I N«»cy and George Kane, who vis were married Saturday !,,ed their grandparents, Mr. and sltHIHOOa Nov. IS, at 1 o'clock at |Mrs Karl Kane, Sr., at Mundelien t)a-Greenwood parsonage by the M H I I M H H I I while their parents were on a trip to Toronto, Canada, returned home | Saturday. LeRoy Netl of Los Angeles, Calit :mTU. V-. 1* nail awu 118 Tistting his „ parents, Mr. and as women's fire hundred club at]Mrs. Roy Keal U>r home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock Lenard Brown of Clarendon Hills J spent the weekend with his wife were awarded to Mrs. Pete Iand his father, 8. W. Brown. Hfrlrrurt*-* jud Mrs. B. B. Whiting. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Ta benefltpsjty was held in the fwnily of Genoa City spent Sunday dhurch hall Toesday evening, 'fixe I afternoon with his mother, Mrs. seeds go towards the rodeeor Est. Sample. They have left on wwMtfng trip and will reside in| RJagwood. ' lira. C. L. Harrison entertained I Ave at I luncheon was served^ -vs of the church Sanctuary. The Rtngwood W.S.C.S. interiFred Wiedrich. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox and [Paul Wilcox of Woodstock. Larry Thomas of McHi Plan for Farmer Evening Classes Once again this o^ear the adult farmer evening classes are schoduled to be held, thAdecision having been reached after the agriculture advisory council and muiiy other farmers in this community voted the course as of tremendous value. The council, in meeting with its vocatiojai agriculture instructor, Leo kerber, has planned a new series of meetings. The clauses will meet on Monday nights at 8 p.m. in the hig^t school auditorium, with Nov. 21 the date of the first meeting. At that time the Public Service company will present an electrical wiring demonstration. Owen Fordham, agriculture engineer for the company will explain the demonstration and answer questions. The advisory IKMJliMf FKTKft Brucellosis "(Bang's disease), animal ailment which ia dang* to human beings in the form undulant fever, can be control in cattle and prevented spreading as fever if well understood by farmers and stockmen, according to the state Department of Agriculture's division of live* stock industry. Seldom trasmittpd from one person to another, undulant fever is. usually spread by raw dairy products or animal discharges from infected animals. Largest Meteorite flw largest meteorite dm pablic display is one which was found la Greenland in 1895 by the Arctic explorer who later discovered the North Pole. Robert E. Perry, Still shown in New York City, it weighs 36 tt tons. The- smallest sinfls tan amounted to but five grams. lntlnrh WRPS Thurs-1 * m and Mr. and. council urges that all farmers in •JJta the church hall.A po-tlucklM" Walter ***•& .family spent this school district take advantage dianter was served at noon. The P.8.C.S. is celebrating its tenth Sunday in the Beatty Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and daughter of Woodstock, Mr. and anniversary »r> the Antioch group ,Mrg/Alvln ^noy of Crystal Lake * birthday cak«\ AIter and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens mTh gmT of held. Mrs. Collins gave the spirit-| Sycamore spent Sunday in ttte B T Butler ho^ Mrs. John Hogan and daughters Charlotte and Mary, attended a 4-H achievement program at the high school in Woodstock Saturday «pl lesson, Mrs. Myrtle Harrison gffwtk « talk on 'The Health Dep- IriMmt of Our County" and Mrs. iptten Winn gave a talk on "Tubercfctosls A very enjoyable day was. evenjnfc lad The community club held its J Mr ^ Jtarember meetlug at the school Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son. Bob, of Waukegan spent Thursday Friday evening. The PUPHs L^j in ^ Pred wledrIch, Jr <tf the lower room gave a playlet home ••titled "School in Colonial Days Bar. Sample showed movies. The ftftrfcey was won by Jack Brennan. the clo«e, lunch was served, -.yifhe Greenwood and Ringwood lo«th Fellowship groups met in $e church halt Sunday evening, "they went on a scavenger hunt and 'Mjoyed ft hftrvest dance afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -Cruickshank, Jr. and son of Pistakee Bay, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cruickshank. Miss Iris McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Bill Johnson of Chicago are spending a few days this week in the Carl- Franson ! home. Robert Sandlson and two friends 'r. The Home Circle Will meet at|0f Waukesha, Wis., were visitors home of Mrs. Oscar Berg Dec. jn the Wm. Cruickshank home | Sunday. SI The W.S.C.S. will hold Its an- Aul Christmas party at the home. af Mrs. John Hopan Dec. *1 I "J™** E5TRflS Till® W.S.C.8 will serve a cafe- CurtiM Candy Farm Cary, will supper in the church hall'hmve * 8how herd of Shorthorns |y jjov 30 I for the breeding cattle classes erf ~James and Lois Hunt entertained Ithe coming fifty-first International Live Stock Exposition Nov. 25 through Dec. 2 in the Chicago Stock Yards, officials announce. They have also entered an Aber deen-Angus steer in the show. Ha junior Youth Fellowship group la the church hall Saturday evening. The business meeting was held ltd Jackie Pearson had charge ot the program. Games were played «M lunch was served. KpStra. Virginia Jepson Jones of hospital spent Wednesday her mott-er, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Hickey returned to her liki Is Chicago Thursday after a 111 In the Louis Hawley home, '."it Mrs. flora Harrison and daugh- Mrs. Ardln Frisbie, of Greenwsre visitors in the ffm home at Round Lake Wednesday afternoon. lit*. Collins is visiting in the Collins home at Wilmette. '*<• ftll Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. spent Sunday In the Cndkshank home at Mor- ,+mQror*. • Mrs. Lester Carr were fcalWs «a Genoa City Saturday Jefca Wlathrsp John Winthrop, sob of the first governor of Massachusetts, super; vised the construction of the tiny blast furnace at Saugus, Mass., which produced the first iron made in North America. Winthrop raised the f|£ds foi th* project ir England and brcnJfcht fcnghsh and Scotch ironworkers back with him to operate the ftirnace. of these meetings which are held to benefit farmers and land owners, . Topics to be discussed at later classes will be announced at ttat first meeting. Tha agriculture advisory council consists of a group of farmers from different areas in the school district. They haVe spent several evenings planning these meetingE and feel sure they will be very interesting and educational. The following men are members of the present council: Leo J. Smith, Chailes Weingart, Walter Bolger, Frank Harrison, Daniel Weber, Walter Schaefer, Morris Hall Charles Miller, Ray Horenberger, Jr., James Curran, Clarence J. Freund and Mitchell Kane. Coffee and rol!s will be served following the meetings. AM ta Explorers Raseue work is a helicopter fort*. Notable wai the one in 1949 when a U. S. coast guard helicopter* assembled at Goose bay, Labrador, rescued 11 Canadian airmen, (tie at a time, from a bleak Labrador hillside after conventional planus hsd repeatedly failed. Helicopters have become standard- eyei of fleets operating la ice-choked waters. Order your personalized Christmas cards today at the Plaindealer. mSMLAKC ' Weldon Springs lake, a popular public fishing place three miles southeast of Clinton, DeWltt county, is to be drained and re-stocked by the state department of Conservation. Stunted crappie, green sunfisti,' warmouth bass, bluegills and other undesirable fish will be removed. Then the bass and large bluegills will be replaced in the lake, along with 6,000 channel catfish. The work will be done before the first of the year If the weather permits. >;.* • * UA. As Crailtat Tn 'tffder to plsy the Ttlit d4 a creditor nstion, the United States must accept continually larger import balances, says s Twentieth Century Fund report. If it does not, its whole foreign trsde program Is likely to tail. ^ • Subscribe for Ttie l^lalndeater Tlila seasoa's IlUttals corn crop la now esthnftted >y the state »nd federal departmanta of agrlcultvre at 4SS million bifthels, ftn avertge yield of fifty-two bttahals per acre. Thia is two bushels less per acre than was expected a month ago. The total crop la about 20 per cent less than the near record If49 crop, but about one per cent larger than the ten-year average. la one British automobile plant, seven men can paint 1600 ear bodies a week because of a conveyor that moves the bodies down the length of the plant. Rotary cradles carry the bodies snd allow them to be turned by the men wielding tha spray gins so that they can apply the paint at the best working snfle. Renew that subscription to Plaindealer how! the ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT Tree RlptiMd Bush«l $4£0 -- Exprws Prepaid. - from Grown lt-3/5 Bn*M $&00 ' Send Order aad Check. D. W.MALLOY v LAKE HELEN, FLORIDA MM h tte early eui colonies, pahrt^J ot social ^acttget town's leading recogniredby coatings. Tradespsftjii, -tit'* tact, were nol*sufoashi to distinguish their homes by the use of paint \ During the coifcMig solMMl y^ar more than 200,009- te^n-iulets iMU learn how to drive ftftperly tn high school driver training courses. A good political leader flfe* k|ep ahead of several crowds, bach go- Ing in a dlfferen^ yrefloat. Everything in ft awfera bofee la controlled by • switch excep*. t£s ohll^en- / THE GIFT PORT One Twenty-Two Rlva^slde Drtvu Grand Opening Saturday' Nor. 25 Where Santa Claug will spend December. 4"|.4'|||HI1111».| t||| iiil |"1111 11HM lilt ; ( [ Along With Qur Regular Menu we jysk Serving , WltH A|X TtUMMINa^' ' v| ;; THANKSGIVING DAY • > • • • •• • • - • .l ••• .. AT/ BtrClt^S TOWN CLUB bom 1 until 10 p. m. RE8(ERVATIpNS ACCEPTED i l l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 't» f II |i| I4t41 >111 •! I' I 111 HI II I I 1 1 n < »f Your better herd begins when you phone us for information ana Bskilled service to hi^b indes Proved Sink' ROBERT U FLEMING ' CALL STATIOVSt •cHeary 7S9 Rlehaioad 111 Woadstecfk W.1 and IN sad Mrs. Carl Ftansou attbe "Rainbow for Girls" at •astern Star la Ugertyville | »y evening. Clayton Bruce aad family are ^tatartaining his mother from Bea- ; «a^e Kemura visited his p«r- Wl at Oak Park over the week- ,H^L - Msa. Lena Peet and daughter '<^lllde attended the WJi.C^. turkey | at Crystal Lake Friday COMFORTABLE SHAVE NORTHWOODS AFTERSHAVE LOTION USTOCKATV fttt shave lotions, in '4itHnCtive sure-grip conthat is tailored to % '•hand. < #1« ANDES CANDIES *• New Fruit and Nut Assortment In Andes new Fruit and Nut assortment you wilf find more concentrated goodness per pound than we have ever before been able to offer. Ia the new gold and blue box are special treats from tlie garden spots of the world: individually dipped pecans, almonds, filberts, brazils; alto cherry, strawberry and pineapple cordials. Ittfeo, too, U "t after-shave needs ng, invigorating,' _ _ masculine in its iwcthwoods fograoccJ $1j00 |4us * Drag Stare T. IU. nn»a 126 GREEN1 STREET Qcuuly, McHENKY. ILL % f ( Thrifty Buy for Santari Speed Racers $H*h to Sm for $1.00 Sop^Mtreamlined model wHh wind-up motor. Bright colors, all metal. I6V2 inches long. reol Table Sets 4? Musical Bugles 49< Electric Traias 4- - IL f lay-away A Gift a Day Ttl Christmas 0 Vmm MIT 10 . , lla MigM UHia Tata] Connipra wtrti OWnnl«iin at $6.99 Dtllf OihntflMf t Music Box Ploys q Pleasing Tun# • Soft and Chubby, 22 Inchos Hlgli • Rich Brown and Pooch Rayon Plush • / ' s S). ' One of Santa's very special giftd Tob will adore this lovable cuddly bear. It's sure tp become their favored bedtime foysl The darling face has sewed-in eyes and embroidered nose; wide ribbon around neck is t|ed in a generous bow. Swiss musical movepent in music box softly plays a pleatipg tune: helpful in putting tots to sleep! A gift that WDuld dftliahi jemy vounaster* . « ! I i < i I i i i t Ai •|! < I 4 I . foWine UeMiaraNe/ Jkill fffrioHi w M ^p leaiuret of • M-ilaad carrfneet Mt, 5 bow hood, mm Vbor, foldino|frame. 2AVi' oW 17 tndierUn*1 Pkrthy^Oronge! TW0-IM-0HE TRUCKS 3^ Sides of trailor can bo-pomoved far us* at lt|l bad track. Mode oMraafr staal painted orone* wMh obminumtrim. Knoa«cKonri»ar wheels, retractable trailer support. Rubber wheels (hat or* easy on mothers' ftodnl Uethertn* Upholstery Jsvaub Roden UphotMered in rv wHh Redded back and -seat. Hardwood frame. 23 Indies Nfh. Hunger Teps ARickey Mouse I 69< CompUta frMghl train Mt on 12 s«ction» of. track. 5'pitm (rain. Weed frame, Abffe> toar4playhg Mirface. 17x29S4'.Btfh,2oiMfc A r«al m«nkal inclnimenl with four notai. Kid or yellow plastic. Push plunger down, pvN up. 9-inch top tpim away humming. - Deluxe Rockers iolStreltrs Jmt pwM string mm WiRm Midioy "Choo Chocs' alone rineinf a bal W«R peddad, f^ly «phoMored In Duron plastic. 24fe' high. fttMnfe rabbor Meroen-ivory flnidi. ; "ure Savings and Satisfaction 5wm((e4 "Tfce Friendly Store" Kexl Doar Te Baak - ^ . - otee. (w turrot m tap. Spiral spring *eter. • ' • • • .> • • PHONE IN COLLKTTl,' dWaer *