V?::/ '•;! ' -;•.* -tC'i *?v t" .'•'.***' ^n-s-'--'vfV0>"*Kt "**'**" " 'V ^-iv* cwci**<><7.T-f"y*-**"" v?*^. ; Thny'nlfiV' ^fljlxilMr ? itifirt *•' "* <fc ^ * -«*«.*<• ^MvwtaLaWwj <*•««» <h*JL~L»*L -JL ~:----!.J. ::.. '.a* , .. : ,2*1--. .... . ,.V.".,.. • 1 ' •• • -'.x • \....P^ UJ •**j*wspwsyW3jKr * * ^y~§T,' _ - *tn*t*>*AXEfwrrimy WHEN THE TEAMfr arroFVMN., •»N0; TMEM AMYPC YOVPAWANCB A ^ **ULL Fb»cnON OF mXTMOHW*Al±mh rorzucm/toiT mmm-ntt iMBHtmrm AFltMOOH?.„ AH/Well, #ty pmrriEi, Wf «nu.HMtt CA»f OTHBttf WHO NfeSP£A CAICOft XPOtfTMIOlV/ PWCE/THtyjWST ap/Mpkerr *mm0i ALL OTA RIWVRMJ LEFT THE FEED ROOM RWR0PEN *ND THE HENS DESTROYED SEVERAL D0U.M8S WATRN OP FEED/ rvt ITOJT WJT, M*. TILLER. YOU VEBE THE LAST ONE IN THE FEED BOOM' V/ELL, ILL 5USPENP THE THI« TIME, BUT LET BE A, LES60N rMMwUlMih International help is in the offing for countries fighting foot-and-mouth disrai* in livestock. A proposal sponsored by the United Nations calls for establishment of a cooperative research center, probably h> England, for making intensive studies of the foot-and-mouth disease virus and for developing improved vaccines to fight it. Services of the international center would be available to all member countries, •nd all would help finance its operations. . < * * O l e t a f M p t • Winter .time is tea time. For a good cup of tea, sttdt with a good Clean teapot. Rinse the teapot after each use with a solution of baking soda and hot water--3 tablespoons soda to the pot of water. And don't neglect the spout--clean It by wrapping a damp paper towel around a skewer, dip into moist baking soda and then<|dig into the spout from both sides. Rinse well in lwt water. * »• PETERS . Packing meters as a son roe of reveatae fair the city were definitely dropped «t the special meeting of the Marengo city council which was held: last week with representatives of the Marengo Chanfber of Commerce and Kiwani8 Club. The two latter groups had been asked to meet with the council to help it decide how best to raise money for the increased costs of operating the city. %'xT':$\T' .! ; • tSrtiiy EaUrs ' The average person in the United States eats more candy than butter, cheese, nr^argarine or cereals. Each y#ar the average person eats 10.2 pouritfs of 'butter, 7.J pounds of. cheese. 5.7 pounds^ of margarine and eight pounds of cereals, compared pounds of candjr,--;.w <. • • t.i• ')l- -.Taswa 6 • JTaxes of all kinds, that is. federal, state a rid'Wat, rfre now nearly 25 titties wljat they were in 1915. The \ greatest increase is in federal taxes, and they are about 50 times what th#y were ln l#ltv - To Ready "Surface Cracks in- planter should be filled with spackling compound or patch ta{ plaster before a #all surface is repainted. First Mississippi gpaa The Rock Island railroad bridge at Davenport, Iowa, opened in 186C, was the first to span the Mississippi River. Built of wood, resting on stone piers, this 1,582-ft. structure was described «s "the mechanical wonder of the West.** the locomotive "Des Moines" was tb& first to cross the bridge, oh April 21. 1886. » ' Shower Cap Ever notice a dank, sour pdor ttt your shower cap? lite sure cure should be right on your bathroom shelf. Soak toe cap about 20 minutes in a swia-water solution <« fourth cup of baking soda to a quart of water). Rinse and dry in thvwi Don't forget. Santa will be at Althofrfs Hdw., Sat., Dec. 9th. at 1:30 »-m. - »• JUDO imcnvi . Hf» knowledge of jtato taiMfal , Mived Rep. Harvey Pearaoa Arfta ' ftobbery in the yihiflti itetkM at | Chicago last week. Pearson said he was is a room when oae of two inUMt at him with a club. Peantt* the clab and spun, tkrowb^ attacker over his steOiMM*. 1pi|; other man who gtabMi at arm fled. Chicago police tM# abler to find the men. Psaxtmi he learned the "flying while in the marines. Raad th«. Want Ms. Historical -Boilding's Among the historical buildings which have been re-roofed with steel is Monticello. Thomas Jefferson's home in Virginia, as well dt the White House. * PREPARE SPECIAL CARE PACKAGES FOR OVERSEAS As twputy-degree-below temperatures and heavy snows are sweeping Korea. ini-renshiR the problems of the millions of people who are already homeless, starving and helpless in the tnrmoil caused by «ar, CARK is rushing food and othing packages into this devastated, land from funds contributed by the American people. CARB has available aix types of packages specifically needed in Korea, and these will be stockpiled for delivery as fast as contributions are' received- to underwrite their cost. They include food underwear and socks or woolen suiting parcels, $10 each: Knitting ^kool, $13; cotton textile fabrics and wollen blanket, packages, $7 each. Packages will be distributed to those in the greatest need under the supervision of Robert .1. Fairgraves, CARE mission chief in Korea who Vas evacuated to Tokyo when the start of hostilities forced the non-profit agency to suspend Korean deliveries. m CARE's Korean campaign is for "eneral relit* only. No orders can be accepted for individual families nor field military personnel; Although dufiors may specify the kind of package they want to send, it Is hoped 'bat the majority of contribution* will be undesignated so that the CARR supplies can best meet emergency requirements. Contributions can be made in any amount and those under the 4 0ost of a complete .parcel will be pooled. All donors will receive a CARK receipt and all contributions are tax exempt. Requests'for further information or contributions may be sent to CARE for Korean Committee. 189 West Madison Street, Chicago 2. tlllmlc. . Nai-MUc Wonders 1<e legend of Paul Bunyan, the giant who used trees for toothpicks, lives on in natural and man-made wonders of the west. At Hells oan yon. the gorge of the Snake river between Oregon and Idaho is Amerideepest chasm. The world's largest earthfill dam is Fort Peck, in Montana. The three highest dams, Hoover, Shasta, and Grand Coulee, ,afe respectively in Arizona-Nevada, California, and Washington. Vaccinated Calves Vaccination of calves at the age of six to eight months gives them a substantial degree of protection against brucellosis. However, this protection can be broken down completely by prolonged exposure to a heavy concentration of brucellosis germs, such as by placing the calves in a poorly kept herd with many infected animals. Driving In Ceanertlcafy Connecticut has lak»n official cognizance of the menace of the driver who does potentially danger ous things--often because of faulty vision. Learning that 20 per cent of the state's drivers had been caus ing 80 per cent of the traffic accidents, Connecticut put its motorists on a "report-card" basis. Every traffic violation is entered op the driver's record in a master file. A minor violation may result in only a one-point black mark; drunken driving will bring 10 points. When a driver gets three points, he receives a warning letter; with five points he is summoned for a conference; and six points mean a formal hearing and often loss of his driving license One SMitaa, Please The time may not be so far distant when you'll be able to buy a suntan from a coin machine. Engineers at General Electric are experiment* ing now with a sun-heat unit which might double for the sun in audi places as doctors' and dentists' waiting rooms, beauty shops, lounges, and hotel rooms. The machine uses a heat lamp in conjunction with the sunlamp to promote mild perspiration, which conditions the ^kin for tanning. A timer and a tape for measuring the proper exposure distance from the lamps safeguard the customer*. Would Paint a Rainbow The anni^al production of coloi pigments would paint a rainbow reaching from Boston to Baltimore with stripes a thousand feet wide Don't forget, Santa will be at Althoff's Hdw., Sat., Dec. 9th, aft 1; 30 p.m. •ay Fever ' w'^k; f There is no hay fever hi Yen estiela. The pollen that causes the malady does not exist in the Soutt American republic. 3RD ANNUAL ' SMORGASBORG CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY. DEC. 17th -- Starling *i ft>. M. Santa will b* than pan Ing out gifts to *11 our customers. Continou* Entertainment ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR SU0 *' Children hall price. CRYSTAL Y INN 4, Intersection oi Routes 14 ft 31. CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS Sunbeam Coffeemaster ... you get delicious coffee every time! Everything is automatic... all you do is put in coffee and water and set the control. The CoffeemaiNir clicks off when the coffee's ioiw, then re-sets itself to keep KM coffe* hoi. The gem-like chrome Priced al $37.5* PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN I L L I N O I S XMAS GIFTS Toy Barnyards 8c Garagas -- Table & Chair Sat* Writing Desks -- Doll Beds & Hlgft Chairs Wagons, Wheelbarrows, etc. Kitchen Cabinets -- Toy Chests Man's h Ladies' Genuine Leather Bells 8t Billfolds Full line of Lawn Furniture, Bird Houses, etc. Ifade To Qrder -- Kitchen Tables & Cfeafes 5 CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-l «P # New--through and through-- is this '51 Ford! It brings you V-8 and Six engines famous for theif "go" . .. styling that's years ahea<{ . .. quality that will keep this Ford acting liLc new. Come in and set for yourself! ? How can you pass up prices like these ? with 43 "Look Ahead" features F*r4'i Automatic Mlliogi M«Imt i* a 3-way comlmstion, ignition, ami carburrlioii system that givm high compression pcrformaifCt with «M» go*' Ford's Automatic Ride Control it another of Ford's "Luok Ahead" features, it cclf. »4ju«ta yow ride to MT road. Wi Automatic PmIim Control automatically adjusts the bright and angle a* you slide (he front •cat forward and back. Aud Ford's Jfeu> Key-Turn SUutittf turns on your engine when you turn the ignition key past- the "ON" position. Fwd't "luxwry lou»l»" lirterlers feature the new "Safety-Glow" Central Panil and beautiful Fordcraft Fabrics which match Ford's exterior colors. Best of all, Ford brings you Fordomatic Drive* -- the newest, finest, and flexible of all! • •Optuma I oi **trm «HtTbuilt fill the years ahead! Ten* in HENRY I. TAYLO*. ABC Network, every Mondoy evening. Come in for tht * "LOOK AHEAD " facts on the TWCMMV ae«r. . » W uurr BIT BITTIK 51 FORD fBUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET PHONE 1 McHENRY, ILL. AS we've been say!n< for • ipell-- J\. "Whatever yoiir price range --Better "buy Buick." But maybe we'd better get down to brass tacks, as to just what this suggestion means. In the lower-price field, this has been happening: Four out of tern Buick SPECIALS-- bought by tftoplt with o car to trade in -- have been bought by folks who formerly drove one of the„ so-called "low-t>riced three." Thev found they could afford a Buick1 In the fine-car field, something even more impressive has happened: Four out of five teotl* who looked at a ROADMASTER and another very distinguished automobile decided in favor of ROADMASTTRT So--whatever your price range, take a look at our prices --and at what you get for your -money. What you get ifi the thrill of owning the greatest Buick of all time --as registered by record-breaking sales. What you get is power and style and comfort and performance that are hard to matcli any other automobile. More specifically -- you get the powerwith'- thrift of Buick's famous Fireball highcompression engine*--a style that stands out in any company -- a ride with the comfort of coil springs on every wheel --and performance that makes you feel like the head man on any highway. Better come in today--and see what cart be done about getting quick delivery.. Typical Oelivtred Prfcu on Today's New Buicks M* stfciAi MflgA AA ItdaMl Madel 440 M I Iwtf with de Iwm trim . , ~ t Bwck SPECIAL «-poss. . MA4J AA 4-d**r Sedan Model 41D with de Iwxetfim . Buick SUM! 4-pws. Mf Al AA 1-deer Riviera Medel f^|f ItQH 54* Buick ROAOMASTIK (•pan. 4-door Riviera Sedan with Dynaflew Drive* (Medel 72ft illua.) Optional eevipmeel, alert and lecal hn^ 0 ony, additional. Price* mar vary slightly in adjoining communities dv to ilii>piii| Amis All prices subi*c# to dionae without eeWce> •Snndmd on KMOMASrU, opkooa/ |j| , ectra cm an SUKJt ond SKCIAl modtitr - . TOMm TO OttATEt VMM* r' ' si Better Buy Buick' R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHRNKY, ILL iWrtuwitfiuu»-twars^^ * ' f » *•