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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1950, p. 2

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-f'V '•*! ' >- • ~f " <*' s> .> u " * •; •:« <•;*• * * • "i • "• , .' • ••*.« % r > A' ti vi{yt:^('T - v.^ ^ H ,r . . *V* "* ..> . . ^ * S»f?. ..' .Ji. , . S^. ' . ... \ . * V ^ ,. tfi1 . . *\ • THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEJl ¥'• '-f"" * "* ^ V V;T'; . . . . . . . . , ' • " " v'"' '"fer tlmidhqri Deembir t Party far FnmMI Tk« girl juvenile Foresters an | having thklr Christmas party on ^ Sudty afternoon, Dec. 10, at 3 <• o'cleck in St. Mary's - St Patrick's .:_ school hail. Each girl is asked to y brine a twenty-five cent gift to exchange and to put her age on : ' tie packape. 2&J, Plans iiek LairhMR Circle 1 of the W.S C 8. will hold its December meeting at the home oH lira. Norman Eggert on Waukegan street Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 1 p.lh. wtth a pot-luck luncheon. Everyone is requested to bring a ?$. dollar gift for the Christmas grab ji Jill1 Sponsors f EitntelBReit The MYF is sponsoring enter- " tainment in th<" Methodist church - hall on the evening of Dec. 30 at 8 o'clock. A one hour program will ho in charge of entertainers from JfcvajistnTt. who wfll preseht % comody. Trying Discord." . installation i Planned For Dee. f. t , Tb«*r<- will be a public installation of officers of the Order of the i Eastern Star at Acaciii Masonic fc TV-mule on Saturday. Dec. !t, St 8 '1 p.m. The regular O.E.S. meeting is 4 planned for Tuesday evening, Dec. 12. Aftf *"«l Rowr/ .. CaHsfmas Party A large crowd Was present at Ihi annuo) Christmas party of the VIRGINIA FREUND. WILLIAM DOHERTY WED ON SATURDAY A lovely wedding was solemnized in St. Mary's church last Saturday morning when Miss Virginia Preund. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund, becaim the bride of Mr. William P. Doherty, son of the William F/Dohertys. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the 9 o'clock cere-- mony. The attractive bride , Was attired in a white satin gown, with fitted bodice and lace trimmed, ne' yoke. It was styled with lonp sleeves, trimmed with tiny buttons and the skirt ^nded in a long trair made of tiers of lace. Her headpiece was in the form of a white cap, pearl trimmed, and to it war attached a fingertip veil. She wore a pearl necklace and carried a cascade bouquet of white mums. Miss Carolyn Freund acted a? maid of honor for her sister and bridesmaids were Mrs. Maureen Doherty, sister - in - law of the groom, and Miss Doris Jean Freund. friend of the bride. All were attired similarly in gowns of green satin, styled with net yokes and hoop skirts, the latter caught up with bouquets of small mums. They had matching headpieces and carried bouquets of yellow mums. Sgt. Bernard Doherty, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and groomsmen were Phillip Doherty, another brother, and Florian Schmitt. a friend. Ushers Altar attd Rosary sodality of St. were Clarence Freta~n d, brothke-~r» vo.f ZrfPc/Ttn-.e ik. .s c,h urc,h ,la s.t Mon.da .y. c„v -;, the b.r i.d. e, and _D_i ck Doherty, broth- ^ Cardh were playedj, , with er of the groom. prised awarded to each table. There was a gift exchange from a table attractively decorated in keeping frllyb the holidny season. lire committee In charge Included Mrs. Charlotte Reinboldt, djjiirtnaTi; Mrs. Claire Miller. MrB. BeMBQr £trache, Mrs. Mary Agnes Boetich. Mitts Mary Coghlin, Miss bnore Frtsby, Miss Florence Larllai, Mrs. Eleanor Peterson. Mrs. Ilrtek t*rine and MVs. Joseph Mc- A«4retrs. Tke, next meedng* Virlll be held Jan. 8. , ClMtt.At A ntlw Fresnd Skewer ntlsceilaneous shower irfta held at the Joseph L. Freund home Ib Johnsburg one evening last weak, honoring Miss Virginia Ffcsfaiid, who was a bride of last ftktnrday. Hostesses at the shower Were Miss Doris Jean Freund, Miss GfcrUjm Freund and Mrs. Maureen DgttTty. T^lhty-two guests were present kli games, after which lunch was ^srved. Decorations included ilorful umbrella, under which iatnre bride and a number of groom Mrs. Freund chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of medium blue color, with brown accessories. Mrs. Doherty wore a teal blue dress and black accessories. Both had corsages of white mums. A breakfast followed for the bridal party at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Meyers, on Court street. Dinner or forty-five guests was served at the Legion Home at noon and a reception was held there for 200 guests after 5 o'clock, with supper served at 6 p.m. The couple left on a honeymoon trip and upon their return will reside, temporarily, with her parents. The former Miss Freund is a graduate of the local high school and has been employed at the Riverside Dairy as bookkeeper. The groom, also a McHenry high school graduate is employed as a painter by George Kane. "PERSONALS Kenneth . Lawrence of Great Lakes spent Suriday with Ms parents. Prank Rempter, Sr., Is spending the winter in Tucson. Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, who reaide north ot McHenry. attended the golden Wedding anniversary -elebratibn of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Carroll recently at the Sheridan Plaza hotel in Chicago. Mr. and Mj-s. Stepheh Schmitt eft this wfeek for St." Petersburg, Fla., where they will remain for md extended vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rlx have eft to spend the winter in Phoenix, \rizl. • )•" "•?' Recent guests i| llw Albert '/ales home were Mr. and Mrs. William Vales and daughters, Louise and Mary Margaret, of Hinsdale, Albert Vales. Jr.t George Vales and Delores Vales of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pinkana if Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Busse and sons. Jay and Ion of Arlington Heights and Miss Ellen Schneider of McHenry. Miss Ellen Schneider is spendng a few weeks visiting Chicago friends. Sister M. Ildfefons and Sister M. Arcadia of Campellsport. Wis., and Sister M. Jeremia of Osmond, Wis., ittended the funeral of their brother. Math ML Blake, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich and children, Virginia and Gretchen, of San Carlos, Calif., arrived by plane last wek for a few Greeks visit with Mrs. Ulrich's mpther. Mrs. Nellie Bacon. < ^ Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Sandeen of Waukegan tffeited McHenry rel I atives and friends last week upon their return from a short weddihg trip. Earl Walsh attended the funeral of Robert V. Knox in Springfield on Monday. Mrs* Jessie Schneider of Chi cago spent a few days iast week with her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. Cornelius Quintan. 1 "T\v BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon of Crystal Lake are the parents of a son. born at St. Joseph's hospital. Elgin, on Dec. 1. They havjfe three daughters. / A son was born last Saturday. Dec. 2. to Dr. and MrH. Robert Donnelly.* Mr. and Mrs. George Binder are the parents of a girl, born Deot 5 at the Woodstock hospital. A son waB born Nov. 29 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ziesk. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Moltei are the parents of 7 lb. 12 oz. Bernadette Isobel, born Nov. 20 at the Swedish Covenant hospital. Chicago. The Molters are temporarily residing with Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Norman of Rt. 2, McHenry, parents of Mrs. Molter (Evelyn Lavini until, the completion of their new home tin Libertyville. . V Mr. and Mrs. Raymond- Landon are the parents of born at the Woodstock hospital oq Nov. 30. Need rubber stamps? Offler at The Plaindealer. , * We have Wonderful ¥ Biildiiici ChiiiQii hi i »• ll* «•<! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoffman and daughter have nJoved from the apartment in the Pries building on Green street to the Olhava house on Center street. The place'they have vacated is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. David L. George and daughter, who have moved from Wonder Lake. Mr. aid Mrs. Albert Wood and son have moved from Woodstock to the former Paul Albert Place >n Fox street CARD OF THANKS . 7 I would like to take this means of thanking friends and neighbors for cards, flowers, gifts and other kindnesses extended in my illness. They were all greatly appreciated. 30 GEORGE WIRFS CARD OP THANKS ,..i We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for the donation of cars and for floral and spiritual bouquet offerings and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the advices of Magr. Nix, Fr. Baumhtyfer, Fr. Dording and Fr. Miller. We would also like to thank those who sent cards during Mr. Blake's illness. • THE MATH BLAKE FAMILY Wi mkmoriAx In loving memory of my dear husband, Dr. Francis J. Aicher, who passed away eleven years ago, Dec. 5, 1939. Don't forget, Santa will be at Althoff'8 Hdw., Sat., Dec. 9th, at 1:30 p.m. m fete fe # S«en l*w Kiv rooms? ... or TMV f HIRMAN Cftlcago^i -)«r»on«li9y '^Dicmlly Moke the StieriMm yevr heM In CMcaQSi • New rooms, dramatically dedpisit • Fatdnallng VfH.»U VTwi-Vml..f mcJv.,v^o1 p^ - , NwblmHfclntw WWI Well of (Mi $M eHnndy-lo- • Oarage In hotel, iitbijlpk and Clark Street: CHICAOO hwt W. lirh|,loarJ Chalrwaw !*n«i A. Hart, Pretldent Pat Hey, V. P. and Genl Mf r. tit- te 30 jAoving wife, (?ANNJ>A BESL auiiuHiiimiMHiiiiuiiimiiiiitiiiiiHiHiHiniiiiniiMHii AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Helen Warnstedt has been a medical patient at tire Woodstock hospital. Shipment, of steal into direct war uses du4ng WortCWajr U readied a maximum ot 2S.I mUUoa net mm in 1943, or 3i per cent ot total etgH shipments. Dirael war eluded ordnance, projectUat, tariti. aircraft. aU stypfcullding, cantonments and construction of defense plants. The total of all the steel shipped in 1943 was 99,906,000 tons ; HAVE to- rfe&th g|fta ' the muted States lias a lolw death rate than Australia for a number of the important tafectioui diseases, includlni the principal communicable diseases of childhood, tuberculosis, and influanca and pneumonia. 6n the other hand, we have a higher death rate from the diseases common ia middle and later life, such as the heart diseases and cancer, and from accidents, - Sagarcaae Strap* "Sugarcane simp" means liquid product obtained by evsporating the juice of sugarcanS or by dissolving sugarcane concrete In water without removing any of Hie sugar therefrom. : 1HRIFT m„t BANK WOW TOTAL PERSONAL - rlNCOiME HAS INCREASED (Alter Times) % ' • •;••• v. • i Many families ore putting son** bf ffiefr iijetra cash into the bank--regularly. That's a good way to be ready for any turn •vents. We welcome your account her|b • ... ' : "McHENRY STATE BANK S i t f l " . M%mV mWHm ' YaaCan't ariss Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation imber Federal Reserve Syitefe i a cok i « £ln |f X PIa were placed. rAfei» OF mtAirik8 t We would like to take this op- • portunity to express our gratitude I to friends and neighbors for cards f, and visits to our father while he ' aras' In the hospital and at home I and to Mrs. Grace Thompson for - the Wire she gave him the last i^ST, and one-half. We wish to | ihank them also for their kindness in bqr bereavement, for floral ofj terlngs and spiritual bouquets, for the food sent in and those who served. We are very grateful to father Daleiden. the Sisters of St. Ww's parish. Spring Grove, Msgr. Nix, Father Baunihofer, Father > : Coakley and Father Mulligan tQr tMt" kind Services. -^4^^ • - -- - • ^ '•* Arthur M:irtin - * * • • - .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin **r- and Mrs. Wm. Martin M *•: . -- : : . - Keed rubber Btamps? Order e » The Plaindealer. Property Owners Are Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stefenhagon entertained forty-eight guests at a pheasant dinner recently. Despite Bnow and ice, only six families were unable to attend. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson and sons, Edward and Richard, M!r. and Mrs. Steve Vacula. Mr. and Mtb. Paul Vacula. Mr. and Mrs. James Moschel. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins and daughters. Susan and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ross, all property owners of Wonder Lake Lookout Point community, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bendl, Reinhold Bendl, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman, sons, Richard and Roland, and daughters. Arlene and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Duttko and Bon. Russell," Mr. and Mrs. Curly Duttko, Mr. and Mrs. An derson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoffman, MVs. Ida Letrell, Mrs. Gertrude Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter and son and Mr. and Mrs. Zidek and sons. Don't forget. Santa will be at Althoffs Hdw., Sat., Dec. 9th, at 1:30 p.m. Every one expresses the friendliness and bright eft# of Christmas--each one you choose will say "Merry v Christmas," just the way you want to say it. AGATHA SHOP 119 S. bffetafr flfc XeiTearjr Phone' 14&4 * i#- %/• •* - X • Winking I '.>* '•"t *¥*> ifei- Q4t Pant Exclusive No Eleciridky Xlmos "Perpetual Motion"* Clock ' Tlii^ timasing perpetual motion clock I* made by Le if; . f'oultre. It runs silently and accurately without fr ' -- powered alone by the unfailing dally «haages la the temperature of the atmosphere. ^ Priced at $165.00 fk <hUidr€d Siofiman - € r , l r i fltoe-TwiBlrTwo Hiverside Drive YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR MANY A CHRISTMAS TO COME WITH THESE GIFTS T Sponsored by Betty Crocker GENERAL MILLS IRON Steam Attachment with above Ilea (With .both $1.00 less.) Te Wake Vee ^ With Nisla TABLE RADIO with Clock (Ivory slightly higher.) ARVIN HEATER Weal Heat Fmm, ^ WAFFLE IRON with Indicators 9ie (iaess Werh* ELECTRIC GtULL Makes Meal aid Serves, Snaeks. $13.95 $8.35 $29.95 $1100 $17.95 $10.95 ELECTRIC VACUUM COFFEE MAKER $17.95 JCll ftllfc LECTRASTEEM RADIATOR JX IocJu. ailk _ Jk|lukM WH. $37.95 c. & I. ELECTRIC SHOP McCullom Lake McHenry. IlUnois '• • f Abo Etodrle Wiring ud RapaWag. PHONE McHENRY 567-W-2 . BMN6 THE CHURBt TO SEE SANTA CLAUS FAVORS FOB EVERY CRltD. SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS and APPAREL PRICED ESPECIALLY FOR & YOU & THE' wmm 312 ELM STREET MCHENRY. ILLINOIS S«nta will be here evart Saturday from 2 to 4:30 P. M. The same perfect coffee even time-- t cup to 8. Shuu off itself when coffee is done, then re*' sets itself to keep the coffee hot.' No glass bowls to break. It's all gem-like chrome-plate. Finish Ironing Quicker, Fresher NPTIr 30 DOUBLE AUTOMATIC IRONMASTER Heats Quicker, Stays I Hotter; Irens Faster • It's thrilling to use! Heats quicker--Hot in 30 seconds. Until you've used this fast, double-automatic iron you have no idea how easy ironing can be. Thumb-tip heat regulator in handle. Available in two weights -- lightweight, 4 lbi. o€ lighterweight, 2 Vi lbs. Over 6-mlllion enthusiastic users. Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, juices, etc. Saves time and armwork. Puts extra ddi* ciousness and extra success into every recipe. GEO. ( OLLETTE, Next Door to Bank - Icltsty • PHONE H9

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