W ' :?=?:vV • y.Vi • -y >m. •*- ••£ „ /-£< V * 1(, (<7 - *•"• r^|-, *"\iv:" <-V, ^ Y- >K'. -f */ *T'< - * V. Y - ** ^ Si-'.fill KIWS FROM WONDER LAKE Vmm* sdto ' *JL-Y.#i ' "V • >*p«Y,i.:.f.. ly • .w.^h'^vacYii prIliwi' lli^al# wI Hf • lot Of ion for a number of local faaldeata was the Rod and Gun alaslliary dinner and program %k Saturday night in LeGreca's Lake > i Vhrtr Inn. j Members of the auxiliary served g a Polish sausage, Theringer and Yf sauerkraut dinner. 3 Later a program was given, with children from the Edgewood dance Y studio providing numbers; Paul Marke. 8r., singing; and Clem Y Wirti presenting selections on his Y accordion. Yi Members of the auxiliary com- ' mittee were Mrs. Lotte' Mayer, I chairman; Mrs. Rose Murphy, A4 treasurer; Mrs. Josephine Wendt, .1 secretary; Mrs. Mary Audino, Mrs. ; j Rose Silk, Mrs. Frieda McCaffert i ty and Mrs. Betty Selsdorf. Y Dancing to the tune of "Goofus" \ were jeans-clad danceTS Sandri ( Sells. Carole Bell. Jean Selsdorf, |> Sandri Jo Monteleone. Cora Jean r Henthorne and Betty Holocwost. r-1 Delia Cheney accompanied at the 1 piano for the Goofus number and 1 all the others. I Janet Grill and Betty Wright, |. I n swanky silver costumes, did a 1 fiat. t|tp dance to "Winter Won- " derland" and Sandi Jo Monteleone and Carole Bell, clad in satin costames printed with large music | bars and notes, did a rhythmic tap | to "Music, Music, Music." * Sharon LaGreca, in velvet and white satin, did a waltz clog to J "Sidewalks of New York." |, tn a gypsy dance, all but Sharon v| were included and Janet Grill f sang the melody prior to the dance. | Added to the group Janice Johnson, ¥r 1 wbo *anc** fa syp*y number | only. ; Paul Marke sang "The Lady of £ Fatlma," "Forever and Ever" and pp* ^ "811ent Night" In which he was YY | Joined by Mrs. Mayer, who sang j> the lyrics with him, in German. jp.1 Liter they were joined in "Oh | Taanenbaum" by Etta Schau, with I * all three singing in German. I A square-dance demonstration was given by four girls and four boys with their coach, Fred Zandier, calling <or them. The square dancers were Lynn Cheney. Winn Davidson, Richard Wielock. Paul Renter, Sandi Jo Monteleone, Joyce iw* J Williams, Janice Johnson and Jan* •V I lee Jacobs. Por their efforts, Mrs. Meyer preaanted every girl participant * hankerchief with crocheted | edging and every boy with a free ] haircut at her husband's barber | shop. She had made all the hand* s kerchiefs herself and donated J them... ^ Ma#y of the youngsters seen In the dances m& others of the Edgei wood sctiooi «H1 participate in the style sho* sponsored by St. Mary's J Bt Patrick's P.T.A. and planned •pftr next Sunday afternoon. Man From Inlet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergdahl and Ipealie returned Friday from a , threetweeks' trip to Mexico and Cas Yegas, N. Mex. They took the Hurt "Tn Capitan" to the west coast They had left their par in Crystal Lake and retained Friday to find this part of the world blank" eted in snow . . and almost turned around and west back west. Wv. I; w o R D o r- CAUTION 10 POULTRY RAISERS Make Sure Yqu Get Genuine When you order Hy-Line tfetchk. m«>e sure you get •MviiM Hy-Lines. Don't buy the same as" Hy-Lines, "just as good as" Hy-Line*, or the Hy-Line "type". Insist upon the real Hy-Line. Hy-Line is a registered trade-mark. It can properly be applied only to chickens produced from inbreds developed by the Hy-Line Poultry Farms. Accept no others as Hy-Lines. And remember, the word "hybrid" isn't magic. Just b«ggM*e it is a hybrid chick doesn't mean that it is necessapily good. A good hybrid dkeken must have years and ytars of intensive research, abaction, and testing behind it, Yoto can count on Hy-Line because Hy-Lines i bred intensely 9M and are thoroughly Jnr pears of testing. I9io0 Divided Floclt thoy averaged 24% eus than average f :d breeds. pre you bvy hybrid they're red like Herbert' and Mildred Howorka received their past patron's and matron's Jewels at the Order of Eeasterjv Star Installation in Mc- Hdnc^fSaturday night The new worthy matron la Elisabeth Bahf, ktHenry, and the new worthy patron la William Hoeft, Wonder I<ake. • Alyce Hoeft is associate matron and Herbert Howorka is associate patron. Edith Harrison, Ringwood, is conductress, and Marian Cannon, Wonder *Lake, is associate conductress Other officers from the Wonder! Lake area include Mildred Howorka. chaplain; Luanne Howorka, Ada; Gladys Watkina, Martha; and Emma Pyrlts, McCullom Lake,, sentinel. Mrs. Pyritz is "Bill" Hoeft's sister. XeaY Clab Haelwr ^he Wonder Lake Men's club, organized to better athletics at Wonder^ I^tfccJWlll sponsor a fish fry and jimo^er Friday evening in LeGreca'B. Niembers are now selling tickets for this affair. There will be entertainment: and movies shown. . Funds derived from the smoker will be used to finance athletic equipment for sporting events on both sides of Wonder Lake. There are now about sixteen men meeting every Sunday between 4 and 6 p.m. and the membership is still open. All men of the Lake area are invited to attend. The purpose Of the club is strictly to aid the athletic teams. Chairman pro tem of the group is Joe Monteleone, P. L. Cormier, vice chairman; Mel Sellek, secretary aad treasurer; and Fred Sandier, public relations, Boport On Paper 8ale Mnt Eleanor Wright. • chairman of the Harrison Community club, reports that a total of 121.70 was cleared by the recent sale of waste paper. Mrs. Wright would like householders to continue to save paper, old magazines and cardboard botes. These latter can be mashed aad kept lit boxes for easy handling. •••< < -T>;r i • -6 r'i-v ' " - >\ >r. • Bat Harvey has had another sethack. He needs more surgery and most have blond transfusions before the operation Is possible. Donations are badly needed. Can you spare a little ltfeblood for Harvey? Phone Wonder Lake 3M. How A Teena««r • Bobby CormleT, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier, observed his thirteenth birthday Dec. 11. A family dinner party was held for the occasion. Wanum*s Clab Tales To Sponsor Teenthne Because of the flash snow storm Wonder Lake is still digging out of, the Wonder Lake Roman's club cancelled the regular meeting Friday. However, at a special board meeting beld in the Reuter home, ballots from all members were opened and counted to see whether or not the club should sponsor Teentime. Through these ballots, it was also voted to donate $50 to the teen center held in the school Thursday and Fridays. Tee*htime, too, was forced to remain closed both Thursday and Friday of last week but will be open this wek and through the holidays. Also a donation to Teentime was made by the Kiwanis club in the amount Of $25. Sfnare Dane* Battrday The square dance, sponsored bimonthly at the Legion hall, will be held thii Saturday. The dance Is sponsored by Christ the King chnrch. To Canvqatlon Joe Monteleone is attendiag a radiologists' convention In Chicago this week. Appeal Par Harvey Harvey Blggerg. for more than two, years a patient in the Lake County T. B. sanitarium, Waukegan, thought he would be home to stay at Christmas. Harvey was so well when he visited his family for Thanksgiving. GaeKts of Baras Family Kenny and Lorraine Do row and their small son, Michael Kenneth, 4 months old, were weekend visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Baras, Shore Hills. Observe Birthdays Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Alice Noren, who passed a milestone Dec. 8 and to her son, "Skip" who observed his birthday the following day. tnderfom Surgery Mrs. Glenna Klnsella, Woodstock had major surgery in the Wood- Stock hospital Friday. Mra. Klnsella, a former resident of Wonder Lake, la the mother of Mss. Jajaes Widen. . Hoi* For fhrftfraiai Pell Woodward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Woodward, Wonder Woods, has been trasferred from Colorado to supply school in Ft. Riley, Kans., where he had his basic army training. He will take a 10-week course at Ft. Riley. Pell expects to be home for Christmas. lalkr 8katln« f*Hy As a part of the party-a-month program being hold In the seventh and eighth grade room tanght by John Lathrop, members of these grades held a roller skating party Tneaday of last weak. Children attending were permitted to bring friends. Among thbse who attended the party were Sandi Jo Monteleone Penny Fike, Joan Jeslge, Elaine Drahelm, Janloe Franz, Cora Jean Henthorne, Sandi Sells, Betty Holocwost. Betty Wright. Martha Boldt, Virginia Audino, Ann Lundborg, Nancy Swanson, Janice John- Son, Carol Etsenfytft, Oarol Gnadt. Arthur Fnuissen, Billy Wright, Peter Bastian. A Winn Davidson, Paul Mattrogly. Tom Mattingly. Paul Reuter. Lynn Cheney, Wayne Tronsen, Charles Lathrop, Bobby Stromstedt, Bobby Cormier, Randy Sellek. Bobby Big gers, Chuch Mhjercik, • Richard Wielock and George Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop accompanied the group to the rink. Dinner Gnett^f Dinner guests In the home of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Setzler and Mr.' and Mrs. Warren Tallman. Christmas' Concert The chofuses of McHenry high school presented a Christmas con cert Sunday evening, a particularly charming concert which featured carols from all over the world and sung by carolers In native costumes. Wonder Lake high school students participating In the concert were Paul Marke, Mary Ann Martin, Peggy Selsdorf, Barbara Sellek, Barbara Smale, Charlene- Grosso, Esther Steinle, Sharon Sells, Bob Doerrfeld, Dick Strom, Tommy Holocwost and MarUyn Ptromstedt. '•£; Farewell for Kiss IMtitr MORE MORE < A farewell party for Louise Behrens was held at the home of Mrs. Betty Wilkinson last Wednesday by a group who have been pi-lying bridge together for some time. Among those present were Lonise Vogt, Gretta Weisenberger, Sinione Fuller and Grace Sellek. Three With Measles Joan, Jimmy and Dolores Marke ar«L recovering from % bout v&th the measles. Haw Subdivision Highland Shores is the name of the new subdivision on the west side of the lake. Three new plats have ben approved by the -board of supervisors. All are in Greenwood township. Diane Is One Diane Warik. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Warik. Wicklin^ Bay, celebrated her first birthday Dec. 6. ,! , Mra. Black, Chicago, braved the storm to be present at her graJWdaughter's birthday party. Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors of the B. ffi mas -Liaes, bred 1 aaad cam. VaH« Nv-Um Mplrthatar MCHENBY MILLS Hin^^rMni «U J '-i • . * X ' S.A ; y r i- Mrs.' Steven's tvew Rose 'f'ift packed full of creams, caramels, nougats, ships and other luscious pieces, hand-dipped in our special milk and dark coatings. Available in four sizes 1-2-3-5 lb. con* tainers. $1.25 to $5.50. 100% Filled Hard Candy or Old Fashioned assorted Xmai candy. 39c and 59c tt>. See our selection of candy dishes, Dresden and Modern Figurines. j Every girl, little or :big, likes a doll and we have MINIATURES, LADY or one of the FINEST BABY DOLLS available. Prices $1.39 to $16.9^ i For his or her 1st Christmas see our new line of Plush Animals made of the best quality rayon plush, hand embroidered nose, sewed-in eyes and felt tongues all packed in boxes. only $.179 etch. Salts and Peppers by DARVILL make ideal gifts for the collector in the family- ; $1.00 pair. 8* Our Section Fint. R.m«nb.r W. Ship XaywhaM. ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP MS W. EL# STBEET HIGHWAYS 120 8e »l TEL. 235-M McHENRY, ILLINOIS mm / ,v. , -/l) • Murphys were tha^r daughter and family, Dolores and Fred Kuakel. and their small daughter, Patricia. Gospel fhnrrh News We are pleased to announce oar special holiday services as follows; Children's festival and program on Saturday evening, Dec. 33, at 7:30. It will be the children's opportunity to' tell the Christmas story--the story of Bethlehem--in recitations, songs and music. An evening of pure delight. Christmas service on Sunday morning, Dec. 24, (Christmas Eve) at 10:30. The pastor will speak on the subject; "The Prince of Peace." Special Christmas music. Annual Watch Night service, Sunday evening, Dec. 31, beginning at 9 o'clock. There will be a social hour with refreshments served, ending up with a devotional meet* ing with a season of prayer up to the midnight hour. To all thesa special occasions we extend a cor* dial invitation to one and all. ^ For next Sunday, Dec. 17, w».. heartily invite friends and neighbors to our Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m. Morning Worship service at 11 o'clock and to the evening Odspel Hour at 7:45. Only nine shppplng days until Christmas. Do your shopping now In MtHenry. fit #* 3 Compete 111*? if remedies at McHenry. Matties llveatoe} Drag Store Itfl Plalndea5 - now! sr ,' • Mt ' . t *: *, Tb prevent train accidents duo to falling rocks or esrth slides la hilly or mountsinous regions, electrically charged wire fences are made to serve as detectors. If a falling rock or an earth «Hde breaks one or more of the wires In the fence, a relay is released and 1 "stop" signals ?re set up to halt a train approaching from either direction. SANTA'S m Crowded Norway The people of Norway make good use of all available space. They often cover the roofs of their houses with squares of turf in which grass snd small bushes are planted. This makes excellent pasturage for their Coats. Cnbaas Eat V. 8. Rice Rice consumption in Cuba is mora than 100 pounds per person per year, of which only about 15 pounds are produced in Cuba, and the balance is imported, cldafly from the United States. ON HIS WAY Order Your Christmas Cards Early! YOUR NAME PRINTED F R EE On Every Order of Christmas Cards Purchased Our Office. . - • Order Early from Our Complete Selection. at 102 Groan Street McHenry Tmirsdaff VYCITAL'S hardware has wonderful gifts for everyone on your gift list. Here are just a few of our, hundreds of gift selections.! Wliilft ELECTRIC S19.9S Vd-IN. DRILL A flue, sturdy shop tool for all but th* heaviest Jobs. Trigger grip switch. With fittings, can. also be used as grinder, polish* er, or buffer. electric (10 QC TRAINS Many styles--freight or passenger models. Style illustrated with % cars, track aad trans, former. Streamlined 36-IN. SLED Here is a fast, sleek speedster, that steers easily and goes like the wind! Chrome tabular frame and runners. M-Moot lengths. ICE SKATES nur Professional type skates mountad secorely to shoes. Rockered blade for quick tnrnlng and tpeod. A woaderfhl gift. A big valae. SO" METAL DOLL HIGH CHAIR $3.79 MAKE-A HECKLACE BEAD SET $1.49 : CUDDLY DOUBLE TEDDY SIX BEAR Dominoes $2.98 69c MOSSBERG S31.95 RIFLE 92--Auto Loading, Bait Action Rifle. Metal TOY BARN With plastic accessorlos. GLASSWARE See oar complete assortment of glass kltchenware and oven* ware. Very useful, they "doable^ ss serving, mixing it •tonga dishes. A--10" Serving Bowl, MM « B--Baking Dish and Castard Caps, «8M ^-Covered Refrigerator Dishes, set of 4, 9 9>-Mlx!ng Bowls, ttJi tun "Hopaloag Cassldy** PAINT SET $1.89 Toy Steam S2J) SHOVEL lib colorful all metal tay irorks "Jost like a real oaO.* Durably made. S1H* loag. ANDIRONS 511.70 Per Pair 1 • t Beautiful designs In aatlqae brass plated hammered design. 18tt Inches high, weight 33 ponnds. Flaost qaality, fall roaad. Westlnghouie BOASTER--$39.95 STAND--$19.95 POPUP TOASTER; A real beauty--toasts t stteia a time, jast right. AiJttV) able spaed. Polished ehraaM kwlth brown plastic trim. anteed. PHONE 98-M Ll - A.fe : '.(•# • i • Y ,\ GREEN SHEET > .: YY; AYY 1..A*i