AUCTION \ . IP TOGBL, Awttwwr The term has beta sold, have decided to quit Carmine and mote back to Indiana. Will sell the following described property at Auction. SATURDAY DEC. 16th mi starting at lstt e'eleek rinorp on the old Carlson farm located ^ mite sonth of Solon Mills, 4 -tnlles northeast of Ringwood. *20 BEAD oi LIVESTOCK 18 Helstela adft eewsj 8 fresh, 4 spring**** * Helstela fcdfew, (1 U 8 akeatfes mU). This Is a feed |Muk| Wd of Helstela cows. 1 Hostehr bail, 14 Heath* eld. Team of good work horses, wt. 1000 lbs. 60 white rock and Rhode Island red chickens. I* FEED VW tons baled alfalte and timothy bay, 300 biles alfalfa and clover mixed, 4 tons of loose timothty hay in barn, 8 tons of baled straw, 1800 bushels ear corn, 1200 bushels Clinton oats, 22 ft. of silage. MACHINERY . McD. F-20 tractor and cultivator recently overhauled, McD. 1-M one row mounted corn picker, rubber tired wheel barrow, J-D 10-ft. grain £0rill, David Bradley manure ipreader on rubber, McD. 2-216 tractor plow, 3-sec. drag, side delivery rake, 1936 Buick car, quantity of old Iron, McD. double vnlt milking machine, surge hot water heater. TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and ander cash; over that amout a Credit of 6 months at 6% will be given on notes approved by clerk, Bo property to be removed until itfettled for. Not Responsible for Accidents. . JOE DUDLEY. Prop. Itlate Bank of Richmond, Clerking * WALTER HUNTER AUCTION WILLIAM H. KPSSEL and WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Aaets. ^ Having rented a farm at Bar- ' rington, Illinois, on shares, where the owner furnishes all of the tfairy, I will sell my dairy and feed, together with surplus machinery, at Public Auction on the farm located 4Vfc miles south and West of McHenry and 5% miles |aat of Woodstock, l mile north 6f the Woodstock-McHenry Blacktop Road, known as the Country 4$Club Road, (Farm adjoins the Col. tiacy Farm), on t SUNDAY, DEC. 17th ltM Cemmeneinv at lttM, as fellews, Wwlt. 14 HEAD of LIVESTOCK teaslstla* ®* » choice Holsteln #6ws, • fresh with calves, 6 sprlngffs, balance milking very good, 6 |red heifers coming 2 years old, W heifers 10 months old, S heifers 1 months eld, I betters 4 months fM, 1 Holsteia ball coming 2 years §14. This la a good dairy of cows pad It will be an opportunity for those wio need to get good reflacement «xifr their dairy. 10 ef the above described heifers are fklfhood vaccinated. •: 18 feeding pigs weighing 120 lbs. FEED fj400 bales, good second cutting Alfalfa, 700 tiles first cutting alfalfa, 500 bales of straw, 20 tons fif chopped first and second cutting alfalfa. 12-ft. silage in 16-ft Bio. ^MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT . John Deere 10-ft. tandem disc, fohn Deere grain drill, IHC oil path 6-ft. moWer, IHC corn binder, Van Brunt Broadcast seeder with grass seed attachment. 10 hole # hog feeder. Crainbuster ..15-in. -'fcammcr mill. DeLaval magnetic milking machine with 2 units and pipe for ' 40 cows, electric hot water heater, 18 gal. size. All Chicken House Equipment and a 10x16 Brooder House. POULTRY SO Austria white hens. 60 white Pekin ducks. 14 Mallard ducks. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Piano, Monogram Stove Super Flame Oil Burner. THE FOLLOWING MACHINERY IS GOING TO BE SOLD, AND BELONGS TO THE CRYSTAL LAKE FARM STORE. McCormick Deering 10-20 tractor on rubber. International corn shredder, 2years old; International manure spreader. International 8-ft. disc, New Idea side rake. Many other articles used in the operation of the farm, too numerous to mention. Not Responsible For Accidents. Lunch Wagon On Grounds. TERMS: Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. Walter Hunter, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insnraace Corporation. AUCTION On Grand Avenue, being 2 miles east of Lake Villa, 2 miles east of highway 21, 4 miles east of highway 59, on SUNDAY, DEC. 17th Commencing at 1:00 o'clock. Fowles Lunch Wagen. CATTLE -- 10 outstanding Swiss and Holsteln heifers, consisting of • Swiss and 1 Holsteln. There are t close springers (2 and 3 years old). 1 two year old Holsteln heifer (open), and S long yearling Swiss heifers ( open). T. B. and Bangs tested. MACHINERY--McD. "H" tractor on rubber, starter, lights, etc; McD. 2-row power lift cultivator; McD. 2-bot. 16-in. tractor plow (like new) ; J-D 2-bot. 14-in. tractor plow; McD. 8-ft. tractor disc; 3-sec. steel drag: Big Six front end hydraulic lift loader; McD. pick-up mounted corn planter with fert. attach, (like new); Broadcast seeder; culti-packer; McD. Tft. tractor mower; McD. side delivery rake; Gehl silo filler; Deering corn binder; rubber tired wagon and box; 2 iron wheel wagons and racks; bob sled. FEED--400 bushels Clinton oats; 1,000-* bushels corn; 600 b&les mixed 1st cut hay; 250 bales mixed 2nd cut hay; 100 bales of straw. MISCELLANEOUS -- ' 1% sets breeching harness; chains; forks; shovels; misc. small tools; etc. ROY FALCH, Owner HERMAN BEHM, A u c t i o n e e r Pablic Auction Service Co., Clerk AUCTION ED TOGEL, MANAGER SELECTED BY MAYTAG COMPANY To settle the estate of the late Robert Sutton, will sell at Public Auction the following personal prororty on the old Sutton Farm located % mile west of Intersection of Rte. 31 and 12, 2 miles south of Richmond, 1 mile east of Keystone Corners, on S0NDAY. DEC 1950 Starting UN P. M. sharp. LIVESTOCK 3 Chester white sows; team of good work horses; 125 White Leghorn hens, lyr. old; 25 Muscovy dttcks; 3 white Pekin dUcfes; Vtl chicken feeders and waterers. FEED 100 bnshels oats; 406 bushels ear corn; 8 tons baled clover and timothy hay; 2 tons loose hay; 400 lbs. shelled popcorn, will be sold In 10 lb. pkgs. guaranteed to pop; 14 bags of 212-6 fertiliser. MACHINERY McD. hay loader; McD. hay mower, 6-ft.; corn planter; Mcb. manure spreader; 2 iron wheel wagons and racks; fanning mill, like* neW; Stewart electric cow clipper, new; milk wagon, buggy; hay rope and fork; milk scale; cream separator, 7 milk cans; 2 garden cultivators; quantity of old iron. Some Household Furniture TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that amount, credit of 6 months time. Notea approved by clerk. EMMA SUTTON, Administrator of Robert Satten Estate. RICHMOND BANK, Clerking The mining industry Is Canada*! third largest primary industry from the standpoint of gross value ot products. I$rfcuftiu« being first and forestry sfceend. Canada today Teads the world In the production of nickel, asbeittOs and ftatinum, and is the seebnd largest producer ef . gold, xine, cobalt and aluminum. OWL SAY! FM0U IN TRAFFIC. iA,m cowqi JAMES R. SMITH Tht Maytag company of Newton, Iowa, has announced the appointment of James R. Smith as a Maytag regional sales manager In charge of ten counties in northern Illinois. As part of his regular duties, Mr. Smith will make frequent calls on Carey Electric Shop Maytag dealer in McHenry. The ten counties in northern Illinois are part of the Chicago branch office and Mr. Slnlth Will work under> George W. Jafden. manager of the Chicago branch office of the Maytag coihpatiy. A veteran of World War II. ilr. Smith served as a member of a B-29 gun crew. Previous to coming with the Maytag campany, he worked as a sales counselor for General Electric company in Illinois. < ' A native of Springfield, III., Mr. Smith is married to the former Frances Wiiin of Galesburg. They have one son. Phil, age 4. Included in Mr. Smith's territory are the following counties; Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Kane, Lee. McHenry, Ogle. Stephenson and Winnebago. •eepttal The hospital bed shortage ha: never been caught up. Hospital will continue to be built in 1051 L flomc Dyes Bome dyes can be employed to restore the colot of faded spots on your rug. After preparing the dye solution according to directions on the box, apply with an ordinary window spray, or with a brush. Hie color will go on evenly and make signs of wear practically invisible. From a Sage In a letter to Miss Msrt Stem»> son, London, dated June 11, 11VI. Benjamin Franklin said: . . There is no rank in natural knowledge of equal dignity and Importance with that of being a godd parent, a good child, and good bos' band or wife, a good neighbor or friend, a good subject or citizen, that Is. in short, a good Christian." GASOLINE HEATERS TESTED FREE on, our tester. Bring yours in now. Good service. Twelve years experience as authorised factory heater repairman. SPECIAL SALE Stewart Warner air conditioned gaaoline heaters. Were $49.SO, aew m»s. HAROLD RILEY SALES and SERVICE Rl Washington Street Woodstock 1450-W Formerly at Riley A Rllejr Gas Station Victims of Bees A report issued by veterinarians calls attention to the fact that swarms of bees occasionally attack large farm animals and poultry. A possible explanation for the attacks is that bees dislike the odor of certain animals, especially goats and horses. A warm period with excessive rain and high humidity may make the odor so Atrong that bees will strike in force. Sometimes the victims are injured so severely they die, unless treated promptly 'with injections of antihistamine drugs. Sardine 8eaeea Thi largest fishing fleet in Southern California history opened the southern sardine season by bringing more than 3500 tons of sardines to port of Los Angeles canneries. Opening of the season meant work for approximately 9000 persons in the harbor area, 2000 being fishermen aboard vessels and 7000 being cannery employees. (Mere Farm Machinery When putting the farm machinery away for the winter, check for needed rtpafrs while cleaning and oiling. Moel Eiperts, The five leading importers at steel from the United States last year were Canada. Venezuela, Qie United Kingdom, Mexico and the Union of South Africa, h that order. Exports of steel products by the United States last year amounted to 4,682,116. tons. $ Patettti Met* yini coi When Before applying paint to copper or brass the surface should bt £r0* perly treated to eliminate all grease. This may be done by scrubbing the surface with mineral spirits or turpentine • A new deffce a hand refractoma* tar--Bag been developed for the •hnpie rapid testing of flaxseed and Mijtaiaits fsr the quality of their oils at measured by "io&ae number." Newborn Stock The newborn pig represents ar investment of at least $5.00 on the part of the owner, the newborn call at least ttS.W When Baying 8tfha*' In buying squash, choose those that are Jieavy for their size, and have a lard of firm rind which IS free from blemishes. NYLONS Men's 8c Woman's All Sizes, Styles and Colors. Regulars and •. t Irregulars. McHenry Hosiery Mill CRYSTAL LAKE ftoii McHENRT, ILL. iteaa tne want Ads. Third biggest city, fa the Aaa«rt cas Is Buenos Aires. capital. Its 2.000J71 __ rank it behind New York „ «go and ahe4d of PMUdelftlia. Montana's Coal Montsna has coal reserves *t about 222 billion tons, current esti» mates show. Easy to mine, though generally below good indasMhl quality, it holds bright promise tor synthetic liquid fuel DON'T FORGET • NEWYEAR'S EVE : fcnd OTO ilTH ArfNtifXt 4 O'CLOCK BREAKFAST PARTY rrs THE OAK PARK HOTE& » • O •_ PISTAKEE BAT gnjoy ToarMli. ifs later than yon Ft*** |^t '\'-4 Vogue Dolls $3.00 and up COMPLETE SELECTION OF FAMOUS "DOLLS OF ALL NATIONS" . /t Qfuuuuf'i. 9deal Gluuc* 1/ofue 3>alU A good Granny knows that a real little mother wants real dolls -- with chubby real bodies, "real hair" to fix, and real clothes to take ok and put on -- even shoes, and a wise Grandma Chooses unbreakable, all-plastic dolls that are :completely washable, L ,|J Afauticeb Gcatdu SJmp. 128QREEHSTBEET > i- ^ % % .* . VOelaage Metal Nickel is an appropriate metal tor coins since it does not tarnish and wears well. One of the present coins made of pure nickel is the Canadian five-cent piece." ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT Ty#e Ripened -- from Grower jfeushel $4.50 -- 1-3/5 Bushel $64)0 Express Prepaid. Send Order and Cheek. D. W. MALLOY LAKE HELEN. FLORIDA TUB GIFTS OF UTILITY more than a week remains in which to c<mclud# ffial gift shopping. You may •MwV you are almost finished but take another look at the names of those for whom you are buying. There is always someone you have left until last, having long a^o designated them on'the "difficult" list. Here are some sure hits for just such people, whether they are men or women, among the older f6lks or the young tots. They are Gifts of Utility which are not always plentiful today but which will serve the owner well for months and years to come. POWER TOOLS • V * FINE HAND TOOLS SKIIS REVERE WARE MIXMASTEflS TOASTMASTERS SHAVEMASTERS CLIPM ASTERS SUNBEAM WAFFLE IRON SUNBEAM IRON MASTER ELECTRIC CORN POPPERS SLEDS SKATES RIFLES AMMUNITION TIN ROCKET KNIVES NICKEL'S HARDWARE STREET - W. McHEHHT, UXlflOIS PHONE 2 wsirti mm --if you buy a Nash Rambler, the first convertible sedan tbat'f weather-snug, wind-tight aid rattle-prooC C --because every Rambler comet j equipped with a Weather Eye. | the world's best Conditioned Air H System. No drafts, no fogging, Complete living-room comfort lb sero weather! --because a thrilling new Rambler makes a wonderful Christinas gift for the entire ® family ... and now you can / - i ' i TMs Is the cor that you and millions more have hoped someday to own. Ymi've wanted the fun of an open car, but with the comfort and safety of a sedan. You've wanted a convertible free of the usual rattles and squeaks. And that's what yon get in the sensational new Nash Rambler! Plus--the hottest performance on the road!-- (and it's so easy to handle and pa He). Plus up to A \ " •£ 4 « »-->•» J. m SO miles to a gallon, at average highway spesdl JPtus full-size room! V \\ !.ds Mi's Mt" ' • rn ( \irs • f. Plus complete custom equipment--i radio, Weather Eye, Directional Signals, etc.-- tiearly $300 worth--all at America's burnt priot for a convertible sedan! « i. Come in. Drive one. We have Rambler Station Wagons, too--but better hurry if you want yow choice of color! DOWWS NASH SALES McHENRY, 1U • : > ^ fiiiVWOH leek fsr "Ike No* AMyte Tkeetre" en jrowr favertt* CSS TslsvUtoa Station every mil Cww* yovr NwiHpe for «s^ 4mf ead rfoMoai BndStertyMChfisim fan- toonrl *-i,V 4» IM#'. • - " • v -