^iililii McHENRY. ILLINOIS. AY. DECEMBER 14. 1950 KIVANSW, SPONSOR Fr. Jung Read First Mass Dec. 8 Business Men Host To Sant FASHIONED FAMILY •11 plans nve now been completed for Santa's visit to McHenry on Saturday, Dec. 16, "BUI COOMB Osu~ PoHnja Honing Of XaM HAM RUM Jan. 14 In spite pf the very low temper-' atures and hazardous driving conditions of last Friday morning. Public Asfcsd To AvtU T1I«IIIM1TM Of Extra Sonrloss •d" •--*--wjp-- Poctmsuter Hay McGee has announced that for the convenience Jtt patrons in the community and order to aaaure mall delivery of pklues and cards by Christmas, the post office on Riverside Drive and the West McHenry station will be open on Sunday, Dec. 17, w|th hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p:n». The public is asked to avail themselves of this service In order to east the rush of the final week before the holiday. No money orjtflerB will be taken but there will window and stamp service throughout the day. The postoffice, through thii extra service, hopes to have all Christmas mail handled by Saturday, Dec. 23. There will be no delivery service on Christmas D4y. Early Mailing In order to aasure prompt delivery before Dec. 26, postal officials urge that all mailing is completed «by this weekend. They also again recommend first class postage on cgrds In order that they will be forwarded In case of a change in address or returned should a return address appear on the outside Of the envelope. Because of the severe weather allld heavy snow of the past week, combined with the heavy mail of tte holiday, season, delivery ser- . ^rice is necessarily delayed unless Wpatroiis of both city and rural routes co-operate. ftural boxholders ass asked to top clear the approaches by re-. J! moving snow as soon as possible so that carriers may deliver mall to box«s without leaving their cars. Unless approach#* are cleared within a reasonable time, service •nit bo withheld temporarily untfl ft is pdasibU to roach the boxes. A: City boxholders arp asked, to keep their wtltai ele*r ofsnow tn order to feSllfteie dollwy. friends, relatives and sponsored by the Business Men's parishioners of St. Peter's church. Spring Qrove, gathered there when Rev. Fr. Eugene Jung read his first Mass in his home pariah. The Mass was read on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Rev. Fr. John Daleiden, pastor of the church, served as celebrant. Rev. Fr. Eugene Berendsen, O. Praem, of Oreen Bay, Wis., deacon, Rev. Fr. Frank Miller of Richmond, sub-deacon; and Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley of IfcHenry, master of ceremonies Rev. Fr. Joseph Marinack, M.S.C., of Geneva, IU., preached the sermon and Robert Miller* Sacred Heart 8eminary, Geneva served as censer bearer. The brid£ was Rita Freund, cousin of Fr. Jung, and angels were Diane Jung and Pauline Ann Brown. Following the 'Mass, at 1 o'clock, 200 guests enjoyed the banquet served in the church hall- At 3:30 o'clock Fr. Jung officiated at solemn Benediction services and in the evening 200 were present in the church hall for a reception honoring the young priest. Relatives and friends came from Stacyville, la., Oreen Bay and Mllkee, Wis., for the solemn occasion. CITY DIGS OUT OF WINTER'S WORST STORM Schools Closed On Friday Altar Snow Blocked Roads association. He will spend most of the day in the business districts, using one of the city's school busses as headquarters. From 10 to 11 o'clock in the morning he will be on Riverside Drive, from 11 to 12 o'clock on Green street and from 1 to 2 o'clock In West McHenry. He will then return to Riverside Drive for one hour, will go to Green street for a .second visit* at 3 o'clock and will complete the afternoon in West McHenry between • and 5 o'clock. Santa will be happy to visit with Sanat will be happy to visit with all the children in the community and will make a careful list of their desires for gifts. He will also distribute candy to the little ones. The McHenry Township KiwnjstlS club wastage its first annual ifefc Carnival on Sunday, Jan. 14, lfctl* on S locum Lake. The feature tifrj . traction will be harness IpMVW racing on ice, a very damgerotii ' and thrilling aport. Fifteen Of leading horses in the Chicago an* will race and some of the out* standing riders will take part flK the program. This is a rare opportunity to witness a aportof this type and a crowd of ijNtoM** people are expected to Ilk# attending public will he WON* ed to donate fifty cent* »s»ad*lt and twenty-five cents I1T Tjfr~' PLAN SATURDAY FUNERAL RITES FOR LIFELONG RESIDENT Kiwanis lUCtvi* there Miss Madge Phannenstill, 59, a lifelong resident of this community, died unexpectedly at'the Waukegan sanitarium at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning, Dec. 13. $he had been undergoing treatment there for the past five weeks. Survivors include six sisters and brothers, Mrs. Anna Richardson of Round Lake, Mrs. Mary Pouliot of Lily Lake, Mrs. Kathryn Sdadtfield of Round Lake, John Phannenstill of McHenry, Mrs. Elisabeth Aamon of Round Lake and Frank Phannenstill of Chicago. The body is resting at the George Justen A Son funeral home until 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning, when last rites will be conducted from St.. Mary's church in Ms- Henry. Interment will be in St. Peter's cemetery. Volo. EtIGSllS P. FBEftND tuns BOMB FROM E08EAM WATF80MT Herb Freund received a letter early this week from his son, Sgt Eugene P. Freund, who is flght- (&ln* with army forces which have Joined a marine division in Korea. He atated that he had received the first package of food sent him two months ago. As they are constantly on thf move, it is difficult to get such packages through. He stated that rations were running loir and asked that food be sent Paul and Walter Richardson of McHenry joined armed forces at the same time and are now stationed very near each other in Korea although they have found it Impossible to get together up to thiB time. Paul saw a truck bearing the division number to which Walter belongs but has been unable to contact him. He reportq having had a fine Thanksgiving dinner and asks bis family not to worry as things are not too bad. The community's worst blizzard of the winter struck McHenry last Thursday evening and early Friday morning and together with low temperatures cut travel, even within the city, to a minimum. . For the first time in a good] * --~-- . .. J. many years (possibly in the town's Coroner Hdrry L. Ehort fills history) schools were closed be- [W®»k issued his annual report for cause of the weather before the'^e fiscal year ending Dec. S, 1960, Coroner Ehora Issues Report of thf ward the ties fund Censed? Va In addition to the will be a number of kia Shying celebrities to give ex formances and some bers. Herman Gerts, chai arranging committee, has worked hard arranging for the entries horses and rideris and working o<it the many details involved in »f big an undertaking. He will make public the names of all the entrls# next week. The members voted to incorporate the Kiwanis clnb as a nonprofit corporation and eSapewered Joseph X. Waynne to Immediately prepare and file the uacassyy Above are members of the family fho portrayed "An Old Fashioned ^jhristmas" in the McHenry Choral ^lub's awiaal program presented Sunday atoning, Dec. 3. Left to right, standing, they are | Ethel Hansen as the colored servant Mandy; Harriett Bell, old lady; Delia Cheney, Aunt Mabel; William Meeker, papa; Helene Zettlmaier, mama; Eleanor Ebey, Lola May and Freddie Thompson, the children; and Fred Svoboda, Sr., Santa Claus. Sitting, left to right, are Clara Cristy, grandma; and Otto Pyrits, Uncle Tom. More Letters For Santa Sent In documents. 19§0 Xmas Sfpt Sale Continues . -. ' "3TThe ,19M Christmas |sftl sal* In McHenry county Is ing Its thtod week. this time total * w-- ^ reported bjr tire MeHnfr fioiMp More latteis continue to arrive ||t 8aata^» headquarters from •tungsten in this community, luting their desires for full stockteg# this Christmas. "Dear Ssata: "I am just getting 4Mb-measles so I have to stay in the house for two weeks. I think I will be over them by Christmas. I have been a very good girl and hope Msat you will remember me. 'I Would like a doll trunk, a mix and serve set, a set of building logs and n Hershey Bar Bank. MI hope that you will remember my mommy and daddy too. Hoping |hat ,you are well I remain . \ v ?*"lteir friend, .• i .f*miL MEYER E. Waukegan ltond .-WcHenrjr" m 300 Present At Concert Of High School Choral Orottps About 300 persons were present In the high school auditorium last 8unday evening to hear the annual mid-winter -concert of the high school choral groups.' The a cappella chorua, girls' . chorus, boys' chorqs and girls' £ ensembles were featured In a variety of numbers, the concert concluding with two selections appropriate to the season, rendered by - the entire mixed chorus. middle of December. Although busses were able to make a portion of their rounds, roads were such that it was advisable to close school rather than continue with only a limited attendance. Church services on Friday morning were attended for the most part by those who lived near the churches or had arisen at an early enough hour to clear driveways of drifts several feet high. The snow fall itself, measuring only a few inches, would not have played such havoc with roads had not a strong gale throughout Thursday evening and Friday morning sent the light snow blowing through the* sky in huge white clouds. f Several Frostbitten Several cases of frostbite were recorded as motorists became stalled in the deep drifts during the several hours at the height of the storm. A wonder Lake man, R .J. Wielock, was rescued by Woodstock' city police about 9 o'clock Thursday night after his car became stalled on Rt. 120, near the airport. Suffering from exposure, he was taken to the hospital in that city in a semi-conscious condition. Haroldine Olcott. 9 - year - old daughter of MY and Mrs. Dan Olcott of Alden, was recovering this week from an emergency appendectomy which was held up several hours because of the inability to get the child to a hospital. Snow drifts prevented the par ents from reaching the highway, making it necessary for them to concerning deaths called to the attention of his office during the last twelve months. Sixty-nine deaths were reported with sixty-five inquisitions held. Of these five died in one fire at Woodstock. Only seven inquisitions were held in McHenry, with the same number in Marengo, eighteen in Crystal Lake and twelve each in Woodstock and Harvard. Richmond listed five, Algonquin, three and Wonder Lake, ene. Heart ailments accounted for thirty-one deaths which required inquests by the coroner. Other deaths were attributed to the following causes: Automobiles and automotive driven vehicles, 13; accidentally burned to death, 6; accidental drownings, 4; due to .falls in homes. 2; suicide by gunshot, 2; suicide by drawing. 1; suicide by hanging, 1; carbon monoxide suffocation. 1; suffocation by blanket pulled over face, 1; overdose of medicine with suicide intent, 1; killed by flying fragments of furnace explosion, 1; suffocation by asperation, 1; fall on sidewalk, 1; train-auto collision, 1; pulmonary embolism, 1; accidental electrocution, 1. Interesting is the fact that com- Sared to twenty-six deaths in 1949 ue to automotive propelled vehicles, this year there wave only one-half that number. 1>IED IN CRASH N. E. Bonebrake. 51, a laborer, HOT GUILTY VERDICT A jury in the circuit court in Woodstock on Tuesday of this week gave a not guilty verdict in the $35,000 suit of Fred and Mag- 4}na Bruun against Joe and Louise Clybor of Spring Beach subdivision, Cary. Tbe Bruuns asked judgment against the Clybors because of alleged injuries received by Mrs. Bruun in 194*. when she was attacked and bitten by a dog she claimed was owned by the ». Clybors. nr in FORCE Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. IfjOtto Mueller of the Country Club subdivision, entered the air force last week and is now stationed at in contact »Dy puuue »» *"* -• . .. Physician, who directed them on|nig»|t as he tried to push his how to administer emergency stalled auto off the tracks of the treatment. When the sheriffs office was notified of the situation by Harvard's police department, a snow plow *ras sent to clear the roadway for a mile and one-half to the Olcott home. Hkrry Herendeen of Crystal Lake, chief deputy sheriff, and the child's father then carried her on a chair to the police car, from where she was taken to the Harvard hospital for surgery. Temperatures moderated somewhat by Friday, making less unpleasant the task which confronted everyone as , they attempted to make paths to the road. Chicago ft North Western railroad at the intersection of U. S. Rt. 14 and Hillside avenue, southeast of Barrington. The car was demolished by a passenger train. His 13-year-old son, Robert, who was with him and was helping to push the stalled auto, leaped to safety a moment before the crash. He escaped injuries. JOINS ARMY Theodore R. Oxtoby, Jr., 19. a resident of Rt. 1. Ringwood. has entered the regular army, reporting for duty last Monday. He was home on a pass last week. AIR CORPS ENLISTEES Richard C. French and Richard E. Stratton are among four county men to enlist in the army air Lackland air base. San Antonio, force. They have left for training I of 'l cwo aa ("fB" w^AugusTon T" H« " * 1,60 °' ""I" ^«*nd air but. S« "--.MP FltES SriT L B. Hawley of Ringwood filed suit against William Jenrich of army air Chicago last week, asking judgment training of $1,000 damages to his automo- "Dear 4smta: years old. We would each like to have a toy typewriter. If you have two cow girl suits sise 6 and 8 please bring us each one of them. "We have a little cousin living in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Her name is Kathleen Amo. Don't forget to go to her house and bring her some toys. "We have triad to be goo|« "Goodbye, 8anta. "CAROL and PATSY OLOSSOtt "506 John Street" "Dear Santa: "I am 3 years old and have a little brother two months old. I'd like some nice new toys and maybe a doll with r*al hair. My litUe brother is so small he don't have any toys so maybe you could put something nice in his booty for him. And don't forget mommy and daddy and my two grandmas in Chicago. And please don't forget all the poor little girls and boys. "I'll be a good little girl. "LINNEA BIMJ^air from the lWf Ghristasos ami which will continue nhtH CluM' mas, will finance tuberculosis control in McHenry oounty. Tuberculosis kills more than 40,000 Americans each juSar. K kills more young people between the ages of 15 and 36 thfcn any other disease te this country. We still have a long road to travel before we gain complete victory over the diaeaae. The Christmas Seal sale in McHenry county deserves the support of every resident in the county. Its success will make possible a vigorous program of tuberculosis prevention and control during the coming year. If your name was not on the mailing liat this year and you would like to purchase seals, call or write the McHenry County Tuberculosis association, Woodstock, 111., and they will be happy to send them to you. I ans etittle boy, 7 years old and te seooad grade. I am trying to very (poof. Please bring me an Aectrfe teste and a road grader. V^'lteter Mary Kay, a doll She is 4 .years old. ,--P jnig stoxne candy and nuta. Itasfc you, Santa. . "GARY FREUND** "Dear Santa: "Sandy is my name. I want a doll bufty and a doll and doll house. Ttkhnfc you. "SANDY ADAMS" ~ HOLIDAY CHURCS SERVICES PLANNED FOR HEXT SUNDAY Two holiday Christmas prorams are being planned for local churces next Sunday, Dec. 17. The children of the primary department of the Methodist church will give their annual program, a vesper service, at 4:20 o'clock. In their childlike manner they wfil seek to make it an hour froSi which parents and friends will carry a warm memory, for it' is in the church that one feela the real meaning of Cbristmaa; God revealing himself to the world through the Babe in the manger. The largest group in the history of the church school will participate In this service. Next Sunday evening, Dec. 17, at the Ringwood Community Methodist church, there will be a Christmas service in pageant form at 8 o'clock. All residents of the community are invited to attend. TENOR SOI.OIST Warren Jones was tenor soloist when the choir of the Temple Baptist church, 3006 Courtlaud, Chicago, presented Handel's "Mesiah" last Sunday afternoon. Those from here who attended were Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel-Jones and Vaughn Jones. JUcHenry high school. Jul' I II " III .1 i'-' ' *'riWf" -- 'T«x. AT TEXAS HOTEL Albert and George Vales left last week with Carl Sands orchestra for Dallas, Tex., Wher# they will play at the Baker hotel for an indefinite stay. The orchestra has been at tbe Oriental theatre in Chicago for the past three years. "Deu Santa: I "My name is Jimmy. I am nine years eld and I want a TV set. I have aaved my money for a long time and Mommle and Daddy wish we would get it too so please remember us. I have been trying to he a good boy. "JIMMIB ADAMS •Thank you Santa." Pear Santa Claus: I would like to have a set of llncoln logs and more tracks for fky train and switch tracks too, SBd a pair of ice skates and a sled. Love from MICHAEL MEEKER, S yeara old. Dear Santa Claus I would like a car and a truck and tinker toys and candy. Love, "JIMMIE MKSfiUBR, 1 yeara old." "Dear 8anta: "I, Nancy, am 3 years old and my brother George, 1 year old. Please bring me some new crayosss, a coloring book, and an Ironlag hoard. Bring Georgie a little toys. Tour little friend, ° "NANCY KANE" LIST COUNTY MEN INDUCTED INTO ARMY LAST WEEK Nine more McHenry county men were accepted for selective service last week, the group having been Inducted Dec. 5. Listing of the nine was made later in the week by Norma Scott, clerk of the county draft board. The group brought to fifty-nine the number accepted thus far from the county in recent weeka. In addition to EdWin Stoffel and Paul Schumacher? who were listed last week, the following also were inducted: David T. Johnson, Bennett R. Taylor, Donald C. Jensen, Eugene T. Olcott, Eugene R. Burton, Homer L. Woods, Jr., and John Relnert Six more were Inducted this week. "Dear Santa: "It's almost a year since you were here last I have been a very good boy. I am juat getting over the measles and my old toys are almost worn and 1 hope that you have a few toys left when you get to my house. I would like a doctors set, as air rifle, a grader and a tool set "I hope you and Mra. Santa are healty and well. With best wishes I remote "Your friend, "MICHAEL MOTHER" " Dear Santa: "I am 7 years otd Slid In second grade. The snow is deep out here so I hope you can get through. I and my Bister Nancy Kay would like doll beds, 2 dolls, toy reindeer, doll buggy, a trfctor and a lunch box. "Your friends "DOROTHY MARIE and NANCY KAY ADAMS" "Dear Santa: "I'm In first grade and I got a good report card. Would you please bring me a BB gun? Lindy would like a baby doll and Jerry a bike. Ralph won't tell us what he wants but maybe he would like a ping pong set. Thank you. "Your friend, "CHRIS BENNETT* "Dear Santa: "I would like some doll house lamps that really light. I also Would like a table. I want a doll th*t wets and sleeps. Thank you Santa.' "JANET MAT" "Mr. 8anta Claus "North Pole "Bigger bicycle, dumptruck big one, 1 shirt size 4, little dump truck for baby, doll for the baby, crayon and color book, little set blocks for baby, rubber cars for baby, big Xmas tree. * RALPH LENNY "Dear 8anta: "I would like an airplane, trailer, truck, jeep tow truck, fire engine, farm set, tractor, submarine, rocket plane, garbage truck, crane and truck, ariport and especially a clam bucket derrick, crane and a rdad grader. Thank you. Love |STBVE OLSON *--" • "Dear Santa Claus: "We are too little girls, 8 Hind 5 "Dear Santa Claus: "I am 7 years old and I am in second grade. Please bring me for Christmas a television set . some cars, Hopalong Cassldy suit and some candy and nuts. Please bring my baby brother Hal ltt years old, some toys that he won't break, and candy and nuts. Thank you- very much. "KENNY AEVERMAN" "Dear Ssrnta: "If you are' in McHfrary this year, please come to 715 Center street and bring me a set of dishes, baking set cowgirl hat and a baton. Please take care of all the poor children. Thank you. "JOAN BAUER" SINGERS SELECT GYPSY THEME FOB SPRING PROGRAM Combining tbe rid teahlonsd snathe modtrn In Cbristmaa Mass.- decorations and observances, tee* Parent ^Teachers association of SL__ Mary's - St Patrick's is preosBtteSs a holiday program called Heref Comes Santa Claus" sit the MSftfL school auditorium next (fondly^ afternoon, Dec. 17, at 3 p.m. Thonol who h%re seen a prevue of the aSH;' tertainment aay that It la osa of'- ;ig> the most festive programs to take* - ^ place in many a holiday seuos.. i < |' The afternoon's entertateasaat:- "V will be divided into three pSrtef . ; each planned and under the dtlae- J; tlon of the Toddler shop. -;i The first scene will include two* parts, the first listed as "Goofta**,. featuring the following yowkgr , . f dancers: Sandra Sella, CSUPOIS $ Bell, Jean Selsdorf, Cora Jean Henthorne, Betty Holochwoat aMi Sandra Monteleone. The aeectti- j part will feature young models tnl a number to be know as "CHngjMM, /'J snaps." -:fy Jeyees The second scene name from the title of the prograM "Here Comes Santa Claus," aSmtells what Cbristmaa children. This part stresses jovial charcter of die holiday emphasises the Joyous spirit of, day. Santa Claus and the stick man will both make appear^ ances to the delight of the tssMif; bled children ar. 1 there will special dancing by Rudolph, titer Red Nosed Reindeer (Billy Moswf leone) and other dancing reindeers, Susanne Kauss, Maribeth KaUM Pamela Bohr, Katby Butta, Sandr* Dee Hoffman. Jackie Hhnssa| Mickle Hansen. Janat ScMmlsa^ Darlene Basile and Jsdde Ana Cannon. Musical tapa will feature Carole. n The laat pre-holiday meeting of _ , A „ the McHenry Choral club was held B®11 and Sandra Monteleone. white on Monday evening, at which time the military top will be daneed ** plans weYfe discussed for the spring program, which la annually given the latter part of May. Three types of program were presented to the group and a vote revealed that the club preferred a gypsy production which would be written especially for its membership It is expected that thia will be presented two nights. The possibility of appearing at the Woodstock Opera House in a program to benefit the Theatre Guild during the holiday season was also discussed, with a decision to be reached in the near future. INFANT SON OF LEONARD NELSONS BURIED ON MONDAY Thf infant son of Mr. and Mra. Leonard Nelson of Wonder Lake, Michael Leonard, died at their Monteleone home early Friday, Dec. 8. He waslSchool of Dancing, born last July 17. >, Surviving beaides the parents, Leonard and Ardella Nelson, are a sister, Judith; and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kloeckner of McHenry. The body rested at tbe George Justen & Son funeral home until 9:30 o'clock Monday morning, when last rites were conducted from St. Mary's church, with burial in the church cemetery. Stittene 'Mltler and Marilyn Milter. 'rbe sugar plum performed' by Kathy Butta, Schlmke, Darlene Baaile, Ji Hansen, Jackie Ann Cannon, VHi klc Hansen c-:.i Talldrn M.lMfSi man. . Nativity Scene : t ' The third acene will portray.#* true meaning of Chriatasaa, fsaUsr- ' ing the more sacred aspect Q( .. day. As Patty McCurdy, the "Step! of Bethlehem", leads the group of children out onto stage as she executes a dainty the dance, the nativity acesse Is veiled. Mary Lynn Murphy w&$ portray Mary, Jack Walsh. Joemfc^ and Kathy Murphy, Miriam Gts% '; and Judy Phannenstill, the thre^ angels. Mrs. Carl Weber will presMo Mv the piano/ with Mrs. LsRoy lWK. > j ter as narrator. Dancers will Ife under the direction of Mra. Jooppl, | of the MlW^ - f Santa Claus will the show to greet the rblldrpt distribute candy to them. <1 "Dear Santa: "Please bring me a cowboy game, building blocks, rocket ship. I am 8 years old. Dolores is 5. She wants a doll with hair and a doll stroller. My baby sister, Sharon, wants a doll too. We are trying to be good. * "RONALD KLAPPERICH -^•McHenry, fflfc"- "Dear Santa Claus: "You are always so nice. For Christmas I would like a pair of roller skates, and a doll that crys real tears and blows bubbles. I saw one on television. For my mother, bring a cocker spaniel puppy. I am a good girl Santa County Draft Board Ssaks Four Dslinquaats The McHenry county draft board this past week has been seeking the whereabouts of four delinquents. Notices have been sent to report for examination but all have been returned with notes saying that persons by tbe names listed do not reside at those addresses. The four are Rodrico C. Santelloner, George Joseph Klein. Francis Thomaf Graves and John L Quintere. Addresses given when they registered are being withheld. Only nine shopping days until Christmas. Do your shopping now in McHenry. HOUSE DESTROYED WHER SNOW UBlttS STOPPED nBEMSH Blocked roads Thursday evening's prevented the Crystal Lake department from Harry Chambera ton's Bridge Friday and tbe house from dusti •silss bers. manager of ReOsoai fc International Harveser and mobile dealera at Crystal ls04 was at work when the fhro Mitel' out but bis wife and ansa ren, ranging in age from fonrtetel' months to 12 yeara, were at IkMMk. The flames were believed tflftemk :• Claue. I am 5 years old. "JUDY KOENIG "McHenry, Ifc* "Dear Santa: " Would like to have a farm yard, an electric train and a tool set for Christmas. Thank you. "RICHARD JOHNSON" been causad by the coal gas in the furnace. Although the fire apread ly. Mra. Chambera and the were able to reach aafoty. SALVATION ARMY MffTR Major J. A Clark of the wsi finance department of the Salva* tlon Army, will be in McHenrt' next weelr to aaaiat In the assMUjf drive of that organisation. Om,- tributions, which are reported J| have been comiug in nicely, ahaw' be sent to Robert L. Webej- at th§ MoHenry State bank. ^ CLUR FREMRRHT'.; 't?' Elizabeth Bohr was elected »reoidtnt of tbe Line Office re' deb ed northern Illinois at a recent Ing held in Crystal Lake. orf1 J % SANTA CLAUS IN M'HENRY NEXT SATURDAY > -'A- .« ---rt - t