/ < ju:.#J..^\Xw ^WffAf *JJ^,tMW' hJ9*^Jt9r"TW/P! -\> •*.' \ \*v"^<'"" '••.«j>i v ii.; li3"33Sife Chhlrs, IN «( »M M«y JM7 k* QD t plM* O^f •* legieoated first $bo table or mt upright an Km otptottgravel lU»iHir% • vefcl#ara wtnUiud ViiMlud, an comimmltlt itf This aectkm at N« Atrtc« and WtHMa at vnm imo'iai iftwi. A Will moaa Ihil a quarter at a oentury ago, fcr fcwtauis, * dtfi and * or moaa •paraoana woro required to ; a depart poetoMce, \ . Kbrary. and oafr a Mir fl»eSH> aaf Oati atwiya nerveua and to Jkoeome mora nervoua 'As new quarters Just baft new n. fining method tat producing gaso* Una wtth Mih octane rating. la tail with flw aid at ftftttowa catalyst* Tha/fll Fissile* Jaabawi la pawered by troaa compoundturbifaes. Its cruising spaed at it knots wiQ par* mil the ahipto cirgMnnftvlgate the world bi 14 tracks. IMd YObWUl have batter refuMa by toning your rayons as ac tbay have dried to the rlfht degree af ilmpoHi rather than aaitt|| imtll they arc bona dry and than sprinkling. * daarwaterproot aaiil •Hi be kapt out. As « structure will remain dqr" &j£ warm. Fuel will also ba eavod. Steal companies b*y about worth at nUttnum tad ioUare worth of diamond* pa# tat industrial usee. OnaatlMtl rangeln Ka# It tHkt way liy neverseourlng thaporeoliln enamel surfaOowlth a hfrsh abrasive. Vsa fantla baking saia sprinkled on a damp doth. 1 > -1 *•/ <• |c V* h ;, »i*-.- f _>! ft: m • ?V- -j-,, , :r f, f... • W" " t:1'-" B?T:. ' r ? , . OOWBOT BOOTS For Boya $5JS to $7^fc^4 $445 to $3.95 ' MK1T8 ROSES ^ ..•I;? Bhacon Oabardlniw . $6.85 to IllSO O haa^l' pattjh a high grade atftamoblle. Bf- ^an«a at the new bnpwvad Ihdshas inriUiMa tadiy* botti the time and pint dMa raqulrad for finishing have haws redocSd to a mere iraetkd of that needed SB years ago. Fialsln In Qraaa Grass grown wtth a legume may contain twifce as much protein as the aaaa grass grown 3 Raid *he Want >ds! wllh _ the Duteh genius dir att? for the Dutch from their many cant fruit soups are the . they are artists In of fish and . Properly p»ckag«& poultry aan be frozen either whole or cut a* J •f 'j 10c to 98c CANNON tOWEL SETS $1.49 to $2.98 Initialed 3 in BofX UJ5 FOR GIFTS 'Sfrr( TpUoii omA MOUJIA ftuowu TSL. A D S T O N E HS HAND BAGS Suede -- Plastic $2.45 and $196 (pluattt) ' WOMEN'S GOWNS Flaofta} -- Rsyctt Crepe *13« to $34* MOJUD NYLONS $U5 to Slit MEN'S PAJAMAS Flannel -- Broadcloth j?op fQ |445 MEN'S TIES Silk -- Rayon SI^N to $IJO. MEN'S SHIRTS > -.V. Bport and Drees Y BACK-UP LITES Pftlx with Automatic Switch ^ $4.95 FOG LITES Pair with Switch v $9.95 SUN and SNOW VISORS $20.45 SEAT COVERS FIBRE -- Full $9.95 and up PLASTIC --Full S«t * . $16.95 and up ANTI FREEZE 89c gallon f - • •. 1 , «*•** »<*r •; . •-•taiftHhtf w--.? *Mr« " - aLovE-Mumn im&.rl' ' *" w« l'y:! e<w» eaea , • . -v . j All WOOl COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ' Auto Parts and Accessorial i Wholasala and Ratail <15 W. fiLM STREET McHENltY. ILL. TELEPHONE 778 la tttm Ung tea veiiHMtf get lackad^slial weeks altar thay itart to oat seed grain, fliey bar-lagged and bump Wo feeh begln «e die. Deattia (o pceur isr many we^u i poisonous grain la remov the rattan. In one ease on reaord. an entire drove of IS Inch polnsoning. Neighbor Plaaet Is the nearest at ill aoajor planets. Its distance wiaa from *,100,000 miles to 4MBM* miles, averaging 36,000,000 mflas (Yhe mean distance et the aari |§ about 91,(tOO,000 miles.) Howevar, AP 1040 Dr. Walter Baadf, at the 111 Wilson observatory, dlaccwered i minor planet, believed to be lafs than , a mile In diameter, whieh ap- - proaohes within 17,000,000 miles a( flba sun. Its greatest distance Is ab^ut IOOjOOO.OOO miles, greater than tfeit of Mars. The new little planet been named Icarus, boy & mythology who flaw too fo tlip sun. itir-toih '#iy to prevent io^ls In thickens Is to sell all laying birds at the end of their first year dl production, replacing them with home-raised birds that were purchased ii day-old chicks from dwofsa*free hatcheries. X T; Saborboa Areas The census has brought to light fhi feemendous Increase In piqw. tation growth of suburban areas' Many of these towns and cities are fc, eanfronted with the need for tha ^ sewerage and water systems. Ceoked Hah Generally speaking, cooked fish or meat will keep longer at 45 dOgrees than if it is left uncooked. The heat of cooking kills many of the bacteria and toxjmtM which cauaa tt to apoll. v *t'" * . * ' Fowl Fes Once fowl pox strikes a poultry |arm, outbreaks are almost oertiiii to occur there year after year «- ifss the birds d!re vaccinated. In M0 B.C. Egyptian ladies in 000 B.C. ear» ried vanity eases made of iron, al» most a precious metal in those day*. - Lenlelaaa'a Nlckaasao $ iMqisiana is known as tha"Bayea f«o-- WOMEN'S PAJAMAS Flannel -- Crep. $2.98 to S4.9S Wodmb'i Storm Coai* Fur Collar All Wool jilted Lining TEA APRONS Organdy -- Percale 98c to $1.99 WOMEN'S ROBES Chenille -- Rayon Quilted $3.98 to $13^0 WOMEN'S BOOTS Sno Princess $4.45 WOMEN'S SUPS Cotton -- Crepe Nylon $1.49 to $5.95 $198to $8.95 .WASH DRESSES Cottons -- Rayons $198 to $&95. iMBmmnKft PILLOW CASES $2J91t 198 GIRLS' DRESSES Plaid Ginghams Rayons -- Cottons $2.55 tp IUT WOMEN'S BRIEFS Rayon -- Trioo-Knit 49c to $1.00 WOMETT8 "Catalina" Swaatsrs Cardigans -- Jacquard Weave $8.00 to $14.00 <# • \*< NYLON SWEATERS Short Sleeve % ' Pastel Colors ^ $2.98 to $3.98 $M0 to $19.75 MEN'S (%OVCS Woolen -- Leather WttoSt# JACKETS For Men and | • t Bomber and Sur-Coat Stylos $8J6to$!7A8 WASHAHf SLIPPER SOX ~ For Everyone $1.98 to $19$ W1AHABII LOOP RUGS $1^9 to $498 Argyla PattarnSoxs Cotton -- jW&ots~'. *'*• $1.49 and $2^5 : • • i ' ROUSE SLIPPERS For Bverms: Felt -- Leather -- Sheepskin' • Hi.*-- ' \ $1^9 to $438 Gladstone's "STORE FOR EVERYONE" Opan Every Evening Until Christmas PHONE 182 McHENRY, ILL. 4 • »•* r " ** CHRISTMAS .... time ie " FLOWER TIME SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION • 4 t 'fi POINSETTIAS .<Lavish ^carlt^ ^ t • - ^YCLAMEN -- All colors, "The Alpine Violet" BEGONIAS «-- Delicate pink, "A Touch of Spring" AZALEAS --* A plant to keep from year to year. AFRICAN VK)LETS -- The old time favorite. FOR IN and OUTDOOR HOME DECORATIONS. WREATHS, DOOR SPRAYS, GREENS, TREES, XMAS CENTER PIECES, MISTLETOE, HOLLY and ASSORTED CUT FLOWERS. Xlowars By Wire TOR CHRISTMAS WEAR, NOTHING IS MORE APPRECIATED THAN YOUR CORSAGE OF ORCHIDS, CAMELIAS, GARDENIAS, CARNATIONS OR ROSES. ELM SREET FLORISf (la the Heart of McHenry) 300 WEST ELM STREET PHONE 401 *V • ' ' - iv'f-'-* I,, J*' .x'1'***, t