MERBY CHRISTMAS McHBftV CONTROL SAlfS t .• .'*? ,%A ',r £., .J<> V*.. •. jSVvdv r-iT r< *5 f •" Ifjpir' $! -- Mi LOO* FORW TO HOLIDAY dtrr SAFETY HQfclPAY mm* COUNCIL Everybody looks forward to the Christina* New Year's holiday Mason, with the possible exception of the National Safety Council. The council, st.-upKling to hold In check a rising accident toll thin year, knows that the year-end holi day period includes the most dan serous dates on the calendar Traffic deaths alone this year are running more than 10 per cent ahead of 1949, according to the council. A final death toll of about 35,000 is in prosepet--the hfgftetrt since 1941. "The Chrlsfmas-New Year's hollv * I . " • * . * • ' / : t . . . ' ' ^ A . day season Is the peak accident period of the year." said Ned H. Dearborn, council president "Heavier travel and the festive spirit of the season always,add to the normal winter hasards of bad weather, slippery roads and more hours of darkness. "Members of the armed forces coming home for Christmas, and families going to viaft military camps of those who can't come home, will- boost travel this year," he said. A little extra time, thought and courtesy will prevent holiday tragedies, the council Iwllpvep. Motorists were advised to start trips early and an easy pace. Speed should be cut down If weather or road conditions are bad. Hirr? and speed are at Qui not of moat serious accidents. Ptdaatrians should remember that Is la much harder for drivers to see them in darker winter visibility, especially at dusk. Dont obscure your view with umbrellas, or Christmas parcels. Both ' drivers and pedestrians should remember that accidents due to drinking are much more prevalent during the holidays. Watch out for erratic behavior by both drivers and pedestrians, and if you take a bit of holiday cheer yourself, stay away from your car and be wary crossing streets, Reneir t^at eubacrlpttoft to the Plaindealer 'i.ow! f| t . • , The U. & Congress, in passing tbe Housing and Heat Act of lf&o, ^aade ample provision * for local action on local reit problems, J. Edwin Porter, associate area rent director of the VV^ukegan rent office lias announced. In creating the local rent advisory hoards, the Congress gave them the power to recommend to the local rent office cm Questions affecting individuals and also on questions affecting general policy on operation of the Waukegan rent office, J. Edwin Porter, said. The rent advisory board is composed of unpaid, public spirited voucMiv*fmiii*simFMimicv Complete heating and air conditioning servitftr Raneh hemes tmfarnred for even temperatures. Ffee estimates for heating contrdte on new homes Hinneapolfs Honeywell Electroni!ce M^duflow IlitalH CALL . MARTIN STOFFEL McHENlY 99-W I RT. 4. BOX 263C dtiMss who gtve freely of thpir time and energy to serve on tbeeo boards. The only compensation the members of the rent ad boards get, Mr. Porter Said, satisfaction of knowing that the questions of lcrcai concern, known best to the io^al ctttpenry, fire being handled by neighbors who are Interested in the overall welfare of the community. "This is truly democracy ir. action," Mr. concluded. I «|llf»W»IIM»yW II I in'. HWI " j *• University specialists say that ^ormgne treatment of ewes is still'"impractical 4. despite recent favorable reports. . JACOB FRITZ • Realtor JOHNSBURG, McHENHT ' TELEPHONE McHEKBY 37 • Representing THE TRAVBLKR8' FIRE INSURANCE, Hartford &EPTHATXMAS tHEE SAFE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON -Locate your Chrlstnifti trfee &ttay from water-pipes, radiators aid the fireplace. |Hnd tf it's posflrole, place the tree new enough td an electrical outlet to plug in the lights without using an extdfeslon cord. Frank W. Andrew, agricultural 4M|gliteer, University of Illinois Colle-ge of Agriculture, says that eliminating an extension cord for tree lights reduces difficulty in making good connections, danger of shock from faulty cords, and possible tripping. Once you've set up the tree, make sure that norie of the wiring dangles in the water pan in which the base of the tree is set. If a bulb burns out. leave it in place until you can replace it with a new | one. Otherwise something may fall into the open socket and give a shock or cavse a fire. Also, if the lights have a fiber washer between the bulb and the socket, be sure to replace it. When you leave the house or go bed, turn off the tree lights. A branch may dry ont, ornaments may slip and break and a fire may result if a tilament of a broken bulb contacts metal decorations. restive >•111 l*H I IIM I H | » » pEPH X. WAYSlfE .. Attomey-at-Law. - Sw Waakegan Road (RFD Rag} Phone MeHenry 4M-W WEST McHENRT, ILL. ^ M i i i i n I I t 11 i i i i i i t II if f RING'S f t PLtTMBlNG AND HEATING Quality Fixtures * Radfaint lug • Water Hy stems . Ga« aat Electric* Witrr Heaters . Water Softeners - Repair* . Free Est* jitates. . BOB FR1SBY, JR. _ PHONE WiHENRT Highest CASH PRlfFS paid |«r Read and Crippled Horses, Cattle $ and Hegt ^hitary Pewer toad* lag Tankage and *eat Hemps far sale. Phones Arlington Hetphtf ll< or HcHenry SU. Referae Charpres. Palatlae Renderlmr lee. ^ 4 » 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 | | i | | ^Vm Order . >ur personalized Christinas cards toa ••> at the Plaindeal- t er. ^ ^ \ •*' >• CHRISTMAS . . . . t i m e i s FLOWER TIME SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION POINSETTIAS -- (Lavish Scarlet) CYCLAMEN -- All colons, "The Alpine Violet" BEGONIAS*-- Delicate pink, "A Touch of Spring' AZALEAS --- A plant to keep from year to year. AFRICAN VIOLETS---- The old time favorite. k " • and OUTDOOR HOME DECORATIONS. WREATH^;- Aj ? • * ' POOR SPRAYS, GREENS, TREES, XMAS CENTER PIECES^ . ' ^ v ifOE, HOLLY* and ASSORTED CUT FLOWERS. Customers9 Corner OtfayQhatmd! -g At this season of the yetr, this is our sincere wish for everyone: May y»a haw* a Merry Christmas, the happy eraipsaioiiihip of loved MM, the warm fellowship and under- Handing of friend*. May the New Year hold for yon a fnll meatnre •f happiness. Q>~ft fo? Open all day Saturday, December 23rd, uattl 6:00 P.M. Closed all day Mon> day, December 25th. Jane Parker Fnxif Cake ......... CKOSSK AMJ BLACK WELL Puddings * Plum - Dale - Flo SULTANA Fruit Cocktail A & P . Apple Sauce A & P Grapefruit Juice .~~. ROYAL RIO Whole Green Boans FiC T RlHB ~T7~~ Peaches YUKON CLUB Beverages .. lVi lb. $1*35 5lc %Vi can 39c ..... 2 No. & eans 31c aMtti«ata 8 - 11 lb. arg. nams lb 65c Garden Napkins ..... Oysters pt. 89c S--T«i.ld Flour * r WARWICK'S Chocolate Cherries m±_ BRACH'S •• Chocolates . Cello Sliced Bacon AAP Swtti fttatefe CrunberrySasee .... .......*.Ll)»ar«r0*tM mI * pgrtwi......... Fruits for S«iln|| ^ ^ M IBCC MMMI N*M SMCN S ltV: ...-s31c 4»-a> 27c . tin No. 2'/i (F|« v. «ust «91 STMAS WEAR, NOTHING IS MORE APPRECIATED ELMSTREET FLORIST (In the Heart of McHenry) v -' 2f00 WEST ELM STREET * V PHONE 401 ' "i; •; •; Navel Holklu English Walnuts, in shell Pecans, in shell Mixed Nuts, in shell Roasted Peanuts ..... SNOW CROP Broccoli Spears SNOW CROP Asparagus Spears ... L1BUYSS ( Sliced Strawberries LIBBY'S Green Peas ........-- -BIRD'S EYE Cooked Squash BIRD'S EYE Cut Green Be&iti ...^ DEAN Scoop Ice Cream Dessert Egg Nog v 2 46 os. cans 47c ..... 2 No. 2 cans 2§c 2 No. 2Yi cans 5dc ..... 3 bottles 25c .............. 2 boxis 23c 25 lb bag $1.73 ' . 1 lb. 55c 5 lb. box $2.19 lb. 43c .. ..........4b, 53c lb. 49c 8 os bag 23c Horn* Pirnftor* BMSTsflif imi Rrpthrhf St years experkeae Phone Plstakse U1.B>1 VM-K I PHOIjSTKKV HKK¥l€« B.R. 1, Pfotaqaa Hefefets MeHanry, IIL "i "i i "i M i n i ii mu i» I tv.; VERNON KNOX Atlornejr-at-law for. 0re«n and Elm 8k, leflcai} Tuesday and Friday Afternoon* Other Days By Appointment , Phane McMenry 4S 1 > t ' l H Mil -- WAITER TO BIJ* -- 1 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HOUSES AND CATTLS •.» We pay phone charges We pay 9$ to f2ft for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattl*. MATT'S MINK RANCH lohnsbnrg • Sprbipr Orovt Phone Johnftbnrg S14 •»"1MM1 mil 1 11 II I • I »> ^ A. P. FRK1NB HONS Exravntlnr Contractors Tracking, Hydranlle and f rsne Service - ROAD BriLDfNfl - : Tel. St4-)i HcHeary, Himim1 1 1 1 n t i n M ^ '• 1 K. E. PEAHMSE, IMX Chfreprnetar r tflt H. 6reee StM Brltenry Office Honrs , Bally except Thursday ^ to I* - 1,«0 to I Wed. and PrL Evemtae 7 to f r«ll Hellanry 8M-B Par Appohitaieat •IINI MI11 I»A IHIMIH Red tome BPROV'T Apples...... »'AnJ*a Pr.'arw Kmperor Grapes/.,.-^ B>issot Potatoes , Florida fresh Radishes Flor'da Seedless Grapeffrait libs. 23c Whipping Cream heavy cream * whips like a dream! Wisconsin Swiss Cheeae Danish We* Th^ese DRSIRAVOE -- EARL B. WALSH Fin, Anto, Farm k Life InsnnnMo Bepreseiitinir RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insaraace of Any Kind Phone IS or 118.1 6l*« k Bias MeHe'iry ST0FFEL k RFIHAN8PERGEB (iksnrnnce ngenta for alt classes of property tn the best companlea. Went Mcllenry, Illinois Telephone No. 3tt A*P'S PRICE POLICY • Storewide low prices on hundreds of item* wwjr d»y ... instead of just a few "one-day" of "weekend specials." • Advertised prices are guaranteed for ooi "*#t oven though market prices go up. . . . ft believe thU policy helps 9mr customers smve m*re MM«y. ^ Wftli rfli correct price marked on every item, plus 1 an itemized cash register slip ... you know what * you save at A4P. ' •ii min 1111111 n»» AL*S WELDING AND REPAlB • SEBTfCE Ml Main 8L, MrUeary Electric Portable Welding Acetylne Welding and Cnttlng ALEX W. W1RFS, Operator Phone Cli.W.1 or Ml < McHENRT, ILL. H I ' I I I I M I I 1 I | f > I IIH WILLIAM M. CABltfti.1* Jr. AMoraey>aMihw 110H Bentot kL ' . V^*e Woodstock l|l Woodstock, IttMH ••{ I H»»IM| I 1 FUH 11 !•!•» liimtMw •E*» THELtN Trnchtat «ravel Black Bftt Tmok for Hire • Tel. MeHenry »88>IUt or MS*W*1 Box 172, Bt. 1, MeHenry 11 i 111 n III ti I n m DR. H. H. PIKE YeterlaarBul On Highway tl- Office lid INI Tel. McHeiry || Afffee Honrs: 1 p.aL ta I p.M. ; Except Thursdays Evenings by Apyhitniinl ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I i l l| n» 111 »• BRICK LATlBe TrOl POINTING - PHBPLACB6 ACID CLEANING C. S. Jahaaen U. •. Jacfcasa Phoie 21»-M Phoie 171-H MeHenry • • H U M U m i l l l l M M t l •m