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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1950, p. 15

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fc.*L •A / , yjp.* s'-7^ J ** *+• •»?** •*$; '» ? ">l i /' yt*** " * . -*-•'- ' - > ". _ * '. - ' -iX-.-1-*- . ' . . '. .•-*>/% 1.1930 - - r : • A ' ' < r - y f t W f Vi «* ^«q»T>i.j».wf *£*»* '•m*"*3* 4 ^ « "* J l " 1 ' *"^c 1 •'.* "® »j ** , ?*Vt7~r rX ^ . ' , *A N •» *£* THE nmMM PLXDCDEALER Wl'limiil IH i !•«•••••• RINGWOOD l»lll»MM H I I 1»I I I Ht | $$* Mrs. Garrse Shepard) ' - Christmas services wiil be held '/^IS the Methodist church next Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. A Christmas pageant was held ih the jaethodiat «fcttreh Simtef avsetaK. • Otc. 17. , " .*• ..v, . • " • • _ The employees of the Edwal 3 Laboratories and their families The Pure Milk held a meeting) home of Ifrk Lcm f»*et Sunday in tho chiirdi hall Thursday even-J afternoon. ' l,,«- '-weli wa* serv^^t^flpsej m ! Mr. and Mrs. Ben ^alkingtoa spent Sasdny in the Lyle Peck home at Elgin. of the aectini; -The pupils of the *chooT and Sunday school will hold their Christmas program in the church hall Friday evening; bee. 22. Mrs. Virginia Jones of Htae8 hospital pppnt Monday night and Tuesday with lior mother, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Emily Beatty aeeompanipd Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jackson and family to Huntley Sunday afterenjoyed a Christmas party and .n oon'. w.h ei.v. they vfcitotl in the »»v„ nomc of ;,fr. and MM. Wtllher Mr. and JMrs. and family spent Sunday evening in the Daniel Miller home at Spring Grove and attended a birthday party for Gary Miller. turkey supper at the "Fiesta" at CrytUir Lake Saturday evening. ». A group of women came in and pleasantly surprised' Mrs. Ben Walkington at her home Wednesday afternoon. Games furnished entertainment and lunch was served. She was -presented with a purse |Of money to buy something for her lu«w home. The comedy, "Flyiftg Discord," put on jy entertainers from Evajiston in the church hall Wednesday evening was well attended a^d very much enjoyed by af|i The ffome Circle met 'at the home of Mrs. Oscar Berg Thursday. A 1 o'clock lucheon was served 10? Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Viola Low. A program in charge Mrs. Low consisted of two piano duetB by Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Lfw. readiinss by Mrs. Sample and games. A pantry shower was held for Rev. and Mrs. Sample. The next meeting will he at thf home of Mrs. Lena Peet, with Mrs. Lester Carr as co-hostess and the program in charge of Mrs Lonis Hawley. 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained the five-hundred club at their home Thursday evenftig Prizes were awarded to Mrs. TV T. Butler and We'don Andreas, high, Mrs. Pete Sebastian, and Ben Walkington, low. The W.SC.S. Fill hold their Christmas party at the home of Mr* John HOgai Thursday liec. 21. ' T' m V ^ r- The Junior Youth Fellowship group held their Christmas party at the home of their leader, Alice Feet, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "Farmer are parents of a son, born it the Woodstock hospital Sunday morning. Montanye arid family. Mr. and ^Irs. Wayne Donahue of Dundee. Clcn Wattles of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family were Sunday dinner guests'.of Mr. and Mrs, C. L ITar rison. . . .•. • • . Mrs . Mayme - Harrhwm of life. Kenrv spent Sunday with her "laughter, Mrs. J. O. Pearson, and family. \ Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane attended a Holstein convention at Rochford Thursday. They also went on a tour through ttia i. J. Case factory. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Lea* Peet Mr. and Mrs. Alatk AAi^t and family of Hebron spent Sunday K. C. NOTES "To the Officers mid Members. "McHeary Council 128S,- K. of C. "Dear Brother Knights: "As we gather around the crib thte Christmas. 1950, lu recall the birtb of the Infant Savior, may we as Knights, ot Christ be touqd worthy to remain near to Hin His Blessed' Mother and Fna with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Father We have pledged George Shepard. .JUr, an^ Mrs. Harry Ackerman 8hd mtt. and Mrs. Carl Leupke of Waukegan were Sunday guests of Mr. an#^Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. Mr and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Mrs. Wni. Aurtr.inger and daugh Woodstock spent Sunday"Si||fc )K>r Iter' ^ar.-v Ellen, of Woodstock mother, «rrs Viola I/Ow. ; I spent Sunday with her parents, I Mr. add Mrs. Lonnte Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Austin of i lenoa City. Mr and Mrs. Alvin | "r- and Mrs Hepburn wire Renov of Crystal Lak«'. Mr. and, tl8,tors^t Antioch Saturday. Mrs Harold Stanek and daughter of Woodstock and A; W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. I*fld family of Solon Mills spent and Mrs. B. t. Butler. : fVfday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hnwlev of Fox River Crove visited her par- «*nts, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Saturday afternoon. Knighthood in defense of Christ and His Church and on Christinas we renew our pledge of loyalty and of undying devotion to t'hrist our King. "Let uR'j uniie. iji prayer for. one another and beg Allnighty (k>d to setid His blessings up»)n us as individuals and as members of the Knights of Columbus. "May the joys of Ihih holy season be yoursHpday and throughout the New Year! "ALHKRt It Zt HOWRSTK, "Bishop of Belleville^ "Illinois State (Mmplain", Las} Mee'.ing • A regular meeting was held last j Thursday evening Yes. it xras one Mrs. I^onis Hawley left Monday for Texas to wperd Christmas In the home oflhei daughter. Mrs John Woodward, and family. Mr. Hawley and daughter. Marian, will fly down Saturday to spend Christmas and a few davs there. Kirk Crain and daughter of Waukegan spoilt Friday In the Fred Wiedrith. Jr., home. Mr. tfnd Mrs. John W. Smith called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family wwe Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Of (he nicest fathering* we have seen in our club rooms for quite fome time. After the business of the evening was completed, festivities got under *ay. Lecturer Gene Dcbvns and his company of eager assistants extended themselves to the limit to make the evening enjoyable and pleasant. The refreshments, birthday celebration, auction and finally the Christmas party and gift exchange. Much could be written, telling you of the fine time we had. but space limits us. so sufficeth to say--"Swell." Table Conference « The G. K. announces a Table Conference for Thursday night Dec. 28. There'll be a chair, waiting for you to pull up and Join in. These conferences, never failing In interest, are of vital importnee to the life of the council. You should make It your business to ftttend. That's next "Thursday night! I'ncle Mike's idea of double jeopardy: When both pants of a PRECAUTIONS AID MOTORISTS WHO % . ^ DRIVE IN "SOUP" The beat defense motorists have against fog ts to stay home. But the Chicago Motor club says that the following precautions will help reduce the hazard for those who must drive in 'soup*. Use dim lights. The brights shoot straight ahead into tffo wall of tog without piercing it. Instead they are reflected back into the driver's eyes. Dim lights will give better illumination because the beams are directed down to the road. The best is that giv«n by fog Hghta. A blast of the horn at frequent intervals says Chas. M Hayes, club president, helps warn other motorists of your pj^senee. In fog-bound areas where the effectiveness' of the sense of sight Is so reduced, use of the horn la intoo much speed and a sudden stop. When driving in fog, a driver Will find that obstacles loom up immediately ahead of the car. If he is driving at 35 miles per hour, It vrtll not be possible for his reactions to cope with the danger in the fragment of a second avrilatile. The motorist also invites trouble by stopping on the highway in a fog. If he is fearful of.the fog or has lost his way. he should keep moving though at a very slow, pace^ ;VV. crooked twtft can he tare is gtota t» DR. HENRY FHEUNO otrouancm * * t At 156 8. fatal St., (OkMed Thursday valuable as a means of alerting approaching motorists. ^ ^ A car should not try to pass time. sr • t another in fog. But when this Is O'BYK Hail storms in the United Stiles may cause several times as much damage during the yesr as tornsdoes. Hailstones as big as base* balls have been known te kill people. unavoidable, such as in meeting a stiil led vehicle, a warning blast should be sounded on the horn. This is preferred to the ordinary night driving device 111 headlights. of flaahlttg The motor club saves Its most important advice ttll last. And that is. to avoid the two extremes: FLOOR TU Bfebbtr and Asphalt v Authorized Ksntile Dealer WALL TILE Plastic Wall Tile In 27 Beautiful Colors Riverside Tile & Cement Co. :s 126 Riverside Dri?e Phone 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry. 111. RAWO X..i MIES * SERVICE Admiral & Raytheon Televisions 102 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Phone 971 from 9 a* m. to 6:30 p> dence, 577-M-l. alter 6:30 p. m. or Merry Christmas - Happy New Year f,- / MARSHALL'S RINGWOOD INN RT. 31 TO RINGWOOD New Year's Eve Party I COME ONE! COME ALL! » FAVORS FOR EVERYONE REFRESHMENTS , SARGE DUTTKO - Bartondsr BUY CONCRETE l l i t modern na, . . . delivered READY-MIXED To Builders: We can supply Ready-Mixed Concrete ffer kind of job--from a back-yard lily pool to a complete new home or building. Prompt, quicfe dniivery (Bir •city where and when needed. Our Ready Mixed Concrete is uniformly dense, enduring and strong as you expect ot good concrete. 1 he mix as right fOi the use intended ... accurately proportioned at oikr central plant. Even a small job gets the benefit of laf£e volume production. To Prospective Owners of New Homes and Butldmpt Of course you want concrete. It's the modern way to t uild -7-firesaie, permanent, moderate in first cost aud requiring almost, no maintenance. Let us put you in touch wiff' experienced, reliable contractor* who will give you a quality job at a satisfactory price. , • Ask Your Contractor or Call Us. h - ' Mpiienry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J "roni Street McHenry. QL lee •yes fitaiHui -- |lnal Ihhlif -- TImmI Ceaaplete TImmI ant I is «b«t 4 St* PflONB MeBBniT m *• -jf-' •* BONDED WHISKEYS .N Xv ;*•*£-•-••• • .Xr-iv CHABTBl OAK PmSHHAN-S OLD ci0W OLD GRANDAD ^ 4-.;£ OLD TATLOH OLD FITZOERALD ';0 m [N 1>oublc Proof ^Dollar for Dollar awtdfflta I'toiitiac f * * * (D A look at the Car proves its Quality (D A look at the Price proves ite Valtig? fil the short time since it was presented, thousands of people have flocked to see the great new Silver Anniversary Pontiac-few cars have ever had a reception to equal this. Most people came to admire, which » natural enough. But a great many people do more than admire, they start figuring-t^y begin to compare this wonderfally beautiful and desirable car with the modest price tag it bears. The conclusion is obvious-no car, atony price, offers more for every new car gnat new PorUiac! Drop in any tjmeand look «tthecar -then look at the price-you U be douHy /i/*n«r for dollar, you can't beat a Pontiac. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC COMPANY PHONE 17 400 FRONT STRUT MdtXNllV, n.T.TMnm . wmsKEYS v ^; : -- FIFTHS T H R E E F E A T H E R S 4 * # ? SCHENLEY J&tt 7 CROWN i IMPERIAL • * -- • '* .. CORBY'S.. P. M. |l# FOUR ROSES : (ill KING'S XZD LABC. . 4 Yhi Old Stni^t Vbtakt# OLD HICKORY ' SCOTCH " .... • -J/ • ,x> , ' ,;•>! JOHNNY WALKER'S RED * TEACHER'S BLACK and WH17K WHITE HORSE SWISS COLONY WWES ^' Port Sherry and Maacatal Mogen DifUl F. L Vermou^i CASE BEER -- ICE COU^ Sehflts - B«dw^aav -KUkr's Lager - Pfgn Wm and JERRT m CHRISTMAS DAT, -, - At The Old Bridge Don't Forget Our "BIG** New Year's Ev» Entertainment Paarl Mllkr at the Hammond Eleeirfte Orgia - HAROLD SCHMALTZMHJJEi

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