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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1950, p. 7

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. •' 'i'.' ' -v ii *: ,s AB IhiilntT IOOOI (ocaoi MKEWY PLAMBEALER Published every Thursday at Mc- «Ienry, ill., by the McHenry Puhlikuint Company, Inc. INATIO vwwv, BURFB1NDT, 1DBLE FROEHLICH, Editor. i SURSCRIPTlWN BATE ; *7; ^ i imt ; r*»ihidealer tVant Ads . Mo Mis counted less tbtt 8 *ords. 75c minimum. i Insertion 78c (Coutu 6 words per )fne) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Jlard of Thanks .... $100 Minimum *9Reading notice 15c per line. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. V. «ninesda> Entered as second-claw matter It the postc'Tice at McHenry. IU., tffcder the act May 8. 187». * «• AUTOMOTIVE ^REPLACEMENT PaRTS FOR AtL CAR# • AcrcNMrlM aid Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 4A» Iff. Elju street , ..i.Open during week I A. M. to 7 fe Mn Sundays - » A. M. to 1 P.,M. lltf FOR BALE--(liberators, armatmos, itarfcrs, fuel pumps. distributors, JSoltage regulators aud ignition paria Ford and all other cars. 8eaco jalet 4 Service, .Lilyuioot, Fred J. tvohfcda, Proii. Tel Mellehry 183. 47tf FOR SALE -- 1940 Buick Super must sacrifice. Call McHenry 761 after 7 p.m.. Ask for Jack. 32* FOR SALE -- 1946 Ford convertible. White wall tires radio, heatjOr and extras. Joining service, ^fcust sell cheap. Dave Page, phone HcHenry 298. 82 FOR SALE -- 1947 Studcbaker Champ., must be seen to be appreciated. Leaving for nAvy. Must •ell. Call McHenry 653-J-2. 32 FOR SALE -- 1949 Dodge Rt. Van. Bxcellent condition. Low milage. McHenry Oarage, 604 Front St., ^jjel. 403. 32 BUSINSBS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE HOME REr* AIRS We 8Decialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improve men*- Co. Phone . BfeS-W-i McHenry, III. •tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Befiithk ing, work fully guaranteed. ;tieriy with Lyon and Heily. E. Ze l.ulh, cull collect, Lake Zurich 5341. «tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let u>. lis pose of your garbage each week. >r oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route fohn E. Hill, V. O. Box 274, Mo (lenry, Plion#> 365. tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Toning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel. Volo, P. O. Rouml Lake/»I11. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 5tf CEMENT BUILDarO BLOCKS Available at the Water Towar 1a West McHenry , VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMAL8 ' Highest cash prices paid for eowt, horses and hogs; n? help veered to load. Day and night, Suaaays aud faoftdavs. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling ?To. 3; reverse charges. 36tf Stone INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home I • . A. Piano aird Piano Aecordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adaiu>ed Instruction •ARL P. KOCH pkone Fistakee 63S-M-1 . str CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry T76-W lOtf Bay Tear Holiday Liquors Wines ft Case Beer at the SPORTSMAN INN New large liquor department :has been added. Packages will be gift wrapped. 29-tf FOR SALE---1 "Morning Heater" coal stove. Call Park Pub, McHenry 462. 29-tf FOR SALE -- Confinement raised voting turkeys; hens ' average dressed weight, 16-18 lbs., 60 cents per lb.; toms, averaged dressed weight, 25 lbs.. 55 cents per lb. Also live birds; toms, 50 cents per lb:; hens, 55 cents per lb:, live weight. Edwin Schmelter, lit. 4, McHenry Phone 613-R1. *30-3 .FOR SALE --• We are now contracting Maltester Approved Bar* ley for 1951 production. Seed furnished is thoroughly recleaned, treated A teats 50 lb. per bushel Stop in for details. Pell-Bari Farms, Inc., 305 Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Phone 1130. 32-2 BS5SSSS FOR SALE -- New 19^1 Admiral television combination. 16 inch screen. Phonfe 16. *32 FOR SALE -- Puppies for QhristmaB, $3.00 each. All wool green ski pants size 12, perfect condition, $3.50. Call 779-J. 117 Broad street, McHenry, 111. *32 FOR SALE -- Capons 7 to 9 lb. 69 cents lb. live weight. Will dress draw and deliver. No additional charge. Phone McHenry 613-M2 after 4:30 p.m. *31-3 FOR f^LE--African Violate in bloom. All colors. 154 varieties. $1 - $1.50 each. Mrs. Paul N Webb, McHenry ave.. 2 mi. So. of Rt. 14. Crystal Lake. 1336-M?. * 30-2 FOR SALE -- New Motorola television set. 12V» in. console model. Cabinet slightly marked $149.00, regular $269.00. Althoff's Hardware. 32 FOR SALE -- Blonde maple play pen with pad, $12.50; garbage burner equipped with hot water It COSTS USS THAN owf row jot i A NEW low PRICf WW Mil 325 OUKOH-OH INKRSNM MOTOR HEATER IBM STMT TOM MOTOR HNSTANUY IN 'COLDEST WEATHER! NO TOOLS REQUIRED! EASY TO INSTALLI Step on the starter, give 'er the gun! Even »n the coldest weather, your motor is ready to start instantly when you install the sensational FLASH MOTOR HEATER! It's the talk of the town! Hera's hewlWs mmiIri HASH MOTOR HIATfK wedn. When you stop the car for the night, take out the oil gauge stick, insert the heater in the opening and when connected according to instructions, it helps to keep the oil, motor, cylinder walls and most moving parts warm. You help eliminate frasen oil lines, reduce battery wear and start in a jiffy. Save time and trouble. Is wnmlnt HASH MOTOt HKATM--N*wf Standard Model, with 3-#». card attached, $3.95 Deluxe Model, with 12-f». card attached, $4.»f iMiM T« COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY a Repair Paris For All Cars Auto Parts and Accessories <A Wholesale and Retail 415 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. TELEPHONE 778 WANTED WANTED--Watches and Jewelry heating coil, $5; Trader oil stove, I ivpai'. Anthony Noonfcn. 200 So. $7.50. Call McHenry tlO-J. 21 street. McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shopped Mr. Farmer: If you want cows clipped call 589-M1. FOR SALE your 31-1 FOR SALE -- Lady's white shoe ice skates, size 6. 301 Richmond Road. Tel. McHenry 732-R. 32 FOR SALE -- "Hoifte Comfort" kitchen range. Burns wood, coal, gas combination. McHenry 525-R-l. 32 MISCELLANEOUS RRINQ YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to iarge murals,' or free hand oil paintiDgB. Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FllJftS AND SUPPLIES. WOBWICK'8 STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Me- ^enry. Phono 275. 40tf JANITOR AMR.VIOE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walls daily, weeklv, monthly or season ally. Reasonable prices. McHenry fenitor Service, I>on Dewey, Mgr. Aone MeHenry 430-J. 32tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IYAN GUSTAFSOX * TeL MeHenry 742 A nu lLAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catch basins, soptic tanks, cisterns cleaned Eddies Sanitary 8crvice. Eddie fluff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29t.f FREE ESTIMATES on Johns- Manville insulation and siding alio other types pf siding. t»hone Richmond 649 or write Weldon Andreas, Ringwood. IU. *,t2-2 FOR CHRISTMAS Hava your sewing machine repaired & electrified into a Mod-1 era Portable or Console Model. I. FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE i Box 82 Phone: McHenry 664-JS WE PICK l'P ( ALLUDEAD FARM STOCK REGARDLESS OF SIZE. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. CALL ORVILLE FREUND, McHENRY 686-W2 br McHENRY 157, for hauling to the GLOBE RENDERING CO 31-2 I5tf WANTED -- Practical nursing. I will care for elderly lady or man (stay) or care' for motner and baby after leaving hospital. In town or country. Good references. Phone Crystal Lake 1351-W-l or Richmond 649. *32 WANTED TO RENT FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beeT and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 PhannenstiU. 49tf ANTIQUES* MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals. Qpen Mon. to Sat., 1 pjn. tu 10 p.m., Sunday. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51 tf FOR SALE -- Trees, shrubs, evergrens. Estimates on complete landscaping. Pitzen's Nursery, Route 120 and Wilson Road. R.F.D. 2, Round Lake. 2 miles east of Volo. Phone Round Lake 6-1570. 23tf FOR SALE I WELL8 DRIT.i .BP OR DRIVEN STATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone H97. 26 tf O. J. H. DIBHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington 8t. Woodstock, 111. SOtf FOR SALE--Turkeys and Geese. Dressed or alive. Also dressed poultry. Phone: McHenry 590-M2. *30-3 FOR SALE -- Like new noiseless Remington portable typewriter Call McHenry 677-M-l. ** FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl. Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD DING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 54'/. 7tf <9 HELEN WEBER SAY* Friends! tkank you for your patronage during the year just past; may your Christmas be a happy one and your New Year a full year of happy achievmeat. Cleaners 103 Elm St McHenry 1 PHONE 104-M LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Male boxer, fawn colored, white ch$st. Named "Batey". Liberal reward. Hoffman. 59-A and Wilson Road. Call Round Lake 6-2672. 32 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED--Will care for children five days a week in my home and also evenings. 412 John Street, McHenry. *29-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Modern year 'round home on Wonder Lake. Four large rooms & complete bath. Basement, oil heat, electric hot water heater. Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable- T. P. Mathews, Phone: Wonder Lake 306. tf FOR RENT -- 6 room modern furnished home in Ringwood. Aut. oil heat. Phone Richmond 739. •32-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls in our shirt pressing department. Located in McHenry. Phone 189-W 26-tf HELP WANTED--Man tor full time work in Drug Store. Also woman for regular work. Bolger't Drug Store. 30tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers reprc tentative. R. Duoiie Fowler. Wood stock. Box -m. PI;imp 4fi4 JX 411' FARM EXPERIENCE WILL PAY OFF If you can meet people and if you like farmers you may have what we are looking for. This is a different sales Job with thorough training and no stock or credit to carry. Full-time, permanent work in McHenry Ciunty. Backed by reputable S5-year old Company. Home nights. Only hard working men between 25 and 50 w:.h dependable cars will be considered. Reply to Box 125. c/o McHenry Plaindealer for confidential interview. ' • • . r5* • • Read the Want Ada. WANTED TO RENT -- Responsible family desire furnished 2 or 3 bedroom apt ^or house in Mc- Huiry area. Agreeable to . month to month basis oi any suitabie arrangements. Call 768-R McHenry ' 32 WANTED TO RENT Four to six room house in McHenry or vicinity. Would like after Jan. 1. Address Box 126 in ca*a of Plain* dealer. McHenry. 32 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Bungalow at 302 N. Green street Inquire at 209 E. Elm street or phone 474-W. Price 111,000. 22tl LEGAIJS Ry W„ H. Tamaniii" Wylie MI)oc" Anthony of Marengo grot his nickname because he once cured a ham, he says. He is new president of the McHenry counfy Rural Youth. Should do alright, too. His running mates include Lowell Hill of Union, vice-president: Devona Nelson of Woodstock, secretary; and Carol Stecker of Woodstock treasurer. They have an interesting schedule of programs in connection with their monthly meetings to be held at Westwood school. Any rural young people approximately out of school and unmaried are welcome. We say approximately because we have "some members still in school and some recently married couples who no doubt m°t at the monthly meetings. They are eevtainly welcome. It is not necessary to be a member of a local group to take rart in the county activities. Watch the calendar and make up a group to come. Interesting educational features, dancing and refresliln^nts. We understand the boys haye the gym at Westwood spoken for every Monday night basketball. Come and take part if^you have some unused energy left at the end of the day. An interesting letter came the other day from one of our McHenry county folks. Mrs. Roy Passfield. who Is nt Phoeni*. Ariz. She says she misses everything at home but our weather. She has been watching grapefruit, orange and lettuce harvest. Lettuce may be senrce because the OctoN»r heat caused seed stalks to shoot out. I tried1 to grow head lettuce once • 8 8 - < •• • » ' . ; - g . . 6 ' • » , ' 6 ' H ' U M t t f l I f t # » • • • • •*y * i, DONT LET DEA1H TAKE YOUR HOUtAYTWS TEA SIMPLE RULES FOR CHRISTMAS SAFETY On« again American armed forces are in action trying to protect aa4l uphold the ideal of Freedom. Once again the spirit of ChriatnuMI will be mocked by the hate and bloodshed of the battlefield. f In many American homes the roar of the cannon will make it hard j to hear the ringing of the Christmas bells. That Is to be deeply ri* gretted. but throughout history the torch of man's dignity and freodom has been held aloft only through the sacrifice of its bearers. We ctn do little to prevent such personal tragedies. But we can 4b a lot to prevent another kind of tragedy which is equally poignant at the Christmas season -- and more cruel becaus« it is needless. We refer to the preventable tragedy of accidents. The National Safety Council has called for intensive accident prevention effort daring the holidays -- usually a very dangerous period of the year. That is an objective which has our wholehearted support, not oalff ause it is better to have a joyous Yuletide, but also because w» cannot afford to waste the resources of manpower and material ad> necessary these days to our national strength. , The waste is enormous much more than most persona realise. Tl|e American Medical association has.shown that accidents fob the nation of more working years than any disease, because accidents strike all age groups, not just those whose produotive years are largely behind them. The traffic problem this year is serious, with a death toll of 35.009 in prospect. That would be the largest number of automobile vlctlne - since the record year of 1941. Rigid enforcement of the laws by state, county1'and municipal pollee, plus individual determination to play it safe, cilfc1 keep the Christmas' spirit -- and all of us -- alive this year. TRAFFIC 1. Use extra care extra holiday hazards. Meistvtlia. 2. Put the Christmas spirit of "good will" into your attitude toward drivers and pedestrians. 3. Don't let Christmas packages obstruct your vision what walking. 4. Don't drfte if you drink-- a and vice versa. ' f 6. Start In time and take It easy. Allow for Winter weather and extra holiday traffic. HOME "" 1. Cftecr^m ftme tor ^ thing that' aright cause aa ao» cident. . ^ 2. Keep your Christmas tree f? In water and away from flame*. 1 3. Use electric tree and window lights -- no lightel candles ever. Don't leave tree lights on when you are out ef ,, the rooin for a considerable time. 4. Check your electrical connections for shorts and wornoit : wires. • i:-J; 5. Keep flimsey Christmaa decorations and wrappings awayf from the fireplace. ^ • Hi t I I I I H 11 H 11> NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Minnie Schuencman Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 5th 1951, is the claim date in the e6tat« of Minnie Schueneman. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and tha! claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ELVERA S. nVKLAND - ^JEJtecutar ^ ^ ^ •Joslyn, E>arker A Van Doren Attorneys 116% Benton Street, Woodstock, Illinois. Pub. Dee. 14-21 and Jan. 4. and Rot tho sarne tiling all seed ^rnployee and his social security J Those desiring New Year's number and the famount of wages { greeting cards in next week's isaue |>aid during the past quarter. He | ol th« Piiindcaier nre remindca. sends in :t per cent of the cash | hat. Saturday, !•• «>. 21, is the deod^ wages with it, collecting l.r»,perj in;- for, submitting them. cent from the employee and pays j FOR SALE--Bungalow, at 302 N. Green St. Inquire at 209 E. Elm St.. or phone 474-W. Price .$11,000. 24-tf FOR SALE--All year 'round, 6- room home in McHenry: price $9,500. Call McHenry 685-R1. »31-2 ORDER YOUR HOME N0W~ IN SPRING, PRIC ES WILL RE HIGHER In Mlllstream, a most modern subdivision, 4 and 6 rooms. Face brick on all 4 side*, full cement basement, automatic oil furnace or hot water gas electric, city sewer. Price, *11,900 and $1^00.00. Cash down - ifi per cent • balance SO i years to pay. Tou can also have water front lot < all JACOB FRITZ • REALTOR, JOHNSBrRti • TELEPHONE: McHENRY >7. 32tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Kaox Real Estate 406 Richmond Road McHenry, IIL Phone: Mr Henry 421-J licensed IIL A Wis. Broker WAR LETTERS A valuable array of original Revolutionary War letters is now on display at the state historical library in Springfield. The letters were presented to the library by Foreman M. Lebold, a Chicago collector of historical documents. Most of these letters were written by General Nathaneal Green. One. dated May 1, 1781. is to General I,a Fayette, Two are addressed to General George Washington, commander- in-chief of the colonial armies. Several are to Lt. Col. Henry "Light. Horse Harry." Lee; some to other officers. All were written during the closing period of the Revolutionary War, and deal with military activities in the Carolina?. stalks. Now I know why. Farm and Home Day will he Jan. 26 this year. An excellent program Is in the-making including the beloved Fannie Brooks of the Home Economics department of the University of Illinois as general session speaker. There is not a farm woman in McHenry county who can give a good reason for not hearing her except being sick in bed. There will be around 1.500 with excuses, however. I'm sure. » There will be a session where farmers can ftnd out about social secusitv and how it^ effects th?m. A man from the Waiucegan office will be there. Weed control, forag» 1.5 per cent himself. The annual report, we just finished. The aspirin box is empty. Now if anybody reads it we will be two happy boys, Roger and 1. We hope to publish it next week, or at least parts of it. If you can take a minute off from all your Christmas cards. I would like- to wish you all a happy time at this joyous season. Santa Claus isj>coming with ajoad for our Souse--Bicycle, wagon, tricycle, erector set. 1 remember my brother %• Need rubber stamps? Order li'A -^ The Plaindealer. management, top soil management, took his tricycle to bed with nirn farm drainage, the dairv market-' ^r8t night after Christmas. I Ing situation and the bangs control,now ht> leaves his tractors sitting| DECISION ON WONDER LAKE PHONE SERVICE AGAIN POSTPONED MrHtfNRY. / 4 rooms, S bedrooms.' Fall basement. Six months old. Owner leaT* ing city. Price $9«\ft0.00. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ • REALTOR, JOHNSRriUS. TELEPHONE: McHENRY 87.' S2tf INJCRED IN ACCIDENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crick R.F.D, McHenry. were injured early Sunday morning when theii car skidded on a patch of ice on Rt. 31. two milee south of U.S. 14 and crashed Into a culvert. Lights from an oncoming car blinded Mr. Crick and the accident resulted. Harness Racing ON ICE MeHeary Township Kiwanls Club Ice Carnival Sunday. January 14i|i 2 P.M. M.OCUM LAKE Entrance Wieksville Resort ... Last week the Illinois Commerce Commission again postponed its decision in the case of the Wonder Woods Association. Inc.. sihe Mill Inn and the Jervis Food Shop, all >f Wonder Lake, versus the Illilois Commercial Telephone company. pending installations the elephone company promises wil' completed by April 1 of nexl year. Three hearings on the com <laints against the service in the Wonder Lake area have been hel< by the ICC, the first having beer •ast June. iiiiKiitniiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»tiiiiHii:iniHii>iHimmi< The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAW" fII McHeary' Co's. Leading Theatr. DEC. 33-28 Allen Martin FRI. - SAT, William Rendlx In "JOHNNY HOLIDAY" SUN. . MON„ DEC. 24:35 Sunday Con't From 8:46 P.M. OPEN «:45 CHRISTMAS DAY Lucille Rail ' Eddie Albert in "THE FULLER BRUSH GIRL" She's got something the Filler brush man didnt have. A brand new line of laughs. •^FfirrwEirr^Rs. DEC. 36-27-38 Stephen McNally Alexis Smith 1 In "WYOMING MAIL" ' ' (In Technicolor, llimilMillllHMIHIIIMIWIHmillllllllllllMIMMBMM law will he heading for sessions to be held. Just stopped here to rush down to school to see about a bloody nose. Everything is alright now. No serious damage. Kids recover quick. A few questions and answers on social security for farm workers. Who is covered? ©nly a regular farm worker who: A. works for a farmer continuously during an entire calendar quarter; R. does farm work on at least sixty days for the same employe"- on a full time basis in the succeeding quarter and receives $50 or more wages for his work: C. was a regular worker for the same employer in the preceding calendar quarter. Is a cook or household worker covered? Yes. Under the same conditions as above providing the farm is run for a profit. Huh! Could he room for doubt here. Are room an^l hoard and house rent considered - part of a cash wage? No. How are these workers reported? On form 941 furnished bv the Collector of Internal Revenue. Tlu employer fills In the name of the in the yard so-he can see them from the window while he is in the house. Thos^ desiring New Year's greeting cards in next week's Issue of the Plaindea ler are reminded tuat Saturday, lUv 2:.. Is the deaa line for submitting th'm. I I 1I I H H H • 1 • 1111111 PHONE 3^ BIILLEg FREE! XMAS SHOW! FRKXt For KIDS Tnder It Saturday Mora Ing, Dec. ^ poors Open Itll AJL ' % Show Starts MtM AJL *MTDDA HOO, SCUDDA iW1 • . '§ " aad "Felix the Cat" Color Caifooi t »•» 4- * TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7-1611 FRI. - SAT„ DEC. 33-33 "XMAS CAROL" pins 'TALE of the NAVAJOS' r 2nd Chapter Dec. 38 ^JJIRATES OF THE SEA -- SUN. - MON. - TUES. DEC. 34-25-36 KATHRYN GRAYSON MARIO LANZA DAVID NIVEN in M-C-M , TECHNICOLOR FIESTA "Th« TOAST of NEW ORLEANS" 1 CMM NMS * aaa MUOKU IKMM MflUMN • a«Wi MN(K WED. • THURS, DEC. 37-3H B. Staawyck H. Fonda In LADY EVE" 'HOLIDAY INN' ~ Matinee Only on Dee. 34 Matinee aad Evening Show Dee. 3* iM I I11 * H"M'f 4 4 I * I t 11 H •• McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Vision and Soand Doors Open at 9:30 P. M. Screen Starts at 6:46 P. M. WE WISH EVERYONE A MERRY fHRRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR STARTING SUNDAY D1EC. 34 at 3:30 Continuous SI N.-MO\. DEC. 34-2.'» t«8STj« pr«Mi frint kf TiCHNICOlOR also Tom ft Jerry Color Cartoon CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED- and THURS- DEC 37-28 Errol Flynn Patrice Wymore In "ROCKY MOUNTAIN** This Is an oat-doer plctare rated Very Good an* should please all members el |he family. also _ _ _ 1-- Travelogue aad Color Carfoea Time Oat While W« 8* MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . That Everyone Enjoys A (Sm ful Christmas Holiday .. . 1 TheSM&re Wish of The Msaagemeat FRU and SAT* DEC. M Mat. Sna^ 9:M PJL Bay Refer* ta 'TWILIGHT IN THE la Trucoler Pins V91|VM9 lifJVAQV •ALIAS THE STARTS SUNDAY, BIG. H Matinee SanHay and In Mi fr (MONDAY) Starting at >:M PJL Please Note: That oar at home with their fhntQies aa ^mas Etc* the MOK^ wtfl op> erste only matteee Saaday opening at 3:80 box Clark COIIe / Aftttft la •TO PLEASE A JUU>Y WED. AND THFia, DEC. t7-» •THE PRETTY 6HL" y | wim loan CaalfleM Rehi, Doa*t Forget ! New Yew's Eve Midnight Sun. Night, Dee. 81, 11M TJC. RMa Haywerth in ; , 4 "COVER GIRL" ' Favors Fer All \ jHmiss)oa ttr • laei. Tax % Next Wedseaday Afteraoe% 9ec. 97 2:00 P.M. • Doors Opea m p^ RIG CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY JAMROKEi: FOR THE I1W| F R E E Candy Far All The *lds AMeadt^ Admlsstea 2ir lack Tax - . Aad What A Shaw 5 CARTOON CARNIVAL | Oaslstiag of & Carteeaa aad tka Tremeadeas Feature •THUNDER IN Tfet TAllH* •H I I M MUUIlHIIIIIHt Si'-s

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