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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1951, p. 2

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THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday, January II, 1951 < M» 111 I t 'l l' 1» II 1 11 t ! WamaaN n«h H«i 3l«w Meetlag Thi* - * The McHenry Woman's club will bold its next meeting In the Legion Home on Friday afternoon. Jan. J it. at the new time- of 2, o'cloc k. Blectlon of officers will take place dings of this winter season took place at 9 o'clock last Saturday morning. Jan. 6. at St. Mary's DOROTHY FREUND SATURDAY BRIDE Ot RICHARD FRETT One of the most beautiful wedat this meeting. The program will consist of a book review of "The Spanish Oardner" by A. J. Cmnln, by Mrs! JQdith Kinder of Chicago, well known for her talent iathis line,; M. 1* Twaml*y* Wed 4: Years Acquaintances til this -area jof Jilr. and Mrs. M. L. Twomley. of Woodstock will be Interested to learn of the observance of their fOrty-seventh wedding anniversary last week. The Twomleys were married in Chicago and resided tn LaGrange for twenty years, where church, uniting in marriage Miss Dorothy Freund. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P Freund of McHenry, and Mr. Richard Frett. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Frett of Woodstock. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the service. \ s. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in a gown of candlelight satin and chantilll lace The fitted bodice was fashioned with a peter pan collar and tapering sleeves, the added detail being the scalloped chant illy lace _ bib on the front and hack. The he engaged in the manufacturing {(fitted, gored skirt swept into a full brother of the britte. and Robert Frett, couslp of the groom. The bride's mother chose a brown dress with brown and wbtte accessories and wore a white rose corsage. Mrs. Frett was attired In a brown dress with brown accessories and a yellow rose corsage. Miss Marian Freund. soloist, sang "Ave Maria" at the offertory and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" while the bride placed [her bouquet at the altar of the Blessed Virgin. A dinner was served to sixty guests at St. Mary's-St Patrick's school° hall at 1 o'clock, with a supper at !> o'clock for SO© guests, followed by a reception. Later, the couple left on-a two weeks' honeymoon trip through the South, after which they will reside in Woodstock: The bride graduated from the local high school with the class of 1945 and before her marriage was employed by the telephone company as an operator. The bridegroom graduated from St. Mary's high school at Woodstock with the class of 1943 and served with the navy for three years. He is now a senior at the Chicago Technical College. School of Achitecture. He is also employed by his father and uncle as estimator for their construction companies. business They resided at Greenwood for several years before movfnto Woodstock. The Twomleys have three living children. Mrs. Florence Schnek of Spokane. Wash.. Mrs. Hasel Mer cathedral train and her silk illusion fingertip veil fell from a baby bonnet cap of satin and chantillv lace. She carried two white orchids on the Communion prayer book belonging to the groom's mother chant of Woodstock and Howard an<* a'so rar.ried h0r 1 ommunion Twomley of Greenwood. One son, Robert Twomley. died in an airplane crash during World War II He formerly was a attorney. rosary. Acting as roatron of honor was the bride's sister. Mrs. Arthur Woodseock Tonyan, and bridesmaids were two other sisters. Mrs. William Herr- Jmann and Miss Margie Freund. and Michels Bafcy ;'a close friend. Mrs. Edward Dovle. Is ffcrMfwi ' AH were attired in gowns of The infant daughter of Mr. and'rust velveteen, full length, with rs Harold Michels was christen- fitted bodice, peter pan collar, cap I "Carol Elisabeth" at baptismal | sleeves and gathered skirts. They srvices held at St. Mary's church j*ore white shortie gloves and carlast Sunday. Rt Rev Msgr. C. S.lri*d bouquets of white roses trim- Nix officiating Mr. and with bronze pigtail. Head- Charles Michels. grandparents of pi«*es were of matching rust vel- Ibe infant, were sponsors. veteen, braided into a halo. A dinner followed at the Harold Joseph Jackson, cousin of the Michels home at McCullom Lake, groom, served as best man and groomsmen were William Herrmann, brother-in-law of the bride, and Donald Freund. brother of the bride. Ushers were Ralph Freund, CONING EVENTS LOCAL CHIROPRACTOR ATTENDED MEETING OF STATE GROUP , Plans lor active support of legislation to be introdjucted in the present general assejnbly setting up a state chiropractic examining board and enacting other regulations for the profewlun were made at a meeting of members from Chicago and northern Illinois districts of the Prairie State Chiropractic association Jan. 7 at the Congress hotel. Chicago, attended Ihy Dr. Rdgar K. Peaslee of McHenry. I >r. Peaslee said the association speaker, emphasized the need for proper legislation because under Illinois current ...medical practice act. chiropractic is not defined. • The bill, to be introduced soon, provides for a "chiropractic board of examiners to pass upon the qualifications of applicants and determine their fitness;to practice in Illinois in the same manner that medical doctors, dentists, nurses, optometrists, pharmacists! veterinarians and others now examine their owh members in their respective professions under supervision of the Department of Registration and Education. License rtnd renewal fees will make the measures self-supporting. Dr. Peaslee said. Mrs. Cornelius Quinlan spent a few days the„first of the week in Chicago, where she was called by the illness of her mother. V.F.W. AUXILIARY St Clara's Coart Observe* AaalTeraary St. Clara's Court. No. 659, W.C.O.F.. will observe the fortyifth anniversary of the organization at the next meeting Thursday, Jan. 11. Charter members and chief rangers will be guests. 7"'"""""""""- Jaaaary 11 '"'"™ St. Clara's Court Anniversary. January IS Woman's Club -- Legion Hom%, Janaary 15 V.F.W. Auxiliary Downey Party-- 6 P.M. Janaary 16 Riverview Camp, R.N.A.' -- Installation -- S P.M. -- K. of C. Hall. Janaary 18 W.S.C.S. Luncheon -- Methodist Church -- 1 P.M. • , February 1 Business Men's Car n hrml--Roller Rink. February 18 V.F.W. Auxiliary Meeting. Do your bargain hunting in a rockingchair with classifieds. AMONG THE StGK Frank Mula was a patient in the Woodstock hospital last week. Wallace Dobyns. who returned from Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. last week, is again a patient there. Linda, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morf Jensen, has been a medical patient in the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Charlotte Mehr underwent surgery in the Woodstock hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Martha Feltz was a surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital this past week. - I <• 11'||'< I I I II MI > M M I M > • rr-4- - , The regular meeting of the ladies' auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Fox River Post, No. 4600. was held in the club rooms Monday. Jan. 8. The meeting Jras called to order by the presient, Betty Houck.. Peggy Kraus, rehabilitation chairman, reported on the distribution of (Christmas baskets to families in the community. This work was carried on with the cooperation of the American l^eglon Auxiliary. Clara Frederichs was named auxiliary civil defense chairman. I„ina! Kildny, hospital chairman, reported on the Christmas party for patients at Downey hospital. The following members will attend the next Downey party Monday evening. Jan." IS: Lhia Kilday, Betty Houck. Mary Hettermann. Jean Wevland, Peggy Kraus, Louise Smith. Lenora Frishy and Eleanore Peterson. Anyone Who wishes'to attend and take part in xth ese parties please notify Mrs. Kilday. This is a very important project and is greatly appreciated by the veterans in the hospitals. The following new members were initiated into the auriliary: Agnes O'Brien, Lois Downs, Nadine Lark In, Lorraine Schueldtfeg «-r. Marilyn Phalin, Augusta Diedrich and Augusta Morrison. Members of the auxiliary are reminded that 1951 dues are now payable. A Social hour followed. Tlje next meeting will be Monday. Feb. 12. H I« H I I 11 1 1 I M«U » BIRTHS 4 mmim *41111 I 1' MARRIAGE LIOEJf! i M I H 111 i Ml 11 H M 1,1 II "Richard Frett, WoodBtock, and Dorothy Freund, McHenry. SEAL SALES A total of almost |8,500t was recorded lasi week as the Christmas seal sale total for the county. According to those in charge, reminder cards are being mailed this week to county residents who may have forgotten their contributions. • \f r. 8. C. 8. Flam Ian. 18 Luncheon The monthly luncheon of the T.8.C.S. will be held at 1 o'clock DO Tuesday. Jan. 18. in the Methollat church hall. Hostesses will; Mrs. H. Stlnespring, Mrs. E. )laon and Mrs. E. Corbett. Special musical selections and cram have been planned. iMtallatlsa Of vcrvlew Tamp The regular meeting and installfttlott of officers of Riverview lip, R.N.A., will be held Tuesfcy evening. Jan. 16. at 8 p.m. in lie K. of C. hall. This meeting ill be for members only. MT.A. Plana Fkjr ; letting Feb. 7-o. Rev. Fr. Eugwie Banmhofer ®ke on "Vocations" at the last eting of St. Mary's-St. Pat- Bk's school P.T.A., which was last Week Wednesday. The nmittee in charge included Mrs. lurice Granger, chairman; ani unes George J. Freund. Wlf- Glosson, Charles Miller, L. Murphy. James Raycraft, Stan- Schaffer, A1 Blake. Bob Conray and Charles Dowe. The next meeting win be held Feb. 7. at which time the sixth rade pupils will present a pro- "My Electric Blanket ism Va! Lauder Well-known newspaper coluimrfat "After a busy, exciting day, the nice, gentle warmth of my electric blanket helps me relax and get to sleep in no time. I think one of the things I like $ best is the way the blanket pre-warms the bed ... no more chills from icy sheets. All I do is turn on the blanket's automatic control a few minutes before I go to bed and it's all warm and PERSONALS Among those from McHenry who tended the benefit concert in Woodstock opera house last nflay evening were Mrs. Fred Fahl. Mrs. Norbert" Mauch. MrR. lbert Oeffling, Frank Howard, |l».. Cornelius Quinlan. Mrs. Willm Meeker. Mrs. William Meeker. Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss. I and Mrs. H. S. Fike, Mr. and rs Arnold Rauen and Mrs. Leo Flnkel. Mrs. William Dreyer of Forest urk was a recent visitor in the jtome of her mother, Mrs. Minnie lock. Glen Watties has been vacationin Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller are lng a trip to Florida. Mr. and l)frs. Vern Thelen are lJoying a trip through the South, ending much of their vacation in lorida. Miss Isabel Twaite and Miss Annabel Nett have returned to aytona Beach, Fla., after spending the holidays ^t their homes w. Miis. Jacob Stoffel is vacationing the South. Mian Helen McGrath is apendaome time In Florida. Mr. ahd Mrs. Jos. Smith, who W been living with his mother. I Smith, on Court street, UWatiriKtag in Texas. They rereturned from Decatur. IT« where Mr. Smith worked on of a bridge. waiting for me. Believe me, sleeping under an electric blanket is keenV' w OONVBNIENT TCRMS .. . «fi your mbnthly S«rvict Bitl See the new electric blankets at your dealer's or our nearest store PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY QF NORTHERN Mr and Mrs. JesS Seeman of Wonder Lake are the parents of a daughter, born on Jan. 2 at the Woodstock hospital, the first baby born at the hospital this year. A son ws born on Jan. 2 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craln of Rt. 1 Riftgwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ensign of Lake Villa are the parents of an 8H lb. son, Jerry Allen, born at Victory Memorial hospital on Jaa. ?• A son \pTas born Jan. 4 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr! and Mrs. Jay Seymour. CARD Or THANKS We wish to take this manner of thanking friends, neighbors and ^relatives for floral offerings, <; spiritual bAu'qusts. cards of sym- < jpathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. They were greatly appreciated. 36 LOUIS WOLF FAMILY BI S SERVICE ' ' Arrangements have been completed foY passenger bus servfee between Lake Zurich, Zurich Manor. Zurich Heights, Echo Lake. Forest Lake and Barrington by' the Northern Consolidated Transit System, ififc., of Wauconda. YOI'NG LADY DIED A year-end tragedy in the Barrington community was the death, of Mrs. Dorothy Jahnke Hagedorn. 38, who was fatally burned in an accident in her home on Rand* road last week. She was rushed to Sherman hospital, Vhere she died from second and third degree burns which covered most of her body. AT VETEHAN8' HOSPITAL Jack Nichols, who suffered ft broken hip in a fall on the ice early Tuesday morning last week, is now confined to Mclntyre Veterans' hospital at Downey, 111., where he underwent surgery. CARD OF THANKS , We wish to take this means of; thanking all those friends an<t neighbors who sent cards and flowers and remembered us during the time Mr. SherifT was confined to the hospital. These many ,,, kindnesses were greatly appreciate ed. 35 CHESTER SHERIFF FAMIL#*» ' II BILLIONS OF MIUS TOTAL PASSENGER MflES, DOMESTIC TRAVELRAIL AIR, MOTOR VEHICLE Many travelers, on vacation or business, bank by mail, pay by check, carry travelers checks, safeguard valuables in safe deposit boxes and use other convenient banking services to keep their funds safe and to make travel more pleasurable. We invite you to use our services at all times. CARD OF THANKS r wish to thank the Ladies so-, dality of St. 'Patrick's church and all those who remembered me and my family during Christmas week, 35 MRS. MILDRED MILLER r: TW Mc STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora tide Member Federal Reserve System r r (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of McHENRY STATE BANK JfeHenry, Illinois transmitted in response to call x>f the Auditor of Public-Accounts pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the 30th day of December, 1950. i RESOURCES . ; 1. Cash and due from banks $1,097,413.94 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed 2,754,902.00 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 583,001.00 5. Loans and discounts 2,635,067.60 6. Overdrafts 114.34 7. Banking house $1.00, Furniture and fixtures $1.00 : GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES LIABILITIES 2.00 ........... $7,070,500.88 m 14. 15. 16. 17. Capitis stock Surplus ............... Undivided profits (Net) ............. Reserve accounts Demand deposits 18. Time deposits Total of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of assets .... (2) Not secured by pledge of assets (3^ Total deposits 25. Otjier liabilities .. $ $ 136,018.71 6,405,754.17 $6,541,772.88 100,000.00 100.000.00 144,456.02 154,486.98 3,779,091.46 2,762,681.42 29,785.00 GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES . $7,070,500; Memorandum: Assets Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Assets pledged; la) U. S; Government obligations direct and /or fully guaranteed Amounts Assets Pledged (excluding v- ,J' rediscounts) 27. Purpose and Amount of Pledge: (a) Against U. SvGovernment and postal savings deposits ; :%) Against funds of State of Illinois Total Amount of Assets Pledged (must agree with Item 26) - 208,000.00 208*000^ 180,000.00 28,000.00 $ 208,000.00 I, Robert L. Weber, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly sweat that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ROBERT L. WEBER, Cashier, - Correct, Attest: W. A. NYE, GERALD J. CAREY, Directors State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 19§1. > JAMES E. LARKIN, (SEAL) ; Notary Public . . • , » DIRECTORS C. J. Reinhansperger - William M. Carroll - William A. Nye, M. D. Qtrald J. Carey - Robert Lu Weber SYSTEM FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION « .I'U.JA. . v» . , ... £, ,.5 I-' 'v.' '.'1 ? r-%

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