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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1951, p. 7

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**•<- . ^. ,«»«• *« -»v ' Mr V ',1 f, V A " i*|r. ki' 'hurtd«y, Jintiar^ If, • <?* .••>-<- e>, \ # ",,»,* . v*y ' ^-.r / • v / '7^;' *. T%"f ' *"**" v s "TJVT" *' 1 ' ' " 'i T I '%% , * >* tf CT " o* » *, • i Page Sev«n ocao LgnofesrBBssiocao; FOR SALE ,'* NO. 1 APPLES Golden Delicious Jonathan# M HENRY PLAINDEALER BUSINESS SERVICE Published every Thursday at Mcfienry, III., by the McHenry I'ubib.. mg Company, Inc. NHtlONAl D i roil BURKFJKDiV CW». Manager ' FRQEHLICH, Editor. BSCRIITIONRATF Y«»r j..:..:.:.:::-.;.,....,., $SA» Fi»iin^*aler Want Ads No ads counted lews than 25 |rords. 75c minimum. inserUbn 75c tCwwi f» words j»t?r line) 25c se^viee charge on all blind i. Caali with order. iiL^f Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum RtP.ling notice 15c per iine. Waal Ads clone promptly at 10 Lm. v <>(!nesda> * CARPENTER WORK ROSE RY DAY DR CONTRACT. % IVAS GlSTAFSON Tel. Mo Henry 742 , ' 2itf TAVE YOU7L CESSPOOLS ; t M '•as ins, Keptir tanks, cisterns cleaned •\* Eddie's Ha it it si rv 'Service.' Kddie ( iff. Prop. Te'L MCIIKIV 290. 29tf EXPERT PIANO- AND ORGA> TUNING-- Repairing 'and iWiiiish Work fully guaranteed. 1>. tiici'ly with Lyon and fleily. 10. Z;< both* call (Millcc!, Lake Zurich 5341 'etr 3 ABB AGE COLLECTING ^ Let ulispose of your garbage each iveek >r oftcner if desired. Reasoiiab' " -Repii!*" vear round , rom rolin E. llil", P." O. Box '274, M< Hetirv, I'limie :5(V>. t< RALPH L. CLARK PianoTerhnician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R Entered as second-clans matter the posto.'ice at Mcl'rtnry. HI., der the act6"8' May x, j^75 AUTOMOTIVE R^yL A C E M E NT P*HTS FOR ALL (PiK> A('(«Moricn aid Sent Covers COMMISITY AITO SCPPLY 4<M» W. Elm StrO't .Open during week 9 A. M. to 7 |. M., Sundnya - 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. litf >R SALE- 1949 27-ft. Travelite (•ailer, all aluminum, sleeps four, itik^and shower, hot water heatelectric refrigerator. Can be ben at McHenry Recreation, Mcjenry, 111. Phone 350. ' *35 )R SALE--Geiierntor*, armatures',, find pumps. distributors, age rcgulat-ir.s and ignition paris l"ord iiiid all .OIIMT cars,. SeaiMi il«b & Service, Liiymoor, Fred J. .•olioda, Prop. Tel Mclletirv IH:!. 47tf tING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC tOBLEMS TO US-- V\ u can de •>r anything iront a snapshot to ?e murals, or free hand oil ntings. C'opving and ^r:^llling. LMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS D SUPPLIES. WOR WICK'S M'DJO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mc |enry. Phone 27f». 40tf P, HOME REPAIRS [p Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments' Free Estimates ..icHenfcy linprnvemen^ Co-. Iione 523-W-l McHenry, 111. 6tf MUSIC INSTRTTCTION • ' Ti» Your Own IIo<nc Piano and Piano Aceordian ^Tlassics of Popular itweinaers or Adaneed Instruction RARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakce 633-M-l 5tr Sweet Cider and Apple Batter KOSSLEY HILL ORCIIARB) S. W. Corner of Route IT. S. 12 aijd^ I1L |3T Near Lake Zurich, III. .35-4 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls In our shirt pressing department. Located in McHenry. Phone lS9-Wi . 26-tf ROFTE SALES MAS (>ne , of the / iKition's iarjJest feed companies- 'Keeds a vltoute Salesman in McHenry county wlin is willing tn make repeat calls; oft rustomers now buvhig large, tonnage.. Honje nights. No stoc k oV credit to carry. Must hrfve car. Excellent, earnings and. splendid chance for advancement. Permanciit, full-time work No transfers demanded. Thorough trainin? in thf. field. Age 25 to 30. If you are sober, reliable and a hard worker, reply "to Box 130, McHenry Plaindealer. *3g * , MEYER AUCTION w $ miles southeast of Lake Zurich. 2"miles nortfa of U. 8. Route 12, 4 frttles north of Palatine. 2 miles south ot Long Grove, 1 mile , north of Kitty Corners, being U mile east of Route 53 on Checker Road or 3 miles west of Buffalo Grove, on , -- WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17th 4'oineiichig at o'clock. „ KOWLf:s TRAILER LI M II , <»v I.ROI SDS. •f ATTLE llolstein heifer. 2 years old to freshen tn Mirclt. foi l THY "IO layinp Buff Rock hens. 3 MH)1> WORK HORSES- 2 sets double harness and collars. PROIUTE '.'00 bu. Columbia oats (suitable for seedt, 200 bu. ear corn iu <-ril)«^)o juiles mixed hay, 5 tons loose jtim-., Utty, aouic corn lw era I Beposit Insurance L'orporatk »n. FARM SERVICE WAV AUCTION.^ shocks. TRACTOR A III : A C HIS E RYWia j. ;'ia- • t rax\ -ptt:;,-;*teelv.; McC. mo'wer like new <only cut 60. A.' of 7-fft;ilyleni 'disc. 3-sec. steel drag, A'cC. 2,-11 trac. plow. HoOsier Oiill. Mi-C. side take,.Med. .manure. spreader. McC.vhfty loader. McC. grain biniler, >l( t'. lnower. 8-ft. cultipaeker. 2-^ec. ^pringaooth. wagoh and rHCH. duiup riike, grapple ftirk { and rope, 2 wheelUii rows,-corii sliellei1. scaii-, Urindstotie, potato, digger. sulky cult f shpvel plow. «a« engine, 1 2-wheel' chr'ts, . wood wheel wagon, fan mill, Hke new., 3 oil .drums, n-atvr tkhks. talking plow. 2 roils snow' fence, hog wire,! 1:0 steel, fence post.^ J"» wdaV posts. ,knd niany other articles trio numerous 'to'"V"'.' •.*" '• r'.'.'"' 'V . ot% • SOME IKM (;001)S liicM«Mrt|: Jintiqfte/liim^./pVa "c^rjrj HEAD pi LIVESTOCK wood e\ten. t:il»le 'wiih l'> extra leaves, rocker. (IriVni-^ty pe l)Utier chum.' '^ ^ISTl HFB AMI severM did ,#tiodeh beds. 2 .bard \e-Oal Ileathiji. quantity, of ctial and other articles. . v-" * ' >' , FRED MEYER. Owner VltOFLICII and WICK. Anclioneers WIS. SAtES CORP.. Clerk In ion (.rove.Wls. ...FREEMAN, FH 11»HICK antf YOtiEIi, Auctioneers Having decided to quit farnjing, the undersigned 'will soil at Public Auction on the ,\1. It. Cole Farm, located 5»<, miles East of Richmond, 111.. Am Highw.u 173 and VJ mile Soyth or' R> miles West of Aivtioch, 111.'. on IIiuh w ,iy 17:{ and % wiile South, and ..miles South of Wilmot <>n the .lohivs'burg Road find' 4 miles X'oithcast - of Spring CroVe. oti . MONDAY. JAN. 15. i i;»:.i • :;-M' j.v8#te <« 'starl at .10:00"' A.' ( Lunch Wagon On <-roiiml< stock rack and grain box. HOI'SEIIOLD «OOI>S, ETC, Glow Boy heater stove, 9 cu. ft. MW electric refrigerator. Csua 1 Illinois Farm Auction Service-- Terms. M. R. COLE and W. A. STEWART FAR* AI CTIOX SERVICE, Clerkinp. Knuth Auctioa WILLIAM RI'SSFLL and WILLI AII SI LIIV A N. Am lioneers 3GEORGE HESS -1 l u C T I O N J WILLIAM H. RISSEL an* WH,1,1AM Ik SOJJYAS, A0^1. The undersigned, having decided to quit Warming, and move to Vvoolstock. will sell all hi.j person il property at Public Auction on the farm formerly known as the Otto Kreutzer Farm 3 miles !^orth of Huntley on the Blacktop .between , Huntley ^nd 47 by SutttfndaJe' Farms^ 2 West tjf 17. turning ..on Blacktop at FKHUS,.- on llaving•; ttdught.: & 'farm-, in' %is"-' f'0nv:* iii '• " 'cousin; i Wiii:se!i:;at::v:uw4 V7EDNESDAY, JAN. 17. '.oil the ,,Nefe PeSrsph-.'farftv-• lo'cAteS'!' " . lU.»i l' miles N'ortheaSst of Crystal:' Lake ' vriirnirpc'n5? at, 11 • " niiles ^(Tu,th of McUdh'ry, 30 HEAD 6f LIVESTOCK l^rnH^ : 'y.'i .- ci^sisiimr ;Roii.te-;n. anil n-ik-ii. cu>vC . toiis Briiite. on Mmic fre^h, bn! »r"e v SATURDAY, JAN. f'",J s II ,;r^" *a-Jt , J lietie»-s{ ^ * OJK>TI Holstem heifers; I'lMiA"!-: ;ji«iikTKi> rem.*:.| ,i jdio (»•( i^H i.«. 1 ij* w-" """!?* ^ •10 mature cow*. <; fresh, (5 ; .'stein- bnlj. IS months bid. spriuginu and t;.il.nice milking 35 HEAD pf LIVESTOCK i Tc6m of black' horses arid setg^ MMl. Some will have calf bjrj Thh |s. {in exceptfoiially Irond rlffd of hVh grade llolstelns. ^ .. . ... „ Thirty (3<B head of ,la!rv cows. 20 30 of and Alfalfa » . v-^ •* • W4? >lde oil• day of sale.. 6 Rred lleifers. 51 Calves. FRED < ESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE • (>. A. 4MH (JLAS Phone McHenry 7'fi-W !•« FOR SALE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO TlffJ Sportsman's Inn. ">L> Main ^tr,.:l. Ic e cold and packaged goods of all kinds. Al Plianneu still. 49 tt' ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing hi Good Condition for the entire family. Formals Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. il a. in. to ti p, in. Mrs. It. Diet : :ch. Terra Colta Bd. I'onsigiiiiK-iu n'd .Resale and Antique Shop, V4 mile, west Terra Cotta factor\ which is on ~Rt., 31. Crystal Luke ;:,4<i R 1. "T HELP WASTED Ma n or woman, experienced IBM tabulating nm- • li'ne operator. Apply in person. Electric Auto-Lite Co!, Woodstock, "I. . ; 35 • IELP • WASTED"" ME^-^IMo repair. Platers, Inspectors. Material handlers, and Buffers',. .2nd and 3rd shifts. Apply in person. Electric Auto-I4te Company. Woodstock, IU. _ 35 WANTED WANTED .lolilters ,and direct salesmen.. Quality lines, with libera' .'•ommi:<Mons. Manufacturers re pre se-ntative. K. Duat'c Fowier. Wood vto.-K. .p>o\ 1. phone tr.t-jx. 41" SITI ATION WANTED would like"eveninsr job. Any kind. Write P. O. Box 234. ' West Mc- 'lenry. 111. 3f) !il: H« iti rs. 10 to IS months old. 1 fresli' or close springer*- Two W nfixe{1 liay: 2'hY s]'tkks «f o&rn.; East of Hartland. I 2 Shorthorn Heifers. Pmelired. . I heifers-, I.» mo* obf* ' Two of."straw;; 500 'baRhels mt»; ' mile South of the Hartland Cath- 2 Hulls. Registered, Purebred, I ' li»ffers' 13 mos old* One HI Hoi 17 a^es'-Vstsndin.^ bill com; 75 •• " ' W bushels of corn in crib; 15-ft». silage in.' 1 •slto.-, /. SITUATION WANTED ; ""C" ^ *4 IlllleS Noi'tllWCSt of Woodstock. 2 miles North of 14 Woman on th,, Kiim Hoad on THURSDAY. JAN. 11 19.1 ' OR KFST -Modern 5-rooni house 1 at Wonder 1/ake with full base- j "tent: furnished^ automatic hot ' water heat. Inquire Meyer's bar- j ber shop. Wonder Lake,". Rt. 1, j Hitigwood. 111. . * 35 Coiittiieiiclng at II O'Clock and SUNDAY, JAN 14 i!»:»i Coiiniieiicimr at 12:30 O'Clock and 3 jears old. The ye n lin.;-. Bull is Itavcnglen Triune Kriss No- S49392. Born April ;"», l!»f>0. Sire Ravenglen Senator Triune. Dam Ra ven L ien Hartog Kristy. The Senior Bull is also from Rsivenglen breeding, Constructive breeding has been ! practiced which includes _j.he j bloodlines of Montvie Pathfinder, > Raveng!en Senator Tniine. Raven W ASTED TO RENT Middle age (ounle would like to rent year round house 1 or 2 bedrooms in McHenry. No. .children or pets. ALL FARM M ACHISFRY. IIAY ' ^nator Jewel, and Steinliome WIIX BE : "eechwood Segis De Kol. Th<> entire herd is Ciilfhood vac i.UAIN cinated. This is one of the out- FOR SAI.E .IOHNS-WANSVILLE Cp;,t;a, , f "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed WANTED -Watch', s" and .lewelrv "epai^i Anthony I.oonaii. 200 So. (ireen street,McHenry. (Front par! of ("Inire Beauty. Shoppe.1 ' 1 J>'tf WASTED •--'.Home for 5-year-old black niale cocker; nice disposition; lias one eye. Must be kept in home. Write Box 131. in care of Plaindealer. 35 * ATTESTIOS BI'ILDEl^S We are now accepting bids for 2 stories of a 3 story wood building next door to the Oak Park Hotel. All good lumber. Write Catholic Charities,..,«45 W. Randolph. Chicago »>/' 111., or phone \M> 'COWS SOLD ON THURSDAY. JAN. 11 , Standing lie^ds in Mcllenrv county ommencing lit II O'clock ! and all the cows are first, second Write Box 129 in care-Jof McHenry',.AEL LIVI STOCK. MIS( ELLAS- and. third calf heifers. -Plaindealer. " 35«tf EOl'S FQI'IPMES'T STEEL GRAIN • • HOGS 10. Brood' Spws bred '2 IUNS. VXD TEMPORARY CORN j ho self feeders. --'f'HIUS, TOGETIIEK WITH Al.Li POI LTRY EQI'IPMEliT 4 ftOl SFHOLU FI RXITfRE. WILL I chick feeders. 4 chick founts, 2 RE SOLD OS I brooder stoves. SUNDAY. JAN. 14 I miK EtjripMEST 2 umver- --Conniieiiciim at 12:30 O'Clock "'ilkinj; lnachines. double units; FOLLUWINC IS \ I 1ST OP!!4 MI,K <-A1,S' 4 N'L,K PAILA. 3-1-tf | THE FARM MACHINERY' AND f ,S^a'n'<s's s , , 'pl Strainer,. 2 corn picker: Power corn sheller: ^s*'ar electric clippers; 350 gaL FOR RENT FOR REST -- Thonneson farm of -79 acres, located 2 miles S.|E. McHenry. Inquire of Mr. Carey, McHenry State Bank. nios. old: One (1) Hoistein bnll, £0 mos. ol,|. MACHINERY ,W« C. All is Chalmers. tractor { with cultivator and power lift and j power MACHINERY .'••in Decfe M(H:O1 II ttactor, fta«kv e o> fpfr:. --ArtlTllis-- vCsh. a,l mers .V H • i-tak>e» -off.; «. I,r hn l^M »ere 10-ft. * " ,B,o l.ttno .h.r.ty. ,b a,l er; McDT. . powe'i* com i' actor disc; Jolm* Deere .corn M • J _ ... , , . v.. . , binder W'tb electric carrier; John -- hinder w• i,th bundle. .l.o a,d er, bundle TI , o.e i-<• . 0r -„ft. mowe^r, grain s„e edje „r * carrier and waion .lritch, new: in-- , sra8M ^ attachment- New ternational silo filler No. 7 and 50i g.. 'S f attachment New ^ ft., pipe: John Deere 2 bottom l^ «de Oelnvry. rake ou - in, tractor plow: King Field eultl- i rUf)h^L vato'r; McC. Heerln,: 7 ft., grain • ^ lul,bfr:, wa«on and f'a™bo*: V hinder; John Deere model H trac-rT! ^ ,Wa'ei'TJ' a"d b°X; 2 " 'rubber tired wagons and racks; : |T5-ft. 7-in. belt; dump rake: oil |t:-'ik healer: electric tank heater; j I rubber tired wheel harrow; Gehl . ^ ; hammer mill with cutter hea<l; "• ! International Farmall tractor and j*| I cultivator ; John Weerp trorn plantjer: New Idea S-ft. grain binder; t H ' bottom slat plow on robber; 2 l'[<i tor manure spreader; McC. Deorinu 1 section dra^, with folding draw bar; Allis Chalmers 2 section fr^Mi drag; McC. Peering rotary hoe: stalk cutter: Owatana gr^in elevator. 4-» ft.; Hay hoist with two horse power motor; Two 7x14 hav racks: Two Cxl2 corn boxes: Gehl Hammer mill; 10x12 brooder house, 2 yrs. old: Set of Slat mold ' ',oMom ..mould boards; 2 3-sec. hoard for John Deere plow bottom: j drags. Appleton 6 row corn husk- 100 ft. 6 in. drive belt: Fanning er: '"Ofrngated roller; 1 row mill: Post drill; Oliver two row .• cn!lt\tiloi . Kevstone- hay loader; LOST AND FOyNB riTOR aiiRVICE -- We clean Iwork,- floors, windows, 'vails lily, weekly, muntkly or season |ly. Reasouab'e^ (trices. McII«'nrv litor Service, won Dewey, Afgr. n^M. lIearv 430'J/ Mif 3LLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN lATER SYSTEM - Wc sell, repair Id install pumps. Bill Bacon -0(i lain Street, McH«'iirv. Telephone 17. 2otf O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Iione 208 W 520, Washington St. Woodstock, HI. Srttf •CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS mailable at the Water Tower In West McHen.ry >N CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Phone McHenry 788-W not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo \V4]\'p|^|| j. Stilling. 200 E. Pearl, Tel. Mc-| Henry IS. 22tfS FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. AD-1 DING MACHINES. Service on allmakes. Also ribbons for all makescarl. on paper. L. V. ixiltz, Clay St Woodstock. Phone r>4 >. 7t' Maid, ,r> or 6 (lays ,8 week. Must furnish own transport-, alioiv. Phone McHenry 700^ 35 FOR SALE -- 6 room Hoffman oil furnace in perfect condition. Inquire at the Sportsman Inn Tavern. *34-2 FOR SALE -- Wood or coal burning stove.- Like-new condition, $40.00. Phone McHenry 137-WX.' 34-2 FOR SALE--3 adorable puppies. See Roewer, 410 Main St., McHenry. 1st floor rear. T *35 REAL ESTATE j HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND FEED | GRAiS^'VlAY FFFD •TO BE SOLD ON THCRSDAY: | alfalfa hay. first'and second cro" ! „ Tractors, as follows2 Mc- ; 15 tons straw, baled and threshed: 1,11 1 111 | Cormi^k Deering M on rubber: 1 J 2000 bushels Clinton oats; U> tons FOI'ND 1' fountain pen. brand ' McCormick Deering 11 op rubber: 1 I old ear corn, ](!() bushels soy name. Warwick. Found on Pearl j Mt'Cormick ^ Peerln.g 10-20 on rub-j beans; 25 tons ear coin, new street between 31 and Green st. |,ier: 1 H Field lnsilage cutter on! TRU'TORS, TRACTOR EQI'IPFinder may claim at Plaindealer \ fubber:; Case 10 ft. drill w'th fort.- j MENT Jolm IVIMC Model c; I'M" office. ' 35 Hl*er-and grass seed attathm-n.,! tractor, with cultivator and »>\ver . ; ! -- rew ,n 19r,°: Jolip Dee-e manure j lift; John D^re Model A l'fn; LOST.- Truck- tire and rim. (spreader; 100 gal. chcmlcal spray 1 tractor, '"with power lift stnter S'4X20,. betv;/en^lcllcnry and ; mounted on truck on .rubber"; j and lights;4 John Deere tr U-toi- Pistafkee. Reward. Phone McHenry. John Deere 3 section dn.g; Inter- j end loader • flic i„,.tnr «*• 55 t ntlomil ^ section dr-as: Jol.ii I iilow, :: n "iri.; '? 1 section drag: 2 two row Inter- Wng plow, 2-14. in.; New Idea national tractor corn planters; 3 manure; spreader, now IHC field rubber tired wagons: 2 14- ft: port- fHg. er. 7,ft ; bit?/ saw 3*> "in {able feetl racks; 10 cattle foed blade; David Bradley hanumMnini' (racks; Ml Feed Grinder; Stover ll-in : (iehl silo filler, ifi-in with [corn sheller: Log chains, shovels, pipe; IHC power grain binder 10 | forks: Extra wheels for. wagons; ft ; IAVO wheel trailer 'with double New Holland Hav baler; IHC No ' >M,Xi (|,ive belt, 7-in so ft -• '22 Mounted Corn Picker; Mount- ,i( l l,n |,wr„ ;! S(.f,f (MlUi W{.k(>;: fi Jt. cut. I. H. Mower: lH|.j„jm. ; f, , LEG A I S John Deere corn planter; David tank, standard and oil drums; B'-adley hav nnwer; 1940 Ford truck, 1 T. Express. MILKING EQCIPMENT 3 Surge milking units; l wash tank: 22 milk cans. MSA, 175 Chickens (Leghon^^ffltsl FEED G§F . 3,00© bu. ear corn; 4^o hu "oats; "i00 'bs clover seed; IS ton alfalfa tiul clover hav; 40 ton alfalfa and electric brooder stove;" etaMfjF whtcl. motor and stand. MILKING EQI'IPMEXT Hinman 2 unit milking machine with pipeline for 30 cows; 12 milk cans; hot water beater; 2 sterli/.ing tanks. Many other -aftt> jcles too numerous to mention. 150 CHICKENS l Not Responsible For Accidents. , „ . . . LI-NCII WAGON ON GROUNDS, broom grass ha.y ; 3 ton clover and .™«,IO t s\| I r'1!'! K I CilllS. broom prass hav; « ton second ppADPr tttoo cutting alfalfa and clover hay; 7 G£OKC*E HESo. Owner or oat straw. } First National IJjnk of WuuU>toek» TERMS - All sums of $25.00 and j M , Clerking under that amount cash; over that•! Me«i »er I-Hernl Reserve rai amount a credit of six mouths at fi f^fal Dep»*it Insarance (*«*,> per cent will be given on notes ap- FOR SALE--Dining room table chairs and buffet, also kitchen set with 4 chairs, exc. shape. Phone Mcllenry 50-M. *35 E'OR SALF'--Healthy male part collie pups, $5.00. Phone 541-R-l. 35 FOR SALE-^Cole's oil heater with "fan. pipes and stove board. $50.00:_ SAD ANIMALS -- - Tighest, cash I>CN paid for cwWV, horses and |gs; n:> help neeCed to load. Da.. |i(1 night, SnBtinys and holidays 111 Wheeling Rendering Works, Iheeling Wo. 3; reverse charges. _ 36tf -W -- I Want ads, like freedom, are let ybody's business. oil heater, $15.00; Emerson table radim - phonograph combination, 125.00; duplex bed, $30.00. Eugene Palis. McCullom Lake. Follow Beach Road to last house on top of hill. Call after 6:00 P. M. 35 FOR SALE -- Used kitchen gas range, gas refrigerator and washing machine. Excellent condition. Phone McHenry 110-JX. *35 Helen Weber Says: THAT « WELL GROOMED LOOK IS YOURS WHEN WE CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES. CLEAN WITH CARE FOR BETTER WEAR. McHENRY CLEANERS iM Elm Street McHenrj $ PHONE 104-M NOTICE'OF CLAIM DATE FOR SALE--Bungalow at 302 N. ESTATE OF MATH I AS M BLAKE 'Ireen St Inquire at 209 E. Elmj DECEASED St.. or phone 471-W. Price $11,(100.' Not it" is .hereby given to all 24-tf j persons that February 5, 1951, is -- tht* claim date in the estate of ORDER YOl'R HOME NOW MATHIAS M. BLAKE, Deceased. IN SPRING, PRICES WILL BE pending in the Comity .Court of HIGHER J McHenry County, Illinois, and In Millstream, a most modern sob-j that claims may b« filed against 'hMon. 4 and 6 rooms. Face , the said estate on or before said brick on all 4 sides, full cement difte without i.-wuance of summons. basement, automatic oil furnace or Alvin P. Blake 'lot water gas electric, city sewer, i Administrator Price. $11,900 and -$13,900.00. Cash j Published Pec. 2S. 1950, Jan. 4. down - 25 per cent - balance 20 |H- 1951. \cars to pay. Yon can also have - : water front jot. Call JAt OB FRIT/ STATE OF ILLINOIS - REALTOR, JOHNSRl KG . TE|i-.iCOUNTY OF McHENRY. ss. EPHONE: MC1IE:NRY 37. j Circuit Court of McHenry Coun- j lap bags for seed oats: 32tf!ty. Public notice is hereby given I baled straw; 1250 bu. Andrews that I will, on the 5th day of | an^ Clinton oats, can be certified March. A. D. 1951. being one'of the i v however time will not permit me return days in the Circuit Court of to clean, treat an>i have certified ed Manure Spreader: 111 .Manure j John iWp,, 4 loader, will fit either H or M; 2 hot. 14 in. I. II. plow 011 rubber tractor 3 bot. 14 in. Ill Plow on rubber; 12 ft. International side delivery rake: dump rake; 1 - 40 ft. elevator for either grain or 'baled hay; 2 hay racks: 3 jirain 'boxes; 4 steel bog feeders: S hog ! trou,ihs; 30 gates for cattle feeding pens; Tractor post bolP digger: 200 ft. galvanized in. pipe. MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION » FEED 75ton ear corn: 100 tons alfalfa bay. all l950 crop; 1000 new bur- 50 ton FOR SALE HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES ^ RKSOltl PROrCRTT »1^ my pe.lllo-. Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 121-J Licensed III. A Witt. Broker 'in s&id court praying for the |.change of my name from PHILLIP IVAN GELDER to that of PHILLIP VAN GELDER BRAUTIGAM. pur- McHENRY 4 rooms, 2 liedrooms. Fnll basement. Six months old. Owner leavmadc and provided. Dated McHenry. Illinois. Januarv 8. 1951. PHILLIP VAN GELPER inp city. Price For op-1 LOOze and KINNE. Attorney pointment call .IA(01» FRITZ - 115 ujversidp nr|v<?i lRiErAilLTTlOinR. Jl/Ok H•• NV Sw BI RG. rrn r : 1 1IU e 1 ^ I'llONE: McliENRY 37. TELE-J FOR SALE -- All year 'round 6) room ..home In- McHenry; Price S9.r>00. Alovs Steffens. C&ll McHenry 6S5-R-1. *34-2 FOR SALE or RENT--4 VL> room year 'round home in McCullom Lake, fully insulated, oil heat. 'ii lot 50x150, near lake. Owner, . . moving to Calif., in two weeks, i Co"'l t> - »!"""«• and that claims will rent with option to buv ori™^ t t t?»aKain*T. tate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERALD J. CAREY. . v . Executor. WILtlASt M. CARROLL. JR. Attorney at Law ' 3 sell outright. Priced low for quick sale. Inquire at Royal Blue store for directions to house. Also 1936 Dodge 4-door sedan, good motor and tires, will accept best offer. Robert Schauble. *35 Want ad results overlap the cost and leave a handsome profit-- "hone 170. REAL.ESTATE FOR SALE -- 5-room house, full basement, space up-stairs for 2 added rooms. Garage and chicken coop. Price $8,000. Call Waueonda 437. 35 FOR SALE--Due to the draft, we are forced to sell our" fuel oil truck and business. For full particulars write or phone Worts Oil Co., 101 Richmond Rd., Mc- SUNDAY, JAN. 14 2 dairy cows; 75 pigs of weaning \age; 4-1500 bu. cap. Martin steel grain bins; l#-750 bu. "cap 1 suant to the statute in such case J Martin steel corn cribs; The above grain bins and cribs are all on plank floor foundations and on skids; 30 brood sows; Assortment of lumber; Miscellaneous tools: Steel feed mixer, *4 ton capacity, with electric 5 H.P. motor; 2 power lawn mowers. TRICKS 1 Dodge 2 ton stake body tfnek with 2 speed axel; 1 1948 Ford 3i ton pickup truck; I V V blade pow plow to fit 2 ton truck; 1 ide blade snow plow, 13 ft., to -fit truck: 1 tractor land and road grader on rubber, new. ALSO COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD KURN1SHINGS, INCLUDING REFRIGERATOR. DEEP FREEZE BOTTLE GAS STOVE. WASHING MACHINES, PINING AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, AND MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS? TO MENTION. 'LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS BOTH DAYS Not Responsible for Accidents TERMS: Credit will be extended by payment 25 per cent in cash, with balance payable monthly in six installmoifts at 6 per cent after proper arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase RI SSEL, SI LLIVAN and VOGEL, Auctioneers { HAZEL DELL FARMS DE WITT C. WEST. Owner ' i McHenry, 11linois. J2tf j (Publish Jan. 11-18-25) NOTIC^OF CLAIM DATE Estate of. Elizabeth Brand."Deceased. Notice is hereby given to. all persons that March 5. 1951. is the claim date in the estate of Elizabeth 'Brand. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry 1101 Benton Street ' Woodstock. Illinois. (Fob. Jan. 11-18-25) HAZEL DELL AUCTION TWO DAYS Factor mower; row corn ..planter with tertili'-'er attachment. Sew .Holland Italer new. FARM MACHINERY - - Corn hinder with loider . and carrier; M( Deering mower. fi-ft.; John Deere 10 ft., prain ,|rill. disk, with attachments; grain elevator, grain end, gate, ciapple fork,, harpoon lork. meal cart: silo cart, stock ink, .S-ft., with hog;fountain; ft. bay rope; John Deere se.c- Moii lever drag: John Deere section drag; John .Deefe'sulky l Ultivator. . . walk-inv cullivatiir. -i ••• forge an,j anvil, steel wheel 'arm wagon, 3 high speed trailer vva.uons, 2 choppers, 1 rack on iibher; basket hay rack, flat hay •<:ck,: , double - ' wagon box. tank vi-on. 2 hub sleiuhs. post drill, •ower corn sheller. emerv st.-nwi electric fencers, 'platform wale. i'li'O lbs.; line shaft, overhead gas ink. air compressor.', slusher • Taper. Jolm Deere side delivery. -Deere hay loader, Briggs & >trutton ! 1 'i hp. gas engine, 5 lectric motors. '4. 1 / . 3^ 2, '• 'hp,';-, set of draft harness, 5 iorse collars, elevator conveyor •elt. Sure .Weld arc welder,- 180A; 00 ft. welding cable. TRI CHS 1934 VS Ford 1% ton ruc k with rack and box, 1948 K5 n. T tractorrTcfth- new Omaha ("W-i'+'W") ' "M--;" FRI. X SAT.. JAN. 12-U * BO MJI A" AND THE II ll> BEN CITY" plus The Bowery Boys' in "TRIPLE TROUBLE** Vlso: "Atom MI I I I~ No. 13 ai Color Cartoon nroved by the .clerk-.--Anyone desiring credit kindly- make arrangements before purchase i« made. No nroperty to a be reriioved tmUl - ett led for. . Not Responsible for Accidents HERMAN KNUTH Owner iie 11 EN'111' STATE IIASK, ( lerklng Guided Missrfles . The only guie'ed reach r targe-scale wartime - use, except foi , the primitive Japanese -"suicide" 1 planes, were the ingenioysly. contrived German V-2' supersonic | guided'- rocket and itsr predecessor. : :he. V-l pulse-jet "buzz • bomb," 1 .vhich was controlled by _an aiito, | matic pilot cdrrected l>y a '•cano.p.ass: and an altimeter Flight ot Lucky Lady I) » On March 2. 1949. an air force B-50. the "Lucky Lady II," completed the first nonstop circumn^ v'.ga'ior of the wor d." During this Historic flight the Lucky Lady 11 was refuelled in the air from B-2S flyir.g tankers over the ' Azores, Saudi-Arabia, the Philippines, and Hawaii l>.e Lucky Lady II took off. from Cars well A;t Force Base, hear Fort W«rtft, Tex., at 11:21 'p.m.,.on February 2^?.* 15*19 N>.ety four hoars ^ind .one- rhinute later., it returned 'to- its hoWe-baiv after -having flcwu -a total-clist of 23."4r>2 miles at *n-averafe six t d of 249 miles hour Aus'.riiian River Control Austi.; a s'big Darling river eon- Ir.c! projact will ca?iserv;e water to The' •.-German-i make an.arid, Te::as-s:-.e area bloom "Wasserfall" and "Hhemto^hter" radio-guided anti-aircraft rockets night have become i'ormidthie- ob -tacles to the heavy bombing o4 ' 1 ennany ifo t!• e. n: ui.!ufacturors bad 1 id a fev. mnr# t-ftWlhs • " Famoj*F First The first all-steel passenger c. was the, Pullman ' "Jamestown, constructed in 1907. » n tt'ic c :ntincnt's southeast.. . \j-ke1. AP^y sieefe '. :. :jrt rg«'o. P.ley ir Glasgow, j' A .EG'(.sort' Of cxper-rrrents he i'.h'nd po-ifjuctt?d with--nic'ol--steel - , Si: re 1891 the use of nickel alloy i h,a« ^eacttly increased.. ' SI N. X MOS.. JAN. 11-15 l.'rrol E|) 11 u Patrice Wymore lit • - "ROCKY MtH NTAIS" TI ES^ WEW. X THI RS, JAN. ltt-17-lS loan Crawford Wendell Orey In / "IIVRRIETT CRAIG** Comintr: "II AM LET** Fewer than one-tenth of all known species of-snakes arc po'i-. onous. , .riiaimillilil.llllilihiltlliii 5!'; H.'-HIMC The Beautiful EL T0VAR CRYSTAL LARI »I1 Mcllenry' Co'*. Lending Theatre ^^KRL^X^T^ I2-1S (Double Feature) Krrol Flynn -- Patrice Wyniore ••, in "ROCKY MOrSTAIN" Philip Reed Hillary Brooke • In »B1« TOWS AFTER DARK** Ilia Town After Dark shown onl? once starting at N:2i P. M. ~ts7JT Moscrrrr^r" Snnday Con't. froiu i:4." P. M. Robert Ciininiiiigs Joan CanlHeid in "THE PETTY GIRL" (In Technicolor) 'The glamor girl of all time steps from Matraxine and C.ileiida; to the screen. TT E>Cr W FITTTHTRSII JAS. 1G-IT-1> John (iariifld Patricia Seal In ' ' -. , •BREAKING POINT* ^ Henry, J1L, pbone 36i. The undersigned, having sold his farms in Hartland Township, will! FIRST NATIONAL BASk 01- sell all of the pergonal property at j WOODSTOCK, Clerking. _ , , , ,„,4„„„u.i.uiiiiiiuuiaia 36-tf Public Auction on the farms locat- |M ember Federal Besene »ad Fed- { 4 4 . * i >• ' M M i i W H M i t t H M t t i t i i M i w n m u m t m m m (Colony tylU.SRY, tLllSOIS Air 'Conditioned --; Comfort G<t«d Vision ana Sound Boors Open at 6:4« P. M. Screen Starts at " :<H> P. M. FRI. Jt SAT» JAN. 12-1S John Hayne Maureen d'Hart "RIO 'GRANDE** Color Cartoon A World News SI N. X MON„ JAN. 14-li Irene Donne Fred MaeMnrraj Win. Deuiarest Andy Devine "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" A story of heart-toachiag warmth and eowiral incidents which should please the in 111II). Also:. Walt DNney Cartoon Suihlay Matinee i:!W ConX CLOSED ON Tl'ESDAY W KDM X THI'RS* JAN. 17-LS Shirley Teaiplc Dai id Nhen "A* KISS FOR CORLISS** Cartoon and Nov elt, •m mm

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