*'A>*- t u , ,? .* : * 1 I- -f *' • " ; >.\, - ' V * > * , V- •' - ' ' • '•'•••• ^iv •. ••'"'•/.S HdttMtY MJUNBBALEB , V'*-: WKW9 FROM LAKE ||f 'Vm«M Sells Likwi Donate Ham Te Date P*Uo Fand folder Lake's first house-to polio drive has already rein the collection of $237.77, Ktffl several of the workers not yotreported and with the tins in (t|e virions stores not yet picked **• B. Murphy, who is co-chair With Mrs. Grace Sellek in the drive, has announced the i|im of some of the canvassers, liefSld that they had made the top* of the various subdivisions •Ipjpfi the first of the year, wading fnow and braving the ice on where It is most hazardous to %alk., . Ajnong those who have turned mm** collections, and the area they collected are Mrs. Madt( Marney) Suilivan. $40, Deep Woods No. 2: Mrs. Rose Hy and Mrs. Harriet Bell, |$. Shore Hills; Marie Milttftodt, $11.80. Lake Shore drive; ' ptte Hoffman, $24, Lookout Mrs. June Morin. $11.80, |Hne Bay; Mrs. Betty Fiala |lrs. Marie Doerrfeld. $59.42; Center; Mrs. Louise Dick, tfc,f& Indian Ridge; Mrs. Marian Cp^MM. $13. Shore Hills shoreline; jfiwrine Faxel. $17.05, Hickory |il$s; Etta Schau. $7.75, Indian Mrs. Olive Tallman, $18, kry Falls; and Mrs. Leah Cor- •Aef. $6, Indian Ridge. ^Kroin the polio benefit held at cs's Saturday night, a total ||.30 was realized. At this par- IGreca and the women of the •nd Gun auxiliary cooperated Ipi ^Bating the food. LaGreca doturkey sandwiches; the auxdonated potato salad, cakes ,1**Samount listed is the most to be collected in Wonder tykfcf which Is coupled with Ringas in prior years. Reports {Pagwood have not yet been |led, Murphy said. In Wonder > a report has not yet been refrom Wonder Woods. Is still possible to donate to polio fund by contacting Mur- Mrs. Sellek. or Leonard id, count/ chairman, stock. tlranday January 18, 1951 low, Richard Mathews, Clayton Dornbush, and Donald Audfno of the high school group. Mel Sellek coached one of the teams and Dr. Ruggero coached the other. Nick Halseth refereed the high school boys' game. START FIRST AID CLASS There will be a first aid program given soon, if twenty or more persons sign for the course. Dr. S. T. Ruggero is chairman of the group. Those interested in taking the course please telephone Wonder Lake 593 or leave name with Peter Back, the druggist. Volunteer firemen are especial-' ly urged to take this course, and husdrivers of school buses are required by law to have taken it Local citizens should be prepared in case of need for civilian defense. If enough interest is shown, there will alsp< be instructions in the use of the resuscitator. The time and place for the first class will be announced later. fAS rSE BRIDGE Those who have studiously avoided the far side of the lake because the bridge is under construction need not do so. There is a perfectly good temporary bridge that a car can cross safely. Several persons have gone all the way to Greenwood and come in that way to visit Wonder Woods. ATTEND POLICE MEETING Policemen from Wonder Lake who attended the meeting of the Fox River Vai'ey Division No. 4 of the Illinois Police association, held in McHenry Tuesday of last week, were E. R. Murphy, chairman of the group. Roger Hansen, Frank White, T. P. Mathews and Justus Kelhier. Mary Jo Bem Again CkoMi As _ Doe flab Secretary Mary Jo Berry was again Hated as the choice for secretary of the Doe club when the slate of officers for 1951 was presented at a meeting of the club Monday of last week, and will be elected at the meeting Jan. 22. This will be the thhd consecutive year that Mary Jo has served the Does in this capacity. Libbie Repan, Wonder L&ke, was a member of the three -pereon nominating committee. Wonder Laker Sees Her Mother Install*! As Head of Beltekahs Mrs. Olga Grasser Whs present Jan. 9 at the installation Ceremonies of the IOOF arid the Rebekah lodge, Woodstock, when her mother, Mrs. Matilda Nelson, was formally sworn in as noble grand of the Rebekahs, the highest officer of the lodge. Mrs. Grasser's aunts will serve with their sister. ThejN are Marie Readel and Selma Recking, both of Woodstock. Also present at the ceremonies were Mrs. Nelson's mother. Mrs. Clara Lienau, and her husband. Arvid Nelson. • ^ Clara Lienau, aad: .husband,- Arvid Nelson. Mrs. Grasser resides in Wickline Bay. Mrs. Grasser and her husband. Francis, left Tuesday for Washington. D.C.. where they w311 spend a week. Mrs Nelson will stay in the Grassers' Wonde: Lake home and care for the two Grasser children. Mrs. Grasser will be remembered as being formerly employed in the office of ivar FredrJcksen, contractor. n|'« Clnh Continnefl fr^Nwr Activities; INK Pint Skating Party 4 The Wonder Lake Men's club can well be proud of their achieveipMlts in the athletic field in the Aw brief weeks of its existence. .First the sponsoring of the foot- Ifll team, then of basketball and tta skating for all the children of Jtiffader Lake. The clnb is sponaoring an ice-t Wagner, "Sarge Wonder Lakers See Kiwanis lee Carnival Nearly every Wonder Lake member of the Kiwanis club was busy all day Sunday with the big ice carnival at Slocum Lake and which attracted some 3.000 sepectators. Atty. Joseph X. Waynne. president of the club, said twenty of the twenty-three members of the club were busy on committees making plans. One Wonder Lake member, Joseph Riegel, is now in California. The others who were present included H. R. Wagner, treasurer of the club. Tom Stanley, vice president : Bob Doerrfeld. Tony Grill. "Muzz" Hansen, John Lathrop, Joseph Monteleone and A1 Repan. Tom Cashin and A1 Schimke are also members of the club but this reporter did net see them. Wonder Lakers seen at the carnival were Mrs. Libby Repan, Mrs. Helen Stanley. Rov and "Skip" Noren. Mrs. "Virginia Monteleone, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Audino, Mm. John Van Kanegan, George Gutsman, the Harry Davidsons, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cormier and Bobby, Phil Hastings, Ray Sullivan, "Bud" Schau. "Bud" Elberson, Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop and Charles, Mr. and MrB. Frank Cheney, Mrs. Alice Duttko, the Fred fkating party every Friday night I Sells family. Roger Hansen and it the rink they have cleared in I Jean Selsdorf. Mack of the Lake View Inn. The |Uk ha» been smoothed and la lighted. At the first party, held last Fridjny. among those seen in the galafet of skaters were Mr. and Mrs. Ijlftward Wilkerson and Lynn* Mr. thl, Mrs. Mel Sellek, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone and Sandra, The LaGrecas and Sharon. Mrs. Baalle. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruzicka, Mr. and lira. Stanley Wilson, Pearl Mathews, Mr and Mrg j|m BeU and Mrs. Sandy Ruggero, Mr. Mrs. Nick Halseth, Mr. and ra. Vogt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheney. Mr. and Mrs. Zandier, ^hllip Armstrong, Leslie BergiOhl. Albert Horn and others. Members of'the Men's club preat the basketball games Wednesday Included Mel Sellek. Nick Halseth, E. Vogt, Frank Cheney. Harry Davidson. Fred Zandier and t>r. S. Ruggero. Also present was Beeman, Mrs. Ruggero, Mrs. BOeman and Mrs. dandier. . Boys participating in the basketball games Wednesday included I<jrnn Cheney, Paul Reuter, Winn Datldson, Bobbie Cormier. Charles Maiercik. Gary Vogt, Jim Bell, Wayne Tronsen, Randy Sellek, Peter Bastien, C. Walker, John and Bill Wright, Albert Horn, Dan Cheney, and Billy Spuehr of the grade school boys; Ronnie Vacula, rl^i Armstrong. John Davidson, Strom, Jack West, Pat Fal fted Cross Drive Blow Organised There will be a meeting of the Wonder Lake .Red Cross at the home of Bud Elbersen on Jan. 22. Ed Cannon has been appointed as the fund drive chairman for this coming year. The drive starts March 1. Mrs. Oklla Entertains Rod And Gan Auxiliary The Woman's auxiliary of the Rod and Gun club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Ohiin, Deep Springs Woods. The group played games and were served refreshments. Those present included Mrs. Lotte Mayer, Mrs. Josephine Wendt, Mrs. Frieda McCafferty, Miss Edith McCafferty, Mrs. Meta Mahder, Mrs. Rose Murphy, Mrs. Betty Selsdorf, Mrs. Rose Silk and Mrs. Etta Schau. --• A guest at the meeting waa Mrs. Ohlin's daughter, Mrs. Lucille Anderson. >•. The Girl Scouts will elect officers at their next meeting. Zandier To Speak * ^ To Solon Mills Grot* Fred Zandier, physical education teacher at Harrison school, will speak Thursday evening in Solon Mills before a parent study group. Zandier's subject will be "Organized Outdoor Activities' For Grade- School Youngsters." MOVE fO NEVADA Mr. and Mrs. A1 Repan and their, twin sons. Ronald and Richard, will leave soon for Nevada, where they will make a permanent home and where they have purchased a business. .The Rcpans formerly, operated the Rolaine Grill, Wonder Lake., : WILL CHmsfi#^ James William, son of Barbara and William Fiala, Jr., will be christened Sunday, Jan. 24, in the First Presbyterian1 church, Woodstock, by the Rev. C. C. Urch. Sponsors for the child will be Marie Milbrandt and Jimmie LaGreca. Jimmie, now in California, will be represented by a proxy. Snnmer Resident Of Wonder Lake Dies In Indiana Frank B. Gray, about 75, a summer resident of Oak street, Wonder Center, for the past 10 years, died in Indiana Jan. 9. He is survived by one son, Warren, Gary, Ind. His wife preceded him in death. Services and interment will be held in Gary. The decedent was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. BRIEFS A1 Schimke turned his pickup truck over on its side when he struck a piece of ice on the Greenwood turn Saturday. He wasn't hurt.--Tony Grosse overturned his delivery truck earlier in the week and was considerably shaken. -- Louise Dick smashed the family car also in an acident due to the ice. --Mrs. Lotte Mayer will have a birthday Saturday. Why not a shower of cards for one of the most civic-minded women in Wonder Lake? GOSPEL CHI'RCH NEWS There was an increasingly good interest in the special prayer meetings during the universal Week of Prayer. And that should be expected in times such as we are living in now. No greater ministry than that of prayer and intercession can be rendered right now, by those who believe in God and in His power to save. Y The Missionary Service last 8unr day evening, Jan. 14. was an unusual one. A fine group of students from the Trinity Seminary and Bible college brought an inspiring musical program and Miss Siva Swanson. missionary to Africa. delivered a heart stirring message. The pastor to participating in a missionary conference at Minneapolis, Minn., this week, but will be home in time for the services next Sunday, Jan. 21. We invite the readers of this column to join us then in the Sunday School hour at 10 a.m., Morning Worship Service at 11 and in the Gospel Hour at 7:45 p.m. Remember that there Is always an old fashioned *a • Of". prayer meeting every Thursday night" at 8 o'clock. You are always welcome at the Gospel Center. POOR HUNTING Approximately 3,300 Canada geese were killed by hunters around Horseshoe Lake, near Cairo, during the recent open season as compared to almost 12,000 shot in the same area in 1949, according to the state Department of Conservation. Sam Carney, Jr., chief conservation inspector, says the reduced kill was partly due to the fact that this season's flight was made up largely of older geese, which are very wary and fly high to keep out of range. Another factor was a smaller migration to Horseshoe Lake. Soon 75,- 000 to 80,000 geese came to the Alexander county game refuge this season, while the 1949 estimate was NL25.040. The goose shooting season opened Nov. S and closed Dec. 7. Road tits Want Ads! FOR SALE >v. ? room brick residence; S bedrooms and bath apstalrs; 1 bedroom and 8 big rooms downstairs; 1 car garage and Incinerator fidase; air conditioned. Will sell with or wlthont fnrnltnre. Will also leave 1*41 Ply month In geod rendition In garage. F«r Infortnalion Qmll 537-W-l ® ^ T. OLSEN U f McCULLOM LAKE . w LaGreeas To Leave For Winter Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LaGreca and Sharon will leave next week for Florida and California. They plan to be gone about a month. In Florida they plan to visit those Wonder Lakers, Jim and Betty Pavlik, and in California they will be guests of her sister, Mrs. M. Ingels. While the LaGrecas are away, the dining room of the Lake View Inn wilt be closed. SIRLOIN BEEF DINNER Saturday, Jan. 20, the auxiliary of the American Legion will serve to the public a sirloin roast of beef dinner, at LaGreca's. Tickets may be secured from the members or at the door on Saturday. GIRL SCOUTS MEET The Wonder Lake Girl Scouts held their first meeting since the holidays at Harrison school Wednesday. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Lillian Plotner, who appeared at the December meeting and brought pictures and records from her native Switzerland. Refreshments were served by the troop committee, Mrs. Sybil Johnson, Mrs. Jay Hansen and Mrs. Vera Henthorne. Convenient Take one of our clean, modern cabs to your destination and stop . worrying about the weather.. Our cabs, driven by the^most careful drivers, call for you at your door and leave you at the door any time of the day or night, anywhere-fill the city. For clean, safe, convenient transportation. . PHONE 723 TREMENDOUS OUR BRAND NEW STOCK OF SHOES IS PUT ON SALE BECAUSE WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR SPRING AND SUMMER FOOTWEAR. » » , SAVE MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE! PRICES CUT UP TO 50^0 ON ALL SHOES IN STOCK I NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS AT REAL SAVINGS! BOLGER'S PHON!: M) MOVE TO NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Les Klintworth have moved from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, Sr., to their own home on the blacktop road. The Klintworth home is the gray shingled house recently erected on the Martin 'farm just south of Hickory Falls. bottor im your Doc^«ir • fid bring hit • . Proscription koro mend that you call on yonff Doctor without delay. Pol*, low hit counsel . . . and, of we're hoping you'll briag his prescriptions here compounding. I jShirt notes for <« f your casual clothes Handsome sport shift! • for year 'round wear. Smart stylo, rigid quality^ fin* workmanship, RAYON GABARDINE . . . TECA cloth . . . in solid color, both light and deep-tone VER-CORD in rich fine ^'stripes . . . and a splashy variety of checks and plaids. Mm.,... S3.95toS5.95 Cm* In l*day and »m Hit* Mart, brlfhl •fMrtmMit *f SPORT SHIRTS *>/ 117 S. GREEN ST. •ffl McHENRY 600 prs. Women's Grace Walker Shoes Discontinued lines, pumps, and straps, black, brown. All the newest patterns. Not all sizes in every style. All sizes and widths in tte HHr Values to $10.95. Salt prk» $597 it* .* f. 4; . 300 Pairs erinas Casuals Styles that will be worn now and jjpiytg. Values to $5.95. Sale price $997 800 prs. Woman's • Growing Qirls Cheer Leader -arid- Grace Walker Shoes for driess, casual, and school shoe*. Strap and pumps and oxfords. Values to $7.95. Sale price *397 Personality Hose 51-gauge 15 denier, perfect, first grades. All sizes and colors. Value $1.95. Sale price $1 27 RUBBER FOOTWEAR GREATLY REDUCED to 60<^O of the price they are worth today. It will pay to buy now for next y*«. Men's and Big Boy's OXFORDS All leather, crepe soles, Moccasirt,. and Suede Loafers in the crepe soles, the kind that.wear. Values to 8.95. Sale price $ E97 Children's Oxfords IIEOLITE TYPE SOLES Children's oxfords, leather uppers insoles and counters, neolite soles. Sizes 8 to 2. The kind that weac. Values to $3.95. Sale price *2 97 HOUSE SUPPERS len's and Children's for looks and comfort, including the famous Howdy Doody. Values to $3.95. 'Sale price $1 97 "THERE'S MORE WEAR IN EVERY PAIR" BEN DAVIS SHOE STORE WOODSTOCK'S MOST MODERN SHOE STORf ACROSS FROM THE MILLER THEATRK v *> v i m