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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1951, p. 7

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:Pi %*'• -*iLr? LAKE •A- ir.? • »**$"t': By Vaneso y, Tie Wednesday evening baskettall club sponsored by the Men's dob proved very successful Jan. 14. The boys are getting oft to a rousing start. Twenty-four boys were present. The boys spent a kalf-an-hour In an Instructional period conducted by members of Ike Men's club. Those helping to ^instruct were. Joe Monteleone, Mel Sellek. Emit Vogt. Jim Bell, RUSH Spnehr, Jesse Seeman, Walter Scfeimke and Fred Zander. There were three (tunes playod |nte| the evening. The Qrst were the Demons, coached by E. Vogt, playing the M.D.'s. coached by Joe Monteleone •sd Dr. S. Ruggero. The frame was hotly contested and went into an m overtime game. The Demons came •through to win. ; The second game was fast and hard, matching the BoOecrushers, Coached. by Russ Spuehr, against the -Sooners, coached by Jim Bell and Mel Sellek. This game went Into overtime also. In a rough and past overtime the Sooners, led by Capt. Lynn Cheney, downed the • Bonecrushers, led by Capt Paul Renter. <& . li the third game, the high ^school boys played tho Men's club team composed of Joe Monteleone, hod J. Davidson, forwards; J. Seeman, center; and Russ Spuehr and I®. Zandier, guards. The high school team was com- . posed of Dan Prince and Clay Dornbush, guards; Lyle Davidson, center; Ron Vacula and Don Autfno, forwards. The "old folks" stood off the ^speed of youth and maintained an early lead which never dwindled. Most of the pvectators remarked that they are looking forward to the big game on Feb. 2$, when the boys will present a basketball program of three games. . : The small fry all-stars In the open$r, the intermediates all-stars III the second, and the highlight of the evening, the high school allstars. The Men's club--led by Joe gtllonteleofte. - The teams are as follows: The Booners, Dan Cheney, Winn Davidson, A1 Horn. Randy Sellek, Bill flpuehr and Capt. Lynn Cheney. '•' The Bonecrushers are composed of Pete: Bastian, W. Tronsen, John bright, Gary Vogt, Jim Bell and Capt P. Reuter. Capt. Richard Wielock leads the M. C.'s, backed up hy BUI Wright. Bobby Bigger*, Allan Bach, Phil 'sibibtsk and Bob ^Cormier. , The -bays pp the Demons are: Carl fralker, Chuck Majercik, Tom ISashin. George Taylor an* Okpt WaUJr Sfthtmke. Bare* Of Rime* ^ (JampMgn Party .The Community «l«k sponsored a party that netted a nice profit for tgie McHenry county polio fund. Mrs. Clarence Wright headed the <P capable' conunittte that presented the succejHL program. Mrs. Virginia Mofeleleone's Bdgewood School of Dance presented several numbers. Several girls did an amusing act called "Goofus". Those who danced tn this number were: Jean Selsdorf, Sandi Balls, Sandi Jo Monteleone, Cora llna Henthome, Carole Bell, Bettf Holochwost and Betty Wright. % Sandra Jo Montsftbone did a solo number to "Anytfttng Goes," Betty Wright and Janet tlrlll danced to (!Winter Wonderland," Carole Bell •tid Betty Holochsrost danced "Dinah". ' Janet Grill 'sang a solo "Dance, Gypsy Dance," then did a Spanish dance backed by a chord* of eight girls. The girls In this number were: Sandi Jo Monteleone, Jean Selsdorf, Carole Bell. Sandi Sells, V Betty Holochwost, Cora Jean Hentfcorne, Janice Johnson, and Bitty Wright A waits clog topped off the dancing part of the program. The girls who composed this number were: Judjr Wielock, Sandi Sells, Jean Sjfelsdorf, Sandi Jo Monteleone, Betty Holochwost Janet Grill, Betty Wright Cora Jean Henthorne, ra'd Janice Johnson. Ann Lundborg played several numbers on her accordion. Among them were the "Anniversary Walts", and "Music, Music, Music." Mrs. Lath rop attended a little stand in the corner of the gym, selling things made by the students. Refreshments were sold and the profit was turned over • U>r the March of Dimes fund. " MIXED DOUBLES The first annual mixed doubles bowling tournament has been set for all Wonder Lake bowlers and will be held March 10. Both men and women will participate at the Johnsburg alleys. This tournament is open to all bowlers in the surrounding area. It was decided that there would be prizes and trophies for' the winners and, to top it off, a special LaGreca dinner served to all participating in the tournament. The tournament will be based on a 75 per cent handicap and the base score of 200 w.'U determine your handicap. Anyone who has obtained au average last year, or bowled nine games this year, is eligible to compete. Tickets for this event will be on sale at all alleys in McHenry and at LaGreca's Lake View Inn, Wonder Lake. FIR8T Alt* COnWTE There have been many inquiries about the first aid course planned in Wonder Lake and about fourteen have signified their intentions of joining the class. However, twenty must be enrolled before an instructor will be sent out. There is no charge for the 18- hour course but those participating are asked to purchase a .first-aid book and a bandage; the two cost about |1. Persons interested can contact Dr. Ruggero or leave their name at Back's store. You do not have to live in Wonder Lake to join this claas. v Teenager fob Appetite Back; , Thanks Hadacol a.HADACOi Supplies Vitamins •*, B», Niacin and Inn Wtikh Hfr System Lacked. Aeoording to Sara Beck, Box 258, Colter, Alabama, when a person is only 15 years old and feels terrible, can't est or deep the way they should, if s mighty bad. That is the Loraine says she used to but that was, l of course, before she started takina HADACOL. Loraine found that tak- . inc HADACOL Imped her system overcome deficiencies in Vitamins Bi, B* ^Niacin and #Iron, which *RAD ACOL contains. i Here is Lortin* Beck's own statement: "I was run-down, sick and skinny, and weighed onto M noundg before I used HADACOL 1 would not eat because I had no appetite. Now 1 weigh 123 pounds and have an iappetite. I feel a lot better, have been taking HADACOL II months and am still taking it - am 15 years old. HADACOL hj done me lots of good?* - •m t* 1* UBira* OHfsnUlt U: K;' laned the Mptr given for the celebrating conple. Most of the guests present were from Maywood, the former home of the Van Kanegans. In spite of the severe weather, Mrs. Van Kanegan's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Kramer, came out from Chicago and her brother, Frank; came from New ?ork to be preeent on this occasion. Tnn Kattegat! Lose Dsffy Jimmie Van Kanegan Is mourning the loss of his pal,. Duffy, this week. Seems someone shot the 3- year-old spaniel* and brought his body back to Wickline Bay and left it in front of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wagner. The dog had been a constant companion to tfc? hpy and has met the school bne eSft* *realn*'4raitiu lor Ida young master. The Van Kanegans took the animal to the veteranlnarian because they wanted to know what had been the cause of death. The doctor said someone had apparently stood right over him and shot him through the head. SiTH ANNIVERSARY .Mr. and Mrs. John Van Kanegan celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Kanegan LEAGUE WORKSHOP Members and guests of the League of Women Voters held their final workshop on the subject of local government at the home of Mrs. Jane Setsier Wednesday, Jan; 24, at 10 a.m! This local government study Is being shelved currently while the results of the study thus far are being mimeographed to distrbute as a "Boxholder" to Wonder Lakers. Announcement will be made later when this workshop is resumed. Members present at the Jan. 24 meeting were: Mrs. Lillian Forsberg, Mrs. Del Tallman, Mrs. Jane Setzler, Mrs. William Wright and Mrs. Lillian Plotner. Guests included Mrs. Sarah Ann Corbett, of McHenry, and Mrs. Virginia Halseth and Mrs. Roy Swfhisoh, Wonder Lake. Cake and cbg$fe were served. There will be a meeting of the board at Mrs. Setzlers .Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 10 a.ra. to jpear reports on the annual meeting plans. A new workshop on Education is scheduled to befcin Feb. 20; detailed Information as to time and place will be announced later. v *fhe League again wishes to extend an invitation to the women of Wonder Lake and nearby communities to come out to these meetings and, see first hand how interesting and worthwhile the activities of the organisation are. Phone Wcmdpr Lake 263 for transportation. prising BRIEFS Ikpar G*M» a student at. the University of Illinois, is vacationing at ' home between semesters.--Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grasser have returned from their winter vacation. --Charles Rockstead is a patient in the Woodstock Wagner 'was a patient at the pital last week.--Harriet was a happy girl this Week %! j her husband presented her new automatic washing nrnel Mrs. G. W. Wickline entertained at a canasta and luncheon pefcr Tuesday.--Mr. and Mrs. H. NfcskfTson are in Springfield to visit ljer mother, who is ailing.--Mrs. Pauline Grill was called to Urbapf where her mother, Mrs. Min|te Proehl, is very HI.--Mm. Dui otVy McEachren left Friday etlsSt week for Cleveland and New jfehrk. She plans to see a numbaSr* of play* while she is in the eaSitr She will be gone about two woeRir. • Gospel Church It was gratifying an&r to see people, young out to the services both morning and e< of cold, stormy weal ardous roads. Pastor OOfSsfitas R. Stam of the MllwaufeoS BtMe Institute delivered a most thought provoking and heartwarming qge in the evening. The all by the male quartet of. the Fsn< mental S kee In club (Bible club) we have a correction to make: Children in first through thei sixth grides, eligible for membership heartily invited to come, not Of before announced in this column that the age limit be to 11. It'i for all boys and girls la the grades mentioned above. ThoBlSetB 2:45 each Tuesday afternoon at the chapel, so that the cftferen may come from the Harrfasa school oa the bus, which leaven the school at 2:30 p.m We shall be happy ts meet with our friends and nelf^bors next Sunday, Feb. 4th. at l(Ha.m. (Sunday Bible School), at 11 o'clock for our Morning WtesMp Service and at 7:45 p.m. for He Bible Hour. It's a good place to go and a profitable way to spend the evening of the Lord's Day. Welcome! THANK YOU, FRIENDS I would like in this way to thank all the friends who have been "#9s::S¥ 'J,,;- r*' J kind to me aince I have be«i in-4al capacitated with a broken finger and confined to my home. I would particularly like to thank the Catholic Daughters for their remembrances and the Rod and Gun auxiliary for their flowers. S» MART AUDINO Predict Housing Shortage In Area J. Bdwtn Porter, associate area rent director, has predicted that as the present emergency continues, the housing shortage in McHenry and McHenry county will become even more acute than it has been in the past. There la a possibility that there may be some landlords or owners of rental property in McHenry and McHenry county who are contemplating rental of robots in their homes or the creation &k£ddltion- ' 1 1 "^5^ ntal Bible) church of Milw^S- , Wis., wail greatly appreciated, n regard loathe Good NeWs from lnrge Biggie fsmily homes. In other instan^ea there may be landlords q>iuSe tenants have requested permission to bring additional family With them, and thereby live doubled up, due to the housing shoi$sig«. Such changes usually result in substantial rent increases, or possibly de-control of the housing accommodations. All landlords and tenanta may receive the answers to these problems and any other rental problems they may have by contacting the Nut office in the federal building at SS5 West Washington street Wankegan. The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 12 noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A representative of this office will be at the rent station. in the county Judge's office in the court house in Woodstock, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month tenant by a member of the rent injnrleg his office staff. Any request filed with hirhwav truck the rent office will receive prompt attention, Mr. Porter emphasised. between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1:45 *p.m. If it develops that there are any forma to be filled out, this will be done for the landlord or ."V ACCIDENT VICTIM Harry Bobbins, 44 of Fox Lake, who was seriously injured Jan. Joliet on Route tf a Chicago electric » Robbins was driving business when the curred. •s 24 Hour Towing Sorrlco Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P. M. i Year shipper cews weigh more when sold Year calves bring mere here. \ -• Year dairy mi breediug cattle can be tested at es Sales Ran. Yew cattle and hogs can be eeld ky the Mkr i Don't lot winter koop you homo. Lot us chock your car to aaguro cold "woothot storting. Wo Do Comploto MgtaOmhiullag. 309 W. Elm Stml MCHMUT. IIL Sll " * BmMMTC. 91-R Ceme and See Your StodK Sold. We are here to serve yen. We paj consignor day after the « • a • • i i WE ABE BONDED Woodstock Comm. Sales Co-he PHONE 572 or 489 - WdODSTOCX. 1 FOR SALE 7 reel brlek residence; S bedrooms and hath eVdroom and S big rooms downstairs; 1 ear garage elnemtor hoase; air eondltlened. Will sell with or fnrnitnre. Will alee leave 1M1 Plymouth In good In garag* Inlormaticm Call 537-W-l T. OLSEN McCULLOM LAKE rE Cantrol Sde» k Sdrvke • 9S5-W } ' •*- 995-W - Mi STOKER -- COAL Let uscheck your present heating controls, defective stat*, wrong Mower or fan settings, hot water pnmp i all give yet op and down temperatures and waste ffflL Latest Minneapolis Honeywell Thermostats Installed within everyenes prtee mnge. Electronic X« ' Annr Staf ' porsed Beet Hash It^L tin 41c ^ ^ : Armenr SIMP Beast Beef l 2 >oz. tin Sl« i IS Araiesr Star Fraakfartera 7-oi. «IM* 43S Arasaar StogP Dried Beet type hemes. Mednflow Installed and serviced, Ment Ug, FOR COMFORT and SERVICE CALL STOFFEL -- McHonry 995-W ...than ffto*tfK>RfP now FORDOMATIC* DtilVt fNMf 43 "Look A hood" foaturot "TtST MM* BUSS MOTOR SALES •i 531 MAIN STREET PHONEi McHENRY, 1L1# i«Mb. «n S3 JB1 Arasaar Star Deviled W*m' 3V4-«». Hn Lake Beaey li^i. iw 31* Sawyer Tewa Ww Craekera lb. boi 31* Py-O-My (S^ftee Cake Mix S7« ih Deg Feed Fortified wrHi Llvarl t «»» 3 !• Neatle'n Evereaiy S-«X. CM 3D« Jay Lkprid ietergent 3 4^«. bth. «7» Kitehem U Mebi Qoaning Epaf! en 1#« Ivory Saew For Speedier Dishwashing • p*««. #7o Caaaay Seaft Far Smoother Sk|i bath aba |fts ' Customers9 Corner JIfany customers tone (old as how impr$a*td thmy are with the high ctdi- 6er employees they meet in their ASeP* The reason so many high-type men and women are daily seeking job* with ATP is simple: AAP it a good plmce to work. It has always been A&P policy to give employees good wages, hours, working conditions, vacations, pensions and other benefits. We are proud of the employees who heve done such a good job for our customers in the post; and we welcome applications from men and women who want to in seretof SA* public oven better in the future. ' ' TSifWBlhe rendering a real service to oar present and future employees ' hy giving them your suggestions for making ATP a better place .to shop. HMM write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEFT. AAP Food Stores 490l*Kiagton Ave., New York 17,N. Y. •* SHtrsaMs Prtessitrefisri r A Worn Ml Prices Shaw a l*r*, Nat Mas - Bi niry Prim, Arm Ctaaraataad W Feb. 1 > s • Storewide low --• one^jy" "AH advertis^, soedmU items „ot subject tT r,noIlidin? thoa» guaranteed fot- Price ceilln.t L market « . one Week „„ Ds) r, Mce. »O •'«« Uo^kj _ ' Mint •UMMy. Mmrvmi Whit* Bread .... u5 lltssl, JFmieg FtmrUtm Qrasgesi.5uj« Rraw, ¥ S«rve SdhiS: Si W Sigaped ttommtm Gluei .Htised DMIII m 41* MmniI Ralsfai Bread ****** ** II* CaliiDrBfta lettwe SSh 17c NaliftPotatoMMtopoN % ^ Wlo|M|i Applet 3 sk 29c PBMBI Celery CUM 27c Texas Brteetli ....,1 JS C^illferaia AveeadM J* 17c Strawberries *snc#d ....'gj 43e Oraaffe Itlee 1 ^ Birds Eye Greea Peas Large Peeaa Meats KpglMi Walaats ^ ..... sell* tea* I®* II-4L Tuna Flakes Reaad Sear ilye Diteh Vleaaa Cold Leaf Cake Aagel Feed Bar (Breakfast Rells i S|M»«isii B*r Leaf Cake la«e Pprker Cfcerry Pie $9* «, Jsae Parker Ap|rfe Pie Ckerry Taraevers Vegetarian SeapMr. 2 HetetClaua Ckewder "X IS* Ubky'i i34 MttateRlee Cireat Fterthera Beaas pm. 29* Nmihg Margarine Uf Csstay Seap So RofreshingI 3^HM33O 3 If*, sift. C7« SH* StlS* Chili with Spaghetti ^ 13S* »4ii^Salatea Brlsliag Sardiaee SiiHI Sardiaes m........ V%a Caaip's Teadereal Kraft's Diaaer Feed's Spaghetti .. Mrs. Grass' Needles Fresh Eggs Mild Leagh< |Brated Cheese .-.v V.:, , V .jJm-, .W. v * .. . 4 ....jr.". . 1951 --The Great Vv * ' 1 AaAsI

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