Mvr"1" s«. v* '"M"3L s fe. '*"> s*j , &- vjww^ '*-*» \ •»„ &>*- -v^r'* r n ',/*>' ;T-:-' '* VM\ " '• "f -\ r- _vv* *j *•.•*• / \ *"*' . ..«. ' t • > Years I Jfra, William Bucliert, <K Richmond tor many sixtieth wed annlversarf? le4t>Sunday Feb. were iwrnei\«t Qtnok %h., fa 1S91 «TI4 haw rein the Ufcjawond toiaraunity Ibr more than fifty-five years. Opn house was held at the hoir.e of a son, Frank, during the after- MMMk and evening, during which a boat of friends and relatives to offer congratulations. Mr. Buchert, at 87, ia atlil active •a night watchman for the Richmond iMtstoess me*. Mrs. Buebert, the former Bertha Tcaaman. The Bncherts have tea living children, Bdward ef McHenry. Otto, Wank, Lyman, Glenn and [ IhrnM of Richmond, Walter of ' Cfrysta] Lake, Clara Westphal of and Florense Stevens and Yardley of Woodstock, have fifteen grandchil- L>-"1 eight great-granddJildren. INkSMItip t WtiMaf AmiwH i Announcement has be«n made ot | llM idarrlage of Mayt>e!le ibsh of I MAHeary to Gordon Stubbings of i Waa^onda. Justice oi the Peace Howard Hall performed the ceremo nsiy hi Wauconda Jaa 15- The groamfm and hushaai, Mr. and MSna. Jolto Szurlok, of (SiiMCfi utwitt the couple. Mr. Sfenftblag* ia c wnter of the department. " , Dinner was served In the Paddock home Ipllowing the service. HOLY HIM tferlety Meets . ^ - St Maey's ife!? Neds* society will hold its first meeting of the Lenten . season on Monday, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. Business will include the instal latitat of the new officers and In interesting movie entitled, "The Vatican of Pop* P!«s ¥UU" Circle 1 At "Easweller Circle 1 of UM W8.CA pill meet on Tuesday, Feb. 13, at the hone of Mrs. WttUam Bneweiler at 195 Country Chrt> Drive. The meeting will open with a* dessert luncheon at t Skew At Clml Biiliti of the are wda reminded of the socUl said minstrel show which will Us hsM on Feb. 10 at 8 o'cloek is the Minwood church hall, under Sponsorship of the Bound-up clafci The public is invited to enjoy flu fall evening of entertainment. Thoae attending only the minstrel Show will be admitted for fifty, assh. adults, and ' wenty-five cents, children. .. YrlMS Ahovt aizty were in attendance at t%| masquerade daave held -hi the Xaglon Home last Saturday •vejfeg, sponsored by the local jpost were swarded as fbllows: Beet.***'* costume, Dick Croritn; hsat irj0mfr- oeatuine; Mrs. l» tin Oo*Way; beat dressed couple Mr. jaA Mrs. Nick P. Miller; fun BMW's costume, William Funniest woman's cos twtyjjp between Christine Kritm 'k *"3L le Green; most original is, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warkand- Mr. sad Mrs. Ernest best waits couple, Nick and Mrs. Bob Conway. for the evening t. Freund, Earl R. Walsh Kinsala. AiiiitfiiiViii Daaee i Island Lake Property Own trs gaapciatton is Hponsortng L Valentin® dance at the V.F.W. hall •ant ofjfecHenry on Saturday eveijeb. 10. Tickets sell for ,r. I • K Hick B. Treaad Sarprlsed Hasday Members of his family surprised Nick B. Freund at his home on Waskegan street last Sunday in honor of his birthday anniversary The gathering also honored Mr FreuMd's daughter-in-law. Mrs. Floyd Freund. whose anniversary occurred this past week. Present to enjoy a buffet supper and card* were Charles Freund, the Floyd Freund family of Wood stock, the Merle Blower fsmily of Fox Lake and the Victor Hunt family of Martian*. ' • ' • • Mr. aad Mrs. R. I. OTerton~are enjoying a vacation trip Florida. Mra. Arnold Rauen and daughter, Barbara, are apendlag several weeks vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mn. Qaorge Haldeman of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pkannenstill and. family of Keaoah% Wla., spant Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fbannenstill. Mr. and Mra. Oorndifa Qulnlan left Tdesday for a few weeks' vacation trip to Florida. Mra. Glen Hobinaon and Miss Helen Weleh visited McHtarjr relatives on 8u&day. Mr. and Mra. Ed 9koney and son AMOHO TH* SiCK ,^y-- FenMnaM Fmt has been HI at his home this past week. Carl Behnke of the Oakinount Pheasant farm, southeast of McHenry, is ' a patient In Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago, where he underwent surgery on the spine last week Tuesday and again on Saturday. His condition is reported as good. & mi wiiwT vows uusnr SATURDAY lii a simple but very lovely nnptlal service perforpied^a tk^ rectory service performed in the jrwtirjp of St. Mary's church lat>t Saturday afternoon, Feb. o. Miss Dolores Schmitt, daughter of Joseph M. Schmftt of McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Robert L. Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred was MAROABBT JOHNSTON AND EDW WED AT ST. MAB A very pretty wifter i W^B^IK was solemnized at St. Mary"« church last Saturday ' morning. Feb. S, at 10 o'clock when Miss Margaret Jean Johnston, daughter of the Earl Johnstons of Wauconda. became the bride of Edward J. Adams, son ot the Frank Adams of Ringwood. Rev. FY. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the double ring ceremony. Music was furnished by the children's choir, with Llli Balazs Of Wauconda, soloist, offering the "Ave Maria". Mra. John Dianis of Wauconda. j sister of the bride, acted as matron | of honor and bridesmaids were | riCh, Miss Barbara Nolson, a close friend, and Mra. Albert Adams, sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Joyce and Janice May, nieces of the groom, were the lovely flower girls and Junior Adams, a nephew, was ring hearer. Clareneer Adams served his brother as best man, and Albert Adams, another brother and George Rodenkirk, a friend, were groomsmen. Given in marriage by her father, the attractive bride chose a white John's church, Johnsburg, the scene of a very lovely Saturday, Feb. Miss Doris Oeffling, daugh* of Mr. and Mrs. George Oefr , exchanged nuptial vows with Willtafa ScfeabOw, Jr., son ol senior Cchabows of Chicago. Fr. Joseph Blftsch ottlfci^M the 9: SO o'clofel double rtng a«rvie«. / -fHven in mpniafep by her tether. Ills bride wa4 "fcttActive Ki a goWfl white wtln styled with full •Blrt and totter «l«#ves, the yoke trimmed with sequins and pearls from t,he neckline to the waist Mff fingertip veil fell from a pearl B and she cgrried a bouquet of jiKite carnations and rdses. a wsddlm trip through the South _ leir return will reside in The former Miss Oeffling gradated from the local high school in ItM and has been employed iu a 1»0|L of Lak» Viewhilch school and to empioyod by the Illinois Bell Telephone Oompany in Chicago. JAMTAHY MODE NMtiag -- Legion Jr.. of Ringwood. Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the double ring ceremony, which took place at 2:30 o'clock 1$ the presence of the immediate ftfrnlli&O The radiant bride cho slipper satin dress, with which she wore a nylon veil, fingertip lueld in place by a satin and p**1* cap. Her only jewelry •• was A double strand of pearls, *a Kift of tlte bridegroom, and sSKe- carried a bouquet of white ro&» wt^» satin streamers. V Mrs. Plielps Saunders more, sister of the groo: ess ,chorange blossoms .and she carried ling headpiece and bouquet of'tailscascade bouquet of white roses man and white roses, tied with and camellias, centered with an peach-colored streamers. Coanty Mm stock 'F«h«ivrji Woman's Club Meettea Home. Febraanr 19 Basket Social And Minstrel Show-- Ringwood Church Hall--8 PM. ftfenmry It Holy Name Socieyt Meetiu^. Febra*^ If Circle 1. W^.CJ8--Mrs. William Ensweiler Home, February 14 Lenten Service, "A Nation In Sackcloth" -- Community Methodist Church--8 PH. Febraray flt Dessert-Card Party -r Acada Mall --Sponsored by O.E.S. : satin gown, styled with net yoke and long train- Her fingertip veil as maid of honor, attir«<J in Was held in place by a wreath of | of peach., tissue faille, With' orchid. Her only jewelry was a pearl necklace and earring set, a gift of the. groom. Mrs. Dianis was attired in a pink taffeta, floor lfhgth dress and matching braided headpiece and carried a cascade bouquet of*pink carnations, centered with an orchid. The bridesmaids wore green taffeta dresses, with matching braided headpieces, and carried bouquets of pink carnations, each with an orchid center. All <rf the attendents wore pearl necklaces, gifts of the bride. The flower girls were attired in of Elashnrst spent Sunday ia the yejjow taffeta dresses' and carried Frank Weingart homa. baskets of rose petals, which they Leo Scheid of Wauconda visited 8trew aiong the aisle. The ring friends here last Saturday Jack Laures, JMk Thies and Richard TtilVsr, ituOefits* at St. Thomas college at St. Paul. Minnhave b?en enjoying the mid-semester vacation at their homes hare. Misa J^osemary Doherty and Miss Sally Smale. stadentR at Dtf&alb, spent the weekend in McHenry. i i inmi M<i»i >»»»! WMIIimiHIIIIlHMM ftttle son c*f Mr ani? Mrs. JByt PaMock, Jr., was christened *Bohait Harl" at baptismsl ser*- |N*^fcbld at St. M?ry'» church at ,'S. (retoek last Sendsv afternoon. Bar. Pr. Eugene Baumhofer ofat the christening. Spoawere Ronald Paddock and Gerks. Mr. and Mrs. Norhert MHler have mov«d from the Wattles apartments to Johnsburg. The place they vacated is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty, Who have moved from the home of her parents, the Carl J. Freunds. The Alfred Fretfnds have moved from a farm weet of the city to the Vales house on Elm atreet. bearer carried the rings on a satin pi)low. Mr«i Johnston ch'btfe' fof "fier daughter's wedding a dress of teal blue color and p<nk accessories. Mrs. Adams wore a navy blue dress. Both had pink catneilid corsages. f A reception for 200 gtiafets In St. • Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall followed the nuptials, with a> buffet luncheon served at noon. Later In the day the couple left on a wedding trip to California. Mrs. Adams attired in a corlt-colored dress and black accessories. The bride has been employed as secretary at the Wauconda high school and the groom at A. S. Blake Motor 8ales. " XAKBU0* tICElfSWi » > I I H M l I I 1 1 1 1 1 » > » • » • ! William A. Sehabow of Chicago aad Doris A. Oeffling of Johnsburg. VALENTINE That Say "I Love You!" ^ *K iPI/WERSiii^-^FHE TRIED AND TRUE WAY to WIN HER LOVE. IN YOUR CHOICE OF FLESHLY CUT BOUQUETS, CAREFULLY EKSEMBLED CORSAGES OR pECOR-RIGHT POTTEH n-ANTS DELIVERED TO HER POOR. v YOim ORDER TODAY! W« T«l»gnph Flow«n AnywlMrtl PHONE 404 MdBRf tURAl COL 1 Mlk SwitH oi Ncflmiy on Route 31. Richard Schmitt, brother of the bride, served as best man. The groom's mother was attired in a dress of green crepe, with which she* wore black accessories and a corsage of white and' yellow carnations. A reception followed the service at 5:30 o'clock ir St. Mary's- St. Patrick's hall fci ti&Jidlatives and close friends, aftsjL^W^1 couple left on a two weeks' {Mis# State a close friend. *«U; aa&id of honor, wearing a green taff^te, drem, styled with high -neckline *9d .pap sleeves. She had; matchii*g vgtaves atfd braided headpiece and . parried pink carnations.. ^ Bridesmaids were MIBS Shirley Huff of Johnsburg and Miss Gertrude Huff of Richmond, cousins of the bride, Mrs. Helen Oeffling of Crystal Lake, sister-in-law of the bride, and Miss Norma Carlson of Woodstock, a friend. Ail were attired similarly to Miss Smitl^, JOho Gussardo of Chicago, uncle of the groom, served as best tnan and groomsmen were James and AugefU OdlfHftg, '^Mtetlrers of the brldoja {Joseph Dichiaro, cousin of the irpom, andSam Guzsardo, his fftpedtf.] jlTshers were Donald Huff of hawd. cpusin of the bride, and The bride is employed. M aecre? Lfiobett; (^ <^hicago, cousin tary in the office of i>f :r^-.lS.-*lhk«l,' W tl^ ighffi:' U ' veterinarian, and erates his father's fti wood. CART) OF THANKS I- wish to* take this- opjartmmitm to thank friends and neigh^o^: f°r» floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the otheT kindnesses extended IHnM bereavement. These many remembrances were ed. •39 ARTHUft BBR her dauglMer's wadding, Mrs tJhoseraW' aqua' dress with accessories - and a oorsage atiil WtUte carnations The s mother wore a navy blue ;blaek accessories aod a pink hlte carnation corsage. fact was served at the of the bride to members of ^bhdal party and the immediate Igmilies, followed by a recep tt^kfter 3:30 <d%lOck In the, 't»ilr»4*TMcNefnry for 200 gueiM-^ Th?" couple left later ou 1** » 118, ROBERT W. K>OX In a late January wedding solemnised at St. John's church, Johnsburg, Miss Norma Hlller, daughter of the Leo M. Hlllers of Johnsburg. became the bride of Robert W. Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox of McHenry. The newlyweds are residing on a farm south of this city. BIRTHS DflAKE ROD AND GUN CLUB PLANS BIO POX DMVE a?-- Place: Hunters wfll fleet in the parking area of Aa««krt fWltoet im. which la toeated oa Botte if. one mile north of Waueouda. Guests: All sportsmen are footed to participate as gaesta It jthe Drake Rod and Qua club. ' * Raise: l. Law enforcement offlcera of the Illinois Department M Conservation will be in compute •barge of the actual hunt. YoU" flraet obey any orders they issue. .1 Persons under tjInfluence of intoxicants will not be permitted to participate. 8. Alt parftdpants must regisUr Wth "Bud" Schroeder pt the .l^raie Rod and Gun club in fmt it frrgeio's Sunset Inn before UMOt i 4. Rifles are rrnlrthltiwl guns using a shot sise no than No. 4's will be permitted. 6. Captains will b*.appointed to lead each of the several sect ions into which the hunting group wjll be divided. You must obey the ders of your Section captain. 6. If you do not have a remember one Is not necessary. Bring a club to beat them out of the brUsh. 'Leonard Sch warts. Director of the Illinois Department of On* servaOou, has expressed his desire to participate in this drtte The Drake Rod and Gun is sponsoring a fox drive in this * locality the last Slunday in this month and urges local sportsmen and wi" on tow* hia sehs*^ to participate. | u'e permits him to do so.,, %»• Following is information on th«\j • event: ; Why be "oaah out" When ya» DATE: Sunday Feb. «, l#8l. can "cash in" with Plaindealer Time: 10:00 a.m. 'want ads. BUSINESS /; KJ k/ ! fv| C\ or MUMS mm 1w ms JU6 tM*' BUSINCSt BWNOITUlB PW " NCW RANTS AND IQUlHWNT Robert Bruce is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. John Reed of Woodstock for their son, born at the Woodstock hospital Jan. 29. Mrs. Reed is the former Jean Nickels of McHenry. | Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Varese • are the parents of p 7 lb. 10 oz. daughter, Deborah Lynn, born Sunday evening, Feb. 4, at Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago. This is their first child. The Vareae family resides ' in Rosedale subdivision. . ITT MEMORIAM In roving memory of our darling" son and brother, Jackie tffrbbs, who passed away five years ago Feb. 13. 1946. *- Years will not darkett or shodtws dim The beautiful memories we have of Wm. •89 MOTHER. DAD and SIS VACATION IS FLOHLDA Mrs. karold Reemer and sod, Allen, are spending the remainder of the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levee, ift Venice. Fla. They are very near the winter residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jllbert Toth of McCullom Lake. ^ Pla^t expansion and now Equipment are only two of the many phases of business that require the sound use of bank credit. In fact, bank loans enter ipto the picturje alt the wOy to the CQQSumftr'i.> purchase of the product. We ihvite your in$trify. when you need a ban for any worthy purpose. ab*-' • Y" McHENRY STATE BANK r^' Member Federal Deposit. • ! Vipaiber Fsderfl, Haserve ear'; CARD OF THAN We would like to take this op* portunity to thank member* off** the MeHenry fire department and neighbors for their assistance at the time of the fire in our home. We are grateful for everything. •39 ANTON H. FREUNDS YOUR VALENTINE m: TJKv JKemessber we #tn pad year "Valentines special assort, jaent at no extra chaise. S«©# TUB COUNT!# fcVttft and yoU i^l «Wbr* more gorgeous or appealing Gift Heart Box. This exquisite Satin Heart is of course packed with Mrs. Steven's finest assortment, including Nut. Clusters, Pineapple Wedges add other fancy pieces, all hand-rolled and hand-dipped in rieh milk and dark vanilla coating? - > • >/2 lb. HEART ......iifSc «Mh ' #1.50 to $2J0 )ks0 to 93.75 17.50 OF VALENTINE 1 lb. HEART . . .... 21b. HEART ... . • 5 1b. HEART .; SEE OUR SELECTION DOLLS AND GIFTS. ANTONSON'S CANDY SHOP 308 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Store Hours: 10-10 -- Except Thursday 6-10 ilii ' i i iiif IMW OK wmmjkY W* Proof for All the WsrW to See tbst ' L' . lltollar for lK>llaryea cew? tfeata Ifoiktiac ! «« MOST BBAUTIVITL TttMC Olt WMttLS iitirKM-awigwc ~ With DMtiarilve New Gtail-Whfcg Styling! AlMKaM A K LOWKiT-rRlC» 8TRAI6IT K1«M# ^ ' 116 Horaepower--Jlrijliant Performance with Regular Ca»! V n>WI»T-PHHK> CAR WITH 1VBBA-MATIC BBIVlF Made Even Smoother and Mere Enjoyable for 19S1! „ , Wfth lSew Extra Lena I Hiding Low PreasaTe Tfarea. fiWREPVlEW VISION Wide Windows, Extra Slim Corner Pwa. MfeLVKS STREAK PERFORMANCE With Your Choice of Engines, Powerful, or Dependable, Economical Sift! fJUXCWieCS MEW INTERIORS '* Beautiful New Fabrics, New Color 1T»I IWRMLS^'- Comfortable Deep-rest Seats. Eigfal RV FISHER Strang, Ragged, Beawrfftilly Styled and BsiH ef AH Steel. 1*A(«.AWAV ttmiK Extr^ Laru, Folly Lined, wWi ! ! Counter>lielanred Lid. PUILT TO JLAST ie#;eee MifJQi I ,l|i (he Pontine Tradition of EcoSuw Dependable Service for a Long, Long * v ; • 4 r<-c *<:. 11J- fit'- • • OVERTON CADH.LAC-P0NTIAC CO. Front St. Phone it McHtnry, HI. •"\S» „ 4. -3.*. i"' .M •..'t