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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1951, p. 5

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WIW I T T'.rff v i*YTfr »v,rTTnryTrry!rfjrr*iry^yv^i"-ryyv^y**-r>»"fwrr»-rwrvv^rv,vv"^^rTvww^^ ?-r.: ' :f.-V.v? ^ - -**r w®i mi FOR SALE iLiiLiJv.iij Thursday, March 41951 -MMMftBn ggpHIHIWIIIIIillHHIiyNIIMHIWIUIIIUIIHIIIIIItlUIHIIIIMINIUIWimiWIIIIWnilHWH^mWMNtltmimHIIHIIWII^ M HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mcdenry, III., by the McIIenry Publlbuing Company, Inc. NATIONAl IDIT< ff. BUAFEINDT, Gen. Manager. 1DBLE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION IY«r BAtE &JUi 1. Pluhiilealei' Want Ada No ads counted less than #ords. 75c minimum. 1 Insertion' ......./75c (Couci 5 words per^line; 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks ,...'$1.00 Minimum Rending notice 15c per line. Want Ads close promptly at 10 ijfe. V. ednesda> ; '. Entered as second-clam matter at the postoJIico at McHenry. III., under the act "* May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CAR* * j^cceseories and Seat Covers * ^TOMMlNtfY AUTO SUPPLY m Vf. Elm Street Jflpel daring week 9 A. M. to 7 K3L, Sundays . t A. M. to 1 P. M. uu FOR SALE - - 1941 Iiuick 4-door aedan, fully equipped. Excellent condition. Phone 183. *42 FOR .SALE--'49 Hudson Super-Six Wfab coupe, radio and heater. One owner. Priced to move fast. Only $1100.00 cash. Call McHenry 993 before 3 p.m. *42 BUSINESS SERVICE BEING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- VW can <l« liver aiiytliuir from a snapshot to ,AUte muralu. or free hand oil touting*. t'or.ying and training. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AKD ^UPr'JES. WORWICK'S STUDIO. 117 «»ivert*ide Drive, Mc- Htnry. 975. * 40tf ROME REPAIRS ' W# 81 teoiaJi/.e in all Home Ropairw Low iloutlily Payments Free Estiniiites jdcHenrv Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry, 111. 6tf $ARCENTER WORK DONE BY DAT OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSON Tel. McHenry 742 lltf RALPH L. CLARK ^ Piano Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-F yj}VE YOU2 CESSPOOLS, n.trh basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned bv Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie tfuff, Prop. Tel. McHenry *290. 29tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf Weber S*Y*= What a Glorious Difference a Clean Suit BUSINESS SERVICE CLEAN THE DURA-CLEAN WAY Have your carpets, rugs and furniture cleaned and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN ' WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. Phone Henry 593-M-2 or Round 6-2223. *41-10 WELLS DRILjJBD OK DRIVEK ffAl'LB SYSTEM -- We sell, repait and install pumps. Hill Bacon, L'Oi Alain Street, McHenry. Telephone '67. / $6u Lain EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing ijAdMlecondltioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Heaiy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich &Ml 37-tf CEMENT BUTLDHrO BLOCKS Availably at the Water Tower it. West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUOT8 CO Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - Tighest cash prices paid for cvWi, horses aiu* hogs; n? help aeoded to load. Das and "ight, Sundays and holidavs Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling Jfo. 3; reverse charges. 3«tf LAMP SHADES Spring cleaning? Don't forget your lump shades. Will recover any size or shape to suit your color scheme. Call Mrs. Useman, McIIenry S80-W-1. 42 PAINTING --- Interior and exterior. Excellent work. For free estimate, call McHenry 6K1-J-1. 42 FOR SALE--2 geese, 1 gander, 1 incubator, $25. 1 large oil stove, $20. 1 small oil stove, $15. Phone McHenry 524-M-l. Ca^ after 5 p.m. *42 FOR SALE -- Lady's black seal oat, size. 16, $30. Good condition. Call evenings or Sunday McHenry 756-J. *42 FOR SALE -- BALED ALFALFA HAY. PhoAe McHenry 647-R-2 or 632-W-2. 42-2 WANTED -- Jobbers atad direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood.- stock, ftox 334, P^one 164-JJ. flti WANTED--Watoht's ,aad Jewelry repai*. Anthony Noonan. 200 80. Green srreet, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Heautv Shoppe.) 16tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY Used 16 or 1 Grey Toulouse ! inboard motor boat. Must Call any FOR SALE breeding goose, also combination ' "l P°°d condition. gas, coal qr wood burning stove, ti',ne McHenry 846-J, *10.00. Phone McHenry 6Q7-J-2. I WANTED TO BUY *Uaed bird . *%-fcages., Clean out- your attic. You 16 bu^lielsof re- 8°3rV^w|n8> FOR SALE •leaned yellow per bushel. Call after 6 p.m. Phone McHenry S44-M-2, Edward Nleft. '42 FOR SALE -Farm wagon. Vance Welding Service. Phone 836. 42 FOR SALE--All steel wardrobes, $15.95. Phone 63, P. M. Juste' Furniture Co. ' 49 FOR SALE -White porcelain top wooden kitchen base. Call 295-M. : _ *42 F()R SALE--Jr. size walnut dining room table, six chairs and buffet, also six dining room chairs Call S9.'t-R.l> .42 %OR SALE Kroehler living room suites, $2r». Trade-in value on old suites. Phone 63. P. M. Justen Furniture Co. ' 42 H*LP WANTED may find a bird cage we can buy. Write Box 144,- McHenry Plaindealer. WANTED ^ Bri^-Cliild'afrr jr. crib. Phone 9t!4-J. • " s *42 REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for the Town of McHenry. in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning March 27th. 1951, and ending March 24th. 1952. will be on file and conveniently avail- F. a HANFORD A U C T I O N ED. YOG EL and HENRY FREEMAN, Anet*. Htoving sold my farm. I will seU*at Public Auction on farm located on U. S. 12 at Spring Grove, 6 miles southeast of Richmond. 5 mites northwest of Fox Lake,, on FAST PACE TOWARD MILLIONTH TRAFFIC FATALITY INCREASES The fast pace towards the millionth traffic death since 1900 was speeded up last year by increases hi fatalities in Illinois and forty-two other states--the largest i numbeT to ireport an upward 7 IUII, Ift Burof Casualty has dis^fos- MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home PiAno and Piano Accori Classics or Popular Revinners or A danced I lint ruction BABL P. KOCH Phone Plstakee 633-M-l « 5ti «AN0 ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 A 1:00 . p.m. Also four-pieee orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 UPHOLSTERING -- Your home furniture can be comfortable, decorative and like new when reupholstered. Phone McHenry 551- HF.LP WANTED --Girls, no experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co., 20ft N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. 40-tf You'll Like This Job HERE ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS you enjoy as a telephone operator: $32 a week to Mart; ll least $36 a week after first year. Paid vacations. Pleasant surroundings, and the friendliest coworkers In town. It's a good job for young women, and we're hiring right now. See Miss R. Marshall, Chief. Operator, R-l. Vic's Upholstery Service. 102 Park Avenu*- McHenry. ILLINOS BELL TELEPHONE CO. Makp ari®-" r Beat Settee -yor Bring vnnest Cleaning. t,ose m noWWcHENRV * CLEANERS jdcllenrj 10S Vho»f F.\« •« 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. *4p-7* 9ARBAOE COLLECTINO -- Let us dispose of your garbage eacli week, •ir oftener if desired. Iteasonable rates. Reirui*r year round route »ohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf FOR SALE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. Al Pliannen still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 0 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factofj >vliich is on Bt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. IP -tf FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLB "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf FOB SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St! vVoodstodk. Phone G4tf. ^ 7tf FOR SALE--Now is the time to order certified treated aeed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BAR I FARMS, Inc., S05 Clay Street, Woodstock. 36-tf FOR SALE -- 13 wood casement windows. 24^4x53%, necessary Hardware, inside, screens and hades ideal for enclosing porch .tlso front entrance door and pair French doors. Call Saturday P.M. A. H. Windhefm, 230 Country Club Drive. »42 FOR SALE--Storkline baby buggy and bathinette in good condition. Phone McHenry 247-M. |2 FOR SALE--Corn, alfalfa, hay and oat straw. See Waltef J. Walsh or call McHenry 608-R-l. 1 42 HELP WANTED--Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredck'ltseir general contractor4 Phone Wonder Lake 221. 41-tf MALE HELP WANTED-Openings for MEN. Progress with Elgin's youngest and expanding industry Increased productiou schedules require additional employees. Only permanent jobs open. Chicago Rawhide Mfg., Co., 900 N. State St., Elgin. 42 HELP WANTED--Girl or woman to help with house work and children. Own room and bath. Good" salary. Tel. McHenry 984. 42 WANTED -- Girls for pressing. Experience not necessary. Will teach. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 S. Green St., phone McHenry. 20. 42-2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--Farm with buildings. Melvin Ehredt, phone Round Lake 6-2223. 42 WANTED TO RENT Adult family of 4 want good unfurnished house by April 1st. Best references and care of property assured. Will lease or by month. Any location. A. L. Walker. Box 307, LaGrange or phone LaGrange 4419. *42 WANTED TO RENT--Need a flat or house by April list. 3-4-5 rooms. Can pay up to $50.00$ monthly. Mrs. L. Armstrong. Phupr'&rystal Lake 1347-W-2." *42 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Four room furnished cottage on river. Bath, screened, porch, refrigerator, utility room, pier and boats. Phone 630-R-l. •42 J TO ATTEND A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled "Christian Science: lis Work and Song" By PETER B. BIGGINS, C.S.B. jjf^Segttle, Washington Member Of the Board of Lectureship"<of The Mother Church, TIM*'Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY, MARCH 4, AT 3:30 P.M. In GRADE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Paddock Street corner McHenry Avenue Flrtt Cftnirh of Christ, Krienlist, Crystal like, 11ll»«i« ALL ARE WELCOME FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -/ BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate sJW Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry T91-J Licensed 111. A Wis. Broker FOB SALE--4 room house at Mc- Cullom Lake, fully insulated. 1 car garage under house, basement, automatic oil heat, $6,500. Tor information phone 547-R-2. 41-tf 7 ROOM ALL YEAR HQME 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, carpeting, garage In basement. Nice location overlooking Ptstakee Lake and Fta River on channel. Near fine, bathing beach. Price $14,500.00. ALSO 10 ROOM HOUSE IN JOIfHSBURG Furnace heat, large lot. sQltable for two flats. located on Main street. Price $8,750.00. For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ. RealtoV, In Jqbnsburg. Phone McHenry $7. 42-tf Wonder Lake 'FOR SALE -5 room house, 2 bedrooms. 2 lots, fully iiiiulkted. automatic oil heat, full basement. Low price for quick sale. See to appreciate. Call Hebron 922. »42 FOR SALE -- Thrlftway Food Store located in Lily Lake on Rt. 120. Self-service, all kinds of frozen foods. Modern fixtures, stock, building, living quarters with 4 large rooms 011 2nd floor. Good business all year round. Will be for sale until sold. Reasonable. Going to Calfornia. Call owner. McHenry 503-W-2. 42-2 NEW CAi* COD BRICK HOMES IN MrHENRY 4 to 6 rooms, face brick on all four sides, radiant H. W. heat, or Automatic hot air. automatic aras H. W. heater .electric, city sewer. Also on water front lots. Pvice $12,350.00 and up.'25% down, balance 2ft years to pa v. For appt Call JACOB FRITZ-REALTOR, in Johnsburg, R 1. McllENRY. ILL. PHONE:* McHenry 37. 42-tf MISCELLANEOUS z Henry Post Office h-om and after 42-2 fll o'clock A.M., ' ^Second day, March, 1951. Notice is further given herettv that a public hearing on said budget and appropriation ordlnanee will be held at 1:30 q'clock P.M., "3rd'day. April. 19K1. at Town Clerk's office in this Town, and that final action otf this ordinance will be taken by the electors at the annual town meeting to be held 'At' 2 o'clock P.M.. Tuesday, April 8, 1951. Dated this 26th day of Feb. 1951. MATT N. SCHM1TT Supervisor. H. WALTER ANDERSON ca«»k. ' (Pub. Min-Ch l» cirrmmv U*nPoift tiend silK>e I94e-- while only five Will/AI < I^AALn IU»' states held, street and highway deaths below their 1949 toll, a, surcommenclng at 11 o'clock as fol-jvey By the Association *OWS! land Surety companies Inspection invited before sale. ed. able td public inspection at Mc-^ffjij^Dp HOLSTEIN C4TTLF Li ^ot'ng^K'pup of forty- . ... . lArrLt,. three states was more than three iJt greater than the number J!! T' ^'^ which reported bigger death tolls •re from northern Illinois Breed- :a year ago, the association's accing Assu. bulls; 1 Ptre Bred dent prevention department waibhefer horn July 21st. a very|(.d that -a tra(?ic trend to morp good senior calf; 1 Pure Bred | fatalities in all but a few state,^ hall CHU born Angus! 27th; Grades threatens to eclipse new gains ii* * fresh and 4 spring balance! highway safety in 1951." r 11 less "Ij k J ,rW ? heifers, is nios. most states reverse the trend this old, bred: 9 heifers from 2 months I year, declared Thomas N. Boate. to L nioHitliH. This henl Is all!the association's director of public hred lo ni>rtttern Illinois Breed- safety. "Victim X"--the millionth in* Assh. Bnli. tm pullets, 2 geese, traffic fatality--will be killed in an" GRAtN 'about ten months. Auto deaths 400 bales 2nd crop broma alfalfa; isnce 1900 now total about 968.000. 1600 bushels corn; 1500 bushels he said. oats; 30 bushels wheat; a quan-1 only fourteen states reported * 0 a a seed; 100 bales;greater traffic fatalities for the u , . year 1949. Mr. Boate pointed out. -R\ and EQMPMENT 1^ year aR0 thirty-two states bbast- Daniel Sife Sale HERMANBiHM7AneUoneer NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved Recleaned Treated Seed Barley Test Weight 50 lbs. PELL-BARI FARMS, INC. 305 Clay Street, Woodstock 38-tf LqST AND FOUNO LOST--Female, black and White toy terrier. Injured right hind leg. In vicinity of "Lily Lake. Please call McIIenry 151-R. *42 DRIVING FACTS . If you're a perfect driver, your <bot can reach the brake In .75 of a second in driving emergency. At 20 miles an hour you travel 22 feet on a good pavement before you can start braking. At 60 you travel •6 feet before gaining control, and 270 feet before stopping. Most drivers require much more stopping room. PLAYTEX BABY PRODUCTS WATTLES DRUG McHenry. 111. 42-tf ELM •WAUCONDA ROUTE m PHONE 4.1421 Matinee ftandajr S:80 P.M. Ce»*U "St-; "SAT!,"MARCH" 2-S" 2 ALL TIME HITS! Rita Hay worth Glenn Foi in "G1LDA" At 7:00 and 10t00 P.M. Plas Jean Hartew as the 1 "PLATINUM BLONDE" at 8:40 P.M. Not recommended for children. . SUNDAY ONLY! MABGMt4 "PAGAN LOVE SONG* (Technicolor) with Esther Williams Howard Ke|| Pins Selected Shorts Having sold my farm, I will •sell at Public Auction, at my farm, located 2V4 miles east of Wauconda, and 2V4 miles west of >Ivanhoe. on Route 176, on SATURDAY, MARCH 10. W61f> at 12:30 shat^p. the followlBg articles: MAt^HINERY All machinery, either new or used/but one season. Model 44. Mas^y Harris tractor and cultivator^ Model 30, Massey Harris tractor (new); 7-ft. Massey Harris combine with motor; New Holland baler; New Idea corn picker (new); 8-ft. Massey Harris tractor disc; 4-BecUon wood drag; Massey Harris tractor corn planter; New Idea elevator; New Idea tractor spreader; Colby R.T. wagon with steel box; Lindsay R.T. wagon and box; Massey Harris 10-ft. tractor# drill with fertilizer attachment; 7-ft. Massey H a r r i s t r a c t o r m o w e r ; M a s s e v . b u n k s ; Harris side rake, with power '"nV " take-off on rubber; 16-in. twobottom plow, on rubber; Artie- Air milk cooler; land roller; 1000 lb. Columbia scale; Surge milking machine, two units complete; 24 tnllk cans: 500 chick brooder: 2 rolls of snow fence; 40-ft. belt; electric mijk stirrer; 1 R.T. wheelbarrow; 1 Arrow Vent "barn ventilator; numerous small tools. FEED 1500 busheld Clinton oats; 1000 burfiels Moore malting barley, fit for seed; 500 bushels good corn in crib; 35-ft. silage in 14-ft. silo; 5 tons- of agricultural lime stone. TERMS: All sums pf $25.00 and under that amount cash, over that tnnount a credit of six months at 6 percent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchasing. No property to be removed until settled for. Fowles L«neh Wagon, en the irronnds. Not Responsible For Accidents GREEN ACRES FARM MCHENRY STATE RANK, Clerking CARBON MONOXIDE A motor operating at idling speed In a closed, private garage can generate enough carbon monoxide gas to overcome the driver and cause death in a few minutes. In amounts too slight to bring about headache or dizziness, it can still affect driving judgment. MOTORISTS WARNED ' If an odor of burned gas f is noticeable In your car, open the windows tmmediately. . The dead gas carries yith it odorless carbon monoxide, the motorists' deadly poison. and EQUIPMENT John I)eer»4 Model B tractor, 1 jP(j year old; Holl-a-matic and power troll with remote cylinder with cultivator; John Deere 2.16 plow, hydraulic; John Deere 12-A combine with motor. 6-ft. with pickup Hume pickup reels and hydraulic or hand Heeder lift; John Deere forage harvester with motor corn and hay attachment: John Deere No. 50 blower with 32-ft. pipe (new); New Idea tractor mower. 7-ft.: Hydraulic or mechanical lift; John Deere 114 ruffage mill: John Deere 9-ft. grain and fertilizer drill; John Deere tractor spreader on rubber; 50-ft. hammer mill drive belt; John Deere 999 corn planter, tractor hitch and (on«ue truck; John Deere corn binder tractor hitch: John Deere wagon- with flat rack grain box; chopper box on rubber; Linsey Wagon flat rack grain box: side and end gates for extra chopper and wafcqn; power underloading lack. H-hpNjnotor: 1 Minnesota hay loader; limn wheel wagon and box: heavy trailer dump boards; Case four section drag; stone boat: bob sleigh: a quantity steel post; a quantity wood posts; 2 300 gal. gas tank on stand; 3 jack screws, quantity blocking and lumber: 1 bottle gas 500 chick brooder: 1 James-way brooder; feeders and waterers; 2 hog self feeds hop troughs; emery stone with ^-hp. motor; 1000 lb. platform scale; 32-ft. extension ladder MILKING' EQUIPMENT 3 single Universal milkers; 1 extra pall: l Conde milker pump; 1 electric water heater; 2 eleel trie stirrers; 20 milk cans, palls and strainer; l combination gas and wood range. A Quantity of Household Furniture TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% in cash, with balance payable monthly hi six installments at «% after proper arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charge will be added to purchase price. Lunch Wagon On GronAds Not Responsible For* Accidents FORD G. HANFORD STATE BANK of RICHMOND, Corking. Welfeve appropriate WALGREEN AGENCY PHONE were: Texas, 454, 24 per cent;' Alabama. 215; 37 per cent; Ftor->; ida. 210. 32 per cent; Illinois, 187, fewer deaths in 1949, nearly {1° P*r Georgia, 176. 25 per* seven times the roster of "honor lc®nt- Michigan 15$, 11 per eent; N. _ Serve Four Ways To please the family's taste, thf nomemaker may serve squash boil d. baked, steamed, or panned Need Lamb awl Weel ' Ttta country can use mora lamb e(iop* and wdol. Sheep number# »re lowest since the Civil war Muinnmi u 11 iimn i p n o N f c SIILLEg WOODSTOCK . I L L TONfTE, FRL * SAT., MARCH 1-2-8 Glftffer Rogers Ronald RMgnn Deris Day in «iTO*M WARNING" ALSO "TRAZAN TRIUMPHS" J- r>ry*y* 11* * * SUN., MON. & TUES* • MARCH 4-ft-d SAtlnee Sunday at 2:30 pjn. Erro]l Flynn % 1" *JHM" f/Alor by Technicolor with '^%«An Stockwell a THURS-, MARCH 7-8 Rroderick Crawford Academy Award Winner *ALL THE KING'S MEN** SOFT WATER al you can use the time STOVER IMsMFHK PACEMAKER Electric Water Softaasr ftwris states" for 1950. In 1948, twentythree states had fewer deaths: in 1947 there were thirty-one, and in 1946--the first full year of unrestricted motor travel following World War II--there were two. Twenty-one states reported more deaths in 1948, he said, seventeen 1§17 and forty-five in 1946. Illinois had 187 more deaths in 1950 than in the previous ^ear, with 1.968 persons^ killed on its streets and highways, compared to 1.781 in 1949. Traffic fatalities in the state increased 10 per cent, which compares with an 11 per cent average increase in the nation for 1950. according to National Safety Council statistics. The national toll in 1950 was 35.000 lives, against 31.500, in 1949. > Well over half of last year's jump of 3.500 in traffic deaths nationally was accounted for by Increases of more than 100 fatalities in eleven states, aggregating nearly 2.000 more deaths, the association's study revealed. Four of these states-- Alabama. Florida, Georgia and Mississippi--were also among the ten with the greatest percentage increases in fatalities last year, ranging froni 25 to 44 per eent higher. States In which traffic deaths rose more than 100 last year, listing increase in number and percentage over 1949 respectivley TFCT | l lOVAil CRYSTAL LAKE, HJL FRL & SAT„ MARCH 2-3 (Donhle FeAtnre) Mickey Rooney Terry Moore In "HE'S A COCKEYED WONDER" Evelyn Keyas Charles Korrln In "KILLER THET STALKED NEW YORK" "KILLER THAT STALKED shown only onre at R:25 p.m. SUN. * MON* MAR. 4-5 Sunday Cont. from 2:4i p.m. Alan Ladd Mon» Freema* In "BRANDED" (In Technicolor) A swift moving story of the Aid west. < TUES* WED. & THURS* MARCH <-7-8 Mnrlen Brando Teresn WrlgHt In "THE MEN" Carolina, 134. 16 per cent; Tennessee. 12S, 21 per cent; S. Carolina! 121. 22 per cent; Virginia 105, 13 per cent; Miasisalppi 101, 28 per cent. ,, The ten statea ranked higheat; percentagewise with greater street and highway tolls last year, com- " pared with 1949. and their Increas- » ed fatalities, were: Idaho, 44 per * cent, 73; Alabama, 37 per cent. 215; Nevada. 37 per cent. 30; Rhode Island. 36 per cent. 21; 8.-.,. Dakota, 35 per cent, 46; Florida. . 32 per cent. 210; Connecticut, 30 , per cent, 60; Mississippi. 28 per cent, 101: Montana. 27 per cent, , 44; Georgia. 25 per cent. 170, First lee Create Plant In 1851 Jacob Fussell established * the first commercial Ice cream M slant in Baltimore. Maryland, at '*!ft fJxeter Street Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Condition*! -- GAAMAH Good TMsa AHA SeAUd Doors Open At 0*40 P. X* Screen StArta At 7»00 P. I. FR1. A "SAT* MAB. 2-3 IA Tec ha hoi* YAA HefUn Yvonne BtCuto PrcstoA Faster lack OAIIA "TOMAHAWK" CAlteon and World Hews - > SCH, * HON* MA|L IA Technicolor Shelley Wtetcr* Elan Laachester Joel McCren Paal Kelly ' «Moracimr Cnrtoon and World News Svadnj *AtfM» SIM Conn. CLOSED Oil TUESDAY WED. ft THUB8* MAR. 7-8 JOAA FaulAlne BAheri By" Znehary SAAH <rB0RN TO HE BAD" Special: "YAA CAA Bent The A^BoAfth" Aho: Color CAHAAA . Justflipaswitch..• ttoctriclty does the rest! Thm Finoia Stowr Pacemaker ia now electrified. making it aa aaay for you to operate aa yoar (WHawator. Ptu«. into any ltO-115 volt A.C. outlet to |hw you florieua aoft water aai,ka at every iaucet. COM in Cor dtaoa- H. E. B0CH ft SOfC 133 BIYEBSIDE DRIVE PHONE MCHENRY 4ff Aulomaiic Soft Water Co. * Columbia Phone Elfin 881S 10-Year Guarantee Terms |K IN IGNS OF SPRING McHENRY AREA Those llocks of ducks and geese thai hm boon wending their way north over McHenry the past week can mean only one thing --- that spring h not far off. Be honest now* hasn't the bright sun* the melting snow and the longer days given you Just a hint of spring fever even though you wondered for so long if it would ever cou»pf " It won't be long before the chief form of exercise will be gardening. Those soft muscles are sure to get sore, but we guarantee your work will be a great deal easier with good tools. For top satisfaction, see thai the seeds you buy are of the highest quality. We have a fine variety of garden tools, at well as the very best in seeds. And for the homeowner endowed with extra ambition* our fine paint selection can give your house a fresh, new* look rivaled only by the work of Mother Nature in our outdoor surroundings in the NICKELS HARDWARE 522 MAIN STREET McHENBY. n t PHONE 2 ill •• M'-1 > * 'k . u •/* * . •-M. ""'.A m '• l;-i" • w Mi • yi

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