:aw w ,V :VTHE McHENRY PLAINDEALER v* la Thursday, MUfch 8, 1951 . ' «******••••** AttW<t4 -Card dtt la Wood stork "Mr*. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Thomas Dolierty attended a meeting of their card club at the home of Mrs. Georgia Thomas in Woodstock HMt Thursday. < " 5 --- |,:1 1 1&..W « CA>i"-• • WAT.8. Plan Special Meeting _. -A I*nten "sacrificial meal" will replace the usual dessert kmcheon oJ the Women's Sori^ of Christian service on Thrtr^dey. March IB, at 1 p.m. at the Methodist church. Devotions will bi based on the theme, "Unto .The Least of TlfeBe," and will be INI bv Mrs. fl. Stinespring. The musical program will include seW<¥anriy -by the high school girls' octet and sextet, the boys' octet and solos by Celia iPage and Mary Ann Wied^k-h. Hostesses will be Mesdames F. JW. Heide, Bert Roche and Arthur A. Thompson. depce at Wonder Lake. A turkey dinner and social afternoon were enjoyed by twenty-one members of the. family. Present at the gathering were Dan's parents. Mr. and Mrs.'Arthur E^strom: Miss Eleanor Edstrom./> he Pfter Kalis family of Western Springs, the Paul Schultz tamily of Clarendon Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Regnier of Beverly Hills and the William Campbell family of Austin. aflamntnnion For Christian Mothers The Christian Mother* and Altar society will receive Holy Com- <n$«nlon in a body on Friday, March 14. A breakfast will be served Afterward in the scnool basement Hospital Auxiliary Plans March 17 Party Members of the Woodstock 'Hospital auxliary have been working long hours in preparation for the first St. Patrick's Day card party, which they intend to make an annual event. It will be held in the Clay street school auditorium. Woodstock, on March 17 at 1:30 o'clock. Following dessert, all types of card games will be played Miss Minnie Bohn is general chairman. Circle 1 To JMeet March 13 --- ' Circle 1 of the W.8.C.S. *rHI hold Its next meeting on Tuesday,; March 13, at 1 o'clock at the home Of Mrs. James Gallagher. St. Clara's Court To Hold Election St. Clara's court. C.O.F.. will hold election of officers on Thursday evening, March 8, in St. Mary's- , St. Patrick's school hall. The reg- Tular Communion Sunday of the court will be March 11. with breakfast afterward in the church hall. Jfonor Guest Al ftrldal Shower . "Miss Nancy Rudin' was hostess at a bridal shower held at her librae at McCullom Lake last Sunday, honoring Miste Dorothy Dobersjtein, who will become the bride of Richard Douglas of Chicago on March- 16. Fifteen former classmates were in attendance at the Slower. Miss Doberstein is a local Ugh school graduate with the ^lUn of 1946. ,9m TSdstronu Dinner Guest .' Dan Edstrom, -who left Monday 'lor service, was guest of honor at A'family gathering held last week tit the William Lingenfelter resi- BIRTHS Michael Anthony is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. George Krickl of McCullom Lake for the 8 lb. 13 oz. son born to them on Valentine's Day at the Woodstock hospital, he is their sixth child. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Krickl of Forest Park and the maternal grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth Rudin of McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright of Rt. 4, McHenry, are the parents of a son. born at Sherman hospital Elgin, Feb. 25. PERSONALS Miss Betty Anderson and Miss Ann Kaiser attended the Midwest Beauty Trade Show held at the Sherman hotel in Chicago on Sunday. Atty. and Mrs. LeRov Welter and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. Buch attended' a Catholic Charities dinner held in the Faust hotel in Rockford 'ast Sunday. Cardinal Stritch was the principal speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harrison have returned from a two weeks' vacation trip spent in Miami. Fla. They visited Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr and Mrs. George Kramer, who have been in Miami Rince the first part of December, They expect to return to McHenry about April 1. Miss Eileen Smith and Miss Eleanor Edstrom lefts^VJ^y morn- <nc for a weekend trip tc? Fort Leonard Woods, Mo., Where they visited friends. * Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens of Woodstock were Sunday callers in the John R. .Tusten home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Thompson of Kenosha. Wis , .were Simdav «rnests in 'the Alfons Adams home. Other calleTS that day were Ethel Peterson and Garnath Fawkner of Frrnklin Park. Mr. and Mrs .Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mollie fUvr-ns. Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock visited McHoftry relatives one day last week. Clarence Martin and daughter. Rita, visitrd in the William Martin home in Sterling last weekend. Mrs. Earl Dowell and daughter of Lafayette^ Ind., are spendlnc a few Weeks with her mother, Mrs. James E. LarWn.. Sunday gneats intbft "btithe of Mrs. John Phalin were "Mr. and Mrs. George Mahoney. Mrs Phillip Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney and children and the Harry Anderson family of Chicago. AMONG THE SICK IOE Jean Flynn underwent a tonsillectomy at the Woodstock hospital last week. C • - Joseph Michels underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. William Marshall is recovering from Burgery which he underwent at Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago, last week. 8 ET 40 SALON AUXILIARY HELET BELATED PARTY The 8 et 40 of McHenry cottnty salon of the American Legion Auxiliary met in the hdme of Mrs. Dorothy Ogle in Woodstock on Monday evening, with Mrs. Gladys Kerns as co-hostess. This was the salon's Christmas party, postponed three time* because of the weather. The partners rrom McHenry brought a decorated Christmas tree for the tffhle. A pot-luck supper was enjoyed by the partners. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. C&pra\Steffan. chapeau of the group. May Chesak, child welta^yhairman of Huntley, f»ported on the national tuberculosis hospital at Denver. The McHenry county salon will make a donation at the next meeting. Part of the donation will be made up of dollars earned by the ^members of the salon. Each will tell how she earned it when she brings it to the next meeting. The chef de gare, Nels Huff, Algonquin. who heads the 40 and 8. of McHenry county, and Chris Klabunde, chef de tran, of Woodstock, were visitors at the meeting. There will be a dinner for the two organizations on" Wednesday. April 11. at the Fiesta at Crystal Lake Dwight Flood, Emily Cowlin and Helen Cowan of Crystal Lake are in charge of this dinner. Each member of the 8 (*t 40 and 40 et 8 has the privilege of inviting husbands and wives to attend. One new partner was admitted to membership. She is Mrs. Evelyn Roche, Harvard. * Dorothy Ogle, Woodstock was apppointed as chairman Of the Memory Book and Christine Krinlr. McHenry, was appointed scraphook chairman. The next meeting will be held March 26 in the post home, Crystal Lake. Minnie Green and Christine Krinn represented McHenry at 8ge. last meeting. " , -1\ • •! i t ? - ' (&y Stepbanfe Wayn .x Invitation To Downey Eleanore Reid and Shirley Olson are inviting the public to the next Auxiliary party at the Downey Veterans' hospital. The party will take place on March 15. ^. Only those who ha^lfltalfen part in the Downey parties/ can tell what satisfaction s\jch p^tieipalion can bring; they""-alone can tell what pleasure a little diversion brings to the very grateful men confined there. These same people repeatedly bring this sunshine to these veterans who possibly will be confined to their present state for the rest of their lives. Really, for the sacrifice they made, they have earned a manifestation of 'gratitude from all of us. The Auxiliary urges every one to consider tills a personal "invitation to take part in the Downey party. They also welcome talent willing to entertain. • The next Downey party group will gather at, the J^efrfon hpme 6n March 15, at o Tj^ey will return before 10. . " /' On The Air • The Auxiliary suggests that its members and friends fake time and listen to a Legion-sponsored pre>- grain named "If Fight We Must" on WMAQ and WBBM. Books The Auxiliary recommends reading a hobk called "The Miracle of Carvel," published by Douhleday. The brtolT~S^Kg 'friiny important factiChitherto unbelieveaWe, about a dreaded. disease. & -- a7* Stofc squeaking doors with a feather dipped in oil. The ffiither gets into all the ppots., around the li'nges and does a more thorough Job. Adhesive tape placed oil the Bol^S of galoshes are a wise safety measure to avoid slipping. THERE'S NO VCWORD KNOWN THAT WILL MAKE SEEDS GROW! milHREI• IE0IMRD SEEDS are clean and high-germinating, produced especially to give bigger yields," When you plant any of the over 300 varieties of Michael-Leonard seeds, yotf ' can be assured you are getting reliable qualify. A trial will convince you. Why no! pick out your Michael-Leonard seeds now and see for yourself how years of research and experimentation make them the best seeds you can buy, VYCITAL'S 9 HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP m 1 1 1 s i >h mm 1 1 1 i i Rflsidraco Changes i'I'l 11 . M i l ' M l * ' H t tn t »»• The Nick. Huff family has moved from Spring Grove to the Elmo McKim place at McCullom Lake. TOe William Staines family has moved from a farm on the Woodstock road to the Aloys Steffans place on west Waukegan street; which they have purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Adams have set up housekeeping in the Reutel apartment in Fair Oaks subdivision; .. CARD OF THANKS ' In this manner wa wish to our friends and neighbors for various acts of kindness shown us in our recent illness. *43 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. PrCtt thaai or tl£ . A veil that has lost its crisp, fresh look can be renewed hy pressing it between two pieces M wax paper with a. moderate iron. THRIFT t i n i l BAN K i NG 1*44 1945 Iftf 'Wl' KtCENTAOl OF INCOME SAVED (After Toast) People are again saving a larger proporffon of ^ their income after a post-war let-down. This is a good time to study your own savings plan. Will . .. i your savings percentage increase in the future?. Assure it with regular deposits in your account here* McHENRY STATE BANK . » Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System ***** / / 9 LARGER<APACITY..: TOP QUA! ItOWER COS DE LUXI MODEL C-16 , j This wonderful new 16-cubic foot home trekter jblns the other famous models in the Deepire^f lkie designed for better eating and living. See thfem all today ... THEY PAY FOR THEMSELVES WITH THE MONEY THEY SAVE' Hold* Mor* Than 560 lbs. of Assorted Foods OTHER MODELS There are 6 models of, the Deepfreeze homo* •'wier COMPARE FEATURE FOR FEATUREI CaUNTSMALANCIO Llt>S • UPARATC FRICZINO COMf ARTMW1 STORACC DIVIDERS • STORAGE BASKETS • S-TIAR WARRANTY SMGlf POSITIVE-ACTION LATCHES . TEMPERATURE tNWCATOR TM*PMATURE CONTROL e INTERIOR UOMTS AND LID LOCK] FROM S269.9& SHOP Phone 251 119 S. Green Street uuu HtJ:'m your hands on this strapping V_J honey and hold onto your hat and heart. For this sparkling new car--and we mean completely new--is the smart? est, the richest, the highest-powered automobile Buick has ever provided at its bedrock SPBCIAL price. Literally, everything here is new but the name. , There's a brand-new X-member frame that's brawny and rugged, an<f a weight saver in the bargain. There's a brand-new chassis--but still with the buoyaht cradling of coil springs on 1 all feur wheels, the solid \ keel of a torqtle-tube, the soft steady going of Safety-Ride rims and cushiony low-pressure tire9. There's a brand-new body of spacious dimensions and a stunning interior richer than anything in SPECIAL history-- a lighter, ruggedly strong steel •body in a full array of styles^ including a Convertible and Riviera. Yes, all this ank. brand-new! power, too! It's walloping new straight-eight valve-in-head Fireball power from an engine thatVefttirely new to this Buick Series--the high-economfF F-263 Fireball engine. With more power to call on, and with less weight to carry, this nimble trav- • ©ler zooms to new performance event greater than that of most cars beyond its price range. ----" Better come in real soon and meet ^ this brand-new kind of SPECIAL delivery-- and the low delivered prices that go with it. t" Kluipnunt.aM--oriM.tiimamimtilbminitUiimtU--imUktuiniibm DYNAflOW DRIVC*--*ovm drain on driver and car , . FIREBALL FOWtK-high-compnssian, valve in-head engine gels more good from every drop of fuel PUSH*BAR fOKSfKONT-combines smart style and unsurpassed protection WHITE-GLOW INSTMUMIMTSgreater qlarity at night rOROUE-rURE DHVe-thtadmrkh. improves driving control .. . 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINOING-cusfirant ride, saves servicing costs' DUAL VENTILATION--outside air separately to right or left of fr6nt co4r portment SELF-ENERGIZING *KAKK-hydraulk -- multiply pedal-pressure five times a# brake drum DKtAMLINt STYLING--tapered, carlength fenders, gleaming cweepspeaf* on Most models Htm: Self-tacking luggage lid, StepOn parking broke, two - way ignition lock, Safety-Ride rims, Hi-Poised engine MOIinf* ing, Body by Fisher •Stpndprd on ROAOMASTER, optional at mxtra cost on other Series, WHEM RITTEK AUTOMORUM ARE RUIlf RttlCR W«U tttHD THflH fn HPNW i. TAYlOfr, ABC Nclwort. every Mdhrfay ewnfng YOUf ifV TO GKFATE* VAlW I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE McHENRY, ILL. A,«: