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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1951, p. 5

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v*:* >'•<« ^(trfr/»,;'rir^!f'/-/'r<< |* :tf w*:** <\f.> •* *? i^s, t r v . t . r V W /.^vy-^-y 8/ 1951 liiat n iTiiiprmiit FOR SALE Tw.r T^ '-'iS'-s-*-'-*-,., r , f f r , <• s ..>, , , ,^ff rrrf ,r |p6SR93^S iiiwimifimiiiiiiimniiimmHnHimHniiiuiiniiiiiniiiiiiiHmwHiuiHiuimfliiittiiuiHuuHHi MUENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at Mcienrr, 111., by the McHenry Puh- Company, Inc. MAIIONAt IDIK N. BURFEINDT, Gefn. Manager. kDBLE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION BATE ^ I "^Tear •• -h^-- >2.60 Pmindealer Want Ada No ads counted less than tb #erds. 75c minimum. 1 Insertion 76c (Conn.. u words per line) £5c ftervice charge on all bliud ids. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. Wast Ads close proaiptly at 10 Am. V-. ednesda) . i . Entered as second-claim matter at the postc'tiee at A|cHeury. Ill* under the act May 8, iS79. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT P*RTS FOR . . ALL CiR» AAcccceessssoorr ies a*d Scat Covers ™ ccoomMmMcr; Nin AUTO^MNU&Y 4<W W. Elm Street * T" w.Open during week 9 A. X. to J P. M„ Saadays . t JL M. to 1 P. M. ' lltf FOR SALE -- 1934 International Station Wagon. Good motor and tires like new, 750x15. Price ijitia.OO. Phone Crystal Lake 32, between a.m. and 5 p.m. Ask for Jim. *43 (BUSINESS SERVICE HAVE YOUS CESSPOOLS, catei oaains, septic tanks, cisterns elcaneo >y Kddit-'a Sauitary Service. Eddi< duff, Prop. Tel. McHfiuy 290. 29ti CESSPOOLS and NEPflC TANKS SERVICE «. A. DOIULAS Phone Mcllenry 77R-W 10tl CLEAN THE DIKA-CLEAN WAY Have your carpets, rugs aud furniture cleaned and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. : . Phone McHenry 593-M-2 or Round Lake 6-2223. , . Ml-10 WELLS DRILa-MD OR DRIVEN iVATES SYSTEM -- We sell, rupair intl install pumps. Rill Bacoi<; i!0f ivliiiu Street, McHenry. Telephone '67. 2t$tr EXPERT PIANOTUNING Repairing and Reconditioning, All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 37-tf CEMENT BTJTLDnrO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower la West McHcnry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Phone McHenry 788:W DEAD ANIMALS - highest cash prices paid for ewwt, horses and hogs: no help neeCed to load. Day iimi night, Sonjays and holidays, Call Wheeling Rendering Works Wheeling *lo. 3; reverse charges. 3Gt.f ____ MUSIC INSTRUCTION -- r"' In Yonr Own Home . Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Ada need Instruction BARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 63S-M-1 fttr r'OR SALE--SB ton first and sec- >nd cutting alfalfa and brome ?rass hay. Tel. Mcflenry 504-M-2. 43 FOR SALE -- Rug and pad approximately 11x15. Grey background, floral pattern in good condition. Window length drapes. 90" long, 1 pr. draw drapes, window 10S" width. 2 pr. regular width, grey background, #leaf pattern, lined. Phone Wonder Lake 996. 43 FOR SALE--10 ft. of silage in 16 ft. silo or 30 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo. Tony J. Miller, Ringwood, 111. Phone Richmond 631. *43-2 FOR SALE -- Alfalfa, first and second cutting. Hugh J. O'Brien, phone Wauconda 2317. 43-tf FOR SALE--Pure bred collie, 3 months old. Price $15.00, Call 708-J. ; *43 FOR SALE--G. E. electric refrigerator. good condition. B. Gates, cor. Fountain Lane and Oak St/, McCullom Lake. *43 FOR SALE -- Breeding geese, 2 geese and 1 gander. Clarence Warburton, ^Ringwood, 111. *43 FOR SALE -- 1950 Frigidaire refrigerator. new living room suite, Singer sewing machine, also several other household items. L« A. Davis, Meadow Brook and 8eneca Drive, Wondef Lake. *43 FOR SALE -- 1 pair men's white roller-rink skates. Size 11. Please call McHenry 804-M. *43 •it' PIANO ACCORDIOW INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins April 7. Phone WOnder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 ft 1:00 p.m. Also FOR SALE -- 1944 Chevrolet, j four-piece orchestra for dances straight truck. 1947 tractor with : and weddings. 40-11 semi> Shallow well pump, nearly ¥ ,,7, .. ~~T ' new. Phone Richmond 735. *43 !1PHOLSTERING -- Your home furniture can be comfortable, dec- FOR SALE--4 wheel trailer. Good orative and like new when recondition, 5 good tires. Phone ! upholstered. Phone McHenry 551- Jolinsburg 502-M-l. •43 '* BUSINESS SERVICE BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can deliver anytliin' from a snapshot to arge muraj*. :* froe. luind oil paintings. Copying and I raining. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AND SUPP JGS. WORWICK'S STUDIO. 117 Overside Drive, Mc Henry. Pl"">« «75. 40tf HOME RBf AIRS W* Specialize in all Home Repairs 0, Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates , McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry, 111. ^ «tf U-l. Vic's Upholstery Service, Rt. 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. *40-7 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us •lispose of yonr garbage each week, •>r oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Refill*' year round route tohn E Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me- Owi^y, Plioite 36ft. • t# ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formals Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. in. to 6 p, m. Mrn. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, '/» mile west Terra Cotta facto... which is on Bt. 31. Crystal • Lake 1346 R 1. "I-** FOR SALE -- 2 pair drapes, 2U yards long, 48 inches wide, gray with blue, yellow and rose leaves, pebble cloth. 3 54-inch cornice hoards and rods included. Call Wonder Lake 243. 43 FOR SALE--Kroehler living room suites. We will allow $25 trade-in value on your old suites. Phone 63. P. M. JUSTEN FURNITURE CO. *43 FOR "S^ILE--Walnut Spinet piano, full keyboard. Lester Betsy Ross Model. Used very little. $285.00. Phone McHenry 783. 43 FOR SALE-- Duncan Phyfe mahogany dining room table, six chairs and credenza, $250. Tel. McHenry 458. 43 FOR S^LE -- Heavy galvanised building. 7x7; large window: ideal for brooder house. Tel. McHenry 280. 43 FOR SALE -- Going out of business; leveling instrument: concrete mixers; block machines, plywood forms; 3 hp. electric motor: canvas; jack scrows: wood blocking; scale and miscellaneous items. McHenry Artificial Stone Company. Phone 257. 43-2 FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold ease beer and packaged j. poods of all kinds. ' Al Ptisnnei still. " 49tf FOR S ALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD yDINO MACHINES. Service on all m:ik«»s. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltr, Clay St.. W o o d s t o c k * P h o n e 1 5 4 7 t f CARPENTER WORK DONE BI DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN flCSTAFSOtf Tel. McHenry 742 RALPH L. CLARK jkY Piano technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo Henry j8. V 22tf J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. Mc- RE MO I) ELINU -- Have your remodeling dope before spring cleaning. For the right price, call K. Hammer, phone McHenry 520-R-l. *43-4 FQR SALE--Now Is the time to order certified treated seed oats fop 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS. Inc., 306 Clay Street, Woodstock. $6-tf Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. 4L •jMSP fHHPI HELEN WEBER SAYS: READY FOR THAT Easter Parade? Just a reminder that Easter will be here In a mighty few days- -- that you'll want to look , your sparkling best -- that now is the time ' to look over your apparel and call us to do a . Magnificent cleaning job that will renew and revitalize your last season's clothes! McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Elm Street McHenry, I1L PHONE 104-M "e FOR SALE -- BALED ALFALFA HAY. Phone McHenry 647-R-2 or 632-W-2. 42-2 HELP WANTED MAN WANTED Fer All Around Factory Work. V^COMET CORP. JohnsbMV 41-tf You'll Like - This Job - HERE ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS you enjoy as a telephone operator^ $32 a week to start; at least $36 a week after first year. Paid vacations. Pleasant surroundings, and the friendliest coworkers in town. , It's a good job for young women, and we're hiring right now. See Miss R. Marshall, Qhief Operator, at 102 Park Avenue, McHenry. ILLINOS BELL TELEPHONE CO. DESTROY and MICE WITH a NEW MIRACLE KILLERS d-CON with LUREX GUARANTEED TO RID YOUR PLACE OF HATS IN 15 DAYS. ATU-BAtr 42 CONTAINS WARFARIN /"FEED RATS TO DEATH" ' GET SOME TO-DAY! AT 'y BOLGER'S DRUG STORE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSlNES&P RESORT PROPERTY f Knox Real Estate 406 IklMid Road -->, McHenry, 11L X Phene: McHenry 121-1 Licensed III A Wis. Broker FOR SALE--4 room house at McCullom Lake, fully insulated. 1 car garage under house, basement, automatic oil heat, $b,500. For information phone 547-R-2. . 41-tf Mia T.iigy t; ROOM ALL YEAR HOME 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, carpeting, garage in basement. Nice location, overlooking Pistakee Lake and FW River oa channel. Near fih« bathing beach. Price $14,500.00. ^ ALSO 10 ROOM HOUSE IN JOHNSBI7R6 Furnace heat, large lot, suitable for two flats. Located on Main street. Price $8,750.00. 'For appt. Call JACOB FRITZ. Realtor, in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. 42-tf JHELP WANTED f f i r s t S e c o n d a n d T h i r d S f c H f t . ^ ' Steady Work -- 48 How W«* ^ . time and a half alter forty henta. T Apply American Terra Cotta Corp. • i ' f 1' f • Route 31* one mile north Route 17ft. TeL Crystal Lake 24 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Help for general office work, experience not necessary. Phone 1075-J after 6 p.m. * *43 HELP WANTED--We have a tew openings for experienced farm help. Married or single. Inexperienced need not apply. Hickory Creek Farm. Leo. J. Smith. Phone McHenry 670-M-2. 41-4 HELP WANTED Man To Handle Shipping and Receiving - Steady Year Roand Work. COMET CORP. Johasbarg 4S-tf HELP WANTED -- Married man for dairy farm; modern houfte. Richard May, phone McHenir -McHenry 606-M-2. V 43 WANTED -- Middle aged woman desires work as housekeeper. Gpod references. Phone 569-J-2. 43 WANTED--Man to drive beverage delivery truck. Dale Thomas, McHenry 27. *43 WANTED TO RENT WASTED TO RENT--Two bedroom house or apartment, unfurnished. Refined family with two small children. Call 128-4 between S: 30 a.m. and 6 p.m. *43 WANTED WANTED -- Jabbers and direct salesmen. Quality Hues, with liberal fommi3nion*. Manufacturers reprc sentative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watch** and Jewelry repai*. Anthony Noonan.-200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IStf ED TO BUY WANTKJ) TO BI'Y--Used 1« or 18-ft. inboard motor boat. Must be in good condition. Call any time. McHenry 846-J. 42-2 FOR SALE -- Thriftway Food Store located in Lily Lake on Rt. 120. Self-service, all kinds of frozen foods. Modern fixtures, stock, building, living quarters with 4 large rooms on 2nd floor. Good business all year round. Will be for sale until sold. Reasonable. Going to Callornia. Call owner. McHenry 503-W-2. 42-tf NEW CAPE COD BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY 4 to 6 rooms, face brick on all four sides, radiant H. W. heat, or Automatic hot air, automatic gas H. W. heater .electric, city sewer. Also on water front lots. Price $12,350.00 and up. 25% down, balance 20 years to pay. For appt Call JACOB FRITZ-REALTOR, In Johnsburg. R 1, McHENRY, ILL. PHONE: McHenry 37. 42-tf F. G. HANFORD A U C T I O N ED. YOUEL and HENRY FREEMAN, Aafts. POR SALE -- 6 room house on large lot with garden spot. On Route 120, in Volo. Full basement, city gas heat, hot-and cold running water, large built-in cabinets, linoleum floors, shower and large 1V4 car garage. Priced right, by owner Phone McHenry 667-R-l. *43 HELP WANTED--Laborers Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor. Phone Wonder Lake 221. 41-tf HELP WANTED--Girls, no' experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co., 20® H. tHverside Drhre, McHenry, 111. 40-tf- SITUATION WANTED^ SITCATION WANTED--Will tcare for children 2 to 4 years old^ five days a week in my home and also eveniftgs. 412 John St. McHenry. 43 -- ft- --,-- fwrnnnr tOR RENT FOR RENT -- Building 30x30 with overhead doors; would rent for storage. Unfurnished 5-room house, 3 bedrooms and bath, at Volo, 59-A and Rt. 120 intersection. Tel Round Lake 62223. *43 FOR RENT -- Four-room house, furnace heat. Inquire at Farm House Tavern, one mile south of McHenry on Rt 31. *43 STOKES FOR RENT--On Route 120, east of state bridge. Phone 521-W-l or writ® P.O. Box 236. McHenry. „ *43 MISCELLANEOUS NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved Recteaned Treated Seed Barfiay Test Weight 50 lbs. PELL-BARI FARMS, INC. 305 Clay Street, Woodstock 38-tf Speed ef Electnolty Does electricity have the same speed as light? The electrons, the charged particles which move in a wire carrying current, travel with an average progress of less than l/20th of an inch per second. Some of these move in random directions as fast as 40 miles per second, but they make wild excursions in all directions, which balance out to • very slow net motion, vastly less than the speed of light. When an electric charge is started in ma tion, the kink impressed on the lines of the electric field which accompanies it does travel outward with the speed of light--186,000 miles per second. This phenomenon is electro-magnetic radiation, of which a narrow frequency band f> light. ' Butternut Squash Butternut squash is usually served by Itself as ,a main vegetable but it can also be used in making muffins, rolls, pies, or other desserts. ELM WAUCONDA ROITTE 176 PHONE 6.1481 Matinee Sunday 2:80 P.M. Cou't. FRI."I"SAtZ"MAr 9-10 "" Doable Feature Uroacho Marx Caruien Mlraada In "COPACABANA" It 7 <00 and 10 P. M. I Plat • b* 'V4bfcott and Costella vV'STIT In .. 3AfRICA SCREAMS* al 8:40 P.M. ~ FOR RENT--1 5-room apartment, automatic heat, 1 6-room apartment, stove heat. Call after 5 P.M phone Richmond 656. *43 FOR RENT--Heated 3-room apartment. Couple only. 4 miles east of McHenry. Phone McHenry 742. 43 POR RENT--Year 'round modern borne at Wonder Lake. Automatic oil furnace heat 5 rooms, utility room, garage and glased-in porch. Call McHenry 232-R. 43 PLAYTEX BABY PRODUCTS WATTLES DRUG McHenry. 111. 42-tf HELP WANTED -- SECRETARY AND STENOGRAPHER • Experienced - 'Good Salary COMET CORP. 43 WANTED -- Girls for pressing. Experience not necessary. /Will teach.. Apply Local Cleaners, 206 S. Green St., phone Mcjfenry 20 42-2 HELP WANTED -- S^etary for full time work. Excellent\working conditions, five day week. Apply Edwal Laboratories, Ringwood, 111. 43 HELP WANTED -- SALESMEN: Full or part-time. Sell garages, farm and industrial buildings.' High commissions. FARM BUILD- i ING SERVICE, ROCHELLE, ILL. 43-3 t New Supervision Newf Driver Service We will meet any renderer's prices for dead animals. Cal McHeory 157 FOR Orville Fretmd , Sl'NDAY*0NLY I MARCH 11 t "H'~ M"8AE NHSON Train Calf to Lead One of the first jobs of the 4-H Club member with a new baby beef is to train the calf to lead. C. A. Burge, Penn State extension livestock specialist, suggests tying the calf with a halter for a few days and then leading him once a day. "WWUH'HHIHMHHmHmWWHWUHWINS Tie FRI. ft SAT., MAR. 9-10 Glenn Ford Ylveca Lindfon, "THE FLYING MISSILE" SI N. & MON., MAR. 11-13 Sunday Coat, from 2s4.» P.M. Irene Duane Fred MacMarraj •NEVER A DILL MOMENT' --Delightfully refreshing and different A girl who swapped a penthouse for the wide open spaces and loved it. TUES., WED. A THCRS* MARCH lt-14-15 Van Heflln Yvonne DeCarlo -TOMAHAWK" (In Technicolor) rtiiimtutmrnr ---- SAVE SAVE SAVE 10% - On all orders taken before March 25 For Homes -- Remodeling -- Garages Rockwool Blow-in -- Roofing -- Siding E-ZJTERMS -- FREE ESTIMATES MRmn WONDEB LAKE SM -- A«w * pm. Having sold my faftfi, I wl" sell at Public Auction on farm located on U. S. 12 at Spring Grove, 6 miles southeast of Richmond, ,5 miles northwest of Fox Lake, on SATURDAY. MARCH 10. I'M commencing at 11 o'clock as follows : Inspection Invited before sale. 35 HEAD PURE BRED aad GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE. 4 Pure Bred Holstein first, calf heifers, milking (3 of these heifers are from northern Illinois Breeding Assn. bulls; 1 Pure Bred heifer born July Slst, a very good senior calf; 1 Pure Bred bull calf born August 27th; Grades £ fresh and 4 spring balance milking good; 3 heifers, IS mo*, old, bred; 0 heifers from 3 months to 17. months. This herd Is all bred to northern Illinois Breeding Assn. Bull. £00 pullets. 3 geese. HAY and GRAIN 400 bales 2nd crop broma alfalfa; 1600 bushels corn: 1500 bushels oats; 30 bushels yheat; a quantity of alfalfa seed; 100 bales straw. ' MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT John Deere Model B tractor, 1 year old; Roll-a-matic and power troll with remote cylinder with cultivator; John Deere 2.16 plow, hydraulic; John Deere 12-A combine with motor, 6-ft. with pickup Hume pickup reels and hydraulic or hand Heeder lift; John Deere forage harvester with motor corn and hay attachment; John Deere No. 50 blower with 32-ft. pipe (new); New Idea tractor mower, 7-ft.; Hydraulic or mechanical lift; John Deere 114 ruffage mill; John Deere 9-ft. grain and fertilizer drill; John Deere tractor spreader on rubber: 50-ft. hammer mill drive belt; John Deere 999 corn planter, tractor hitch and tongue truck; John I^ere corn binder tractor hitch: John Deere wagon with flat rack grain box; chopper box on rubber; Linsey »• ltH »»<»'!• h<• I |i• wagon flat rack grain box; side^ ;i| and end g a t e s f o r e x t r a c h o p p e r ' •<~M and wagon; power underloading*' i| jack, Vi-hp. motor; 1 Minnesota.^ d hay loader; iron wheel wagon and "s box: heavy trailer dump boards;5 - ^ Case fonr section drag; s toner • ' 1 boat; bob sleigh; a quantity steely )| post; a quantity wood posts; j| A:-|| cattle feed bunks; 300 gaL ga» ' t tank on stand; 3 jack screws,^ quantity blocking and lumber; 1^01 bottle gas 500 chick brooder; 1* ..t James-way broodet; feeders anC 1 waterers; 2 hog self feeds ha^j r|! troughs; emery stone with %-hp. v | motor: 1000 lb. platform scale; 32-ft. extension ladder. MILKING EQnPMEIff 2 single Universal milkera; i'Jl|t tra pail; 1 Conde milker pump;/ 1 electric water heater; 2 elec-> trie stirrers; 20 milk cans, paila' and strainer; 1 combination gaal and wood range. ^ A Quantity of Household Furniturtl TERMS--Credit will be extended by payment of 25% In cash, witH balance payable monthly in six installments at 6% after proper' arrangements are made for credit. No finance or carrying charga will be added to purchase pric Laach Wagon Oa Ononis Not Responsible For Accidents FORD G. HANFORD STATE BANK of RVCIfMONjD, FRI. & SATn MAR. 9-10 Matinee Saturday 2:30 P.M. Roy Rogers • in "SUNSET IN THE WEST (Color by Trucolor) Plus Co-Featnre "HOT BOD" - M \ RTTM2 Mat. Son. Starting 2:30 P.M. Red Skelton In "WATCH THE BIRDIR* KIDS: Wateh for "Watch the Birdie" cameras Sun„ Mar. 11th. STAB^rTri^DAYril^^ John Wayae v In "OPERATION PACIFIC?' Clerking. Flems aaagfsM The late Florenz Ziegfeld halt: . about 50 pairs of eyetfasaes. Tkty were scattered all over his houseand his office, and he always. carried two pairs in his pockets^ MrflENRY, ilXUfOIS Air Conditioaed -- Cwafart Goad Vision and Saaai Doors I Open at 3:40 P. M. Screen Itm at tsM P. •> FRI. * 8AT„ MAR. f.1* • Charlie Chaplin (I) -CITY LIBHTS** Steve Cochraa Ylrgtala (S) "HIGHWAY S«r Highway 901 wHl be raa only once each evening starting at 8:46 P. M. Also: Short Sabject 4k WoHi News. SUN. * MON^ MAR. 11-19 Red Skelton Arlette Ml Ana MDler "WATCH THE BIRDIE* Special: "Why KoreaT Alaa Cartooa t World News Sunday Matlaee 3:30 Coat CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. A THUMB* MAR. 14-11 Joseph Cottea Yaltt "WALK SOFTLY STRANGER* Also: Cartooa, Sport Reel £ Musical Sensational New HYPEWCIN Stops Acid Pain of Diagnosed STOMACH ULCERS Ask Your Doctor about the BENEFITS at HYPERCIW Ha Faster-WsrUnt Sale Ma Whf foowa. Mso for Acid Indication, OasrAfter-Eatlag Mstroes. Each new Hypercin Ihblet Stopa Pain of about 1 cupful of Stomach Acid During 4 hours. Hypercin protects Acid-Irrit*ted stomoch walls. Puts firm control on acid pain of Diagnosed Stomach Ukaa Tin instant New Hypercin reachM the stomach it b«f ins *° KCCSI hydrochloric acid. It coats infl»med stomach LINU4* l|T nature a greater opportunity to soothe and h«al. Pain """ quickly--almost instantly ... narvous tension di»app**f*. Mako This 7-DAY Homo Tost YOU MUSt BE SATISFIED with HYKKIN I the RMiMif«c>«rer will pay your hack. AFTER EATINQ PAINS, CAS, HIAHTBUWI. SOURNESS, MAY FADE AWAY AFTER VERY FIRST HYPERCIN TRIAL. NYE D&UGSTOBS

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