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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1951, p. 2

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I.:: Flan Smorgasbord At , > I Sir Hollow School " \ The Mothers' dab of W^'-Ulg |;s° Hollow school, Rt. 12 and Wooeter Lake road, is planning for a smorgasbord, to be served at the school ¥£• On Saturday evening. April 28, ^'• '» one dollar charge for adults and Sixty-five cents for children. The public is invited. v' Money realized from the event 1*111 go toward the fund being raised for the program planned for the graduating class. Mrs. Gendrich serves ^as chalrl^^ dian of. the fwli* Honored Blrtlid*y Party Terry and Mary, twin daughters ;> - 7"'«ff Mr. and Mrs. James Larkin, Observed their third birthday an- • • aiversary last Saturday, April 14, by inviting several friends to a tmrty in the afternoon. The circus .theme was carried out in room and table decorations. 'Present were the following little ~:™tMks and their mothers: Eddie .Xt-aus, Lynn Reihanspferger. Joyoe " 't Adams. Charlene Klapperieh, ClndV Nell. Judy. Janice and ^Ifbmmy Harrison and Judy New- Kirk, all of McHenry; and Susan 1 Stackhouse of Woodstock. Xatertaln At • Jkoasewarming z~rr Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J.' Miller _Jntertained at; a • housewarmlng and .family reunion at their new borne on Crystal Lake road Sun- 4|ay. April 15. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller and daughter, Terry. Rob Becker, Dr. ind Mrs. J. C. Purvey and family flf Crystal L&ke and Mr and Mra. Iftllliam Morgan and daughter, Jeanne, of Elkhorn, WJsct, Hold Season's First Cafeteria Sapper The first cafeteria supper of the season given b$ the Ringwood 1V.S.C.S. will be served Thursday, April 26, and thereafter the last - -- Thursday of each month. Chicken and roast pork will be on< the tnenu. P.T.A. Plans For " < Dessert Card Patty i ;•, • On Tuesday everitftfr, April 10, the ways and means committee St the McHenry Community Parents and Teachers association met at the home of Mrs. Paul Jessup. Plans for the dessert card party to be held at the V.F.W. hall on the afternoon of July 18 were discussed. Presiding at the meeting was Mrs. Erica Olson, chairman of the committee. Refreshments- were served by the hostess. , r .... ^ tteblie Dessert * Tard Party April 86 t Circle 2 of the W.S.C.S. is'spon- „ spring a dessert card party at 1:30 p.m. at the V.F.W. clubhouse on jTaursday, April 26. Mrs. H.- V. Jackson is chairman for the want. The public is invited., P." L .Director* T» V Address P. T. A. Memt»ers •At the April meeting of the Mc* Henry Community P.T.A., following the P.T.A. theme of the year, "Forward, with Safety and Health". Miss^ Maurie Taylor, physical education director for girls, and Leonard I. McCracken, boys' athletic director, both of McHenry Community high school will discuss "New Education Through Athletics." The meeting will be held on Thursday, April ^6. at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Following the business meeting and program, the junior and senior room mothers will serve refreshments in the domestic science room. »« • -for • ' - Sbower HoMii « • " Is y , Dorothy Tan Ort The Alfons Adams home was 'th£ scene of a pre-nuptial shower last Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss Dorothy Van Ort of Summit. 111., who will become the bride of Albert Adams, son of the Otto Adams, on May 5 at Summit. Decorations were carried out in pink and white and tlie gift table centered with a colorful umbrella. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Alex Adams and Mrs. Frank Hetreed,, the latter of Chicago. Guests were Mrs. David Van Ort of Summit, the Misses Cicily and Elaine Hetreed of Chicago, Mrs. Margaret Hafner of Gr.iss Lake, Mrs. Russell Arp of Richimond, Mrs. Victor Adams and [Miss Betty Hecht of McCullom Lake, Mrs. Vincent Adams of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Joe Adams and Mrs. Otto Adams of ^Johnsbuj1)?, Mrs. Alfred Freund, Miss Laura Weber, Mrs. Helen Heuser, Mrs. Frank Bieber, Mrs. Harold Burns, Mrs. Anna Adama.-Mrs. Math Adorns, Mrs. Nick Adams and Mrs. Clemens Adams. t Gato<fe were enjoyed, after which a deliscious lunch was served. ;&fcower Honored 1 Saturday Bride Miss Patricia Stoilar, vdw became the bride of George Kosti l«0t Saturday, was honored April ltf at a miscellaneous pre-nuptial shower held at Hugh McDonald's at McCullom Lake. Hostesses were Mrs. Sophia Kosti and Miss Janice Justen. Thirty guests from Chicago, Algonquin, McHenry social evening, which included the serving of a tasty lunch. The bride-td-fie was the recpient of a variety of lovely gifts Clothing Project Leaders Trained . , Miss Florence Klmmelihue, 4-H specialist,. University of Illinois, will be in the1 county Friday Apr'l 20, to train leaders of (flubs expecting to carry clothing\projects. Miss Kimmelshu will demonstrate the construction methods to be used this year. . McHenr'yv and Lake counties are cooperating in this tracing school to be held in the clothing laboratory. McHenry high- school from 10 a.m. to 3:IJ . jf4. •• 1 • i*»» -V! 'J \ j ^ t *T « Excttttlve #Mfi. ' Xv. Planning Prograw Unit chairmen, and executive board members of McHenry cpunty Home Bufeau tnet April! 12, with Miss Gertrude Kaiser, assistant state leader, hoipe econpqiics extension,-to start plans for the educational ifrogram ft<*r>f9!»l-S2. These persons will return to their respective units, collect problems, interest areas and other suggestions. These suggestions will be dismissed Vlth the .advisory council again, ^uinnmrii'.ed and forwarded to, each person to indicate her degree of interest in each topic. Units represented were: Algonquin.- Chemung, Crystal Lake, Dorr, East Dunham, Evening Unit, Grafton, Greenwood, Greenwood Homemakers, Hebroir, Hebron Twilight unit, Richmon Evening Unit. Rily. Ringwood. Rush Creek. Seneca Afternoon unit. Union. West Dunham and Woodstock. County Home Bureau officers are Mrs. Earle Johnson, vice-president; Mrs. Ben Barber, secretary; MVs. Beuiah • Ostrander, • major project chairman; Mrs. H. P. Lekberg, 4-H chairman; Mrs. Raymond Wierama. community interest chairman; Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, special projects <&airman; Mrs. James Higgins, minor project chairman: Miss Betty M. La!|gford, home advisor. . . St. Clam's Conrt Installation April 26 St. Clara's Court, No. 6fi9, W.C.O.F., is planning for installation of officers on Thursday. April 26, with dinner to be served at the Bridge at 6:30 o'clock. Reservations should be made not lat^r than April 2S by calling 25S"or 111-W. • Left-Over Turkey ' A hot a«d. hearty dish tor party refreshments may be prepared from left-over turkey or chicken ^o^ade into a scalloped /dish, or served a-la-kine / , Woman's flab Food Sale On April 28 Members of the McHenry Woman's club will hold" a 'food sale at the George Justen and Son furniture store on Saturday, April 28. Those contributing are reminded that donations should be at the store not later than 10 o'clock that day. ^®or further information, members may call 585-M-l or 55-R. RINGWOOD W.S.C.S, PLANS STILE SHOW Plans are < progressing; ffcMr a stimmer style show, spons<i5fed' py the Evening W.S.C.S. of the Ringwood Methodist church, on May 16, at 8 o'clock daylight saving time, in th^ Ringwood church hall. The revue is being conducted Ijy Jeannette's Style shop, with Accessories to be furnished by Dorothy Schaefer's JVIilliu^ry shop. The very latest sunimerstyles will be modeled by the Evening W.S.C.S. and the Ringwood church chciT. Entertainment and light refreshments are being planned. Tickets will be available at the style and millinery shops or may be purchased from any W S.Q.S. m e m b e r . : ' 1 WED APRIL 7 • Phot by Ma* Kolift artM. ROBF.RT AFELD Miss Phyllis Smith daughter of PERSONALS Mra. Glenn RobisoA Of Woodstock called on McHenry relatives on Monday. Mrs. Jean Thall has Returned to Chicago after spending several weeks visiting in the Wallace Dobyns home. - The Misses MargaretfvJ^d Lenora Hardigan of Chicago were the guests of their uncle. Rev, Fr. Edward C. Coakley, pastor of St. Patrick's parish, last week. Sunday guests in the Jacob Justen home were Fred Meyier and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and children of Spring Grc>ve, Mr. and M is. Eugene Meyer of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp <of Rvanston. . Mr. a'-.d Mi's Charles Prda returned last week after acciOfn^aiiytended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the ladies" sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Laurel D. Mitchell, in Waukegan on Sunday. Dr. and Mtnj. W. Pape of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sari McAndrews. Mrs. Nellie Bacon visited In the Harold Bacon and Weston Bacon homes in Crystal Lake last weekend. . . r . Mr. V and Mrs. George Lindsay attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs.1 Mary Parks, 93, in Antioch last Friday. Burial was in North Bristol cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence olf Chicago spent the weekend wit| her mother, Mrs. Mollie Given*. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seegert ett» tertained their children, who raside in Chicago, last Sunday. =*=*** . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kelley and _ daughter, Sara Mae, of Wonder™ Lake were callers in the home of his mother, Mrs. Wynne JoJitz, on Saturday. , -------•' •' "VJ •- THANK TOTTt ' i -;f -i To the voters of McHenry, n(|f, . siiicere appreciation for your st} port in my re-election for polii magistrate on April 17, 1851. 49 / LARRY J. HU' 7 i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Mc- ,Miss. Marion Brefeld to Ho. 1 Henry, was united in marriage to Springs, Ark., after ahe hall come D«hd.t Afnirt nf Ponn<l 't nVa to McHenry to attend funeral ser- WEt) TEECENTrf THE EDWARD ADAMS Now at home in Fair Oaks subdivision, McHenry, are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Adams, who were married in St. Mary's church in February. Mrs. Adams is the former Miss Margaret Johnston of Wauconda. The newlyweds wewK photographed as they cut th$ rge wedding cake at the recepwhich followed their wedding. (Jill'l' ieu-g< J,t^n Mr. Robert Afeld of Round Lake in a ceremony performed at St. Mary's church on Saturday, April 7. The newlyweds are residing ifa McHenry. ' ' IIIIHHIHHHIHIIHIIIIHHillWHIWHIIIIWWIIIHHIIIIUir AMONG THE SICK iiHUiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiHi Mrs. Wynne Jolitz Is still • confined tb her home, where her condition remains about the same. Mrs. Paula Springing J»as been a surgical patient at th^ Woodstock hospital. '* "• f ' ' Carol Hendrick lias'b^en a patient in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Donald Doherty has been ill at the Woodstock hispital this week. Mrs. Esther Leek band of Wonder Lake was a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital last week. Mrs. Albieum D. Corkell of Orchard Beach has been a patient In St. Luke's hospital, Chicago. James Daly has tiTeen a medical patient In the Woodstock hospital. Read the Want Adsf vices of her grandmother.. Miss Brefeld." a nurse at the Army-Navy General hospital in Hot Springs, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brefeld of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Phanr.enstill, Mr and Mrs. Henry Kennebecn. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer at- EDUCATION a t / , / BANKING ; fNROLLMENT IN C0UEOES f ^ .. AND PftOFCSStONAL SCHOOLS Furniture Cleaning CHAIRS^ SOFA 9xlt RUGS $7^0 CLEAXE® $6.50 $13^0 . Carvings refinishel at no extra charge. If It Needs Cleaning, - We'll Clean It. SPECIALIZ1N0 IN ORIENTAL RFOS. . All Work Guaranteed No Shrinkage FfSS Pick Up -- Delivery , Cleaning On Location "r CRYSTAL LAKE CLEANING SHOP Phone Crystal Lake US 118 North Main Street MMMp • Many parents are making it possible for u their children to enjoy the benefits of-"" higher education by the systematic accumulation funds; We invite you to . make regular deposits in an account here # for this viijQi purpose. Come in at ony time, MeHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , Member Federal Reserve System M JuvenlleH Plaa Te Install Officers " The juveniles of St.S-Clara's court W.C.O.F., are planning installation of officers, to take place Monday, April 30. There will be a pot-luck supper served at St. Mary's - St. Patrick's school hall preceding • the installation, to which members may bring their mother or a guest. iff Springtime.., X Renew that subscription' to, the Plaindealer now. 4 •f LUNCH SERVED GREEN STREBf * MeHENRY, ILL. w^Vvou LILY OF THE VALLEY M O I N :b En]oy It in refraahlno bouquet.Lavish Bath | - fowderl So perfectly attuned )fc Springtime lithe ever- »{* ' enchanting fragrance of ,.l|Mugoet.. .cool as garden D " • A CLOCK §ALE M ' - 9:00 A.M.- Till Noon -- Saturday No, we are not selling clocks . . . . but we are filing merchandise with values up to $22.50. Come and make your selection from our special groups DRESSES tl" oose "r Tt for E'i Conomyi • r.r ahodowsi BOLGER' S 40 vwy V V V V V r How do you purchase by the clock? Ilfs simple--the time by the clock is the actual price that you pay for your purchase. The clock sale will be for SATURDAY, APRIL 21st onlyrand will be between the houfs of 9:00 a. m. until 2:00.noon. Here is an example: You come in and make your selection, give it to one °{ our sales ladies and look at the clock. That is the price you pay--if you purchase a dress at 9:20 a.m., all you have to pay is $9.20. \K, SATURDAY -MORNING AT 9:00 A. M. - COME TO JEANNETTE'S CLOJK SALE. --^--IT'S FUN^ IT"SL EXCITING, JTTLL BE^ SAVINGS FOR YOU! AH Ail lai» JEANNETTE'S STYLE SHOP 'Inai ELM STREET MeHENRY. ILL. Sales Final sipripm St*iuUrd equipment, (Kcasofut arid trim illustnted are sM\fect tt chtnp without wttice. It is true, of course, that when men and women tngye up to Cadillac, their motivating thought is not economy. Their hearts are set on owning the "Standard of the World." But if they needed another impulse to moiaethem to Cadillac, it could certainly be found in the car's remarkable record for practicality. Even on the basis of its initial cost, a Cadillac represents a surprisingly sound investment. Indeed, some half million American motorists are driving other makes of cars which actually, cost them more than they would have had to invest if they had purchased new Cadillacs 1 . ' ' ' ^ i|nd the surprise is no less when you look to the everyday aspects of Cadillac's economy. Few could ask for greater mileag^ from a gallon of gasoline. And the car's freedom fronr -- the needs of service--beyond the routine--hatlong been traditional. -t And finally, of coursej, is Cadillac's amazing capacity to serve--the years and years of wonderful utility designed and built into it. Yes--when you want a Cadillac car, you want it for what it is, and foes, and represents? But what an extraordinary satisfaction it is to reflect that it is also so eminently practical! > Weierply rtzrtt tfutt we art unable to deliver new CadiQac ems without tame delay. But tie demand for the car is unprecedented--and much of the company's energies and materials are now being devoted to the needs of national security. Once the car is delivered into your kvadf% k»9*f*r% m know you'U ogree that--patience aatt favught a ritier reward* 'S OVERTON CADILLAC-I PHONE 17 "400 FRONT STREET MeHENRY, ILLINOIS 1 ' 1

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