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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1951, p. 6

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' ' ' • ' * • . *„V ,•>' * •'"'*' ;y • '«»• : J--... 71' 'j TV*^ *»JV*-"J"J * I WW" >> •<?,*"' H* '^ ^ , 'jF r^.( f „* » t4 * v •' ' -» i , .' , V i , ^ *,.-' J ' ' '•»*»«. -"-- V .. ^ f - - +- -.311^ L"» -r ••" <: V'*'L: .<••/ .«".?••• - • • &-"*v *" "'-• "< ' "h • ,** *« • *•> ' '-- * C "j'i. - Jl«- -» . riMuiuJL.. ...ill- - & T^,7T -ivr'nj?*' «?--«*. • rfS-'-:. <U Tlragpdar, April 19, 19S1 b April is at I to Mr. and A son was bora the Woodstock hos /Mrs. Harold M. Just en! ~ A boo was born April 5 at St. ^Tfcerwt hospital, Wttukegan, to •Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wieden- ^•loeft are the parents of a aon, wnyit the Woodstock hospital on •Apfn 11. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dohm of Woodstock are the parents of a •daughter, born April ll at the Woodstock hospital. ~ Mr. and Mr6. Leonard. Fretmd are the parents of a 9% lb. daughter, Darlette Mary, born at the Woodstock hospital April 14. They hftvp one other child, a son, John, vftfra. Freuftd is the former Leoda McCarthy, daughter of Police Chief .°JM1 Mrs. John J. McCarthy; I COMIKG EVENTS April SI V.F.W. and Auxiliary Joint Installation of Officers. " _ Cttb Scout Meetings-Legion Home --% p.m. , April 28*24 ^ -Rummage Sale--Lannes Tower-- 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. April 24 Paat Officers Night, O.E.I. " C.D. ot A, Social Meeting --- Last Party in Card Tournament. April 2t Community P.T.A. Meeting--8 P.M. St. Clara's Court, W.C.O.F. Installation. Public Dessert Card Party-- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- Sponsored by Circle 2, W.S.C.S Ringwood W.S.C.S. Cafeteria' Sup- -per. April 28 Party At American Legion Home Public Invited. ApriVll St. Clara's Court Juvenile Instal- ' lation. Girl Juvenile Foresters Pot-Luck /Supper -- 6 P.M.--Installation of Officers. May 1 Wat River Valley Camp, R.N.A. -- Susan Olsen Home, i -. May 2 8t^ Mary's-St Patrick's School •» P.TA. Adult Girl Scoqt Association -- American Legion Home -- 1:30 P.M. Hay 4 STOLLEft-KQSTl VOWS EXCHANGED ; In a pretty Wedding solemnised in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of 8t. Patrick's church last Saturday afternoon, April 14, Miss Patricia Irene Stoller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoller, became the bride of Mr. George Kosti, son of Mrs. 8ophla Kosti. Rev. F. Edward C. Coakley officiated at the nuptial ^ervice, which took place at 3:30 o'clock. Acting as maid of honor was a close friend. Miss Janice Justeti, while two sisters of the bride, the Misses Carol and Roberta Stoller, were bridersmaids. The bride waa charming In a white satin dress, with fingertip veil and tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet made up of calla lilies. > . : Miss Justen was attired In a gold satin dreBs ind matching headpiece and carried a bouquet of carnations. Miss Roberta wort? blue satin dress and matching headpiece and Miss Carol was attired in a similarly styled dress of orchid color. Both carried bouquets of carnations. Gilbert Moscinski, friend of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Harold Weingart and Charles Brocken. Mrs. Stoller chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of tan lace, with matching accessories, while Mrs.ett^sti was attired in blue lace wlflT blue and white accessories. Refreshments were served at the Stoller home following the ceremony and in the evening 300 friends and relatives gathered at the Legion Home for the wedding reception. Music was furnished by Otto Pyritz and his accordion. The couple left on a weddings trip to California And^jipon their return ,• Will reside AtMcCullom Lake. The bride attended the local high school and* has been employed at the Oaks. The groom is a McHenry high school graduate, served with the armed forces and is now employed by !£. W. Nipitz, plastering service. \ -v- : '-V- ••j", 'f.. I I I I'M * | H Residence Changes MM 1114 111 11111 n u i*»« ;; Vtm. AindUAinr »\T. and A^rs. Fred Fowles are occupying the newly made apartment in the Henry Stilling .building on Main street Spring Music Festival -- High School Gymnasium Xajr 6 Pufilic Ham Dinner--Masonic Hall 6:30 PJi. Public Dinner -- Masonic Hall -- Sponsored by O.B.S. May 8 Matron's And Patrona' Night, O.E.S. May U Rhrerview Camp, R.N.A. --Public €*»1 Party -- K. of & Hall --8 P.* • Mar 16-lt-lT Rnmihftge Sale -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society--Albert Blake's Garage. May 9S Girl Seoat Mother-Daughter TWk -- American Legion Heme. May l».2ft "OfV*f Caravan"--McHenry Chor- «A1; <Cl«b Program--High School Aaditorium. May 2S O.BJS. Stated Meeting. May 2« Altar and Rosary Sodality Annual fiake Sale--George Juataa Furniture Store. Jane 19 Faahion Show, Dessert Luncheon And Bridge Party -- Sponsored By Circle 1. W.S.C.S, Jaly 18 -F*TA. Dessert Garden Party -- I; F.M. -- V.F.W. Grounds. THANK YOUI I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends who sent carda and gifts and offered prayers in my behalf during the time I waa confined to th« hospital. These many kindnesses were greatly appreciated. PAUL GERASCH Playtex Baby Predaets Wattles Drag V McHenry I1L - •. : 42tf At the April m«*tlng plaag were made for iosttiQatlob of new officers, elected in Maroh. This installation will take place on Saturday April 21 at 8: SO p.m. at the V.F.W. Club House. It will be a Joint installation of officers of the V.F.W. and the V.F.W Auxiliary. These ctremonles ire open to the pabUc, and they are cordially invited to attend. t The delegates elected to 'the 5th District Encaihpmernt to be held la June, at Joliet, ill., were Lina Kilday, Bety Hafcck, Peggy Kraus and Eleanor Creutx. At the close of the meeting a delicious lunch was served by Luella Graham, Jeannstte Vance and Frieda Beinaffle. Twelve ladies made the monthly trip to Downey Hospital to entertain the inen in Ward 65-AB. Dorothy Weber provided entertainment with musical selections. Candy and cigarettes were distributed to the men and a lunch of sandwiches and chocolate milk was served/.-' . Legion Auxiliary County Mtoting RINGWOOD COUPLE MARRIED APRIL 6 IN GLENDAL& CALIF Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Mossy of Ringwood, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mai'y Susan, to Mr. LeRoy Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal of Ringwood, April «. . / / . - - The couple were married .at the home of a cousin of Miss Muzzy's in Glendale, calif., by the pastor of the First Methodist church. Both young people t are former reaidents of Ringwood. Miss Muzzy graduated front the McHinry high school and attended the University of illinois> apd De- Kalb State Teachers college. She is employed by. the Mitchel Camera corporation ih Glendale. Mr. Neal graduated from the Woodstock high school ia Sr World War II veteran, attended the California Aero School of Aeronautics in Glendale- and the Univer sity of SQuthern California. He is employed by the International Airlines at Burbank. Until their new home is finished in Pomona, their present address is 4M West Wlllson avenne, Glendale, Calif. \ SUPPORT BILL Stptforting Senate Bill 141, which "would correct the 'stepchild' status of chiropractic," more than 5,000 persons from throughout Illinois attended a meeting in the Springfield artnory on Wednesday, April 18. Dr. Edgar E. Peaslee of 120 Green street, McHenry. is a local member of Prairie state's district 3, of which Dr. Merle J, Cullen of Waukegan is chairman. The district embraces McHenry, Lake and Kane counties. ON OOLOEN Mrs. Bob Myers of Round Lake, better known In McHenry as Eddie Meath Myers, and her husband and family of two children, Bobby, 14, and Dolly 2%. visited the home of Mra. Myers' parents in Boise, Idaho, recently. The occasion for the long cross-conntry drive was the celebration of the Golden wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Edwards. While in Boise the Myers spent ten busy days being entertained' and visiting relatives and friends in Boise. Bobby proudly preaentthe Edwards with a pair of golden lace-trimmed slippers to grace the table during the cele* bration. He had worked arduous* ly at this task for many hours but his efforts were rewarded by tfte delighted exclamations of friends and the appreciation shown by the Edwards. Mrs. Myers had given yonng Bob many mental pictures of her girlhood home but found many changes and improvements had taken place since her last visit. Although Eddie has been a resident of Round Lake Park for many months, she is still very active in McHenry. She is a past president of the American Legion Auxiliary and is now chairman of the child welfare committal for this organization. Mrs. May Duckett, second from left, was guest speaker at the county council meeting held in McHenry recently, with the local American Legion Auxiliary unit as hostesses. Pictured, left right, are Frances Flood, secretary; Mrs. Duckett, president D«- . partment of Illinois; Emily Cowlia, . president county council; and Gradelle Proper, treasurer. - . - CiSp or TMAtfKS X would like to take this opportunity to thank friends for their kindness to us in my recent illness. Everything was greatly appreciated. 49 MRS. PAULA 8PRINGMAN Ne% Classified Ads awmiC« Old Ads Disappei «£:Reaao» Qlilck Restt •A ' GRANTED DIVORCE Eileen Rosenquist of McCullom Lake was granted a divorce from Carl L. Rosenquist in the circut court before Judge William M. Carroll. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The partnership of J. Stendebach and .Carl Scbwitzer d/b/a Lakewood Builders has been dissolved and Carl Schwitzer shall operate said Lakewood Builders as sole owne^'. J. Stendebach is no longer responsible for any claims against Lakewood Builders arising subsequent to this date. CARD Of THANKS We would like to-take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended, jn our bereavement. We are espfeially . grateful for the services of Fr. Coakley, Rt Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer and Fr. Steve. THE FAMILY OF 49 R. I. OVERTON M'Henry Ladies Took Part In Home Bureau Workshop Cooperators interested in "Slip Covers'* attended a workshop last week, conducted by Miss Dorothy J. Iwig, home furnishings specialist, University of Illinois. Mrs. Arthur Hoppp of McHenry, special project chairman, McHenry county Home Bureau, organized and made arrangements for the workshop, held at the Baptist church, Woodstock. Miss Iwig demonstrated the five piece pattern method, using muslin. seams trimmings, and the suitability of various materials. Mrs. Willis H. Gardner, Solon Mills; M/rs. Elwyn O'cock, Union; Inez M. Hare, Crystal Lake; Mrs. F. L. Johnson. McHenry; Mrs. M. McCullougli. Mrs. O. Pagles, Mrs. C. A. Papperman, Mrs. C. Theagaard, and Mrs Carl E. Wittmus, Harvard; furnished chairs for the demonstrations and {or the group to work on. Others attending were: Mrs. Earl Townsend, Richmond; Mrs. Dorothy Morrison, Richmond; Mrs. Amelia Passow, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Walter Zimmerman, Woodstock; Mrs. Minnie Martin, Mrs. Lilliam Karr and Mrs. Margel Trexell, McHenry. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this way of thanking Fr. Blitsch, the American Legion, relatives, neighbors and frjends for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended us in our bereavement. THE FAMILY O? 49 . PAUL HUFF Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. gtf CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to thank all of our friends and neighbors for floral otrerings, cards of sympathy and the many other kindnesses extended in our reccnt bereavement. We wish to thank Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer, Fr. Coakley and Fr. Miller for their kindness to us. tfHE JACOB THIES FAMILY VONT DELftV! - , Check jour FIR! INSURANC«/#I» . JACOB FRITZ, Realtor TELEPHONE McHENBY »7 ^ JOHNSBUKfi, XeHSNBYK< * Representing The Travelers Fire Insurance Company, Hartfort MARRIAGE LICENSES Gas is OK in Balloons, But Not in Your Stomach Some people feel like a Swollen ]>alloon after every meal. They !>loat full of gas and rift up acid- - t>us liquids for hours after eating. CERTA-VIN is helping such gas "victims" all over McHenry. This new medicine helps you digest food faster and better. Taken before jmeals it works with your food. Gas pains go! Inches of bloat vanish! Contains herbs and Vitamin B-l with Iron to enrich the blood and make nerves stronger. Weak miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering. Get CERTA-VIN --i Bolger Drug Store. -- Birthday Party AT THE BRIDGE "BIG GILL" ON ' ^ ' FMDAY EVENING, APRl 20th Friends iaviiedjtar Btw. Sandwiches and Music; '• 9 P. M. to Midnight ONLY TON) HAS SPIN CURLERS TWICE AS EASY*-TWICE AS FAST toni Refill Kit. With new won^ der-working Permafix for a wave you can't tell from naturally curly hair. . . . . . . $1.00 Ton! SPIN Curlers. No more rubber bands --all plastic --allin- onei They grip...spin...lock with a flick of the finger. Value . ....... . . $2.oo' *t°° VALUE - ONLY PHONE OLGER'S McHENRY, ILL* DESTROY / Qeorge Kosti. McCullom Lake, and Patricia Stoller, McHenry; James Wall and Mrs. Wanda Anderson, McHenry. RATS and MICE Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles l)mg Store, McHenry. 8tf 111 H-ilM 11 •TV>e maa who whispers In aj well ' 4 rAtottt the things he has to sell,* iSvill never make as manyi£ J | ilollars ') As he who climbs a tree and ! pollers. • • « ? . USE THE ; ^CLASSIFIED PAGE TO ll/ SELL FOR YOU! i ; \\ Try It Today ... Find :: ! I Out For Yourself! j| Advertising i WITH g NEW MIB&r.T.F IfTT.T.gHil d-CON with LUREX GUARANTEED TO RID YOUR PLACE OF RATS IN 15 DAYS. RATU-BKIT 42 CONTAINS WARFARIN Pay^ McHeSry - [ Plaindealef J i < i u< 111 m i i n im f 4KM|tK' -tom ') ' 'TEED RATS TO DEATH1* GET SOME TO-DAY AT BOLGER'S DRUG STORE from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES The Stasaiional "Hctv Tireitont OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRE Tkt Famous Patented Tinstone TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE J. FREUND TIRES -- TUBES -- BATTERIES _ ACCESSORIES * \ flEE and TUBE VTLCANlfciNli • ' * • ALL WOPIC iilARAXTEED " - PHONE 294 ' - MTEST McHENBY •aliM CARPENTRY l GENERAL REPAIR WORK FARMS -- HOMES -- STOBB8 CABINETS BUILT TO ORDER. '..o, -. Mlfh Quality Work At Lon Yrlftfe FREE ESTIMATES' RUSSEL H. LUTZ. St. ' Rt 1, Box 6»2-B Inge side, Hlinels \ , Phono Fox Like 7-5228 BIAWIFVL IMWHS XOHtt USY the Scott*. MTiir « T M M « Scoot across the yard with a hopperful of Turf Build# and lawn is fed to rich color and beauty. Then a ^pjick jaunt with seed to carpet thoi^ tpro SftOh with luxuriant grass. ; Sootfc LAWN SEED Go» boovitiful turf by using a third as much -- 3,000,000 seeds oer pound. 1 lb -- $1.55 5 lbs - 47.65 SMCIAL PUKPOSi Seed for drier seib, dMp shade, phy areas -- fast growing. I /b -- 5 lb, - U.I5 Complet# grassfood. One pouraf feeds grass better than. 3 lbs ordinary fertilizers Feed 2500 sq ft-$2.30 10,000 sq ft - $7A$ M BJORKMAN'S "RIVERSIDE HARDWARE" - 1M RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHEMlY, ILLINOIS , PHONE McHENRY7M at/0'2O%as#/ YOU CAN DO IT WITH k DEEffllEEZE HOME FKEEZII A Dv?epfre«ze home freezer helps you savt money in all these ways« . You buy in quantities at lowest quantity price®. You shop ahead when prices are right and quality is rightest. You banish the monotony or leftovers--end needless spoilage and waste. You save on transportation costs--gasoline--wear and tear on car--shoe leather--bus fare. , You save shopping time--as much as an hour Of two every day. ( - ^ • You save cooking and baking time • as much three or four hours a week. Figure it out for yourself I Can you afford not to own a Deepfreeze home freezer? Stop in at our store today. Let us prove to yoo-- with your own food budget figures--that you can A live better at 10 to 20% lower cost with a Deepfreeze home freezer--that it actually pays for itself with the money it saves. Below. De Luxe Model C-12. 12.3 --7- cubic ft. holds more than 430 lbs., assorted perishable foods. $459.9& delivered Other models for any size purse--any size family. Small down payment. Baay tqjrtBS. HBBpftEBZB fHIiAtM 4MMAllR» IINM Oa flt M»AfV. W(MLL HOMB Fillz« tic fcfarfe a Zhfc*xsfaiZ*m>/ CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP ett (s SL, .O

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