mm PLAINDEALER published every Thursday at Mc- Henry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. HAflONAl HI W. BURFBINDT, Gen. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE '%'jMmc .._ Plaindealer Want Ad» ' No ads counted less than " 25 wohJs. 75c minimum. 1 insertion 75c Count 5*Vords per line) 15c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum • Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, III., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers jCOMMFNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street xl.Jtpea daring week t A.M. !• 7 PJ(4 Sundays - • A.M. to 1 FJ. lltf 1M7 FORD IV* ton stock body Mlruck. In good condition. Phone McHenry 616-R-l *50 FOR SALE-- '40 Plymouth Deluxe (P10). Seminol and Ute St. Wonder Lake, 111. *50 FOR SALE -- lMl. Cadillac (62) touring sedan 2 tone blue, radio, heater. Nylon seat covers. New tires with extra set used tires. Motor newly overhauled. Blue l^boral wax finished in perfect condition. Write Box 406-A. Rt. 1, McHenry or call 616-M-l. Mrs. Alexander. -•* 60 FOR SALE--1946 Dodge coupe; 4 brand new tires and innertube; radio and heater; in excellent condition. Must sell. Will sacrifice for $650. Phone Wauconda MSB. 50 EST CARS ALL PRICED BELOW CEILINH WITH 60 DAY WARRANTY, 1949-Dodge "Coronet" 4 dr, < 1949-Dodge "Coronet" club : : 1949-Studebaker "Storline" club cp. IMS-Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan \ 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe 1947-Ford "Super 6" Tudor 1947-Plymouth "Spec. DeLuxe" Sedan 1946-Dodge Custom Club Coupe Plus a Wide Selection of Other Models and Many Trucks Our service department is in operation daily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Except Sunday and Holidays. A. S. Blake Motor Sales, lac. Ml Pearl St. VeMenrjr Phone 1M FOR SALE -- Brand new Indian fnotorcycle engine 30.50 cu. in. displacement. Complete with transmission. Ready to run. Phone McHenry 203-J. 60-2 FOR SALE--1949 Ford Custom 2- door, 6 cylinder, heater, radio underrating. spotlight, fog lights white wall tires, very low mileage. Like new. Best offer. Telephone Fox Lake'7-5315 after 5 p.m. *60 * BUSINESS SERVICE UPHOLSTERING Beautiful new patterns for your home furniture in Frieze, Mat-, lasse,- Tapestry, Quiltad Plastic. Write Vic's Upholstery Service . R. R. 1, PIstaqaa Height* if Call McHenry &1-R-1. *484) HAULING Sand. Gravel and Black Dirt. COGHLAN BROTHERS Burton's Bridge Phone Crystal Lake 1319-R-l 49-1 GENERAL CONTRACTING - ; NEW HOMES - •' REMODELING >1; . " and CARPENTER WORK?, ^ Satisfaction Guaranteqi^ Estimates - : C. D. KINSEY Phone MeHenry m#! FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLB "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. S2t| 47tf STUB SERVICE -- Standing at Herendeen Farm. mile from 17® and 31 near Crystal Lake, 111. Cachalot by Supremus - Chacolet. Started 16 times as 3 yr. old. Won 6, 2nd 5, 3rd 3 times at Belmont and Saratoga. Fee $5Q. Phone Crystal Lake 20. *6-4 LAWN MOWERS -- Sharpened and repaired. Lawns and vacant lots Mowed. Motor Service. Power Mowers for sale. Joe Filip, Burton Bridge. Phone Crystal Lake 1313-R-2. 60 BLINDS AND SHADES -- Custom made Venetian blinds and window shades; carpeting, linoleum, rubber and asphalt tile. Nks< n'g Floors, 523 Main street, West McHenry. Tel. 63 or 38. 44-8 CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. AN OU8TAFSON 'v- :t«L McHenry 748' HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tank's, cisterus cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary 8ervice. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. fc 29tf BUSINESS SERVICE -- Plumbing and repair work; free estimates on plumbing and well repair. Phone 4 Wauconda 6-1113. *60 BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to \arge murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 RfVerside Drive, McHenry. Pbone 275. -- RALPH L. CLARK . Piano Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B , • ;u • ---HOME REPAIRS • We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. •tf CESiSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS -- Phone McHenry 77C-W Mtf CLEAN THE DURA-CLEAN WAY Have your carpets, rugs and furniture cleaued and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. Phone McHenry 593-M-2 or Round Lake 6-2223. *41-10 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER 8YSTEMS -- We sell repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING " Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich i6341. 37-tf FINE OUALITY PAINTING AND DECORATING Expert wall washing and cleaning. Reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 634-W-2 between 7 and 8:30 or all day Sat. and Sun. *48-2 CARPENTER WORK ROOFING -- SIDING REMODELING F^W Estimates -- Terns Phone: Wonder Lake niter { pjn. Helen Weber Says: 41-4 CEMENT Buraonro BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 86tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction •awt. p. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5tt PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS - New semester bbeeggiinnss April 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 it 1:00 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 ©* GARBAGE COLLECTING --Let us dispose of your garbage each week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf McHENRY CLEANERS M Elm Street McHeary PHONE Mi-M * 00 TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or fly control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, p\ O. Round Lake, Res. Volo. \ 47tf ) ; cALL MAKES -- ALL SIZES -- NEW and UStil 1 v SPEED BOATS --^CRUISERS' -- OITBOARDS -- ROWBOATS USED OUTBOARD MOTORS v . ; v All Makes and Models - 2 to 33 H. P. 1 McHENRY BOAT COMPANY - ' - CHUCK COLES, Prop.. . •••-••/• PHONE McHENRY m-'\ " . v"; E»d. of Wanbegan Street at the' Rtw ; ".7: McHenry, 111. ~ Phone: McHenry 121-J / licensed III. & Wis. Broker FOR SALE -- Income Property. 2 year-round homes, full baths, one furnished, on 4 lots beautifuliy landscaped. For quick sale, full price $7,000. Cash. Call McHenry 628-J-2. 45-"8 FOR SALE A* 1 FOR SALE -- -Used'Width* material. Phone McHenry 546-R-2. *50 FOR SALE--4 poster walnut bed, matress and spring. $25. Drop leaf kitchen table, $4. Inverted S tier bowl metal floor lamp, $3. Call 797-R. 60 SPRING SELLING Made Easy Thru Want-Ads PHONE 170 „ Ye* Find What You Want Sell What Yon Don't Waat Thru Pktladcaler Want Ads ^PHONE 170 FOR SALE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO TBS Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Icc cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Ptoannen still; „ 49tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. Kilt*, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 649. 7tf FOR SALE--Like new 9x12 red rug and pad $125. Call McHenry 690-J-1. 50 FOR SALE -- 1949 Evinrude 3.3 H. P. weedless fisherman outboard motor. Like new. Perfect condition $110. Phone McHenry 721 after 6 p.m. 60 FOR SALE--Chicken equipment, including chicken picker and scales; alao buffet. Tel. McHenry 525-R-2. 60 FOR SALE -- Five piece white reed porch furniture set Phone McHenry 310. 50-2 FOR SALE--$229 1951 12^-inch Sentinel floor model television; single control; demonstrator; $174.50. 10-inch 1950 Westinghouse table model television, $86. Coles Radio Service, phone McHenry 303. 60 FOR SALE -- Madison silos, all sizes, hooped for grassr--14x40: complete for $1261.25. Also free estimates for Durfee Bros., roofing, siding, intallation. eave troughs and lightning rods. Cement silo repaic, on inside of silo. Learn more about AA-4Y1 treatment-. Recommended by University of Wisconsin and Madison Silo Company. Frank Ehredt,' Phone 0-2223, Round Lake. *50-2 FOR SALE -- 12 ft. outboard boat. Full deck; single cockpit in rear. Fully equipped with steering wheel; speedometer, deadman throttle, plus steering pullies and oable. Phone McHenry 20"-J. C0-* FOR SALE--One 1« H.P. Johnson outboard motor $100. Phone McHenry 523-J-2. ' *50-2 FOR SALE -- 1 Brass bed and spring. Call McHenry 574-W-2. 60 FOR SALE -- Five-hundred chick brooder. Two sets of 15 nests each. Maytag washing machine. Enamel cook stove. Call Fox Lake 7-5313. . *50 HELP WANTED WANTED -- Experienced radio and T.V. serviceman. Full time. Top Salary. Excellent working conditions. Carsella's Radio. Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1751. 44-tf FOR SALE -- Piano, reasonable. Phone 611-M-2! *50 FOR SALE--White formal, size 9, reasonable. Phone Johnsburg 600-M-l. 60 FOR SALE--1949 Maytag deluxe wash machine; aluminum tub. $90. Phone McHenry 603-M-2 50 FOR SALE -- G. E. Refrigerator. 6 cu. ft., reasonable. Also kitchen sink., left hand apron. Call 675-W-l H. A. Seegert. *50 FOR SALE--Ladies clothing, dresses, suits, coats and blouses. Size 40. Will sell separately. Reasonable, Tucker Bldg. Riverside and Pearl st Lower rear apt. , *60 FOR SALE--Roper white tabletop bottle gas stove, $50. Builder's saw, $75. Call McHenry 648-J-2. 50 FOR SALE--Used Monarch electric stove, very reasonable. Phone McHenry 676-W-l. 60 FOR SALE--Pure bred Irish setter puppies 2 months old. Train them now for next year's hunting. Moving must sell very cheap. Phone 573-J-l. 60 Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer m FOR SALE--Practically new Switzer Baby Bullet racing boat Also 7% H. P. Champion Hot rod motor used only a few times. Can be seen Sunday, April 29. Chas. Bergdahl, Deepspring Sub. No. 1, Wonder Lake. *60 HELP WANTED ^ FIRST. SECOND and THIRD SHIFTS. STEADY WORK -- 48 HOUR WEEK Time and a half after forty hours." /-V. APPLY American Steel Treating Co. Route 31, One Mile North Route 17l|> TEL. CRYSTAL LAKE 24 "3 WANTED--EXPERIENCED COOK, Male, Female or couple. Stay or go home nights. References required. For summer months, June 25 to Sept. 1. Also weekends in May, June, Sept. and Oct. Camp Duncan, Y.M.C.A. Near Volo/ Contact Pete Sorensen, camp director. Duncan Y.M.C.A., 1515 W. Monroe St, Chicago 7, 111. Phone Haymarket 1-7800. 45-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor. Phone Wdnder Lake 221. 41-tf HELP WANTED--Girls for pressing. Experience not necessary; will teach. Local Cleaners, Green St., McHenry. Tel. 20. 50-S HELP WANTED W ANTED -- Man experienced in cart' and feeding hogs; also man for general farm work. Modern houses furnished. Hickory Creek Farms. Phone McHenry (J70-M-2. Leo J. Smith. Mgr. 50-3 Hl.LP WANTED -- Housekeeper; part care of children own room and bath. Ca\l Woodstock 1617-M-2 or write Mrs. H. E. Hall, Rt. 3, Woodstock. 50-2 HELP WANTED -- Girl, for general office work. Experienoed. Write to Box 158, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 50-tf HELP WANTED Experienced mechanic. Steady job.'i*^Tel. 403, McHenry^Garage,-604 Front St. 50-tf SALESMAN -- Opportunity for a good man in the FEED BUSINESS. Reliable firm needs a man in this community McHenry. Age 25 to 50. Needs a car. Will be employee and eligible for welfare benefits Write IJox 167 McHenry Plaindealer. *50 HELP WANTED--Man for seasonal tn&intenance work around beach and cottages. State age,-experience and salary expected. Phil's Beach, Wauconda, jlll. 50 FOR SALE -- 5-room year-round home, fully insulated, automatic floor furnace. Will sell completely furnished including 16-in. T.V. set and nearly new refrigerator. One block from Wonder Lake, $7,500. Willard Fryer, main blacktop rd. Wonder Woods subdivision. 3 blks. from Thomas Grocery. *49-2 FOR SALE -- 2 story, 7 room frame house and garage. Centrally located. Also 4 cu. ft. refrigerator; upright piano. Cheap. Martin Stoffel, 109 Pearl St., McHenry. *50 FOR SALE HOMES, FARMS FOR SALE -- 6-rooms, large lot, beautiful evergreen trees, full basement, oil heat North of Johnsb u r g . ' ' V v . . • 5-roatn' summer honie completely furnished near Pistakee Lake and Fox River. 5-room all year home Sunnyside Beach, water front. 2 lots in rear. McHenry--4-rooms. full basement, North of St Patrick's Church. FARM--147 Acre* Dairy Farm, 'f mile./ North of Johnsburg, Farm ifr*fne is Oljl Heated, on Black-Top Road FARM -- 142 Acre 300 feet water front. 12 boats. Suitable for store and resort, for Appointment call. JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE In JOHNSRCRG, TEL. MrHENRY 87. . 4fMf WANTED -- Waitress, bartender, cook and dishwasher. Apply at McHenry Country Club in person. 50 HELP WANTED -- Woman to do ironing in my hoifte one day a week, preferably Monday^ Phono Wonder Lake 981. . 50-2 FOR RENT FOR SALE -- Must be sold to close estate, 8-room house, Bay View Lane, on Pistakee Bay; large boathouse. concrete basement, large'lot, fruit trees. Inquire of John J. Barnings, Box 97, Rt. 3, McHenry. *60-2 CARDS MAKE YOUR SELECTION W5W WHILE OUR STOCK l§ MOST COMPLETE /' -j GET A NORCROSS CARI> AND SET THE BESTV • * BOLGER'S DRUG STORE LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Will person who" exchanged grey gabardine coat by mistake at the Starlight, dance please phone 406-W. 50 FOUND -- Male Springer spaniel, thoroughbred. Owner may have by identifying. Gall McHenry W, V Our Pipe Sfflekm Tlie average Ameerriiccaain _ smoker will use about oor-talI: ounce of tobacco daily. * John Cooney, a student at the University of North Dakota, visited his father, Martin Cooney, for a , few hours this past week. He had I come to Chicago with a group of engineering studoutti from thr l*ni-. versity^to make a tour.of large! industrial plants. . 1 Tie Bemuttfwl FOR SALE--Year round home, 3 bedrooms. 2 upstairs, 1 down. Oarage in basement. Furnace heat. Phone Wonder Lake 298. *50-3 FOR RENT--Good pasture land at Burton's Bridge. About 30 acres. Inquire at Worzsniak's Tavern. Phone Crystal Lake 1377-J-2. 50 WANTED TORRENT WANTED TO RENT --COTTAGE FOR ONE WEEK during month of July. Must be on river or adjoining lake/tlottage large enough to accomodate 4. Cooking facilities not a requirement. Write HARRY CAIN, S33 Brinton Ave. Dixon, III. ' , 50-2 WANTED HELP WANTED--' Girl or woman for house work by day. Phone McHenry 483. 50 HELP WANTED--Man to work on beverage route. Salary and bonus. See Dale Thomas or cal) McHenry 27 for appointment. 50-2 WANTED -- Waitress for week ends. Must furnish own transportation. Pink HadJson's.1 Phone McHenry 323. , - • 60 E L M WAUCONDA ROUTE 176 PHONE 4.14V1 Matinee Sunday StSO P.M. Co n't NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Special Matinee Saturday 1:30 p.m. Regular Feature Pins 5 Cartoons THI'RS^ FRI. & SAT., APRIL 2«-27-£8 ITS A RIOT! Marjarle Main Perry Kilbride In «MA and PA KETTLI RACK ON THE FARM" Si". A rfONn APRIL 29-80 Doris Day Gene Nelsou in "LrLLARY OF BROADWAY* (In Technicolor) Con't Sunday^from 2:S0 P. M. TIES- WED. S: THURS„ MAY 1-2-3 Rutfi Roman Zachary Scott Mereedes MeCsmbridge In "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE* WANTED -- Dead animals. Don't bury or giye your dead stock away. Highest prices guaranteed. Call Orville Freiind, McHenry 15f or 686-W-2. *48-4 WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines** with liberf al commissions. Manufacturers re*- presentative. R. Duane Fowler, Woodstock ,Box 334. Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe). I5tf FRI. A SATm APRIL 27-28 Matinee Saturday at 8:30 P. M. "THREE HUSBANDS* and Jeel McCrea , • In "RAMROD" " Si"" APR1L89*39 Matinee Sunday at 2:S0 P..M. "OUR VERY OWN" with Farley Granger - Am Blyth Plus _ COMEDY CARNIVAL Little Rascals in "Spooky Hooky* Stooge Comedy "Self Made Maids*" Disney Cartoon "Food For Feudin* "Wild Water Champions* Late News TUES."I"WEDm MAY 1-2 Claudette Colbert In "THE SECRET FURY* • I't 1111 H I• 11 »<••»#*!•»• ' O HOME FOR ANOTHER SEASON If interested in buying or listing your property with us,will be greatly appreciated, HANK NELL, representing, -- JACOB FRIT/ REAL ESTATE In JOHNSBURG. Tel. McHenry 3f, Res. McHenry 618-W-l. 50-2 MISCELLANEOUS MISC.--Woodstock Accordion Lessons. Advanced and beginners; $7.75 per month Includes music and rent of accordion. Write Pierce Music Center, c/o Lorraine Whiting, 807 Dean St.. Woodstock. Tllinois. Phone Woodstock 1134-J. Also Spanish and Hawiian guitar and piano. *49-4 WED. & TH! RS== MAY 1-2-8 Irene Dnnne «^E mudlark* llHMDHMNIIttllMIHIIIINIiUlltMIMIMtMIIIIIUMIHIIINHtM Mike & Bob's SNACK BAR will open Saturday, May S at Rinirwo(Ni,s Loop Sandwlchen Malts und Shakes Sodas • SundMS Beverages- 50 NOTICE New store hours.. Crick's Grocery. Jake will Food Shop. Daily 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Beginning May 1. 1951,., iSSSSQl THE RIVIERA Show Place of thi Middle West Lake Geneva, Wiscottta DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT with ' BUD WILBUR and His Orchestra Wisconsin's Most Danceable Band rFollow the CrowdiP^: Every Saturday Night to Wisconsin's Moat Beautiful Night Club ' H.TOVAI! FRI. & SAT„ APRIL 27-2S G Inger Rogers . Jack Carson "THE GROOM WOKE SIM RS* NUN. * M(!..>„ APRIL 29-80 " Errol Fljfni "KIM" V (Technicolor) Kipling's Greatest Story V P olony McHENRY. ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Otufwt Good Vision aa« Sennd Doors Open at IH4 P. M. Screen StartK^at P. M. I K I. * SAT^ APRIL S7-8S ll»r.i(irle Main Perry Kilbride "MA and PA KETTLE HACK OX THE FARM* W«'M News k Color Cartoon SUN. A MO>„ APRIL In Teehnicolor Doris Day Oeue Nakisn (.iadys (.eorge Billy DeWaUe -LULLABY OF BROADWAY* World News A Tom 4 Jerry Color Cartoon^ Snndtiy Matinee S:Sli C»n*L <LOSED ON TUESDAY MAY 2, (One Day Only) ( Mry 4*mt Jo* Ferrer "CRISIS* Color Cartoon and Tkls Is America STARTING THURS^ MAT S In Teehnicolor 4.on is Jonrdaa Debra Paget "BIRD OF PARADISE* fAniLV0UTD00R r GRAYSLAKERTIZO&Z You WU1 Enjoy The OUTDOOR SHOW Mar* -J;' Picture Screen 45x60 Feet ; '•*&• THURS., FRI. & SAT.. APRIL 26-27 28 The funniest book to come out of the a hilarious motion plcture]^^-- DAVID WAYNES TOM minim' MARINA BERTI • JEFFREY LYNN • RICHARD EGMI Sow**) w siJuua mean • rmxn t> uowo • cmcm ij noma wti. A UNWtsAi. inuw'Km ncTUK SUN.. MON. & TUES.. APRIL 29 30. MAT 1 "ESRD OF PARADISE" -- " (In Technicolor) WED. & THURS., HAY 2 3 -4 "MATING SEASON* * Box Office Opens 6:30 P. M. Week D«y# 6 P. M. Sundays . Vjf Children 12 and under admitted FREES