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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1951, p. 6

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LEGALS r!4MflCE OF CLAIM RATE ahrtate of Charles H. Carr I>e- CMMd. Notice to hereby gtTva to all persons that Monday. J a no 4, 15>31. Is the claim date in the estate of Charles H. Carr. Debased, pending In the County Court ef McHenry Coaaty. Illinois, and that claims may ho filed ajrainst the aaM estate on or before said date Without issuance of sumn:cns. CLYDE A. CARR. Executor. Y*RM>\ J. KNOX, (Pub. April 12-19-2S) « >«TICK OF CLAIM DATE IsUte of MARGARET BREFBLD. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that June 4. l!*51, is the' claim date in the estate of Margaret Brefeld. Deceased, pending In the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of-summons. PAUL J. BREFELD, •. Administrator VfCRNON^I. KNOX, Attorney" - First publication April 19, 1961 Last publication May 3, 1951.: NOTICE OF CLAIM DUA^TTEE UlLLIAM M. CARROLL, Jr., Attorney at Law , : • Woodstock, Illinois ^ Estate of RICHARD- IRVING OVERTON, a/k/a R. I. OVERTON, Deceased. Notice is -hereby given to all persons that June, 4th, 1951, is the claim date in the estate of Richard Irving Overton, a/k/a R. I*. Overton, Deceased, pending in tlijt County Court of McHenry CjMnty, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without ice of summons. RICHARD J. OVERTON, PAUL R. OVERTON, , '• Administrator. (Pub. April 26, \May 3-10) X O T J t E JK THE MATTEtl OP THI APPLICATION OF ANTHONT ItlALPEDE * MART MALPEDK, - HIS WIFE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance #ith the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification to a B-2 classification of the following described premises, to-wit: "The East 150 feet of the following described property: Part of ^tertiens 19 and 20. Township 45 North. Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Sfection • 20 ; thence East along "the Nortli line of the Southwest Quarter 8i7.2 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of the West half of the Southwest Quarter. 442.7S feet: thence West parallel with the North quarter Section line, S78.85 feet to the West line of the Southwest quarter: thence North along the West line of the Southwest quarter of said Section, 442.75 feet to ike of b i gi n n i n g . " . > ' - "ALSO ; That part of the the Southwest quarter of Section 20, described .as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, which point is 442.75 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof: thence Southron the West line of the Southwest quarter, 1644 feet to a point which it 553.25 feet'North of the Southwest corner of said quarter section: thence East on a line parallel to the North line of the Southwest quarter of Section^ * 20. 1327.9 feet to the East lineof tiie West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 20; thence North along said East line of the West half of the Southwest quarter. 2086.75 feet .-•to the Northeast corner of the West half of the Southwest Quarter; thence West on the North line of the said Southwest quarter, 442.79 feet; thenci South, parallel to the East line DXN CE SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1951 'THE _ I V. F.W.HALL f McHENRY Public Invited Dancing from 9:00 to 1:00 \ • ADMISSION $1.00 Per Psrson (Tickets at the Door) r • Sponsored, by The Island Lake Property Owners Association. Island Lake, 111. of the West half of the Southwest quarter, 442.75 feet; thence West 878.15 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County; Illinois. Said proposed change is for the purpose of permitting the use of said premises as a golf and gun club with recreational and Club House facilities for its melhbers and guests. f _ Said hearing will be held nf the City Hal} of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois at the hour of 3 P. M. on the 15th day of May 1951. All persons interested may attend. McHenry Cpunty, ^Illinois . Coning Board of Appeals - " By HAROLD J. BACON Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorney: VERNON J. KNOX % ~. V McHenry, Illinois NOTICE "OFHCLAnTbAi'S DON A. WICKS, Attorney. •• . \ .. Estate of PAUL 8. HUFF, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persdag that Monday, June 4th, 1951, is the claim date in the estate of PAUL S. HUFF. Deceased. pending in , the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MARTHA OEF*FLING - r--"5fc Administrator,- JUDICIAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on Monday, June 4th, 1951 at the various polling places in the various precincts df and districts in the County of McHenry and State of, Illinois, an Election will be held -lor: Judge of the Supreme Court Sixth District and Four Jidgres of the Circuit Coart in the Seventeenth Judicial Chrcult. . Which Election will be opened af Six oclock in the morning and will continue until Five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.! Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, this 20th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one» v^^JSLAYMOND D. WOODS, ' ' County Clerk. IMPROVE ROADS The West Shore Beach Property Owners association members are busy this 'week improving all of the roads in the West Shore Beach section df McQullom Lake. When completed they expect to have very fine roads. LH. CARR ESTATE ED TOGfii and WM. RtTSSEL, Aactioneers T Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drnf Store McHenry. 8tf V 'v/ Y- A ; vour uainiaeMt^'\^Cg0SSiMT PONT VELftVj . etteck jour FIRE INSURANCE,#^' JACOB JRITZ, Realtor TELEPHONE McHENRY 37 JOHKSBURG, McHENBT Representing The Travelers Fire Insurance Company, Hartforc To settle estate of the late C. H. Carr will sell the following at Public Auction on the old Carr farm located 1% miles West of Rlngwood on Wonder Lake Barnard Mill black top road, 7 miles Northwest of McHenry, 12 miles Northeast of Woodstock, on SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1951 starting at 1 sOO o'clock sharp 107 Head of Livestock K HEAD of rtOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS, consisting of: 12 fresh, 11 springers, balance milking good; 6 Holstein bred heifers; 9 Hoi stein yearling heifers calfhood vaccinated; 10 Holstein heifers, 7 months old, ca if hood vaccinated; 4 heifer calves, 4 months old; 1 Holstein bull, 18 months old. HOGS -- 5 sows with 25 suckli^ pigs; 2 sows due to farrow. 4 sjjpws bred, 4 barrows, 1 boal". HORSES -- Bay team of good horses, weight 3,400; i Shetland pony; 3 sets harness. FEED -- 15 tons wire baled 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa; 1000 bu. oats threshed with machine; 7 tons of oats Straw baled, never rained on; 10 feet of silage in 16 ft. silo; 300 bushels ear corn; 150 shocks of corn. MILKING EQUIPMENT--2 double unit Universal milking chine, pump and motor and pipe line; 25 milk cans; Losse electric water heater, 2 solution taoks, 800 lb. deep freeze. MACHINERY -- Case silo filler with pipe for hay or corn; Case corn binder with bundle loader and carrier and wagon hitch; quantity of old iron; John Deere corn binder; 1941 Nash Ambassador, 6 cyl., 4 dr. sedan. C. H. CARR, ESTATE CLYDE A. CARR, Administrator STATE BANK of RICHMOND Clerking. Richmond, Illinois ELWTED DIRECTOR/ Mrs. Gretta Goodell, McHenry, was elected a representative director of the Illinois Tuberculosis association at its forty-second annual meeting in Peoria at the Pere Marquette hotel last week. Over 400 persons, attended the two-day sessions on tuberculosis control , Mrs. Goodell is vice-president of the McHenry County Tuberculosis association. Want ads, like freedom, are 1 Order your rubber stamps oyeryuody's business. IThe Plaindealer now! _ ' - v 'r DAILY DELIVER* RETT'S SAND & GRAVEL CALL JOHNSBURG 584-K-3 Power Leveling and Grading 24 Hour Towing Service Ask The Man Who Tried. One. • These Ads Really Bring Results. J BUTCH'S IT'S SPRING TUNE-UP TIME! Conserve on gas and oil also save money, by having jour car taned-np for spring , and summer driving. v We Do Complete Motor Overhaul 309 W. Elm Street , McHenry, I1L Phone 811 J > V \ Residence 91-H ssias«iaiaaaHwaiai«w«iV ?ii lii' it <ifW U N O 'for Umlhf of Symptoms oml PmlMmt RHEUMATISM 'ARTHRITIS SEE YOUR LOCAL DRUGGISf Report of condition of * McHENRY STATE BANK i Sj>f McHenry, Illinois, a member of the Federal Reserve System, the close of business on April 9th, 1951, published in ftccordencq with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district pursuant to the provisions of "the Federal Reserve Ai6t.~ lU« t * * * * Fh*r £a*met You'll b* *miwd iparkt* of -EllioH's Floor For r««l •ouflhr Mw»oi«ir* bl•«« <p ric»» J2 v - «uro to u»« Elliott I ,T » * * * * * * * •* Tri'Sptr Vimisk faint!t« •«** jitb flowing inUrior flat wattublo o«t paint . . . tha color* ar» and lovely! Bast of all . . . or* eoa« will usually do tha trick. U«a ovar paint, wallpapar, catain or moil My wrfaca • l*J ^ « . raaionabla Is frUli Wf ^ no finar varnith madal Wky #ay mora whan you can buy Trifpar and ba auurad of parfact fatiifaction. For Interior or a«tartor fit, will maat any tait to which any uality varnith can ba lubiactad . ««4 itH ivaMitAbla In »riM. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE * PHONE 98 SHEET METAL ^.132 Green SirMt -- JHcHenry, 111 ' : *0? v\ BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME WITH NEW D R A P E R I E S Whether or not you're re-decorating you can livefi up any room in your home with new draperies. You'lf find new beauty and new color io our complete selection of regular and draw draperies to harmonize with any decorative . scheme. And what's more, they're priced (e ' . please the pocketbook. TMMI AM THRKE'WAYS TO BUY YOUR NIW DRAPIMIS ASSETS 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve ' balance, and cash items in process of collection .... $ 929, 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed C, -- 2,479, 3. Obligations of State^ ancT political subdivisions 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 5. Corporate stocks (including $6,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 8. Loans and discounts (including $635.61 overdrafts) 7. Bank premises owned $1.00, furniture rand fixtures $1.00 12. TOTAL ASSfcTS 902.00 ,223.68 ,000.00 a LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor- •poraUons .• 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor-" porations 15. Deposit t United States Oovernment (including postal savings) 16. Deposits u States and political subdivisions 18. Other deposits (certified, and officer's checks, etc 19. TOT A*, DEPOSITS $5,970,957.37 23. Other liabilities 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) f APITAL* ACCOrNTS 25. Capital* , -- ....................... 26: Surplus 27. Undivided profitsr ..r...™.. 28. Reserves (and rettfement account, fojr preferred capital : : S 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACfcOU^TS .L ,000.00 495.20 ,414.85 $2,999,111.88 111.052.28 117,597.08 %),336.83 31,478.31 $6,002,435.68 $ 100,000.00 100,000.00 85,479.17 102,500,00 387,979.17 ?0. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . .. $6,396,414.85 "•This bank's capital consists of common stock , " ' * with total par value of $100,000.00. MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned'to secure liabilities and* for other purposes .. $ 208,000,00 33. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of re< serves of 60.230.21 I, Robert L. "Weber, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that tha above statement is true to the best pf my knowledge and belief. 5S ROBERT L. WEBER. Correct--Attest GERALD J. CAREY C. J. RE1HANSPERGER WILLIAM M. CARROLL Directors. f IKA^AIO MADE » DRANIIES Appwimatal# 2'/j y«rd» i* lanqth. $13.85 & up CUSTOM MAOK ORAPIRIIS Raqular or draw dra* pariai of finalt cra(t|. manthip mada to your own ipacificationt. FA1RIC5 SY . THI YARD Maka your drapertfi... -'ipeover* too . . . axactly « vou want thorn. Choota from our fr«- mendout telaction of •mart n«w fabric*. ^ HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOOR COVERINGS State of Illinois, County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and. subscribed before me. this 9tlr day of April, 1951. - ' THOMAS F. BOLGER. (SEAL) Notary Public. OFFICERS TELEPHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATES fir f r NIESEN'S FLOOR COVERINGS ^ t-'ii.- Ll>OLEC H Sate Street TILE Phone. 88 CARPKTIJiG W. McHenry, I1L Wm. M. Carroll Gerald J. Carey C. J. ReihanNperver Tttobert L. Weber .... iifemes E. Larkin . Verne E. Harrison Thomas F. Bolger ......... Chairman of Boari. , ...... .. .. President Vlee-Per»ide«tl ' CtuhM As»t. Cashier Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS 1>llliam X. Carroll -- C. J. Relhansp>rger -- William Hye, MJ>. Robert L. Weber -- Gerald J." Carey . 1 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION r started the day the 1951 Roadmaster made its first appearance^aatLlias been building up ever since. - Folks looked at the fresh new styling--the power--the features--the fabrics--the cloudsoft cushions -- and the prices -- and said, "Here's the smart buy in the fine-car field." Why don't you come and see for yourself what a sensational buy this proud beauty really is? It's a honey to handle--a to ride in--afid just about the handsomest thing on wheels. It has room, and poise, and a level-going gait that pomes from coil springs front and rear. There's a triumphant thrill in the willing obedience of its Fireball power and the luxurious ease of its Dynaflow Drive, which doesn't cost you « penny extr* WlMpi better ••la--fcll«i am jb«U< Valck win MM tfceai There's a sweeping view fore and aft througfi " broad and uncluttered glass areas, and th& ••• new clarity of an instrument panel witfc high visibility at aight. ^ Oven the brakes are new, self-cooling, witK rf a grip that takes holtTliket steel fingers in ' velvet glove. • Here indeed is a car that is fine in bearingi .. in action, and in/the precision of every structural part -- ^ ROADM ASTER custoi built by Buick. When will you try one ai mir guest? m(T«sson*st MiMrfaHkb la 4n« witkoml mute CvKEoAoTtnK mVALrUoE Tun* in HENItr j. TATtOd, AMC Nah»«|, w»ry Mondoy ava«ln8. f HO \ l ) \ l \ s t i : 1; distom Mailt by Huick R I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street Phone McHenry 6 •? - . " • ;•" • * v • •. '.In.... At • - >-eufSpi'lS'tW1 \ ^ ' y V.

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