Vv*../* \ •' - r j , *• /" nc T. ' * -' ' * *>- - " -* *•* *-.• .y - ••* -• .s - ,t > s "> ' , -» « - -9 " ' ' r. * . .. *. , i* ' , „ . < f« smm&M Newt From WONDER LAKlj IF Tibmn Sells Iifcst Week's Items \ '-•"* Take Sehwl Censgi f!he seventh and eighth graders of Harrison took a census of all children in Wonder Lake, • from the ages of 1 through 21, on Tuesday. The exact number of childhas not yet been compiled but is expected to be completed by next week. John Lathrop, principal of the school, says that an enrollment of 200. is expected in the fall. The present enrollment is 176. . Beginners Register Children who are to school in the fall, either in the Upidergarten or in the first grade, ale asked to register them Friday at 9 a.m. Parents are requested to bring "'; tbelr child's birth certificates. High School BacealaarMte The three graduating from Mc- Henfy high school were all present to participate in the Baccalaureate services held in the auditorium Sunday night. They were Ab Doerrfeld, Sharon Sells and Bob Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Sells, Mrs. Doerrfeld, and Mrs. Armstrong were present; also Bob Doerrfeld's maternal grandmother. , Legion Aaxillu? ^ The regular monthly meeting 6t the American Legion Auxiliary was held Thursday evening. Mrs. Emily Cowlin, president of the T^iHenry county council, and her secretary, Mrs. Frances Flood, werfe guests of the unit. A slate of officers was presented by Amanda Donash, chairman of the nominating committee. The slate includes Jay Hansen, president; Alice Murdock, first vicepresident; Jerre Etonash, second vice-president; Marion Ruzicka, chaplain; Oertrude Neilsen, sergeant- at-arms; Lorraine S t a h 1, treasurer; and Marian Cannon, historian. All members brought books to Iadlaa Ridge A hare quorum attended the spring meeting of the Indian Ridge subdivision association held Sunday morning in Harrison auditorium. John Feyerer, president of the association, presided. Fred Zandier and Mr. Johnson gave the secretary's and treasurer's report respectively. Neither the road or beach chairmen were present. It was decided to hold the annual picnic July 21 and Charles Sampson was chosen chairman of this affair. There will be need for many volunteers and those willing to aid are asked to contact Sampson. Every woman of the subdivision Will be asked to donate a cake. , Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riegel, F. F. Zandier, Henry Setzler, Charles Garbe, Dorothy McEachren, H. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muchdu. Henry Yuska, Joseph Podhosky. John Perry, Elmer Raske, John Lathrop, William Frenssen and William Heser. The financial report from Sept. tO, 195#* to May 27,. 1951, showed an Income of $663.22 from previous administration and $2,285.25 from members' dues. Expenses included $426.14, road grading and snow plowing; $86.36, county taxes; $59.70, electric lights $120, secretarial supplies and expenses; $150, three quarterly payments to secretary; and $12.65. miscellaneous. The total operating expense added to .$854.85 and plUB $800 yearly payment on debt to the Mc- Henry Sand and Gravel Co., brought the expenses to $1,654.85. Balance on hand was $1,293.62. Briefs Sue Tallman was among those in Marjorie Young's dance recital in the Legion Wall, McHenry, last week . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Lathrop will leave soon for Western State college, Macomb, where HANDICRAFT Bird Houses, Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Bbxet, Wheelbarrows and Sand Boxes. . . Trellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, Etc. Screens and Cabinets Made To Order. « Clarence J. Smith they will both tak$ summer courses . . . Frances and Joe Riegel have returned to Wonder Lake after a winter-long visit in California . . . The Hajecks, who occupied the Riegel residence all winter, have moved to a farm near Ringwood . y. The Wonder Lake Legion post now has fifty-six members .( . . Dorothy McEachren was the>i speaker at a meeting of the Wesleyan Service Guild. WoodstocM, Friday night. She told of a six iVon|ns' trip she to6k to / Africa several years ago . . . Earl/ and Rose Glende have rented Lillian Forsberg's Lake Shore drive home , for the summer . . . Lillian will reside in the city, traveling during the week on a new job she recently trained for . . . Louise and Paul Marke are parents of their sixth child, a son. born Sunday at the Woodstock hospital . . . Douglas Sellek, son of the Mel Selleks, was 6 years old May 14 . . . Eleten of the neighborhood children helped him celebrate . . . Mrs. Velina Sinclair is in New Jersey awaking the arrival Of her third child. Her husband's mother is caring for h e r c h i l d r e n a t Wonder L a k e ' . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Lathrop entertained the Misses Alice and Leta Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Slavin, Mr. and Mrs. £>tone and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hajeck following the carnival Sunday afternoon . . . Harrison's seventh and eighth grade boys played a baseball game against McHenry last week and trounced them 40-6 . . . Sarge Dutko, Republican committeeman, urges everyone to get out the vote Monday, June 4. For transportation to the polls phone 783, 393, or 586. William Comesky, both of Wonder Lake, will be marmd Aug. 11. Engaged To Wed Miss Alma Vanderstraeten and- Bey Scouts All boys of Wonder Lake and vicinity who wish to become Boy Scouts are requested to ^register at 7 p.m. June 7 at Harrison school. The enrollment fee is fifty cents. The Wonder Lake Men's club is the sponsoring group for tin scouts. » ' ?. Holy Naiae Dance The Holy Name Society of Christ The King Catholic church will be held at the Bridge, McHenry, Juna 9, with Don Stadfeld and his band providing music. Donations of $1 per person will be used to beautify the external appearance of the church. ^ Dr. s. L. Ruggero is chairman of the evjent. The next meeting of the Wonder Lake Men's club/was held June 5 at 9 p.m. The Men's club is presently sponsoring a fish rodeo, starting June 1 and ending June 10, with prizes for the most fish caught. Details of the rodeo follow: There will be a total cash award of $50. paid by the club as listed below, for the most fish caught (by count) during the rodeo. (Carp, bullheads, succers excluded.) Rales of Rodeo 1. Any resident of Wonder Lake -or Wooded Shores may enter contest. 2. All flah- eaaght nttttft be of legal size. 3. Daily catches must be within* legal limits, (numbers) 4.' Catches entered must be in-t* dividual (No combined Catches allowed) . 5. Fish must be delivered fresh to Art. La Grecas Lakeview Inn, daily. 6. Art La Greca or his agent will count your fish and give you a receipt for your catch. Receipts for your total catch must be presented if you win a prize. 7. All fish ycru enter into contest must be donated to .the Wonder Lake Men's club. 8. Fish do not have to be cleaned when entered into the contest, but the Men's club will appreciate your delivering them'cleaned if you will. 9. Winner will be; announced at Art I«a Greca's Lake View Iiin on Jjino 10 at 9:30 p.m. Prises 'To'the "Kid," (man erf woman) between the ages of 18 and 110 years complying with all the rules enumerated, a cash award of $25 will be made. To the "Kid" (girl or boy. between the ages of 12 and 18 years complying with all the rules enumerated, a cash award 6f $15 will be made. To the "Kid" between the ages of one month and 12 years, complying with all the rules enumerated, a cash award of $10 will be made. Wander Lake, Jatt» V Wonder Lakers seem to be more interested in governmental af fairs than any other precinct in the county if getting out the vote is any criterion. In Tuesday's judgeship elections, the second largest vote of the county was polled at Wonder Lake's McHenry No. 5 precinct. Percentage wise the vote was the largest At Dorr No. 3, where the county's largest vote piled up. the primary vote totalled 534. The vote was 2S3. At Wonder Lake, where the primary vote was .228, the Tuesday vote was 171. Incidentally, Dorr No. 3, Woodstock, is the precinct within which Judge William Ml Carroll, McHenry county's only candidate afriong the judges, resides. Broken down the vote for the separate candidates at Wonder Lake was, for Dusher, 129; Carroll, 136; Decker, 133; and O'Sullivan, 128 on the GOP circuit slate. On the Democratic slate, there were 41 votes for Bairstow and 37 for Swensen. Carl Hallstrom, Wonder Lake's assistant supervisor on the county board, called in the election relave Building (Continued on Page 10) JOENSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-l S A V E Time and Money DIGGING TRENCHES Let Us Do Your Trenching. Deep Footing Drainage Tile Cable Pipe Line JOHNSON'S JEEP-A-TRENCH McCULLOMLAKE •n a Phone McHenry 534-M-l > As*. ALL PICTURES ENIAA6€D AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! king size Q U /V l- I T V SNAPSHOTS PER ROLL 6I>K Him* Stu m ChmtrSntt i2ttfiiu9K WATTLES DRUG STORE = -i - "THE HOME STORE" Mate Sine* PHONE 358 McHmrr. HL Ridgefield HIMH litl M-t-K 1 !• '»• tm »»»!>» • f>| || jj I'flltl EXTERIOR DOORS ^ > FRONT -- Wi ,--$4&00 > REAR - 1V, $25J» • INTERIOR DOORS ^ flush --Hollow core -- birch Nationally Advertised Famous Makes NEW LONDONER -- MENGEL -- RODDtS All Sizes l'-0 lo 3'-0 Wide 2-0x6-8--13/8 $1*50 8*41 x 6-8 --• .... IlliS MxM-m ff-8 x 6*9 -- 1V» 3-0x6-9 -- 1V% $1946 »•» 11111 Hi F »»»•» 1I H 111H I III 11111 * 4 4 II M M I H P Crystal Lake Mill is the only real, complete mfllwork plant in McHenry county. * »iiitnHuiii1111utn»u»tinnftH1111ini>il| Clean • Fresh - Kiln Dried - MIUWORK •HM n urn n i f r n nmni nun IIHIHUMII M|| , / FRAMES j trj m nmtmu tmetme \ . , % Set Up --* Ready To Put la. FOR DOORS .... SIB# FOR WINDOWS -- Singl* Opraiag.... $12.« ,T?W CWINDOWS 'M 4 Lt. Glaiwl 20x20 # Lt. Glutd 24x24 aU GUaad 28 x 24 •i • - : ^ . i - kher Stock Sixes and Designs In Proporttaa. Picture Windows -- Thermopane and Spffilfc SCREENS M WINDOW and PORCH SCREENS ALUMINUM WIRE Sq.Ft.7iB BLINDS olir SHUTTERS IVt -- Slat Panel or Solid Sq. FL $1.60 CASING -- 2 Vi" CoL BASE -- 3Vt" ....... STOPS -- 1W J. JAMBS -- 5%" ... .... Lin It lie ... Lin. FL 16c ™ Lin. Ft 6c _... Set $450 % Some iby I'm going to own a Roadmasfer ' interests us mightily is the fact vJ that so many people are stepping up, when y they buy automobiles. ' We've been looking at surveys, and it seems that just about everyone vra$9 a better car than Ac one he's now driving. * - • So we know how you feet, and we'd like to help you make your dreams come true. We'd like you to discover how fine a fine cax: can be. We'd like you to stretch out in the room of t ROADMASTER--feel the luxury of its double-depth cushions--stroke the fine texture of its fabrics. We'd like you to know the proud levelness of its eoil-spring cushioned ride--as well as its gentle obedience to your hand on the wheel. We'd like to show you the many extras this custom-built Buick provides--at no extra charge when we come to make out a bill of sale. But above all, we'd like you to expefiehra thrills found exclusively in ROADMASTERS. One is the smooth might of its Fireball Engine. The other is the supreme simplicity of Dynaflow Drive, which is, incidentally, one oi the many f e a t u r e s i n c l u d e d i n t h e p r i c e . -- • We try to hold down our enthusiasm in ing about this masterful beauty. We might claim--you'll find mare room--more comfort--wore luxury--a smoother ride--WW# ' conveniences -- more thrill in a ROADMASTBH than in any other car in the fine-car field. But why spoil the thrill of discovery? Gome find out for yourself how completely a 1951 _ ROADMASTER fulfills the dreams of the car you hope sometime to own. And let us whisper something to you: The cost of making this step to ROADMASTER ownership is j ifss than most people believe. (Mwria. trim tmd modtU mrt >» tkmmjt wOwri R O A D M A S T E R iV WHEN ROTE* AUTOMOUUS AJtf BUILT BUICK W/U BUILD THIM R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES he. 403 FRONT STREET PHONE WALL PANELING BROWN ASH --Clear -- KNOTTY PINE -- Grade "A" - ^ Kiln Dried - Tight Knot Sq. FL 2Se •4 > »f 11 H 1111II !• M i l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 H 111 > 1111 »• S'j You will get Class "A" Millwotk -- Nice. Clean. Clear, Kiln Dried* The benefit of long pxperieaee -- Quick Service -- and cot the cost Remember, NEIGHBOR, we have to be GOOD Phone CRYSTAL LAKE 1S7Q-I5H Crystal Lcske Mill Co. i RIDGEFIELD ;; ' X] E CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS -- | * Oil the C. &. N Wj off 14 at "W above lUb