jjjiiifaf 'lb itKi Plans •k PlMkkt . . '. * "..' y 1 of th« W«CWi.! tfrirtmn a pot-lack picnic, to be held 1' o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, 10, at'the homfc of Mrs. Bert h. ' 'v PERSONALS reatf-FHe M tatters' Klflrt ' About seventy-fir* jtetiOflS Were in attendance at O.E.S. Members' ^ jkight, held In Acacia hall last « jjveeit. Each member was present- •;f* td with a decorated plant and a ' £umdrop colonial bouquet. An en- ^"•'^•Joyfble hour of entertainment %a« held following the 'business jiiMeting. Three visitors were pre- •Bt V ^ The meeting was in charge of s|t . committee which incited. the •/ i«so officers^: ; > 0;E.8. Stated "" ' weellng July 10 ; ' » The next stated roeetin^Qf the Order of Eastern Star will be lield ... ,ln Acacia hall 6n Tuesday evening, July 10. The evening's activities will include initiation and birthday party. This will be the P" meeting until Aug. 28. Z^tadin-Humphry jTroth Announced Mrs. Robert Rudin of McCullom Lalte announces the engagement •Of her daughter, Nancy Lou, to Mr. jGlen O. Humphry, son of Mr. and tMrs. William Humphry of .Crystal Lake. The couple will %e married Oct. 6. ? Miss Rndhi, a'H44> graduate of fCha local high school, has a secretarial positfbn at the Edwal •Laboratories, Inc. .« ; . • •All In Readiness Jjor Style Berne I All is now in readiness for the Sstyle revue and dessert luncheon Jjwhich the Woman's Activities group of the Pistakee* Yacht club ^sponsoring at the club on Tuesitday, July 10. The public is invited *jfco attend but reservations must ifbe made before that date by calling 371 or 759-R. Children of Janembers and friends will serve as ilnodels, with the revue iH charge 'W the Tpddler shop. rour Families' Four families are planning a sunion in St. Peter's ehttreh hall »n Sunday, July 8. A ppt-luck llnner will be served after the LI o'clock Mass. Families attendinclude those of Anton Meyer, sr., John F. Freund, Frank Jung, Jr., and John Hay, Sr. Joyce Huska of McCullom Lake. Dorothy Carlson of Wonder Lake. Eileen Fuchs. Dolores Piske and Thelnuw Diamond of Woodstock and Susan Olsen of McHenry enjoyed a . weekend, at the Dells in Wisconsin. Mrs. Carl J. MiUnac has returned from a Peek's vacation at Camp LeJeune. N. Car., where she visited her husband. Staff SgL Carl Mili'nac, stationed there with the Marines. Mr. Eleanor Moderhack and Children of Chicago spent the weekend with her mothef. Mfrs. Ida Kreutzer. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon and children, Marilyn and John, of Trenton, N. J., are visiting his mother, Mrs. Zeoa Bacon, this week. Mrs. Williarii Marshall of Chicago visited Miss Delores Vales at the Woodstock hospital lapt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altman and children, Sara Beth and Thomas, of Dearborn, Mich., are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. William Berndt and family of DesPlaines spent the weekend visiting MpHenry relatives. NICHOLAS HUFFS WILL MARE HOME AT McCULLOOM LAKE MISS JOAN DORNBUSH BECAME BRIDE IN DOUBLE WEDDING ulse Fish And yle Matthew? W^i . A very pretty weMtng was solmnized Friday evening, June 24, hen Miss Louise Emma Fish and yle Willard Matthews, both of auconda community, exchanged uptial vows at the Federated hurch, Rev. Ralph Smith officitlng. Miss Fish is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Fish, and r. Matthews the youngest son Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Matthof Darrell road. Both families known in the McHenry area. After their return from a short .-Strip, they will reside on the Matti hews farm, where the bridegroom i works with his father. Miss Joan Dornbush. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dornbush of Wonder Lake, was one of the principals in a double wedding ceremony which took place in the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Rev. Cecil C. Urch officiating. Miss Dornbush became the bride of Mr. Maurice Alien, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Allen of Hampshire, in the same service which united Miss Harriet Ebert of Woodstock, who became the bride of Leo Allen, brother of Maurice. Miss Dornbush was attired in a white nylon marquisette gown, ballerina length, with which she wore White accessories and a white hat and carried white roses. She was attended by Mrs. Earl Maynard and the groom- had MTS. Mayitard's husband as best man. ' A reception was held at the Dornbush home from 3 to 5 o'clock, after which the couple left cm a trip into Wisconsin. They will reside on the Allen farm at Hampshire. The bride is a graduate of the Woodstock high school with the class of 1961 £nd has been a nurse's aid at the Woodstock hospital. Largo Crowd At ^ - Dessert-LaBeheon A large crowd was in attendance at the dessert luneheon and card party at the Veterans eg Foreign Wars clubhouse last Friday afternoon, sponsored by the McHenry Woman's club. A splendid program included a half hour of piano music played in the inimitable style of Ida Ana Qoinlan ' and several gypsy songs sung by McHenry's popular tenor, Warren Jones, with a fine accompaniment :pVayed by Mrs. Gretta Goodell. I | The party was a real success, if j-due to the efforts of the committee J gin charge and the assistance of I l.Mrs. Eleanor Renard. The club is 1; ("grateful for the contributions of JJJocal bisiness houses. %• <> I js Local Girls Spent Week At | Camp Shawwaw-naa-see |* More than sixty 4-H girls from l4McHenry county left by chartered »busses last week for Camp Shaw- ""waw-nas-see, near Kankakee. The roup was chapereoned by Farm viser W. H. Tammetis.AssistntjFarm Adviser and Mrs. Ralph fVStock, Home Adviser Miss Betty IjLttngford, Assistant Adviser Miss jiltarife Turner, and the newly **elected 4-H Federation president, j|)tf*s Wilda Nevel. if "Tnclnded among the girls makj* ing the. four-day trip, which endued at noon Saturday, were Louise )»Hunt, Charlotte,-Jer^y, We wish to take this means of thanking friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards oi sympathy and other kindness* extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Fr. Coakley, Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer, Fr. Miller and Fr. Steven Guesic, M.S.C. ^ MR8. HENRY MILLER AND SON MR. AND MRS. PHILLIP DOHERTY ^ MR AND MRS. A. R MORITZ - •8 CLARA MILLER (Impsons Studio, Libertyviile) Miss Bertha DeMeyer, daughter of Mrs. Isidor DeMeyer of 141 Sunnyside, Libertyviile, was join-. ed< in marriage with Nicholas Huff of McHenry on June 16. The ceremony took place at St. Joseph's church in Libertyviile at a 9:30 High Mass, with Father Lowery officiating. , The bride chose a dusty pink faille suit with white accessories and wore a corsage of white roses. Miss DeMeyer was given awaj by her brother, Emil DeMeyer. The matron of honor was a sistei of the bride, Mrs. Edward Keough, of West Lake Forest, who wor< a blue gabardine suit, with white accessories, and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. DeMeyer, chose |oi her daughter's wedding, a gunmetal gVay suit and wore a corsage of red roses. ' Best man for the groom wa^ Arnold Engals of Spring Grove, A reception was held for the couple at St. Peter's church hall in Spring Grove. The couple then left for a weeks' honeymoon, touring northern .Wisconsin. The Huffs are now at their home at McCullom Lake. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended at.the time of our bereavement. MRS. ALIDA MEAD v MRS. NETTIE WEBER 8 AND FAMILY Q DISCUSS H THEATRICAL A small group of directors ot the McHenry County Theatrj Guild held, a meetiifg last week fit the county court ro&n to discuss the future of the approaching winter season of legitimate theatre, Although sixty letters had been sent out, according to Arnold J. Rauen, president of the organisation, only twenty-three replied and only a part of those who agreed to remain as directors attended last week's meeting. The treasurer, William Kttrs, reported that the season had been a good one financially and that if it had not been necessary to pay debts incurred un(er other boards the standing of the Guild would be quite gpoi). At present there remains 6bout $3,003 Jn back bills, according tq the. president, • /• A committee was appointed to discover the feasibility pf having visiting stock companies and troops for each presentation rather than a Resident group of actors,, v : "V1 - |i >' .'"N"'!' MARRIED JUNE IQ Photo by A. Woiwick, McHenry ROBERT PATTINSONS The First Baptist chiiroh in Woodstock was the scene of a pretty wedding service on Saturday, June 16, which united Miss Mary Jayne Stanberry, formerly of Holbeath, England, and Mr. Robert George Pattinson of Woodstock. The reception was held at the William Staines residence in McHenry. : jQuean Candidate by Stfephabie Waynne Blond .Rita Conway, 306 Elm street, is the first contestant entered in race for First Lady of McHenry. McHenry Township Kiwanians are her sponsors. Miss Conway is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Conway. She is 18-years old, weighs 108 pounds and is 5 feet 3 inches tall. She is a typical mid-western American girl with a peaches-and-cream complexion. * After graduating from the McHenry high school in 1950, Rita attended Bradley University at Peoria, 111. She was enrolled in a liberal arts course; had she been able to continue going to Bradley, dramatics would have been her major. Rita Hkes to read. Her favorite authors are Robert and Elisabeth Brawning, Edgar Allen Poe, James Lowell and Frances Parkinson Keyes. Her desire for a- career in dramatics took root when she {tlayed ingenue parts in junior and senior high school plays. Rita likes active outdoor living. She swims and rides horseback! She likes sports clothes but welcomes an occasional formal party and its appropriate attire. Rita irinks more milk than coffee; he eats on the lighter side, Salrds and desserts and not too much n"Pt and potatoes. Rita likes to <jook. On Miss Conway's entertainrient list, ballet comes first, then Mays and concerts last. Dean Martin's Show tops her TV list; Eddie Howard on ABC, the radio ihows. Rita is a receptionist at Dudley Lock Corp. in Crystal Lake. She 1oes general office work and attends a switchboard through -vhich she receives national communication. Her telephone work iegan in the McHenry telephone office. Rita has chosen photography as a hobby because it helps her vividly record experiences as they go ty. These experiences are associated particularly with .McHenry, her . home town, over which she hopes to reign as queen. If elected, she pledges herself to participate in all municipal activities in the McHenry school district in the role of a good will emissary. The term of office extires when a succeeding Marine Day queen takes office. COSING Eton* Prevent Insect Bites IN MEMORIAM I;i loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Meta A. Walter, whp passed away seven years ago July 8, 1944. J CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN 4 . July, 6 .... ' ' Riverview Camp fccnl^--^IUlams Park, Rbckford. ' / • 'July' 6 ; Christian Mother 4k Altd# Sodality Regular Meeting ~ St Mary's-St. Patrick's School Hall. July 7, If o m e Bure^i' Party--Neuharth Home. July 1» Adult Girl Scout Association- Legion Home--1:30 p.m.--Avis Gans and Elsie Olsen, Hpstesses Dessert Luncheon and Style July 10 R e v u e--Pistakea. Yacht Club- Sponsored By Woman's Activities Group. V July W Christian Mother & Alt^* $0t- Luck Picnic--V.F.W. Grounds --Noon. 0. E. S. Stated Meeting--initiation And Birthday Patty--Acacia Hall. Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- Pot-Luck Picnic--Mrs. $ert Roesoh Home. July 18 McHenry Choral Club Meeting. July 18 P.T.A. Dessert Garden Party --- 1 P.M. -- V.F.W. Grounds. July 1J> Picnic -- Johnsburg Charch Grounds -- Johnsburg, McHenry,- Aurora and Elgin CourtB. July 31-22 St. Peter's Church Carnival and Chicken Dinner--Spring Groves July 2$ Card Party -- St. Patrick's Parish Lawn -- Sponsored By Altar and Rosary Sodality. August 2 ' C D. of A. Picnic--1 P.M. Pttt- Luck Lunch--V.F.W. Clubhouse. August S , Mari&e Day. August #-12 V.F.yr. Carnival--City August 17 Flower and Garden Show -- Mo- Henry Equipment Show Room -- Sponsored By Woman's Club. August 28 Dessert-Fashion Show -- Villa Hotel, Pistakee Bay -- Sponsored By St. Mary's-St Patrick's school P.TA August 25-36 St.- John's Church 1 Carnival, nsburg. . -• • CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking the friends who sent me cards and gifts during the time I was in the hospital. I appreciated them very much. 8 GUS UNTI, JR. THEATRE OPENS SOON - McHenry Enterprises, Inc., announces that the Skyline Outdoor theatre will be ,ln operation on the blacktop road, a mile and a half northeast of McHenry, In the very' near iutur*. .. • ri j Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. AH>ert Purvey have moved into their new home on south Green street. The place they have' vacated on John street is being occupied by the Leonard McCracken family: who have moved from the Heilman home on Center street. Mr. and < Mrs. V«rpbn Freund and family have moved from Charles street to their new home on the corner of Washington and Park streets. Complete Uue ot Beebe livestock remedies at. Wattles Drug Store, MeHenry. 8tf Mrs. Sophia Krtanwtlde underwent surgery at the Wqpdstoclp^ hospital last week. . Albert, 7-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr., has been confined to his bed for 0 the past three weeks with rheufe-. matic - fever. Miss Delores Vales underwe an appendectopiy at the Wi stock hospital Thursday SOLDIER WOUNDED Mr. and Mrs. I^eo Soucie .ot 3, Harvard, haye received word from the Department of Defense that their son, Pfc. Charles L. i Soucie, was wounded in action in Korea. He is a veteran of nine months service there with the , cavalry division. Pfc. Soucie wai struck on the right hand by '*:• shell fragment and-since then has been evacuated to hospital Japan. ^ AutKor cm<isigner...aged 33 Thomas Jefferson wa# in his 33rd year when the founders of tjb^s nation chose him' to draft the Declaration of Independence His thrilling phrases have inspired liberty* • seeking people the world over. Let us hope that whatever "In course of human events" a Jefferson is needed, we shall find him right §t McHENRY • STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate*; ' Member Federal "Reserve Systog ' t Interest Paid On Savings Deposits .ysit • AT PLAY Fpr everyday and vacation comfort get your supply now! mucT REPELLENT only m kbottb NEW SERVICE 5c TO $1.00 STORE Phone 40 There |« No Substitute jj Mary Hogan. i* it it FAIR PRIZES •khibitors at the ninety-eight i«Illinois . agricultural- county fairs '•this season, will vie for. $2,269,190 {{prize money. This is the largest i«amount of premiums ever offered ^at these fairs, exceeding last ..year's record by more than f3®0,- •000, according to Directors Roy B. ,*Yung of the state Department of * Agriculture. ' --v: Save it Here ... NOW Your Savings Account Is Invited. \VA% Interest McHENRY STATE BANK Open: Daily 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. -- Tfaun. 9:00 A. M. to NOOQ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT IMSORANCE CORPORATION and FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FRIDAY JULY 6th. M. SOUVENIRS FOB EVERYONE!! SPECIAL, VALUES GALORE easier •Self READY -- A BRAND NEW STORE to make your shopping easier , to get to, for it's right in your commun ity . . easier to shop in, for its Service" . . everything right out where you can see it and every item plainly marked . and value priqe^H §HOP THE WAY YOU UKETO SHOP-- SELF SERVICE Our department managers will be ready and willing to help you should you wish, T)ut in this "super-market" variety store, we know you'll enjey browsing through the well-arranged, easy-to-*ee departments, selecting the items you need. NIESEN'S Phono 38 5^3 Main St., W©st McHenry u / <y m it