Z,r iippw^pw wmm ' £* T' JttlT 12. 1951 ifAVn'1 'Sflliii iifiil/ Afrir' vi' -"fY-rt (fv'-'ijftfc ? • _'/€'Sr BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALS HELP WANTED t. 4y* PUUNDEALER JfPnhliahed every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Ptb- Uthing Company, lac W. BURFE1NDT, Gen. Manager. ADBLE J'ROEHLICH. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE Tear Plaindealer Want Ada No ads counted less than 25 words. 7pc minimum. 1 insertion 76c Count 6 wordB per line) 26c service charge on all Mind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at 10 s%jn. Wednesday. Entered as second-class matter al the postofflce at McHenry, 111., tender the act of May 8, 1871. 1-ia AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers ^«M#MMUN1TY AtTTO SUPPLY i - 409 W. Elm Street OpeW darlnf week • AJI. to 7 IJL, Sundays • 9 AJI. to 1 P.M. * • - lltf *ht Best for Less USED CARS All Cars Completely Reconditioned with 60 Day Written Warranty 1950--Studebaker Champion s Sedan ...A <1650 ,^jB49--Nash Ambassador' Tudor >1095 1948--Kajser 4-Dr. Sedan .... $ 976 1947--Dodge Town Sedan .... $1125 1947--Dodge Custom 4-Dr. .. $1095 1947--Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan .. $ 995 1946--Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan ) 750 1950--V4-Ton Panel $1295 1947--Studebaker L.W. Base $1075 1946--Dodge 2-Ton Dump .. $1250 Plus Many More Makes & Models. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. "w' 801 E. Peart Street HcHenry Phoke 1M FOR SALE -* |#48--Univ. Jeep with start half top. 1949--Willys Panel Del'y. , 1949--Willys Station Wagon. 6-cyl. \ with overdrive. 1^50--Packard. 2 door sedan, fully equipped. Low mileage. **J&948--Kaiser, 4-door sedan. M^ENRY GARAGE Willys Overland Sales tel. 403 604 Front St. • ' ' 8*tf FOR SALE -- . 1950 Oldsmobile 88, 4-dr. sedan, radio, heater, hydra ma tic, white Walls, a beauty. 1950 Mercury Club Coupe, heater, low mileage, like new. 4£?50 Chevrolet Stylelipe, 4-dr. sedan, radio, heater, directional lltes, seat covers, very low mileage. Perfect. 1949 Plymouth DeLuxe, 4-dr. sedan, radio, heater, seat <y>vers, one owner car. 1948 Buick Sedanette; dyttailow, radio, fteafer, white walls, really clean. 1947 Chrysler Windsor," 4-dr. radio, heater, Sunshade, seat covers, ™ a beauty. 1947 Plymouth beLaice, 4-dr. radio "beater, seat covers, excellent condition. 1947 Chevrolet Fleetllne, 4-dr. Sedan, radio, heater, It. green, clean. We, also hate a large selection of older makes and models priced to sell. Stop in look around. (gpLBY -MOTOR 9ALES Q , Ejstablished 1886 ' Phono Crystal Lake 1110 ^Crystal Lake, Illinois 9 POR SX|,E--1935 Chevrolet' halfton panel truck. Good tires. Good condition. Best offer. Mervin Staines. Phone McHenry 53-J. *9 AUTOMOTIVE POR SALE--1939 Packard, 2-dOor; good mechanical condition; good tires; $150. Johnson, phone McHenry 446-J. . - 1 9 -rrtoT-nrafo ' I POR SALE -- *47--CHRYSLER $300 '37--CHEVROLET $150 '48--125 HARLEY motorcycle $125 Rlngwood. III. Telephone Wonder Lake 3?& BUSINESS SERVICE EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. B. Xaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341 37-tf MUBIO INSTEoCTION la Your Own Home -- Plane and Piano Accordifra Classics or Popular Bsglnnew or Adanccd Instruction MARL P. KOCH Pistakee 6S8-M-1 8tf FOR SALE-- JOHNS-A&ANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co.. Leo J. Stilling, 900 E. Pearl. Tel. McHenry x8. SStf HATE TOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie HNFT, Pro®. Tel. McHenry 290. - 29tf TREE AND BARN SPRAYING White washing or flj^ control. Phone McHenry 543-J-l. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Reg. Volo. 47* PIANO TUNING Also for sale high grade Spinet pianos, overhauled upright pianos. Prompt service. C. J. H. Dlehl, phone 208-W, Woodstock, 111. ' 61-tf SALPI L. CLARK Plane Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-B GENERAI, CONTRACTOR NEW HOMES REMODELING - and CARPENTER WORK ' Satisfaction Guarantee# T:3r" Estimates C. D. KIN8EY tine McHeary 99S4 47tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO rs -- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to Urge murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. .. WORWICKS STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry, Phone 275. 40tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-W-l McHenry 111. «tt CESSPOOLS had SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOU6LA8 Pfcene McHenry 77S-1C lOtf F L A G S T O N E Now have good selection. Open week days until 5:00; Saturday nnti! 3:80; Sunday 9:00 to 1:00. FOX RIVER STONE COMPANY, Route 31 and McLean BTvd. Phone Elgin 60*0. 6-4 CARPENTER WORK DONE BY 09 CONTRACT ' |VAN GU8TAFSo01i T TeL McHenry 748 21tf s iiiiliS tlKHiLro (RR UUficH WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell repair and Install putnps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf DEAD ANlMAtS -- Highest Cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works. Wheeling No. 3; reverse changes. t I 36tf 4;3 i 111 I H"t.'l'.|ii;ii! .H i 1-<• ,| 1IM I 1 MHUi IH + H | + M 4 I Hi BELEN WEBER SAVS: ? K e e p C 0 0 1 . . . Um. Cal Us! PHOTOGRAPHY Aerial photography of farms etc. Candid weddings and home portraits. John Shadle. Phone Wonder Lake 3756.' 4 CARPENTER WORK -- Done by day or contract. Porches, basements or attic flats. Any kind of remodeling. Phone McHenry 520- R-l. Karl Hammer. *9-4 BALING -- Will do haling. Tel. Crystal Lake 1320-M-2, 9-2 RUG CLEANING -- Save Dollars. Clean your own rugs and carpets. Rug cleaning machine Tor rent by day or week. Beginner can operate. Pick-up and delivery service. For Information phone 637-J-2. 9 GARBAGE COLLW^INcT^Let dispose of your garbage each Week, of oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf ^FOR SALE ' FOR SALE -- Cement ttaMng block. All sites. Smooth and rock face. By standpipe, W. Wankegan Rd.. McHenry, ttl. Phone 282-R or 893-J. 4-tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Tues. through Sat. 1 P.m. to 10 p>m., Sun. 11 a.m. ,to 6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich. Terra Cotta Rd. ponaignment and Resale and Antiqne Shop, % mile west Terra Cott* factory which Is en Ht <1. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf FOLLOW THB CROWD TO THB Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Fee cold case, beer aad paekaged goods tf all klads. Al PhannenstilL 49tf FOX HOLE TAP Entertainment SATURDAY and SUNDAY Starting May 2Kh Haminond Organ and Piano 6 Nights Weekly Gay ninety to popalar orusic. .? Riverside Hotel 1-tf FOB SUE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L| V. KlRs, Clay St Woodstock. Phone 649. 7tf FOR SALE--40 acres of alfalfa. Inquire Maurice Gladstone. 5-tf. BARGAIN IN USED FURNtTURE AND MERCHANDISE THE CROSSROADS TfcADING POST ill N. MAIN STREET* "CRYSTAL LAKE 7-tf •CURRENTS FOR SALE" Phone McHenry 135-#. ftEXAIR CLEANER Air washer for allergies--yaporicer-- humldifer--all in one"* machine! Cleans clean J^caaae It drowns dust in water. Stop wasting your time re-arranging the dust in your home. Cats Cleaning work in halt. CARL BARNICKOL 74 Wood lawn Park Phone 644-W-2 McHenry 8-tf FOR SALE -- Gas-stove, 3 years old. Tel. McHenry 210-W after 5:30 P. M. 9 FOR SALE--Berkley Jet pump for deep or shallow well, practically new; cost $100, sacrifice $50. Tel. McHenry 691-M-t. 9 FOR SALE--Mare pony, excellent disposition; ideal for child 8 to 15 years Old; reasonable. Tel McHenry 725. 9 FOR SALE--8-ft. Minneapolis Moline combine with pick-np attachments. Call Wauconda 6921 between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 9 € We'll revive your heat-weary wardrobe in a hurry . . give garments a . lettuce-crisp look that keeps you appearing at your COOL best this summer! Try us for quick servjee, low cost! Service that SATISFIES! McHENRY CLEANERS 103 Ekm Street Phone 104-M McHenry <Hinnmiiniinn>MHHMiiiHii«MHiMH»» FOR SALE -- Nihe piece dining room set, library table and other odd pieces. William Barclay, Lot 11, Orchard Beach. Call on weekends. *9 BOAT FOR SALE--Higgifte 23-ft. convertible run-abOut. 1947 A-l condition. Call Pistakee Til, McHenry, III. 9 FOR SALE--CroWn gas stove. Insulated oven and regulator, $59. M. H. Rowe, North Eftd of Fox Street, Sunnybank Subdivision. *9 FOR SALE Round mirror, gold frame, 40x40, $10. Ladies' grey suit, 40 or 42, $6. Riverside Hotel Apt. 1. *9 FOR SALE--Row boat, t years old; good condition. Tel. McHenry 580-M-l. 9 FOR SALE--Beige 3-cushion *Lawson style couch; green slip cover, $25. Tel. McHenry 67-R. 9 FOR SALE--Universal gaa stove. Good condition. Cheap. Phone McHenry 239-W, 144 Country (Hub Drive. 9 FOR SALE--Kitchen sink, stainless enamel. Like new, 60-in. Has built-in electric dishwasher. Price $65. Phone Johnsburg 585-W-2. 9 FOR SALE -- Used refrigerators and ranges. Colby fyotor Sales, 12 Main Street, Crystal Lake, 111. « FOR SALE--Shallow well Water pump, self priming, ball bearings, no gears or belts, quiet and compact. With or without motor. Phone 646-W-2. *9 FOR SALE--Kelvinator refrigerator. In good condition. 4.5 cu. ft. Reasonable. Call McHenry 369. j9 POR RENT FOR RENT -- Kirk's Kottages and Rabins, restricted river resort. Hskpg. $15 to $38.50 wk. Days $3 op. Phone 661-M-l. 6-6 FOR RENT: Four room furnished, 2 bedrooms, year round cottage. Modern, all electrical equips ped, range, frlgidalre, large hot water heater for kitchen and shower $65 per month. Garage optional. Phone 534-R-l "7-2 FOR RENT--House at MqCUlfora Lake Estates, newly decorated. 3 rooms and bath, large screened porch and garage. Heating unit furnished. Wooded ground area, 12,000 sq. ft. Occupancy after August 1st. Suitable for couple only. Will consider lease term up to 36 fiiolftha. Reference. Rent $10.76 per week. Write to Box 184, t/6 McHenry Plaindealer. $-2 FOR RENT--Cottage; 2-bedrooms; rnnnlng water; inside toilet; $35 a week. Inquire Bowling Bar. Johnsburg. * *9 FOR RENT -- Attractive steering rooms with private baths, on lake front. Call Pistakee 711 McHenry, 111. 9 FOR RENT--Three rooms in LHy Lake in modern duplex unfurnished; hot .water; bath. Tel. HcHenry 544-M-l. • • WANTED TO SENT HEir WANTED Phone S7T. Day waltreai. 4-tf HELP WANTED--G1H, 18-40 for general house work In refined family of two people; own room and bath; home on Pistakee Bay; good wager. Phone McHenry 187-R. 8-* HELP WANTED -- Women and girls wanted for telephone survey work In your own home. Good pay. No experience necessary. If you have a pleasant voice, write, ROBERT W. SLIMMER * Sterling North West Agency McHenry, 111. 8-2 HELP WANTED--Gitf for general drug store and fountain Work. Nye Drug Store, McHfcnfy. 9 HELP WANTED -- Woman for general house work and ]>art care of two children; to stay or go. Tel. McHenry 827. 9-2 HELP WANTED--Yard man, able to drive truck. Alexander Lumber Co., Phone 5. 9 HELP WANTED--Young firl for parts department DoWns Nash Sales. 405 Elm Streetf Phone McHenry 484. 9 HELP WANTED-- Welder to work in Job shop. Steady Work and top pay to good man. Vance Welding Service. 9-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS BUSINESS PROPERTIES ScCULLOM LAKE--6 Rooms, also 3 room cottage, large grounds, water front. Price $9,250.00. For appt. call (Mr. Adler) McHenry 37. McHENRY -- Country Club Subdivision. 2 ranch ty$e homes, large lota, nice location, priced right, call our office, McHenry 37. MrCULLOM LAKE--4 rooms bath, all year round home, fully insulated. Price $6,760.00. For appt. call (Jim Hettermann) McHenry 37. SI'SNYSIDK new PllTAKIE LAKE--4 rooms, all year hoaae, 9 years old. Price $8,000.09. MrHENRY -- New Ranch type home. garage, good location, $17,500.00. 11 " 1 ,* WANTED TO. RENT--4 or 5 room unfurnished year round home for school teacher and family. Need by July 24th. Must be in or ltear McHenry. Write William E. Pictor, 801 W. Park, Urbana, Illinois. •8-2 WANfteb TO RENT -- dwiftg to f^pldental drowning at my hus band and havtng to, move from my home for repairs, will be willing to pay $50 a month to rent a house or some rooms. Please call McHenry 6T5-W-1. Wynne Jolitz •9 HELP WANTED BRICKLAYERS WANTSB AT New Alfenqnln School Route <2, Algonqaln TOP WAGES LONG JOB 0. W. POTTER * SONS, INC. General Contractors Phone Algonquin 9971 7-3 HELP WANTED--We have an opening for a married farm couple. Modern house. Also single men. Experience required. Hickory Creek Farm, Phone McHenry 670-M2. Leo J. Smith, Manager. 7-3 TOP SALES OPENING A high grade company In essential Industry, desires a hard worker in this territory for sales work at once. Priority on raw materials during war. Good pay and a future to the right man. Complete training free. Look into this. Get yourself set. Don't take risks. Home nlghta. Must have car and willing to work full time. Write Sales Manager, 701 So. 42nd, Omaha, Nebr. 9-2 UNHUHIWIWIMMI PAINT --"Sno-White" with New miracle pigment TITANIUM, lead and oil with world's strongest' GUARANTEE: • won't peel, turn yellow, rub or wash off. Gal. $125 In 5-gal. cans. Sample can fOc, applicable to' Arst' order. SNOWHITE PAINT, 1111 blvision fit, Chicaso 22. III. *9 FOR^US--ST new htefel WljJte wall cabinets. One standing cabinet, white steel. One utility cabinet, same. Portable radio aad television set and one medium sixe rug. Phone McHetiry 596-J-2. 9 FOR SALE--Highchair, bathinette, stroller, baby scale and car seat All Itt good condition. For best offer. Lily Laife iI TTtaco Station. Phone 132. 9 I I rovAi . -IV V FRL * SAT., JULY is.14 (Doable Feature) Leon Errol Jsrk Paar "FOOTLIGHT VARIETIES'* Tim Holt Richard Martin "STORM OYER WYOMING" SUN. ft MON„ JULY li.ll Cent, tttt Alan Ladd Jan Sterling •APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER" An Action Packed Drama TUE&, WED. ft THUR&, JULY 17.18.19 Bette Davis Barry SdOraa "PAYMENT OK DEMAND* JOHNSBURG--On Fox river,, near Johhsburg Bridge, 3 rooma* large porch. Price $6,000.00 also " 6 Rootbs, large porch, $7,000.00. ON FOX RIVER--t story, suitable for 2 apartments, hot woter heat, 100 foot water frontage. Price $21,000.00, call our office McHenry ST. MrOTLLOM tA«WA*Wl FRONT V*Fooms and bath, well built log type home. Completely furnished, nice location. Price $10,500.00 Must M seen to be appreciated Call (Jim Hettermann) Mcllenry 37. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Small Florida style, colored tile home, with aluminum window casements, never 'needs painting, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen bar, shower and utility room, outside bar-b-que pit, play I'ard, evergreens, etc. on 71xl32-ft. ot, 1 year old. Priced To Sell. $9500. Immediate possession. Wm. Tamasy, 3rd 'and Cohrt Sts., 3rd house on left 6tf FOR SALE--Year round home at Lily Lake, reasonable. Small down payment on contract by owner. 6 rooms and bath, running water and electricity. 2 doors from highway at the lake. Call Majestic 1339-W. g.2 WANTED WASTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock 3ox 334. Phone 464- JX. 41tf WANTED -- Watches and Jewelry repifK Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe). I6tf MISCELLANEOUS dlnance relative to a variation of zohing classification, a public hearing will be had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the application of Audrey Seifert and j Joseph Baskovich that the zoning classification of Residence Dis-1 trict (R-l) of the following described real estate be varied to < permit the construction of a single family residence on said premises "The North 35 feet (measured along the East line) of Lot "F' | In Lilymoor, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of. Section 32, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridan, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 10. 1928, as Document Number 82908, in Book 6 of Ptats. pages 46 and 47. situated in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois." Said hearing will be held at 4:00 o'clock P. M., on Tuesday, July 17. 1951, in the City Hall, at the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person or persons desiring to "object may be heard. . « ~ Dated this 22nd day of June, 195y McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD J. BACON, Chairman. JOSLYN, PARKER & KELL Attorneys for Petitioner i (Pub. June 28, July 5-12) HOLE TAP - fepiertatnment SATUfeDAY aad SUNDAY Starting May 2&th Hammond Organ and Piano 6 Nights Weekly Gay ninety to popular music. ShreriMe Hotel > 1-tf MISC.--Would like to get acquainted with a chess player to play 1 or 2 times a week. Wm. Limpinsel, Fox Street, 14th house from bridge «*9 MISC -- DANCE. Saturday, July 14 at Club Lilymoor, Rt. 120. Music by the Mldwesterners (TV Stars). Thursday night free outdoor movies. Friday night Fish Fry. 9 SHALIMAR ANNUAL PARTY REFRESHMENTS FOOD and FUN FOR At.I. SATURDAY, JULY 14 9 Ai*V^AATU*lAnAfi LOST AND POUND IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EUGENE J. MILLER AND ROSE MILLEH^rOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification of the'following described property: The West half of the South East Quarter of Section Number thirty- four (34) containing eighty (80) acres of land, more or less, also the South East Quarter of the South West quarter of said Section Number thirty-four (34) containing forty (40) acres of land, more or less, all in Township Number forty-six (46) North, of Range Number eight (8). East of the Third Principal Merdian. and containing in all One Hundred Twenty LOST -- Pair child's glasses In virinity of Colony theatre. Chicago address in case. Tel. McHenry 428-R before Sunday. Reward. *9 (120) acres of land, more or less, and situate lying and being 1m the County of McHenry, In the State of Illinois. for the pnfpose of permitting commercial , garbage disposal and dumping in the pits located o» said premises until such time a* said pits are filled. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall of Richmond. Iltinols at the hour of 4:30 P.M. on the 24th day of July. 195'. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ZORING BOARD OF APPEALS By HAROLD J. F \CON, Chat. ,ian. Petitioner.s Attorneyf; VERNON J. KNOX McHenry. .Illinois -j-f--" .V V-': Phone 43 NOTICE OF CfcAtit IliTR WILLIAM M. CARROL, Jr. ^ Attorney at Law • j.;. ; Woodstock, Illinois. Estate of EMMA WH.UAMS. ceased. 7 ' " Notice is hereby Igiven to all persons that August 6th, 1951, la the claim date in the estate of Emma Williams. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and th^t claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date oat issuance of summons. GERTRUDE WILLIAMS, CATHERINE SCHMITT, fcxecutoti*. !. . A •* 11 t 1 , V Virus Cr»# Last .a Crop losses running into •of dollars are caused by virus diseases, such as the mosaic diseaa of tobacco and tomatoes, the bushy stunt disease of tomatoes, bean mosaic, tobacco necrosis, peach yellows,, aster yellows, sugar beet yellowSj and the mosaic ftseaay turnips.,. ' '• : Visit AtthefT* New Toy Beptftment -- Rear Basement • 9 m < I I I I • ! •»»< imi i i »» JACOfc FRITZ REAL ESTATE III Jehasharg TeL McHenry S7 9-tf Mast Sell 6n Account ef IlUness Wiekline Bay, 3 bedroom, frame dwelling. Automatic heat, basement, garage, etc. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Wonder Lake 2484. *9 LOTS--Several lots In Edge water subdivision" for sale at a very reasonable price. All In one piece. Address F. A. Holly, Genoa, III. FOR SALE--Comfortable 9 room year round home. Gas heated. 80 ft. river frontage on east River Road. For information call 493-J. 4-tf FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CM1CI LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Kaex Real Estate fit RIckmond Road * McHenry, IIL Phone* McHenry ttl-J IIL ft Wis. Ylalt Althoff* New Toy Department -- Rear Basement. 9 ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 179 PHONE «.14S1 NOW OPfcN EVERY DAY Late Show FrL, Sat, San- 9x99 Snnday Matinee $:00 P. M .Con*t FRI ft SAT* JULY lS.lt-14 rinUe Feature Jeff Chandler Erelyn Keyet "SMUGGLER'S ISLAND" and Errel Flynn Patrice Wymere "ROCKY MOUNTAIN* SUN. ft MOB., JULY 16-16 Alaa Ladd PhyWs Calvet "APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER" TUES."ft WED., JULY 17.18 Anthony Dexter Elf «nir Kite -TA-L-E-N--T: LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Wild am M. Carroll. Jr. Attorney at Law Woodstock, Illinois Estate of MARGARETHA PfrZEN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that September 10th, 1951, is the claim date in the estate of MARGARETHA PITZEN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry Cohnty, Illinois, and that dtalms may be filed against the said estate on or before said date Without tasuance of summons. NICK S. PITZEN JOHN M. PITZEN Executors. fPvb. July 12-19-26) NOTICE IN THE MATTfcR OF APPLICATION OF AUDREY SEIFHRT AND JOSEPH BASKOVICH FOR A VARIATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given that in compliance With the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Or- Colony McHENRY, ft£&NOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Vision aad Soand Doors Open 9:16 Screen Styu-ts 6sS9 FRI. ft -SAT* JULY 13-14 In Technicolor Stephen McNally Celeen Gray "APACHE DRUMS" Three Stooges Comedy World News ft Color Cartoon SUN. ft M0Nn JULY 16-16 Van Johnson Glanna Canale "GO FOR BfeOKE" The story ef the famons 44Snd Regimental Combat Team World News ft Color Cartooa Sunday Matinee 3 >90 Cent. ' TUES., WED. ft THURS* JULY 17-18.19 |n Technicolor John Barrymore, Jr. Corrine Cnlvet (i) "QUEfcEC" Scotty Beckett Jimmy Lydon Snsan Morrow <•) "GASOLINE ALLEY" World Vvw* FRI. ft SAT„ JULY 18-14 Matinee Saturday at 3>80 P. M. "SANTA FE" In Cineeolor 1 and "THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF" SUN. ft RON., JULY 16-16 Matinee Sunday at 2:M P. M. "DEAR BRAT" STARTS Tl'ES., JULY 17th "THE THING* THE RIVIERA^ Show Place of the Middle Weef LAKE GENEVA, WIS* . ;^i|>ros«4ts :: rSiliicks In Music" with WARNEY RUHL and his Orchestra Featuring . jUovaly Lynn Burns and E. C. Holland'. Trump* Playing Nightly Except Monday FREE DANCING EVERY MONDAY to The ED CLEMME NOTICE THE SKYLINE THEATRE WILL BE 6P£N VERY SOON. UNTIL ITS FINAL COMPLETION. ONLY THOSE ATTENDING IN CARS WOX BE ADMITTED. CHILDREN UNDER U IN CARS WILL BE ADMITTED McHENRY ENTERPRIZES, Inc. y'M SCREEN 45X60 RAIN OR MOONLIGHT--OPEN 7 PJL. FIRST SHOW AT DARK, 2nd After ltt STAY IN YOUR PRIV.UK CAR -- RELAX AN 1» fcNJot i'HR BEST SHOWS OUTDOORS. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY ASl TIIKY ARE CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAK FREE! 111 WED* THURS* FRI. and SAT* JULY U.lsMS.14 ••••i i i i i<..i it ; i , f » < » i § 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 » SUN* MON. aad TI ES* JI'Ll li-16-K 91999 COMING* WEDNESDAY, JULY IS "TEXAS RANGER" in Tochnkokg 7 Plus Second Feature "BLONDIET* , M U l ' , 1 1 < IMI t t l t M I M I I Ml |9 99999>6 i