}r*WK .*, -.•>* •' . • :;ri. /»• *HE McHENRYPIJUNDEAIT* •III Bfvy,•AHWB'r • W ' * ^ L >*Tv, w • ami flunge Date Of - |re Fnui Social Ip The date of the Ice cream soc- r • •*> sponsored by the Lutheran Ladle* Aid has, been changed to , Auk. 8 and the place changed to kT (he F>ed Bienapfl residence on Oreen street. There will be homes'..;•••. toade pies and cake served with I; 1 the. ice cream, the surplus to be fet*. Bold. The social is open to, the if tab lie and will begin at 7 o'clock. r Sweeney-Do.by--ns ~ ~ v~^V ;*> f '•< frotJi Announced \ . F. ' Mrs. .William- «* !' , Fox street announces the engigeinent of her daughter, Grayce Wary, to Mr. Gene Dobyns, son of 5 ,1 Itfr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Dobyns ®f Riverside Drive. Announcement Iras made at a party given by Mr. fend Mrs. E. J. Bousser of Park •treet on Sunday, July 15. fi¥ k;--" Plan Amtaal •_ r - • Carden Party . St. Patrick's church is planning for its annual garden party, to take place on the church lawn Thursday. July 26. The public is invited to this dessert-bridge, Which will begin at 1:30 o'clock Mrs. Ray McGee, chairman, will Announce her committee m#m\|fra III the near future. , Sake Plans For An*. 17 Show' , The McHenry WofcttiH club Is busy making plans for the annual garden and flower show which will take place in the show room of the McHenry Equipment company A Elm street Friday. Aug. 17. The public is invited to enter displays of any kind and teenagers, especially, are urged to enter a special division Which is new to the show this year. Children will be admitted free if accompanied by parents. The admission for adults will be thirty-five cents to help carry on the, worthwhile and philanthropic work of the club,; . 0. B. & Held Initiation > fc . ' ' The local Order Of ttie Bwrtfern £tar held initiation last week at the Masonic hall, at which time the birthday anniversaries of all Biembers were celebrated. Four tables were decorated very apjropriately to represent the four Ueasons. , Refreshments were served by Jttrs. Lydia McNeil, Mrdk Fannie Thompson, Mrs. Eva JSppel and Mrs. Agnes Jencks. ' ' Mualfy tdiilta MOOeefflrf fng Rome * A reunion of the Oeffling family was held Saturday at the Alfred Oeffling residence in Johnsfeterg, highlighted by a picnic supfwr and the playing of various tames. The gathering honored Mr. and Mrs: 'William Guyser and son, Barnes, of Long Beach, Calif., who were visiting here. Present at the reunion were the 'William Oeffling, Richard Guyser, l?eter Cjteftling* George Oefftlog^. Alfred OpffUng and Joe Guzzardo families of -this community and "iMr. aad Mrs. John Cdnnell and family of Woodstock. . ftnally SMiki .»v- At Charles Millers A family reunion of the Welngarts was held on 8«nday at the farm home of the Charles MHlers In Haemann's subdivision, with 150 in attendance. Games were jplayed aad an appetizing picnic dinner and supper enjoyed. Raar Infant Baptised Sunday The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baur was christened Snsan Linda at a baptismal servkJe held at St. Mary's church last Sunday, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. William Berndt of DesPlaines. . . Honor Aint At Boa Voyage Party Mrs. Sophie Kosti was guest of honor at a bon voyage party given recently by eighteen co-workers at the Auto-Lite company in Woodstock. The party was held at the Vanderstratten home at Wonder Lake, with dinner served prior to a social hoar. Mrs. Kosti was also honored at a second gathering, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanno of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. George^Kosti of McCullom Lake as hosts. The party was held at the latters' home. Mrs. Kosti plans to leave Chicago for New York City later this month and on July 27 will leave aboard the S. S. Homeland for Germany, where she will spend a month with relatives. She Also plans to visit Switzerland and Prance. Mrs. Kosti erpects to be gone about three months. Gathering At P. W. Freaad Homo ' The Peter W. Freund home on west Waukegan road was the scene of a gathering of friends and relatives Monday, with a large number in attendance to enjoy a picnic supper at 7 o'clock, followed by a social evening. Present were Mrs. Elsie Thorn and daughter, Charlene, of Long Beach. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gilliland and family of Pipestone, Minn., Mrs. Ernest Schroeder of Elgin, Mrs. Mary Pierce Of Belvidere, Alvin Borgeson ct Harvard and Mrs. Mina McDonald of Elgin. BnH Valley harden She# " At the monthly meeting of the Ball Valley Garden clut, held at the home of Mro. Andrew Kuby, Jr., a garden show was planned for early fall. Mrs. William M. Tittle will be chairman of the affair. The ahow is to be called* "Let's Bntertain," and will be held at the Ridgefield Presbyterian church at Ridgefield Saturday, Sept n. BIRTHS PERSONALS fVVVwvVVTTT Mrs. Frank Rossi (Mary Knox) of Pell Lake, Wis., is still seriously 111 at Wisconsin General hospital in Madison. Mrs. Irene Oberwlse, Lupie Lagrio and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huemann of Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday with Mrs. Wynne Jolitc and femily. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trent of Chicago were Monday afternoon callers in the Wynne Jolitz home. Mf. and Mrs. 11. L. Schoenholti and children are enjoying a trip to California. Ben Wegener of Chicago opent a few days this week visiting relatives and friends here. The Misses Helen, Julia, Lucille and Joanne Knox spent a few days" last week visiting in Wisconsin. , Mrs. Eleanor Foley tfpent a few days laet week in Chicago. Jerry Ward, statibhed with the Air Corps at Columbus, Ohio spent ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ward. Mrs. John Borgeson and family of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Freund of McHenry attended a double shower in Chicago Sunday, honoring two brides. Mr. and Mrs. Gilder of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Josie R. Sriiith of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Crystal Lake. Rev.* J. Elliott Corhett is attending Ministers' Summer Institute at Urbana, 111., this week. Guests in the Erwtn Latires home on Sunday Were Mr. and Mfi. V. J. Knox and , family of Crj'stal Lake, Mrs. Jane Gitzke and children of Cary, f/lr. and Mrs. William Heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Koob and Mrs. Annabel Aicher of this community and John Hoffman of Chicago. Miss Frances Michels of Chicago has been spending some time visiting in the Charles Michels home. Mrs. Ida Mix has returned to her home In Chicago after visiting McHenry frieftda for a few days. Mrs. John Bolder, Miss Genevieve Knox. Miss Nellie Doherty and Miss Florence Khox enjoyed a trip to Washington, D. C., last Week. Mrs. Arthur Kenneheek and daughter of Phoenix, Ariz., hare been visiting in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberltn. The George fiOhr famllt is Vacationing for setoffe! w!eet» at Stanberry, Wis. Miss Mary McCabe Of Chicago v i s i t e d M c H e n r y f r i e n d s l a s t week. Harry Lawrence Of Chicago spent the weekend In McHenft. He was accompanied home Sunday by Mrs. Lawrence, who had been spending the week here. Mrs. Joanne Rulien is visiting her brother. A. W. Wenck, in Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. John CalHnan and; sons of Chicago are spending this week visiting in the home of his sister and husband, the Ray Mc- Gees. A daughter was borh on Friday, July 13, at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hettermann. Mrs. Hettermann is the former Betty Dehn. The baby has been named Joy Ann. Mr. and Vs- Francis Stromski of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born July 12 at the Woodstock hospital. McHenry friends Will be interested to learn that a daughter was born on July 8 at 8t. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Riehl of Crystal Lake. FEHQEN-DOOLEY VOWS EXCHANGED - IN CHICAGO CHURCH Of interest locally was the mrfft rJafce of Mr. David F. Dooley, jr., son of tho senior Dooleys of Couttry Club subdivision, McHenry, and Miss Gloria Fergen of Chicago, which took place Saturday, Jvly 7, at 11 o'clock at St. Victor's Church in Chicago. The attractive bride was attired ift a lovely White satin and lace gown, with fingertip veil held by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of . carnations and orchids. Miss Betty Dooley, sister of the groom, acted as maid of honor and William Henning of Chicago, a friend of the groom, served as best man. Miss Dooley wore while dotted Swiss dress over mint green skirt. Mrs. Fergen chose for her daughter's Wedding a pink lad? dress, with which she wore white accessories.. Mrs. Dooley Wore a firoe green dress with white accessories. A wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party and immediate families at. the Belmont hotel in Chicago. A reception followed for about 250 guests at Weber hall in the evening. ; Those from McHenry to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Jack 8mitlff Mr. »&nd Mrs. Don Anderson, Mr, ami Mrs. Ed Heyward, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Holt, Mr! and Mrs. G. MacLeod, Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Mueller and sons, Harry and Walter, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart EJngh and daughter. Carol. The newlyweds are enjoying a honeymoon trip to Wisconsin, after which they will make theij home in Morton Grove, 111, ** A COMING CARD OP THANKS We would like to .take this opportunity to thank friends apd neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in ottr bereavement. FAMILY OP •10* MRS. JOHN STOFPEL Ctneer Findings The discovery of a new series chemicals which retard the gro' of cancer in animals has been re* ported by biochemists in the Unl> versity of California School of Medi> eia*' ' ' y ,;I0AN HKI1MS _ Ahiiounoement has beeii tTiSae by Otto Heilnian of McHenry of the engagement of his daughter, Joan, to Pfc. Lyle Ladtfoged of Randolph Field, Tex. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ladefoged of Woodstock. Miss Heilnian graduated from the local high school in 1950. HOT, TENDER, RSPIRINC: Dr. Sc/mffs FOOT f'OWDER BOLGER'S * DRUG STORE PhoQe 40 McHenrf , Jaly t# v Picnie -- „Johnsbvrg Church Ground A- Johnsburg, McHenry, Aurora and Klgin Courts. Cafeteria D i n n e r--Greenwood Methodist Church--&: 30 P.M. July SI-22 St. rater's Church Carnival and Chickeft Dinner--Spring Grove. July 25 H o u s e w are Demonstration -- Club Lilymoor--8 P.M.--Sponsored by Lily Lake P.T.A. July 28 Legion Auxiliary Bake And Food Sale--George Justen Furniture Store--Begins At 10 A.M. • Dance , At American Lfgion Home-. . Afktnst S': , C D. of A. Picnic--1 P.M. Pottiuck Lunch--V.F.W. Clubhouse. August 9 Ice Cream Social---Fred Biena- STOP that DRIP! A wn cur* for cond«n- Mtion drip - from cola waiar pipat. • No mora wet fleer*. Turn idla space Into playroonf or workshop. Quick, Claan and Easy t<l Apply. ^ Wrap cork-fillad NoDrip Tap* around pipes and! Joints. Do It yourself. Effective IwailataH Roll covers about I <1 feet of Vi" |Hpe. J69 BJORfe»iirs- RIVERSIDE HARDWAiB Hlto Riverside Drive Phone 728 pfl Home, Greet Street--Sponsored By Lutheran .Ladies Ai<l ' Algist 4 j Marine Day Coronation Balk- Legion Home, , , * v- - g Marine Day. • f Angnst f H u 11 a-Ra-Loo Day--McH Country Club. « August 9-1* V.P.W. Carnival--City Park. August 17, FloWef and Garden Sftow «'Me- Henry Equipment Show Room -- Sponsored By Woman's Club. Angust 18 Joint Installation Of Officers, American Legion And Auxiliary-- 8 P.lA--Legion Home. , Angust 23 Fashion Show By Betty Nielsen --Villa Hotel Resort--Benefit Of St Mary's-St Patrick's P.TJL--1:30 P.M! Angust U*M St. John's , Church ^Carnlva^ , Johnsburg. -- /, y > McHenry Man S*r*«d Wil&£ Guard Unit In Cicero Riot Wilbert L. Cain, who Is a sergeant In the Illinois National* Guard, was brought into servie^' with his unit in Cicero last weel%»;< where they were called to patrols the riot area. Sgt. Cain is the husf| band of the former Bette Wirtz. $ In August, he will go to Camp Riley, Minn., for a two weeks' encampment period with the 44t1 division. | Deal With Want Ads. CHECKS t i m l BANKING DOLLARS REMttSfNTtO BT BANK CHECKS (Individuals and Businesses) FOR A TWO-YEAR PERIOD m Laid end to end woukl reach from the Earml.! IQ ifaft One of the tests of the value of any product or service is: how extensively is it used. Banlc checks have universal usage in both business and personal money management. Join the many4 satisfied users of our checking account service^ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposit^ IN toJBmM NASH AMBASSADOR (D Ysnr Private Sleeping Car, anywhere, anytime .. • with Twin Beds ready in seconds. Airflyte Construe* tion means far more comfort and safety. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig W. Kaeuffl have moved from their summer home (since 1940) in Hueman's subdivision to the former Walter R. Immerman residence at 501 Golf View Road, Country Club subdivision, which they have purchased. The Kaeuffl's will make it their year 'round residence. - 5E There Mo Substitute for Scwo-H-Hore. ..NOW r '--rriX.-- Year Savings Account Is InTited. llA% Interest McHENRY STATE BANK Open: Delly 9:00 A. M. to 3K)0 P. M. -- Thurs. 9:00 A. M. to Ifeon MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION? 71' and FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM M lee CM doable your vecetloa fan--go farther at far less cost in a^mart new 1951 Nash Ambassadoi1. It's a big, luxurious car... accommodates twice the luggage of most cars ... takes you a hundred miles farther on ft tankful of gas... cradles you with soft coil springing On all four wheels ... even sleeps you at night in its dafln Twin Beds! When you drive this distiugaMed Nash Ambassador and sample its new Jetfire power, you'll discover the world's finest performance! Try it--or the new Nash Statesman--with Hydra-Matic Drive. ^ Wonderful Trade-in Allowance! Ask your Nash dealer. All Nash Cars Won trophies in the 1951 Mobilgas Economy Run. E»gp thebigjuxurious/ aged 25.92, Sleep the Miles Away .. . deep m this soft Airliner Reclining Sea& It's 5-ways adjustable ... only onfof many exclusive luxury featured • \ v Choice of Three Traamissioa# with Nash Jetfire rtwwi*... Stand* a/d, O verdrive, fiydm-Mutic Drive. You'll love its top performance. FOR TV FUNI Watch Paul Whiteman TV Teen dub Show ... presented by Nosh for l^ath dealers. . i ABC coosMo^codsl network. SeO your paper. t Nm* Moton, BMilii Mod> IWihuhi Carpi, Bail $g, t THflKli ORCA1* •CMBS--The Nash Airflytcs come in 17 distinctive models--Ambassadors, Statesmen and Ramblers. All are of pnystru^ion. built to stay V f - S . y / V : *' ' ' ndw years longer! Be sure to. see the new Rambler Country Club Sedan, America's smartest hardtop convert" iblc -- Aistom-e^nijp^ed and ^iccd with the iowesti 405 'ilm St Phono 484 1 he World's Mn i. THi AMBASSADOR • 'HI >iAi THE R AMBIf. U f f '