••MM IV MM. Qwrc^kipwd) Tiw Home Circle met St the of Mr*. Loots Hawley ThOrs III, afternoon. This was Capsule Hdir day and each one found out IVho bad been her secret pal for the part year and received a gift from her. Capsules with names la them were drawn for the coming year. Ice cream and cake was barred. *^he next meeting will be SO the lawn at the home of Mrs. Fransen. The Happy Clover 4-H girls had IK Meeting at the home of Carol IPMHrlaon Tuesday evening, in Wbtch the girls invited their mothers. Martta Thomson gave a talk on Camp Wetomacliek. Ann- «tt Schmitt gave a talk on riding a bicycle faithfully, Mary Jean Bell and Jean Muzzy gave a demonstration on how to make a waffle and Mary Hogan gave a talk on activities In which the club had partieipated in the past year. All the girls gave a demonstration on foot exercises. Refreshments were served. At the close, the girls presentad their mothers with a gift they tad made. The Methodist Sunday School is aponsoring community night at church Sunday evening, Aug. There will be a pot-luck sup- |ir and program. •; The Round Up clnb had a hamburger fry at Gander Mountain, near Wilmot, Saturday evening.- Alice Peet was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum announce the arrival of their iourth daughter on Thursday, Aug. 10. Mrs. Fossum was formerly Miss Bobbett Cristy. Mr, knd Mrs. Kenneth Cristy are the proud grandparents. • Mrs. Paul Jolitz and sons, Billy, lick and 'Terry, of McHenry visitad relatives and friends here Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. George Haberline Q| Chicago called on friends here iHday afternoon. ** dob Dodge of Woodstock was a Miller in the George Shepard home VHday evening. Snjul Kimura spent the week 4td with his parents at Oak Park. \'Mr. and Mrs. Joslln 'and daughter, Caroline, and Beverly Bruce attended the fair at Springield Saturday afternoon and Sunday. \ '.Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard - '.yaie callers at Woodstock Friday Horning. ;r Mrs. Louis Hawley was a visitor ' fit Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Vr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evenwith Mrs. Lena Peet ' : Mrs. Fred Wledrich, Sr., and ISaghter. tMae, were visitors at %ystal Lake Saturday. % •*' Miss Luella Krumpton of Genoa Qlty spent the week end with Mrs, George Shepard. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Mou- 4*y and Tuesday in Chicago. Mr* and Mrs. Charles Heelien •ad daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond were Baaday dinner guests in the 'Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and #Udrtti attended a Moose picnic it Crystal Lake Sunday. Mra. C. G. Huson of Elgin is tending the week with Mrs. Rose ippson. • Mr. aad Mrs. itoy Wiedrich and family of Genoa City visited his mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Miller of Richmond and Alfred Kattner of Solon Mills spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. They were on their way home to Chicago from a two weeks' trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family of Evanston are spending a few weeks at their cottage hare. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Crystal Lake were callers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests in the C. L. Harrison home were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, Glen Wattles of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenner and son and Carol Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, Jimmie, drove to Williams Bay Sunday and their son, Jackie, who had been attending Bible Camp, returned home with them. Mrs. Collins returned home Monday from Wilmette, where she spent a couple of weeks in the home of her son, Frank Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson and family attended a birthday party at the home of-their brother, Allan Dimon, at Ostend Tuesday evening. * Jule and Dennis May of Johnsburg spent the weekend in the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane and family visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strukel, at Melwaokee, Sunday. Mesdatnes Oscar Berg, beater Carr aad Wm. McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family drove to Williams Bay Sunday and their son, Dean, who has been attending Bible Camp, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Adams and family spent Sunday evening in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. Frank Walters of New London, Iowa, and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were visitors in the Loaia Hawley home Saturday.] . -T Itamb Sacking Thumb snaking may cause permanent damage to a child's teeth and jaws. Dr. George W. Teuscher of the Northwestern university dental school told the American dental association at its annual session. Dr. Teuscher took issue with the idea that if the habit js stopped before the permanent teeth grow in, they will not be affected. He urged that parents be warned that thumb sucking can cause an abnormal position for both permanent and first or primary • teeth., .• 'i ' • '• Barn Red Barn red is becoming increasingly popular as a body-color for pmdll houses. It contrasts pleasantly with the surrounding green shrubbery and is set off effectively with white trim and shutters. The red and white combination is attractive with a gray or a brown roof. ma' aah aAiLaaM^w^ki ' ItiLtWMp ALLOTMENT SET AT 1.897.401 "The Illinois wheat allotment for the 1951 crop has been established at 1,697,406 "acres," Arthur 0. Wood, member of the State Production and Marketing Administration committee, announced this week. This figure represents a decrease of approximately 4 percent as compared with the state's 1950 wheat allotment but it's aboat equal^o the > acreage actually planted. However, seedings fin Illinois for the 1950 crop were considerably- affected by adverse weather conditions. Wheat producers are again bfing asked to produce* their crOp in acordanee with acreage allotments. "These allotments on a national basis," said the state committeeman, "have been carefully calculated so as to provide e'nougb wheat to meet all foreseeable requirements of' the nation. At the present time the country is in a good sound position with regard to wheat. Supplies on hand are tending to dccreake, need to keep production with our needa." Nnless producers use good judgment In this fall's seedings, the refult might be tbe accumulative of unnecessarily large sup plies. Mr. Wood pointed out that this in turn could bring market gluts, price stabilising difficulties, and severe storage problems. sitEK SfOP LIGHTS More than twenty irate mothers descended on the Barrington village board last wet;k, seeking stop lights on Main street and the Northwest highway. "We've been tryifig for more than three years to get either four-way stop signs of stop and go lights there", Mayor Howard Brintlinger %nswere0 the women, "but the state fTiily says !" However, several steps to improve the dangerous corner will be taken immediately, the board decided. A large "Danger" sign on the east side of the highway blocking the view will be moved 25 feet north, and the weeds on the corners will be cut down. COME IN and Enjoy the Sparkling Rhythm ERNIE WAGNER at the Hammond Organ NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY Your Favorites, Old and New » Hear them as presented by console. ^ED STAR INN Richmond, Illinois artist pi the HOME REPAIRS We specialise in completT bqn»e repaiT from roof-top to basement. Call us< today for fast quality work on your repair problems. Attic Apts. -- Basement! -- Divided Apts. -- Roofing -- Porches Enclosed -- Porches Rebuilt -- Dormers -- Siding -- Carpentry -- Plastering -- Heating -- Plumbing -- Electric -- Garages. (Ko Job Too Large -- No Job Too Small) • FREE ESTIMATES LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS McBENRY IMPROVEMENT CO: , GENERAL OOKTRACTOks Phone 183 or 523-M-l McHenry, HI. HOT, FIERY GAS jBtomach JJke afvuee A McHenry W aaM recently that his MilA used to burn like a "#88 taetPry"! That is, whea he '££• a meal it seemed to.turn right Into hot gas. He was always bloated, had gas pains daily. But now .this man says he is FREE of STOMACH GAS and he says the change is due to taking CERTAVIN. His meal8 agree with him. f CERTA-VIN Is a new formula. -Taken before meals it works with •your food, expels the gas, and thus . you get the fullest good out of your meals. It contains Ten Great Herbs, plus vitamin,B and Iron. Besides relieving gas it also enliches the blood (with iroa) and . makes stronger nerves (with vlta- , min B.) Miserable people soen feel better all over. So don't go on * suffering! Get CERTA-VIN--Bol ifer Drug £ | k ni mmm Vim Hotel /MODERN OOOKTAIL LOUNG* On Reautiful Pistakee Ray < THE REST IN POOD •/'% t/ Hof Playing Every Saturday NigHt ~ . "Alice Barbian at the piano ^ , vi Efor Saturday Hljbr' *' : ' TELEPHONE PISTAKEE 06II8T CASK PRJCE8 paid h# X Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattb aad Hogs--Sanitary Power Lead --Tankage ail Heat toipi f« sale. Phones Arlington Heights lit or McHesry 814. Reverse Chargaa. Fatatta* Rendering |«?. lee. ATTENTION SUMMER RESIDENTS Your unoccupied summer hcime can be broken Into by burglars and thieves. t PKrtfct xep property *«»» <» • si.ooo Residence Burglary & Theft Policy For Onlv $9.00 Per Year ' For further details about this fine protection be sure to contact our office before closing your premises for the winter months* THE KENT CO., INC. 115 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE McHENRY 8 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A, DEHUMIDIFIER! Call a Phone 723 NOW IS THE TIME 10 TRADE -your present cor may never again |e worth what we will give yoiiT J list it H fight mlstart Jisif# Is yssr hone #r plate *f business An Elactric Dehamidifier can be a big help in » fldg ist's shop... and in many other business establish menu. It will remove the "sweat" which cloud* store windows, especially during cold months .. . and prevent spoilage of stock due to high moisturt in shoe, candy, tobacco, dry goods and a long list of other stores. The value of a Frigidaire Electric Dehumidifier in commercial establishments is almost unlimited! , _ . In your home, too, a Dehumidifier will reduce aad control moisture... ending mildew and rot in yoi - basement or utility room. Find out about the new Electric Dehumidifiers today... and stop moisture damage! Hp Frigidaire Sledrlc Dei humidifier, wMh MM FAMOUS Malar-Miter Mechanism, ftfe movable container ccrtchos has capacMy of . Attfraaf-ot-lwr. j. •M Waohsgaa Baod (KfD BK >' WEST McHENRY. ILL. PhOoa McHenry 49S-W CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney fJealyn * Parkaff ^ • OflTke Honrc: \ remteedajr Afternoons--1 ^|-5 M Otic#--Koekr Sapply Coaipany, M2 Street, West McHenQ llione--McHenry 488 Woodstock 1115 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring. < Motor Pumps Sold and Repaired r TEL. WONDER LAKE 4ef ' ' 1 Home Furniture Recovering and Repairing 20 years experlenoft Phone Pistakee 651-R-l TIC'S UPHOLSTER? 8ERYICS RR. 1, Plstaqua Heights McHenry, 111. iiPr. VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oat. Oreen and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday AfternoosM Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUT -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTL1 We pay phono charges We pay $6 to $25 forv Old Horse** leas for down horses and eattla. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Easd Phone Johnsbnrg 814 . A. P. FREUND SONS flgcavating Ceatractsrs . Tracking, Hydraalk ---^and Crane Service. •--ROAD BUILDING-- TaL M4 H McHenry, II E. E. PEASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor * ISO S. Green St, Mcleary Office Hosrsi Daily except Tharsday __ • to IS ltlO to ft Hon^ Wed. aad Fri, Evenlnfi 7 to • 'SfeV Phore EaJIeary M>1 McHBNRY FLORAL CO Phone 4S4 One Mile South of McHeat; On Route SI Flowers for all occasional 8TOFFEL ft REIHANSPSBdlK nsurance agenta for all ciaasss at property in the best compantaa West McHenry, Ulinais Telephone N». IN INSURANCE EARL R. WALSf Pfre, Anto, Farm & Ufa faiai i-- RepreaentlMr RELIABLE COMPANIES When you neetf msuraaes of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Ureen & Elm McHeni) B. R. H. WATKINS Dentiat _ --Office Honrs--• --• -AWTnes., Thurs., it Sat. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III FRANK S. MAY Trucking land--Dlark Dirt--Crushed Grave.' Light Excavating -- Limestoas Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l , K-l McHenry 1L*S WELDING AND SERVICE 801 Main St., McHemrf Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and ALEX W. WIRFS, Operate* Phone 615-W-l or iMA M'HENRY, ILL. UST 5 minutes behind the wheel of today's big Dodge and you'll discover roominess far costlier cars can't match »• vfaead room, leg room, shoulder room that lets you ride eas* ier, more comfortably, mile after mile. So, drive Dodge today! dependability, that belongs to Dodge and Dodge alone. A. & BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 3 Yott*n get handling and drivthat you'll want to |pake your own for keeps. You'll feel the flashing power of the big "Get-Away" Engine * . . the silken smoothness of Fluid Drive. And you'll sense the ruggedness, the famous CONVINIINT flRMi sat on youri Sao ribefcew Efedrfe etyewrdbolerteroer PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 1 OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS WJlLUkM m. CARROLL, JR. • Attorney-at-iaw lioy, Benton St. Phone Woodstock 1314 ^ Woodstock, lllinoia Aand Limeatoas VERN THELEN Tracking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire Tel. McHenry 688-R-2 or 688-W-l ^ Box 172. Rt. 1, McHenry Wf DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and H< lei. McHenry 31 *Hlice Honrs: 1 a «. to I p. Except Thursdays Eveninga by Appointment D*. R. DeROMp ' -- Dentist -- • 128, Green StrMt m' Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hears: 10 a. m. to ft p. m. ixcept Wednesday. Office elesei •II day Wednesday. ^ _*veah«es kv Mi--lstawrf* BRICK LAYING TUCK POINTING -- FIREPLACES ACID CLEANING C. S. Johnsea H. V. Jacksen Phaae 818-M V. Phone 471-M