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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1950, p. 5

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i %..r : ;-;r' •r.'-'-v .;:P::^ mm* PIAMEALER ibltimed every Thursday at Me- 4<nry, 11L, by the McHenry Publishing Company* Inc. JMIONAl W. BURFEINDT, Ckfe. Manager. FRQEHLlCtf, ^Editor. fenteinrd u second-clam matter at the postofflce at McHenry, III., Minder the act of May 8, 1879. :#h----- - • • • "-- ¥ SUBSCRIPTION EAT* 1 tenr 1 Plalndealer Want Ada No adB counted leu than 26 t#ds. 75c minimum. ' 1 Insertion 76c ~ 1 (Count 6 words per line} )*l6c service charge on all blind Cash with order. rd of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum leading notice 16c per line. rant Ads close promptly at 10 Wednesda» AUTOMOTIVE ' itEPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS' f Accessories and Sent Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 409 W. Elm Street Open Alt Day Saturday and Sunday ' lltf i WR IALE--Generators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, j volta^fc regulators and ignition parts for Kord and all other cars. Seaco Salet & Servicc, Lilymoor, Fred J. SVoboda, Prop; Tel Melleury 183. 47tf FOR SALE-- 1946 Mercury 4-door ia excellent- condition. Mrs. William Spencer, phoue McHenry S*§-M. 11 tET US CONSERVE YOUR Tl&ES Iicrtaw the milage by having ' thfcm balanced and aligned at TEDS AUTO SHOP «- Ml E. Elm St. cr SERYKJ* ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING, AMD TAX SERVICE -- Records Installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 45 tf BUSINESS SERVICE Miniiamia, .praying, fly control. Vs. Ahrcus, 607 Front St. Phone McHenry 736 R. Call between the hours of 12 and 1 3ti HAVE Y0U5 CESSPOOLS, catcli basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Edtlit Snff, Prop. Tel. McHersiy 290. 29tt WELLS DRHUED OR 0RIVEK VATER BT8TEMC -- We sell, repaii i nd iustail pumps. Bill Hacon, Main street, McHenry. Telephone •«7. 26ti C. J. H. DIEHZt * Woodstock Piano Tuner tMiaue 208- W 526 Washington Bt Woodstock, 111. 3011 SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL--• Chicken housetbarns, garages and basements. Frank \V. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. Sil LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. lOtf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAK XUNINQ--Repairing and Refiuish ing, work fully guaranteed. For merly with Lyon and Heily. E. Za both, call collect, Ltfke Zurich 5341. 6tf WATER ANALYSI8 Water checked by culture for bacteria to determine safety and pollution. Charge $4.00. State A proved Lab. 481 McHenry X-Ray Clinic Ik Clinical Laboratory 308 S. Green St. Phone 291 rleaanr . flui - Bmrttfetol, lieiieStfy. Phone McHenry «4«-W-2. . *» .FOR SALE--Rleetr-taaeter eleotrlc ranee. Ruin--| else trie rotary lawn mower, Paul System deotrlc water pump complete with motor and pressure switch. Phone Me- Henry 188. ~ If FORSALK BOATS FOR SALE--(Used) 14-ft Thompson rnuabont; 3 -- 14-ft metal flat bottom; 1 -- 14-ft. Thompson round bottom. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay. *14 FOR SALE--H. C. Little, 70.000 B.T.U. floor furnace, practically new, $100.00; regulation size pool table including cues,, balls, racks, etc. $26.00. Phone McHenry 624X. . ' *14 FOR SAJLE--18" Exhaust Fan, 7/8 H.P. motor, steel frame, ready for installation, in good condition, *25.00. Call McHenry 212-R. 14 FOR SALE-- G. E. Refrigerator, perfect condition. Large doll house with furniture. Call Mc Henry 562-R-2. *14 FOR SALE--2 metal folding cots. 1 with • matress, $3.00 each. Tent, approximately 10x7, $8.00; Surf board, $15.00. Phone McHenry 675-R-l. 14 A MOME-- For general work. Private room, bath. house, small family. Call1 MRi Lee Gladstone, McHenry 481., HELP WANTED -- MEN, bjltftag polishing and die casting, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Tool and die making, timekeeping, plating and 111* spection, 1, 2 and 3rd shifts. Metric Auto-Lite Company,. Woodstock, III. 14 LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE MEAL ESTATE Former Actress . „ --_ river front fcftaae; tot water heat; full base* XMt; 2-car iiMgn. Located east ride of river near bridge. Priced reasonable. Marion ,McOmber* phone McHenry 109-W. 14 FOR SALE--78x142 wooded lot In City. Tel. McHenry 92-M. 14 HELP WANTED-- Adult to cam for three children for two week* in September. Eugene Freund, Rt. 3, McHenry. Phone 636-M-l.' 14-4 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE After this date I. am not responsible for debts contracted by any person other, than mtself. *14 Frank Marcyan HELP WANTED -- Waitress oT part time cook. Call McHenry 877. stf SITUATION WANTSD LOST AMD FOUND WORK WANTED--Carpenter work wanted. By day or by contract. Phone McHenry 532-J. Ttf WORK WANTED--Carpenter. work wanted: By day and contract. I vat Gustafason, Tel. McHenry 632-J-l. ttf CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower In West McHenry VON CONCRETE PR0DU0T8 CO. Phone McHenry 78&-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Crices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Ren'dering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf TUCKP01NTING (Filling-in of rained-out or deteriorated mortar joints in brick, stone, cement block, etc., walls). Residential, Industrial, commercial buildings. Steeple work, chimney repairs. Frank J. Resabek & Son, call Algonquin 4517, after 6 p.m. Over 26 years experience. 13-6 FOR SALE--Factory built Speed Queen washer, like new. Used household refrigerator, good condition. Carey Electric Shop. 14 FOR SALE--Dining room table, dresser, bed, arm chair and other furniture. Ronald OlBon, Lily Lake, Box 143, McHenry. *14 FOR SALE--Mercury candid camera, speedB to 1/000 of second; two filters; lens shade and adapter flashsattachments; carrying case; two packages flash bulbs; developing tank and kit, $40. Can be seen at Steffan's Jewelry store. •it FOR SALE -- Maple bed; pair French doors; sleeping bag and other Boy Scout equipment, $10. Phone McHenry 759-R. 14 FOR SALE--Large baby play pen; walnut baby hi-chair, good condition. Priced at $10 for both. Tel. Wonder Lake 241. 14 FOR RENT RXPBRT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinishii »t, work fully guaranteed. Used Manos for sale. E. Zaboth, call col Jfiect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf JANITOR SERVICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walls Oaily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. Reasonable prices. McHenry Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. Phone McHenry 430-J. 32tf SARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ispose of yonr garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable tates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274. lie ^tteiiry, Phone 368. tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian. Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 63S-M-1 Stf CEH8P00LS and SEPTIC TANKS i SERVICE . G. A. DOUGLAS '% Phone McHenry 776-W 18tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. Phone 523-M-l - McHenry, 111. «tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to •large murals, or free hand oil ' JbaintiiiK*. Copy'"!. alul framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S gTUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phuuv; 275. 40tf $10.00 TO 825.00 Paid for old crippled down horses and cattle. Immediate service -- Phone Union 3211 or Elgin 7724. Reverse charges* Lee Dog Food Company. *7-10 SPENCER SI PPORTS -- For abdonirtrf Sack and bt'eaBts. 'fJeareftt corseticra, Mrs. Stella Hanley, life Woodstock Road, • Marengo, 111. Tel. Marengo 1463. 13-4 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Johns-ManviUe Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Lee J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. AI Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALB--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Cqrner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold ease beer and packaged goods of all kinds. Al Phanncn still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Forinals. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51 tf FOR SALE -- Registered German Shepard puppies. Call after 5 p.m. Crystal Lake 1321-R-2. *12-3 FOR SALE--Pool table and electric bottle cooler. Apply at Palace Recreation, 119 So. Green St. 13 i FOR SALE -- Reconditioned Rexairs with all attachments, guaranteed, also Westinghouse vacuum 1 104-M Helen Weber Says for your brighi summer clothes! f Keep yonr wardrobe crisply •i fresh for summer sheers and prints! Send year dresses to as regularly. We give fine fabrics the carefnl treatment they deserve. McHenry Cleaners 1S« Eton Street ' jfc-Henry, I1L /"ft-**,.... . -• FOR RENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath shower, plenty of hot water. Tel. McHenrv 853. - 46tf ROOMS FOR RENT -- At 109 W. Main St., McHenry. Tel, 100-R. ' - ' ~ " IS-i FOR RENT-- 3 room apartment, semi-furnished, gaa light and heat included. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay. *14 FOR RENT -- Small furnished apartment, modern conveniences, one or two adults, moderate rent. Apply C. F. Martell, Lilac Road and Lake Shores Drive, Hickory Falls Subdv. or Vacula Cardinal Food Store. „ ..£ ,14 ""J • r- ' i Ti -iii» irH"tllS/iinnmi in. ' FOR RENT -- 4-rdom fcompletely furnished apartment, available for ten months, September to June, 1951. Tel. McHenry 673-R-2. 14 FOR RENT -- Summer cottage, sleeps 4;. modern. Tel. McHenry 646-J-2. 14 HELP WANTSD GOOD OPPORTUNITY We are hiring additional women and girls at dress factory. No experience necessary. Riverside Mfg. Co* 200 N. Riverside Drive, Mc- Henikky^. CCaa ll 881 MMf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-- Waitresses. Call McHenry ;$77. 2tf HELP WANTED Assemblers, wirers, solderes, pickers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral (Wp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 atijJ 31. 51-tf FOR RENT-- 3-room and 4-room apartments. Inquire at Lily Lake Grocery. Phone McHenry 644-M-l. 14 WANTED SALESMEN--Salary and commission with opportunity to earn $500 per month and more to qualified men. We guarantee to furnish names of farmers who have written us and said they want to buy barn cleane-rs. Must have auto or small truck to carry parts. Willing workers who will follow our "tried and proven" merchandising plan can earn big money now and establish a permanent business for themselves. Write Box 85, care McHenry Plalndealer. •12-8 HELP WANTED -- We have an opening for a reliable married farm couple; also for single farm hand. References required. Tel. McHenry 670-M-2, Hickory Creek Farms. 12-® WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home at Lily Lake by day or week. Write If. Christiansen, Rt 2. McHenry, 111. >14 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers aad direet salesmen. Quality liues, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers.; representative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood* stock, Box 331, Phone 464-JX. fltf WANTBD--Watches and Jewelry repai". Anthony Noonan, 800 So. Green street, McHenry. (FfQpt pjurt of Claire Beauty Shoppc..) . litf WANTED TO REST Four or five room house or apartment. . Unfurnished preferred. 2 adults. References furnished. Phone Johnsburg 637-J-2. . 14 WANTED TO RENT -- House or apartment In McHenry with two or three bedrooms. Tel McHenry 205-J. 14 REAL E8TATE FOR SALE In Mill stream, a iMt modern subdivision, 4 and 8 rooms, Fhce Brick on all 4 sides; FlAt ccmfftft basement, Antomntic nll farnhce or het water; gas, electric, city sew^r. Possession from 80 to M Im Price, *11,800.00 and 818JM.0*, Cash Down-- 26%. Balance SO yeam to pay. Yon can also have water frqnt M. Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSBURQ --Telephone McHENRY 87. Stf LOST--Small plastic coin purse. Lost at V.F.W. carnival, Saturday night. Phone 808-W-l. 14 LOST-- Female black and white springer spaniel in McHenry last week. Answers to nawe "Duchess". Danny Green, frhone McHenry 129-M. *14 LOST--Green duffle bag containing golf shoes and clothing. Lost near McHenry Country club Aug. 9. Finder please phone McHenry Country dub. *14 LOST--Black pocket book. Ijost on blacktop between 31 and Mc- Cullom Lake. Contained personal papers and keys to luggage. Loser will reward finder. Call 170 or write McHenry Plalndealer. *14 AUCTION By virtue of a Decree of the County Court of McHenry Comity, Illinois, made on the Petition of the undersigned for leave to sell the real estate of MARY R. MIL-, LER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HRRRBY GIVEN that on Friday, the 1st day of September next, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon and 11:00 A.M. Central Daylight Saving Time, at the East front door said day, at, to-wit: the hour of 5:00 oclock In the afternoon of of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Number Four (4), in Block Number Two (2) of the Original Plat of the Villiage of West McHenry, said Lot being located in and being a part of the South West quarter of Section Number twenty-six (26), in Township Number forty-five (45) North of Range Number eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridan, and situate, lying and being in the City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, in the State' of Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder TERMS OF SALE: 25% of the purchase price at time of sale and balance at time of approval of sale by the Court. JOHN W. GANCAR, Administrator of the Estate .of Mary R, Miller, Deceased. (Pub. Aug 10-17) abtnoNTAL 1 Pictured screen star of yesteryear. , I Domesticated animal II Ireland «11 Mineral rode IS 1000 pottnds 14 Whole 18 Sprite II Measure of VBMBCAL 1 Writing implement 2 And (Latin) SUua 4 Ignited 9 Legal instrument • At this place 7 Toward IX'Wk 8 Before • Skin openings 12 Exalt Hi IS Paving : substantia'; 14 Orient ; 'yy 15 Finishes .^ 17 Enemy 23 Street (ab) 24 Relates M ED VOGEL, Auctioneer FOR SALE -- SPEfTALS Reautlfal homes -- reasonably priced -- on Pistakee Ray, Fox River McHenry, McCnllem Lake, Wonder Lake, Crystal Lake. Knox Real Estate, 405 Rlchm«n4 Road, McHenry, I1L Phone McHenry 421-J. 18tf. FOR SALE--At beautiful Pistakee Bay. New 5 room convertible home in Bay View Park. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, living room 14x24 Water rights, also vacant, 2 easements, 1-9 ft.; 1-6 ft. Fine flshng. Price $4,750.00. Severlnghaus Estate, Phone 194, or see your local dealer. Pistakee Bay, McHenry, ill. 14-2 FOR SALE-- Modern, ranch-type house; full basement; furnace heat; one acre of land; one-quarter mile south McHenar; rf«,500. Call 338. f 13-3 FOR SAlE --Attractive Jtj^Sn-l'oom year round home. McClffiii*ijLake. fully insulated, floor ftfrfciJeffurnished or unfurnished. Reasonable. Phone547-J-l. Stf FOR SALE--6 room year* round home. Tile bath and cabinet kitchen, 2 bedrooms; automatic oil heat, hot water, garage and cement driveway. Price $7,100.00. Call McHenry 634-R-2. *14 The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRY8TAL LARK VIA. McHenry' Ce's. Leading Theatre FRI. • SAT., AHi. 18.18 (Donele Feature) NOTE! This 7:00 P.M.. Aadie Murphy Show Starts at In Gale Storm "THE KID FROM TEXAS" . (In Technicolor) "BODY HOLD* Starring wrtfiwr Parker Hilary Brookes SUN. . MON., AUG. 20-21 Sunday Cen't From ItM P.M. Esther WNHams Tan Johnson In "DITHESS OF IDAHO" (In Technicolor) The hit of the sammer. Photographed In gorgeous Sun Yalley. TIES. - WED. - THI RS. Aug. 23*28-24 Donald O'Connor In "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" (In Technicolor) Open 8:00 P.M. Daily Matlaee San* 8 PJL. Continuous* On account of the death of my husband I will sell at Public Auction oh my farm located 2 miles Southeast of McHenry on the East River Road on SUNDAY. AUG. 27 commencing at 12:00 noon, day. Ifekt saving time the following described property: 42 Head af Li*estock All purebred Ayrshire cattle. wffl, Ulance milking good; 1 Ayrs^rf biUlf i two year heifers; t^ne'/Mr heifers; * three months . ALL MACHINERY ONE YEAR OLD David- Bvadley rubber tire side delivery. 4 bar hay rake, new; Rubber tire wagon and grain box; John Deere tractor with cultiva- -toi'; David Bradley rubber tire tractor spreader; General rotary hoe, 7' ft.; Butler 250 gal. gas tank tnd stand; David Bradley 7 ft. tractor disc; David Bradley rubber tire 2-216 tractor plow, bydrallc llR; John Deere 7 ft. tractor mower on rubber; McD. 8 ft grain drill fertiliser and seed attachment, new; 4-section drag, folding draWbar; David Bradley tractor; corn planter, fertilizer attachment; David Bradley hammer mill; Papec power feed mixer; Rubber tire wheel barrow; 3 slhgle unit Riteway milking machine; 2 extra pails FEED 12 ft. of silage; 30 tons of chopped alfalfa hay; 1000 bu. of oats; 16 tens of baled 2nd cutting al- (alh; 400 bu. old ear corn; 30 acres of standing corn in field. 800 Austria white pullets. TERMS--All sums of $25.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will, be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. Amy ThoftnMoit, Owner McHenry State Bank Clerking Corn growth from hybrid seed should not be saved for seed because the extra vigor of hybrid corn Is limited to the first hybrid generation. ELM THIEEATT RE Waucoada, I1L Rente 171 Mffl Street FBI. • SAT., AUG. 18-18 Wau Moiden Coleeu Gray In /FATHER IS A BACHELOR* • Added -- Technicolor Short "JUNGLE TERROR" SUN. • MON. - TUE8. AUG. 20-21*22 "FATHER OF THE BRIDE" with Spencer Tracy Joan Bennett Elisabeth Taylor Pins Cartooa and Short WED. - THURS* AUG. 28-84 Richard Widmark Gene Tlerney Grant Withers Hugh Marlowe In ^IGMT AND TM1 CHIP OLD TIMER WRITES Along with a request for renewal to the Plalndealer this week was a short note from Herb Bennett, old timer from St. Paul, Minn. Says he still greatly enjoys reading the paper. His many friends will be happy to hear that he is in good health and la still working. It Ib best for amateur tree planters to use trees no larger than 8 to 12 feet tall and 1% to 1% Inches in diameter at one foot from the ground.' We arc forming our Annual Christmas club. All applications must, be in by Sept. 1. Althoff's Hardware. 14 Uncle Sam Says 18 Near SO live and Ave 21 Account of (sb.) 12 Relaxes IS World-famed classic writer 28 Let it stand Stfflop* SO She was • flunous ---- heroine SS Transmitted St Rent S7SmeH* S8 Either 40 Skill ' 43 Exist 44 Bach (ab.) 48 Twisted 47Fteoch art museum 41 Also 80 Over (eontr.) 52 Liquid measura ISDispoee 94 She was a There is an average of sixty-two acres of cropland per person engaged in agriculture, while in some foreign countries, such as Japan and Yugoslavia, the average is one or two acres per Mter. 28 Pointed a StSerty weapon 41 Was earned^ 27 North Dakota 42 Change fab) course 30 Ferrous 43 Provides wtdl (comb, form) weapens 1 31 Indian army 48 Affirmative 1 49 < M SI Rhode cab.) ttJfcjjtiaii fab I [Dinner I Several \ Negative i Direction l Not High A".-'S- ' Read the Want Ads. FRI. • MAT., AUG. 18-18 Matinee Sat, 2:80 P.M. Timely As Today's Newspaper Cheer 'Em Again! "WAKE ISLAND" and PROUDLY* WE HAIL" SUN. - MON., AUG. 30*1 Matinee Sna* StSO P.M. Esther Williams Yaa Johason hi "THE DUCHESS OF IDAHO" Color by Technicolor This Memorial Day remember these you loved by remembering these you love--make year ehttd's future bright with the premise of financial Independence by fnrslling him daring the U. S. Savings Bends Independence Drive. Then matically, year bank or your place of employment wfll see to It that Ms pile of Savings Bonds grow and grow. Each 82 you Invest for him today will in ten years return him 84. By this simple method ho will be financially able to pay an education, to start la perhaps to build his owa owe It to your family to enroll, NOW, for the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or If self-employed, the Bond-A-Month Plan at ystor U S. Treunfj Dcpvtmit STARTS TUESn AUG. SS (By Technicolor) Bnrt Lancaster Yirglnla Mayo In "THE FLAME AND TBI ARROW" McHENRY, ILUXVa FRI. . SAT* ACS. IMS Gregory Peck Helen "THE GUN FIGHTER" Cartoon and Novelty SUN. - MON., AUC^lMl (In Color) Esther Wllllnms Tan JehM "DUCHESS OF IDAHO** Cartoon and Masknl TI ES. . WED* AUG. Paul Deaglas Jena MM "LOYE THAT BRUTE" Comedy • "Little laMefeP THURSDAY, AUG. Si (ONE DAT) Ann Sothern laclMry 8m| "SHADOW ON THE WALL" STARTING FRIftAT June Allyson Dick FiweB "THE REFORMER AND REDHEAD* M 'W 4H-H4-4 4H-IH4-HI I IK I M nay for an business, er a beme. Yeu •IHH1444 11 I II1 111 111'4ti TOWNE - THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7>lfll FRI. - SAT* AUG. 18-18 THE GREAT JCWCI ROBBCR ^"OUTDOOR r GRflVSLflKE.-BT.tzo a. / NOW PLAYING WINCHESTER '73' ar . =1? j ^ SUN. MON. ft TOES. AUG. 20-21-XI EXCIUSITO Showing Dboct from Chicago's Loop P. Vinconl Prico a Suuonc kvnqlos • joms *scho PEITIR?O6N»CR .SSVM SUN. - MON* AC(i. 20-21 hjuiiHUH FOQJA'T' "" "" dvchessofuhho STAMHNO ESIIII VIUMIS • VM JIIISII ^ llll llll jm• coioi sy A ^ TICHNICOLOR !**"" - BARON • OF : •' A-<T* --IM'R •SS - -- RN*M TI ES. - WED. - THl RS. Al'G. 22-2S-24 WED. THURSm FRt ft SATM AUG. 23-24-2S46 Hsdf Lamarr Vfctor sSWA*. . £ MMUALM M-I MMRMN UVMM i »« •• !* M 1111 M I I I 1 1 1HM 4.1. -:i • U No Increase in Pricaa

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