»v - r•*+.*** THEM (if Ipm Gharl** Prasad) Mrs. Helen Hawkins just returned from a two wefck visit with friends in Huntington, West Virginia. Registration days are being Meld at St Peter's school this v^eek Tuesday and ' Wednesday. The opening date at the school tear wilt be Sept. 5. tlnr Arttrar Katttier e on Wednesday were Mr. and Ma* WHHhat May. Mr. and Mr*. lUlliM Mn, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bchmltt and Mrs. Christine Behmttt. Among thoK drop Niw wboeft- JOJTMI an evening of cards at the hoase of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen of Richmond on Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs. Bon May. Mr. and MI-R. Jake Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner. Members of her cltib were entertained at a house warming party at the new home of Mrs. George Fyffe in DesFlaines on Thursday afternoon. The after-; noon was spent at cards and prise Winners were Mrs. Belle Isakaon. Mrs. Jake Miller, Mrs. Ren Ma^, Mri. IKYank Wagner and Mrs. Prank Tinney, A delicious lunch Was served to complete the party. Mr. aad Mrs. J. H^frich of Des- Plalnes visited in the Frank Tin- Bey home OB Monday. Walter Brown, Clareace MiHer, Charles Frennd, Bob Tinney, Mdrk fierce and Frank Mikeleif drove to Milwaukee on Thursday night to see the stock car races. Those who enjoyed a picnic at the George W. May farm on Monday afternoon were Mrs. A! Malickl, Mary Jane. Buddy and Phyliss, Penny Petersen, Mrs. Charles Freund, Tom, Dan, Vie and Charlotte, Mrs. Shirley Dawson and Gtany. The menu consisted chiefly of fried chicken and sweet corn. There was also a birthday cake In honor of Mrs. Freund. The ' Christian Mothers anc Children of Mary Sodalities held their regular meeting at St Peter's parish hall on Thursda: night. Plans were discussed lot a pantry shower for the Nuns, t be held on Thursday night Sept 20, at 7:30, at which tlm< there Wilf also he a pot-luck sup per. Those who volunteered t( assist at this party are Mr- Frank Tinney, Mrs. Ben Smith Mrs. Anton Widhalm, Mrs. Be; May, Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Edn Olson, Mra. Math Toole, Mr? Helen Smith and Mrs. Emm Jang. After the meeting, card' and bunco were played and prises went to Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mr. William Britz, Mrs. Math Nlmr gern, Mrs. Gregory Kattner, Mie Clarice Mty and Mrs. Ben Smith A luntth wa£ served by the com Blittee hi charge. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and family are spending, this week Ivlth relatives in Iowa. Congratulations to- Mr. and Mrs jGh a r 1 e 8 Martin. A daughte' Weighing 8 lbs., 9 oz., was born tr them on Saturday. Aug. 18, at, Woodstock hospital. Mr. ted Mrs. Charles Freund ijifl family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lund at their home in VF&uconda. Wieners were Toasted in a barbecue pit and a picnic dinner was served. Visiting a&d card's Were the afternoon's diversion. py . The McHenry county water fighting teams will hold their an- * ttial tournament at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. The Spring Grove firemen's team will take part in this tournament. The firemen are also making plans for their annual carnival. Don't for- Thirty Years Service r-- George EL Sullivan completed thirty years as an employee of the Woodstock S e n t i n e l l a s t Thursday, Aug. 23. A plaque was presented to him with an inscription commending him for his faithful service. He is now sports editor. ASK LOCAL BOARDS TO CONSIDER SOME DEFENSE DEFERMENTS WWW-IWif Colonel Paul G. Armstrong, Illinois Selective ServleF"Tfirector, today called on local boards throughout the state to consider granting temporary deferments to men whose skills are urgently needed in critical defense industries. As examples he listed tool and die makers, designers and pattern makers, and technicians such as chemists and engineers. Work is now starting on large tltrilibffs of critical defense contracts, Colonel ^Armstrong pointed out. To get the plants ready for operation requires skilled lafeor, which is in short supply. He recommended to the Selective Service local boards that they give particular consideration to deferring workers in the machine tool industry, including not only journeymen but also apprentices who have completed a substantial part of their training. Boards should consider each case individually. Colonel < Armstrong advised. He called attention to the fact that if a man who has been deferred reaches his twenty-sixth birthday he remains liable for military service until he is 36, thus urgently needed persons can be granted deferment nd still be avaUaMe later for the Armed Forces. First Bikes America'i first bicycler, Introduced from Europe in the early 1800'g, were called, arttortg other names, Velocipedes, Hobby Horses, and Dandy Carriages. The rule breaker is an accident tnakei-! Twice ToM Tate * VttentyFJf* YedN ; With the acquisition of the George Sayer Farm No. 3. consisting of 280 acres, the Plstaqua Heights Country club, located on the bay, uow becomes the largest club in the whole Chicago territory in the amount of acres. At last McHertry is going to get the connecting link on Rt 20 built through the city, which has been held up for one reason or another over a period of at least two years. The battle, in its last stages, came to a close Saturday afternoon when* a public hearing was held at the site of the proposed new bridge and at which time Otto F. Sohm signed a quit claim to tho state for the right of way east of the river which has be^n in dispute for so long. Husk O'Hare's band of the "Fox pavilion and a chosen number of other guests enjoyed a moonlight boat excursion through the. Fos river, Pistakee Bay and the chain of lakes last Thursday evening. The many friends of Bernard Frett were sorely grieved to hear of his sudden demise. He died at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Frfett. Death was attributed to inflammation of the stomachs The mystery surrounding the robbery of tlie safe in the soft drink parlor of Theo. Schlessle at West McHenry last month was cleared up last Thursday in the arrest of Joseph Bannock and Stanley Mochinski of Chicago. Forty Years Ago Chicago artists have decorated Smith's hall in a moBt artistic manner for- the Mystic Workers' dance to be held at that place Sept. 4. Merchants ^are being warned . to look closely at" the $20 bills in circulation. In a number of cities in the northern part of the state bills have been raised from $2 to $20 and successfully passed upon the merchants. Postmasters J. C. Holly and H. C. Mead have received orders from Postmaster General Hitchcock to count all second class ont-going mail for one month. The duck hunting season opens tomorrow, Sept. 1, and local nitnrods /are getting their weapons in' shape for the season's sport. "Hello Bill" last Sunday evening at the Central proved one; of the biggest laught producers ever staged there. > If you have received a dealer subscription statmaeftt. why in the world don't you tall and- settle? We cannot do bust* ness on hot air. 'f After paaatajjt * quarter tit a dentury In att invalid chair and bed, Caspar Wiffs. owe of Jtfc* Henfrys pioneer residents and foriner business man. (tasked away at lila home on Waukegan street Aug. 24. The McHenry public school begirt* on Tuesday, Sept B. It is important that all pupils be pre sent during tire opening days for they may receive the fundamental principles then that will guidis them in the work of the whole school year. SafttoMvaft's Currently the bedding industry is producing for the Army and NAvy nearly 3,000,000 mattresses and cots, ay well as several million pillows and sleeping bags and sub* stantlsl quantifies of hospital beds and springs. By providing the max* imum sleeping ccmfor^ for our Soldiers and snilort, they are more fit for combat, both mentally and physically, then they would be in less comfortable circumstances. Bafts KMey to Long Ate If your house looks to you as U it needs painting, you'll be wise to have a painting contractor check it ovet1 for you. Usually it's cheaper to paint titan to procrastinate. , i TWO ELSeTBOCtrfED Two Lak# Canto reeldeat* --* partners in a well-digging firm, were electrocuted about t p.nfc T u e s d a y a f t e r n o o n l a s t week Whsn the derrick of their' equipment came hi contact with a 2,- 400-volt primary wire near this West end of Como beach. The victims were James Sredl, 54, and Rudolph 9ntid, 68. Although no on<r witnessed the tragedy, it ii believed the accident happened about 2 p.m. This conclusion was drawn by officials of the Wisconsin Power and Light company, who said residents of the area had complained about radio interference about that time. t ••• .• vs . • ^ Mildew Sfaftis ' ' It's easier to prevent mildew (Ban remove its stains, besides being easier on fabrics! This statement comes from the textile experts at the American Institute of Laundering. research and educational center for the laundering and textile industries, Who say that no magic formula has yet been devised for removal of the greyish stains' caused by the paraiste that feeds on Warm, damp fabrics! Since damage usually results from even scientific efforts to remove mildew stains, thfj advise housewives to store clesn fabrics away dry. 'Thvrwifty, Avtgvmi 30,19&** Complete-line ef Beeie Hresfaek remedies at Wattles Brag Starv* McHenry. Mf ¥ Starling Window Shade and Venetian Blind Co. ~~ 5640 W. DMilon St COlumbus 1-8743 { Have your windows dressed in Kar-p'lier removtfbl* slot Venetian Blinds, Dupoai's washable Temtfaw Skodoo nd Kirsch Draw Aods. Plate Glass and Qresser and Table Tops. (Polished and Beveled) Esllnaales phforfully Giviti. CALL FRIDAY EVENING Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 051-M*f SCHOOL TO OPI# • Classen will start Sept 4 & 1*8:35 a.m. at Crystal Lake Con|^ munity High school, with an ail* ticipated enrollment of 550 students. There are two new facult|p members on the staff this year. Leonard Bart, who received his£ B. S. degree from the University' of Illlnoi8 and has most of hia> master's degree, will teach general science, physical education and coaQh the junior varsity teams in football and basketball. . Mrs. Marie Reidy, who taught the high from September, 1945 to June, 1947, has been employed part time and will teach one clase of homemaking and have charge^ of the cafeteria, ™ Marita Thomson of McHenry land, holding the Dean MHk cornshowed the junior champion Hoi- pany trophy which her fine anlstein at the recent county fair, ma! won for her. Pictured with her is Don Suther- - v iJth. NOTHING SPARB9 IN YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ... No effort or expense is spared when we corlfr* pound your doctor's prescription. We stock only the freshest, highest quality drugs and insist that each prescription is double-checked for accuracy. Trust us to fill all your prescriptions. 119 N. RivexHide Drive Americait Legion Carnival Workers Tsi 8 P.M. AMERICAN. LEGION HOME Entertainment Lunch Refreshment* ALL WORKERS AMD THEIR Fmn ir| ARE CORDIALLY INVITED * Phono 26 Want ads, like freed alb* are everybody's business. , » •4*4% "Hi. C. K. SWAH8oi!:>|'^" Dentist ' . ;V;: ^ 120 S.* Green Strwt Office Hoars Dally Cxcept TharsdiJK t to 18 ~ 1 :S0 to iit§ V , I«i^ Wed. and Frl. Evenings t 7 «o » ' %' Telephone Melleary lit § Hfl t I L l I '3 T> l"I"l"l'».| 11II »»• E. E. PtASLEE, D.Ck . p i Chiropractor i MO 8. Green HU Iff :V Office Hours Daily except Tharsd*|r f to 12 -- 1:M te ft IOE, Wed. and Frl. ETWUI " j 7 to f »« Can MCHenry 99S-S For Appointment tV---• 9* 1 1; 111 u I «4» YEBNON KNOX * i ! Attomey-at-law Cor. Green and Elm Sli, DfcHeitifr; Ts^day and Friday Afteraoonf Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 I"l•!"> 1 .M 11"> *<i 11 BOBEKT A. STUIBlflr Attorney at Law 604 Center Street one McHenry 26S MCHENRY, ILLINOIS uses to wbkli electricity is being get tb« •ept 1. night, •" imATiSWWMrW-.....-, v> *.-)L » • VK'bKi;." 'Ml .'A. 1 important single factor in lessening the labor el modern fam Toil get more miles a gallon and more years of service ust for upkeep 'I •<* at so Ti WILLYS HURRICANE ENOINI --• with 7.4 compression -- squeezes more miles from regular gas. Functional design and sturdy build mean years o^ service with low upkeep. Come in and road-test the car that helps pay for itself -- the smooth - riding, doubly* useful Willys Station Wagon. awe pleasant for farm families. WHUfi mak$* s*n$e ««.and •fmctricity is available to ALL FARMS In PMk Sorv/co Company torr I tor y! wniYS ii.iiiusv «. * • i Station Wagon •« MCHENRY GARAGE WELLTS OVERLAND SALES 8c SERVICE mill SERVICt COMPANY OF WeiTNfiiN ILLINOIS SbUfeHf if 500,000-$( 47,pO» lt,000<^SQUARE MILES OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ^ 2.016,000 ^ l#50tt INDUSTRIEV FARMS PEOfLE 891 mofrr STREET TEL, 403 t ;i MCHENRY, ILL. M f i I K # i e WILLIAM M. CARROLIii fc Attomey-at-Law 110 >2 Benton St. ' ftone Woodstock l®p- Woodstock, Illinois; JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attomey-ht-Law 1 Wankeirnn Road (RFD BoxK Phone McHenry 4J2-W WEST McHEXRY, ILL. M l I l »» 8a*i Llmestoa*. TERN THEP9 { Trnckfay ©ra*el Black D» Track for Hire Tel. McHenry 5S8-R.ff 188-W^ Box 17St Rt 1, McHenry »i"l"H'»»»-l"H"l"l»>»i' I i I I11»» A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating Contractor* Trucking, Hydranllc and Crane Service -- BO AD BUILDING -- f? TeL 204-M McHenry, ft, • 411M11I»i4I t 11<I 110 INSURANCE / CARL R. WALSH ; , Plr»i Aafe, Farm A Life lasimca Representhifr ; RELIABLE COMPANIEK Whea Yon Need Insaraaee el *i-. Any Kind ..T; Plone 43 or 118-M CTreen A Elm HcAenry (I STOFFEL A RElHANSPEBOEE Insurance agents for all classes at property In (he l»e»t companies West McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. SIM Hfl Main St Mclleafy, TIL H I I ti MM nmiiHiinr: SCHR0EDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Straetnral Steel O Vhlt Oar Showrooms • Mites Seath ea tt 11 Phone 617-M-l t IH I H WHI H | !•»• BINO'S firttllH} AND HEATING BOB FRISHT. JR. Oaallty Fhtves - Radiant Heal* fog - Water Systems - Gas ant Electric Water Heaters • Water Softeners - Repair*- « Free Est! P PHONE McHENRY t t i n n i f H H 1 1 1 m i m AL*8 WELDING AND REPAIR ^ JHSRYICE Ml Sain St, McHeafj Electric Portable WeldJag Aeetyleae Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, OperiUar Phone tli<W.l or Mi MCHENRY, ILL. i 11II 'Ml'} 111 j t i l l Highest CASH PRICES paid fat Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattl* aad Hogs--Sanitary Power Load* '•f--Tankisge and Meat Scraps for---- sale. Phoaes Arlinftan Heights n« ar McHenry SHL Beverst Charges. Palattoa Rendering San* Ice. -MMIH'l 1 1 » " i i i f e r . ' C -- WANTED TO BtTY -- CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD »0(.S, HOBSES AND CATTLB ' P*T phone charges W M to for Old Hon est less for down horses and cattle lUTT'S Jfunr RANCH Jeknsbnrg . Spring Gieve Baol Phoae Johnsharg tl< N<I1I10<HH< tl i I ft# ^