V >-1 THE McHENRY PUONDEALER NEWS FROM Wonder By Tuetie Sells drat tell meeting ef' the rrison Brownie Scout troop was held Monday after school and ceremonies were held for six fly- Bps into intermediate scouting. Mrs. Howard Wilkinson and Mrs. Russell Spuehr gave the group present a party. They are co- V*leaders of the Brownie troop. 3 The flyups were Kathleyn Cihos, $ancy Eisenhart, Kathleen Majer- •••jjjik, Karen Meyers, and the Miller '^^prfauv Mary Lou ajid Suzanne. | Those of the intermediate troop who are continuing the Scouting program are Ann Lundborg, Jan-, tee Johnson, Rosemary Cihos, and Janice Franz. They also were present along with their leaders, Mrs. ^JF.Qhn Lathrop, Mrs. Andrew. John- . aon, and Mrs. Carl Cihbs. . Among the guests wert Sirs. Doris Low of Ringwood and four girls who plan to become Brownie scouts in that community. Three of the four children were Patty Low, Deanna Oonk and Patty Hogan. The meeting was called to order |jf Karen Meyers who presided in ^ffie absence of Carol Swanson, •president. Kathleen Cihos, flyup, called the roll for the last time. Those present included Gail Cannon, Joyce Motulewicz, Jackie Specht, Joyce Schimke, Susan puehr, Lynn Wilkinson, Shirley hnson, and Joanne Reuter, who are continuing. New Brownies present* were Vicky Johnson, Micky Hansen, Sharon Lee Sinclair, Susan Watkips, Mary Jane Gillis, ^Jackie Ann Cannon, and Janet ^ ™Schimke. Susan Spuehr is trear, • Mirer for the troop. •>- ••.-- r" ' Hart In Fall Joan Geske, 13, daughter of Mr. «Sd Mrs. Harold Geske, was injured Saturday at about 4:30 p.m. when she fell from the back of her horse, Bob.' Three stitclfls were required to close a gash on the back of her head and she is f^Btill limping with a leg injury. A friend of Joan's, Janice John- Son, was riding in the saddle and ^ jfcan was sitting behind her. Sandra Jo Monteleone was leading the horse along the blacktop toward Wonder Center. Another child struck the horse in the head, causing it to jump suddenly and . throw Joan to the ground. Sandra Jo distinguished herself ( Jby catching the horse when every- *onfc - els* was afraid to approach him. *«••»»«» • v Seaflgns Post Mrs. Ernest Meyer has resigned "her post as cnairman of the Rod and Gun Auxiliary. She has long been associated with this group. She names personal reasons for her resignation. BWii«r PMUr rarejr Ceratler 5p* Jot | Returns To Lake "* Mrs. Lillian Forsberg and Ricky hare returned to Wonder Lake (or the winter. Their home was rented for the summer months to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glende, 'former residents who now make their home in Chicago. Ricky Forsberg has been en- .. --rolled in the kindergarten at Harrison school. CWte For A birthday party was* given Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monteleone to celebrate the birthday of P. L. Cormier. An evening of square dancing and folk dancing was enjoyed, directed by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital, McHenry, who are experts in this kind of dancing. A three-layer birthday cake, surrounded by twenty-one candles was baked by Mrs. Gertrude Watkins. Those present included Mrs. Cormier, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Audino, Mr. and Mrs. John Lathrop, Mrs. Frank Cheney, Mrs. Harriet Bell, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wagner, Mr. % and Mrs. Robert Doerrfeld, and Mr. and Mrs. An ton Grill. - Mrs. (Karr Said she hated to leave all her wonderful friends in Wonder N^ke 'and that she will always retaember the four and one-half years of her residence as some of hen happiest years. Lose Oldest Sob The William and Mary food shop was closed last week when Mr. and Mrs. William Smith attended thd funeral of their oldest Bowling Notes "ITie wonder Lake Men's league got underway Sept 10 and will bowl every Monday hereafter. Standings, as of, Sunday, were. Ge6rge's Repair, 2; Mill Inn, 2; Wonder Lake Repair,2; Paul's Variety, 2; W. L. Builders, 1; Rolaine, 1; Lake View Inri? 1; and Lake Gleaners, l. Gaard Alerted The 44th division of the Illinois National Guard was alerted this week for Active duty in February. From the Wonder Lake-Ringwood area there are four Guardsmen. They are Howard and Laurence Wenkel,' James Bradley and < Clifford Raven. Howard Wenkel had surgery this week tt the Woodstbck hospital. •' •• Jfew Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Straub, Shore Hills, are grandparents for the first time. Their daughter presented them with a grandson last week. The child was born in Great Lakes. The Straubs purchased the cottage formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cal Kolar. Return To Lake Mr. and Mrs. Christoffersen are back in "Ma's Little House" in Wonder Center. He has been in poor health fbr some time but is glad to be back home. They have been residing with a daughter in Elmwood Park. Weeks Comes Homo George Weeks, who has been in a cast all summer and confined to a Chicago hospital, has returned home. A smaller cast on his hip and leg permits him some freedom. Baseball Sunday A baseball game played Sunday was supposed to be between the Legion and. the Men's club but part of the Meh's club membership played on the opposing team. The score was not available. Players for the , Legion included A1 Schimke, captain; Fred Kusch, RUBS Spuehr, John Noble, Wally Leonard, Ed McMahon, Jack Pavlik, Wally Ranford, and Billy Spuehr. (How'd he get in there. ... he is only in the fourth grade.) Players J[or the Men's Uab were Fred Zandler, captain; Ray McMahon, A1 Franz, Jim Bell, Gene Corcoran, Jim Bell Jr., Willy Fiala, C^eorge Stelyn, John Eberle and Jess Seeman. Next #unday, Sept. 28, will be tile last day of the National Sunday School Week. A special invitation is hereby extended to parents of the children in our Sunday School to come and visit in the classes, and also to join us in the morning worship service. The pastor will speak on the topic, "One Book for One World." Vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle' Foster. Welcome also to our eve*- ning Qdspel Service at 7:41. Football Season The football season opened Friday at McHenry with an auspicious win and with the opposing team, Woodstock, rating a zero. The score was 7-0, with the one | touchdown made by Paul Marke Jr., Wonder Laker. Other Wonder Lake boys on the varsity team are Danny Prince i and Dick Widen. The J-V team didn't fare So well in their first game, against Woodstock's junior vafcsity. They lost 15-2 in a hard-fought scrap. On the J-V team, from Wonder Lake, are Phil Armstrong, Dick Mathews, Sam Yokley, Jimmie Van Kanegan, Rob Kolar, Charles Kopp and Clifford Olson. * ILLINOIS NURSES PLAN TRIBUTE TO EARLY LEADERS Gospel Church Hew** We are now planning for our annual Sunday School rally, which is scheduled to be held on Sun~ day, Sept. 30, at 10:30 a.m. It will be a united session of church and Sunday School. More detailed announcements will be forthcoming. The fiftieth annual convention of the Illinois State Nurses' association, marking a half-century of progressive humanitarian service to all the people of the state, will be held at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago Nov. 1-3. Plans for the golden anniversary meeting were announced at I.S.N.A. headquarters by Ruth Kirk, R. N.. of Sterling, president of the association. Approximately 600 delegates, representing the eleven districts of the state, will attend the convention sessions,, at which the nurses will consider one of the most important programs of statewide activity in the history of the association. Intensified activity in the recruiting of nurses to alleviate the chrrent shortage a%d review of the association's policies. on employment standards rank high on the convention agenda. All branches of the nursing profession will be represented at the November sessions, with special meetings scheduled for each. General duty, private duty, psychiatric, public her 1th, industrial, administrative and student nurses groups will hear a series of talks by prominent figures in civilian and military medical and nursing work. The Illinois State Nurses* association, founded' in 1901 by a l u m n a e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f r o m fourteen Illinois nurses' training schools, had as its original objectives the development of acceptable standards for training schools and state registration for nurses. Throughout .its fifty years the. I.S.N.A. has continued to devote major effort to the constant improvement of these standards. Now numbering more than 10,000 members as compared to the original few hundred, the association will pay special tribute at the November convention to its founders and early leaders. CHILD EMPLOYMENT A reminder regarding the emp l o y m e n t o f c h i l d r e n d u r i n g school hours has been issued by Frank Annunzio. director of the state Department of Labor. Hg pointed out that, generally speaking, no minor under 14 years of age may be gainfully employed during the hours schoola of the district are in session. No minor may be employed before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. Occupations exempted from these rules in Illinois are agriculture, domestic work and the sales or distribution of magazines and newspapers. But minors must not be working at these jobs during school hours. Choicer CMefceas Buy chickens that have pllabl< breast bones. well-Oeshcd breast* and legs, and a smooth, molft fUr with few pinfeathers. The driver who doesnt mind being passed Will still be present when pans ers are past! IF IT'S WORTH DOING Il'g Worth Doing Bight Among the natural wonders of New Mexico are hot springs, ice caves, lava flows, dry ice fields and petrified forests. Seven miles of the famous Carlsbad Caverns in the southern part ctf the state are lighted for inspection. Visit Althoffs New Toy Department -- Rear Basement. 9 In Sunday School New members of the l&fcpel Center Sunday School are Ruth Wenkel, junior department; Nancy Wenkel. Shirley Johnson, Sherry Heart, Sharon Sinclair and Johnny Samkus, primary department Consignment Sale Delia Cheney Visits In Eastern Cities , •»-. * Mfs. Delia Cheney spent a week in Washington and Baltimore visiting with her husband, Frank, who has been away for a month relieving various telewriter engineers for vacations. Delia says she distinguished herself by sliding down a muddy hill in Washington, D. C., during a funeral at Arlington. A sudden rainstorm came up and, in rushing to find shelter, Delia lost her footing at the edge of a little cliff and slid down about 12 feet, coming to a halt in front of an astonished group of officials. Oh yes, she slid in a sitting position. Delia reports that Frank says he wonders why people gaze at Niagara Falls when he had finishid looking in ^b&nt flV6 ftihrft«s. He can see why it is chosen for honeymoons. Sunday Delia and her sons, Daniie and Lynn, went to Chicago to help Mrs. Cheney's mother, Mrs. May Hovarka, celebrate a birthday. Mrs, Cheney Sr., (Frank's mother) returned to Wonder Lake with Delia and the boys. "Mother Cheney" has been visiting with an old school friend, Ann Collier. 7:30 P. M. ATTENTION FARMERS *ow Is the time to have yonr dairy barns sprayed with Carfeola. Three Jobs ia oae -- Ply CoatroL Disinfectant and Dries White. Carbols is mixed la sprayer right on the laroL ^""Hkee 1925 approved by dairies. CALL MeHEXRY M7*J.f s • CARBOLA SPRAYMAX HERMAN ROSSDUETCHER Year Skipper Cows Weigh More When Sold Beret Yoar Calves Briag More Hero. Yoar Dairy aad Breedlag Cattle eaa he tested aft Oui Modern Sales Ban. - Yonr Cattle aad Hogs can be sold by the Dollar or b> [the Poaad. Come aad See Toar Stock Sold. We are here to serve yoa. WE PAT CONSIGNOR DAY AFTEB THE WE ARE ?ONDED gj Woodstock Comm. Sales Co., Inc. Phone 572 or 499 --< Woodstock, 111 ORGAN MUSIC NITELY GOOD FOOD Prepared and Served By » EDITH and BERGBT . ' / & P. M. To_l&tt A. M. Preach Fried Shrimp • ILfli -- H Chicken la Basket - 9LS0 STEAKS -- CHOPS -- SANDWICHES fir If you're interested in architecture you'll enjoy seeing one of the firyl. concrete structures built in the United States-- the 107- year-old Milton Holbse in Rock county. Wis., only 100 miles northwest of Chicago. The three-story hexagonal-shaped hotel has many interesting architectural features and is rich in historical lore. The entire hexagon and another section are still intact. & There is No Substlhric For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R USE ALEXANDER'S - BUDGET PLAN , To Repair or Improve Your Home. INSULATION AND STORM SASH . 7F^~^ . KITCHEN MODERNIZATION NEW FLOORING. SIDING AND ROOFING . . . . . . N E W P O R C H -- N E W G A R A G E . ... ANY ADDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS . . . ALL MATHMLS AND LABOR MAY BE INCLUDED 10% Down -- Balance In 36 Monthly It's Easy To Buy On Budget At ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "The Best of Everything For The Builder" 547 MAIN STREET PHONE 5 leaves For Florida Mrs. Lillian Karr will, leave this week to make her home with her mother, Mrs. Lily Mosher, at Apopka, Fla. Mrs. Karr, whose husband died a few weeks ago, has sold her home in Wonder Lake to Mr. and Mrs. George Bonnevier, Johnsburg. H o m e h n f w o i v m e i i t s l a > t d h j e t n n e FOX HOLE TAP ROOM /ri A fmtBMU CMGINt ~W> NO OTEEB CAM PROVIDES ALL »/ff DYNAFtOW OUfVP--soves sfrom OP drivtrond does miracles with steering. And it has Dynaflow Drive.* M A D E W I T H tt'Per doteai of improvements •roend yonr home or place of <n besides*, no other material TneCers the service and economy W<|r»ssfe, permanent concrete. READY-MIXED I CONCRETE Helps your contractor girt you a better job with less muss • • . • ifyoa are planning e new walk, driveway, foundation, porch or garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way wich^T Rtsdy-Mixtd Concilia. WE know how you feel when a car has given you faithful service. \ou like it. \ou're loyal to it. And that's only human. - McHenry Sand And Gravel Company PHONE McHENRY 920 008 FBONT STREET McHENfT. But just suppose you found out that some other car could make familiar roads seem a lot smoother. And incidentally, it wears a price tag that makes it a very smart buy compared to anything else you own. dream--held its course like an airliner on the beam - and let yOu We'd like to have you try this car. finish a long day's drive feelii^g^^ou'll never know what you're daisy fresh. missing till you do. Wouldn't you feel you're missing How about giving us a call-or something big unless you tried it coming in to see lis real soon? OUt?i s.. . - Suppose some other car held the curves in a. way you'd never felt Buick. , T^efore. There n such a car. Its name is and modtU ere mtbjici t» eMi|f iicAowt noft/*?. x standard on BcuBMASTKM. •ptftud « --* M rttor ft RE BALL ENGINE -- high compression. --gets more wiles from every tank of hid PUSH-BAM FOREFRONT-- unsurpassed protection WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS--graofer doritf Ot iWgftt TORQUE-TUBE DfUVE--stals th»chassis, improves driving control 4-WHitl COM. SMUNQINQ--cmMqm rich, mm servicing costs DUAL VENTILATION -- outsidt, ok M right or left of front compartment SELf-ENERGIZING BKAKtS--Sydrtwfic pedal-pressure five t mes at brake drum OREAMUNE SWUNG--tapered. car^eaoA gleaming sweepspears on most models ....... " % ? Mm: SelHodung luggage M. StepOn parting brofc% two-way igm'ion lock. Safety-fide rims. Hi-fotiea mounting. Body by Frsher ' • Whom better automobile* mre Ml SUICX wiil rim* Suppose some other car had mofp thrilling powersteered like a It has big soft coll springs on every wheel. It has a Fireball Engine. It has a "front-end geometry" thftt Tme fa HTNRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Network, ever/ Monday evening R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Inc. 403 FRONT STREET •- PHONE McHENRY 6 ; 4 h, :<*.«»f a : 4 « %l Ih/5