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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1951, p. 12

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vWrnMNKMP: WWI1.UJ . * • , ^ ; » - w . ' ^ " v " • " • * k , ' x--"'-^":.-:"; •••'• :* •:::,: fefeswifn«r; y* ~, fc'i :'"S' Mm. Utorf* Shepard) * Home Circle „w*» entertain- 1B the home Of Mrs. Ben Walk- Thursday. with Mrs. ^ Ooorte Shepard as co-hostess. A !• o'clock luncheon was served, followed ,by the buslues * meeting. Jffew officers, for the < niing year ^fe Mrs. Pete Seba' tian. .presi- »t; Mrs. Carl F.anson, viceresident; Mrs. C. L. Harrison, :retary; and Mrs. Wm. Cruick- (hank, treasurer. A fine program |n charge of Mr*. John Hogan l$r*g enjoyed. Mr. ».nd Mrs. >Kenneth Cristy •QterUinet their card club at their huv.i Thursday evening. Ibises v. i'e awarded to All's. B. T, 15 tltr and £ete Sebastian, W*l«. Mrs. George Sliepard and T. Butler, low. The Round-up club held their ;|ianual progressive supper and eeting Saturday evening. They jjtartcd with »n appetizer at the [>uis Hawley\ home, salad, at the Walter Low loine. main dish of licken and biscuits at the Lena *eet home and dessert and meetjg at the home of Rev. and Mrs. imple at Greenwood. ""The party-a-month 4-H club ' neeting was held in the church •! tall Monday evening. Charlotte, liary. John and Jerry Hogan had i iharge of the refreshments and ' fable decorations. t •- The W.S.C.S. will serve a cafe- >ria supper in the church hall lursday. Sept. 27, serving to ktart at 5 o'clock. The menu will nclude baked ham, chicken and piscuits. baked beans, mushed >tatoes, fruit salad, cottage pheese, buttered carrots, cabbage Klaw, sliced tomatoes, pie, cake, r9lls, coffee, milk and ice tea." i 'Paula Smith is at St. Anthony's kospital at Rockford now. She is plowly on the gain from polio. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd attendthe funeral of a relative tn Chicago, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington tent the weekend in the Roland cCatuMHt home at Btoomington. Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited her daughter. Mrs. Tom Pettise, and fiimily at Harrington Friday afternoon. Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Thomas 1 of Denver, Colo., were called to *Chi<ago by the' death of his sister. Irene Thomas. They visited i her mother. .Mrs. Flora Harrison Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd and son Roy have returned from a trip through the East. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of Chicago visited Mrsi' Agnes 'Jeilcks Sunday. Mr. and (Mrs. George Shepard were visitors at Woodstock Friday morning. TVIrs. Ardin Frisbee ^nd daughter.- Ann. of Greenwood were visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. "Flora Harrison. Fridayr*^- Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn ai4® visiting in Minnesota. • 4-'.': : Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Aitr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Wm. Heine hontf? in Chicago. . " Mr. and' 'Airs. Walter, -Wilcox Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Bfeatty spent Sunday afternoon in the Irving Herbert home at Burr lington. Air. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian were visitors at Woodstock" Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with her parents at AIcHenry. Pvt. Charles Carr of Camp Eustice. Va., spent thie weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester* Car r. Miss Alarian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet Elejah Coates of Oklahoma spent the last week In the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alarlowe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue and son of Huntley and Glen Wattles of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests In the C. L. Harrison home. Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore are visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. Saunders was here for the weekend. Airs. Flora Harrison and Stanley Jepson left Monday to visit Mrs. Harrison's daughters at Chetek, Wis., and her son. James and family at Waubena, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinie of Crystal Lake were callers In the Mrs. Leua Peet home Sunday afternoon. Airs. Afaymc Harrison of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of her duughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearsou, and family. Duane Andreas of DeKalb spent the weekend at his home here. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Airs. Weldon Andreas and daughters, Darlene and Margo and Mrs. Mlnge't Andreas took him back to DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Franson attended Eastern Star at Libertyvllle Saturday evening. It was advanced officers night. Airs. Jack Lenard and children Of Lake Geneva spent from Friday night until Sunday night in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. , "Air. and Airs. David Waller and son and Mr. and Mrft. Vernon Fj itx of Melrose Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family. Mrp. John Hognn and daughter, Charlotte, aud Mr*. Alan Wagner were visitors at Beloit Friday evening!/ Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Airs. F. N. Muny and Jean visited relatives at Marengo Saturday and ulso relatives from San Erancisco that am visiting in Afarengo. Mrs. George Bolklie of Fox Lake spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Popular Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner anr children spent Sunday In the John' Hogan home. Mr. and - Mrs. Lyle Hopper of Chicaga and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove visited their father, S. W. Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith were also callers. v Shuji Kimura spent the week* end with his parents at Oak Park. Merritt Cruickshank of Morton Grove spent Sunday In the Wm. McCannon home. The Community club will meet at the schcolhouBe on Friday evening. Everybody welcome. Lillian Jehander and Ruth Olson have taken over Leo's tavern. At the W.S.C.S, supper Sept. 27, the Round-up clu\> will sell popcorn and the Evening W.S.C.S. willbe in charge of pared post sale$. • V': 1 ';V7/ CHILD DROWNED tragedy occurred in the Wauconda community recently, when Samuel John Lenzen, t\'iyear- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lenzen, drowned in a stock watering tank on the family farm on the Volo-Gilmer road known as the old Sinnott farm. Thf body had been missing about thirty jninutes Vwhen his body was found in the tank. The Lenzens, without telephone service, rushed the child to Wauconda and summoned a physician and inhalator squad of the local fire department. In spite of every possibly effort tB revive him, the lad was p.ronouiti ced dead about an hour later. According to the report of Police Chief John Kuester. • the boy had apparently fallen into the concrete tank while playing near it with some pieces of luikber. The boards had no doubt aided the youngster in clhnbing to the top tAIW CLEANER • HEAVY IT1EL CONSTRUCTION INSURES LONS LIFE 4# LOW INSTALLATION AND •PERATINt OOST • EFFICIENT • PORTABLE * fc The accepted, proven, modern method of sanitary Mum cleaning. BALES and SERVICE Bee as for barn and poultry ventilation -- Dtaston Chain Saws. LAURENCE a ANDERSON. Call 648-J-2. McHenry WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW! HEATER HOSE . v ; w , ja^IATOR HO$$ , ^ CLAMPS HEATER FITTINGS . . ANTI FREEZE IGNITION PART# of the tank, from whA"e he fell, j make satisfactory recqvery. Thaln j The ontside of the tank was ' nature of the drug or poisoa^ about as high as the laa's chin, j which Mrs. Dana swallowed whildgfr--"^ ^ ' ' »? {seated in a'booth was not deter-H^ I "ATtKMl'TED HI KiOSl' [mined. Other patrons saw her eoltf|" Airs. Enmia Dana, 38, of "Wood- | lapse shortly after drinking part stock, who • attempted suicide in j of a glass of milk and when police -- Walgreen Drug store in Elgin : arrived' at the scene, she was uh- w shortly* after 5 p.m. last Thurs- i conscious on the floor. A doctol^-.; f-< day, was reported improved the | was in attendance and he ordered^ next morning In St. Joseph's hos- | an ambulance to transfer the ' pital and it Fs believed she will j woman to the hospital. 1 •? . , THERMOSTATS Bring Your Problem? To Us FREE TECHNICAL SERVICE COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY "The Lilile Store with the Big Supply" Cor .Hwyi. 31 & 120 McHenry, Hi PHONE 778 24l4oufs START Towing^ S( ,N0W Start with (fttr iVinterizinn service, and then let is continue to service youi car all dnring the cold mouth h. BUTCH'S We Do Corapleie Motpr Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street , ^ McHenry, IB. Phone 811 i x *r i Residence 91-R HANDICRAFT Bird Houses, Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tables, Tier Benches, Flower Boxes# Wheelbarrows and Sand Boxes. Trellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, Etfc* Screens and Cabinets ftlade To Order.' ~ J JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-l pa A HOST OF VALUESIN EVERYDAY HOMEHEW Chainlets E«l|y Iwitalff^ j f> COSTS 13 LESS! POWERICOOr BAM CUAMH OpmrtM this tAST Wayl (1) Operator pulls start-step cord which activate* winch pow«r unit. (2) This sturdy "power h«ad" activati# both scoop and olovator. The hand-held Powers scoop (3) is drawn through the gutter to the central hopper (4) where it is elevated (5) to manure spreader op|* side off barn. 61-lOM-H -L*ow original cost, ease of installation, and dependable operation make POWERSCOOP the perfect b«rn cleaner for your barn regardless of its size or this number and position of gutters. » No chains or paddles in the gutters, no idlers or sprockets at the corners, the POWERSCOOP is simply a cable-drawn scoop which empties manure into a fast-moving, self-cleaning elevator. Operation is as simple as A, B, C. Flip the main switch, walk the scoop back behind 3 or 4 cows, tug the overhead start-stop cord, and a winch operated steel cable attached to the scoop will pull the manure into the metal hopper where it's effortlessly carried into, the spreader. Your barn is clean in a matter of minutes ... without disagreeable, dirty, back-breaking work! No chains, no complicated plans, no unfamiliar machinery to assem- ^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^SSSSSSSS^' ble, you can easily ins t a l l a POWERSCOOP yourself and save an extra $100 to $300 on ,i»fttaHa*40n alone! This is the hopper section showing the scoop and cable about to empty a load of manure. The "power head" unit, drives both the elevator and tbe rotating drum for the cable. f ALL PARTS GUARANTEED F UNDER A 5 YEAR WARRANTY $ Come in TODAY for complete ^ details on the barn cleaner that's practical, proven and ^ economical. ^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWSSV^ - The elevator is well constructed and elevates all liquids and solids ft the rate of 45 feet per minute. Save an extra $100 to $900 •n installation alone. Plans te fit almost any barn--one, two or three gutters--even "I" shaped barns. > See your local dealer or «•' .11 »',Si PUBLIC StRVlCE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Cake Cover and Plate White Dinnerwart 81-R59-E PLATES S1-76Z-E CUP and ACH' SMUtifwIly 4«c»rat*d trcntpm »nt <o»e» with "lock-Mi" tartur*. Plot* bollon H-77Z-E iK,"*"""* SAUCER 19« FOR BOTH lutei noAsne 61-B2-H '1.69 SMmltt! s(mI, tiigh quality porcclain «mmwU deep blu* sptckled whit*. Hold 10 pound fowl t )2 pound roast. Nut Meat Chopper HOUSEHOLD FOOD CHOPPER '1.79 649Y-V 49^ 6-10K-H Cast iron throughout; hoavily tinnod insid* and out. Complete with Hire* Chops nut moats to six* for pastries, candies, ice cream, salads, otc. Moody to have and easy to ut*. ifecfric TOASTER 6-C50-H $1#98 A two-slker with chromtem plated doors that turn the toast <*tiea opened and closed. ll*os standard appliance cord and plug. NUTCRACKER S-S300-A ^2t98 ;Clipmps to table. Quick, efficient full ttfferage mokes possible more whole Avoids blisters and pinching. Whi te Rubber Coated DISH DRAINER *402!W^V *1.19 Heavy stool wire covered in sanitary whit* rubber k**ps dishes separated for qukk drain-drying. Easy to keep clean. "HEARS Z*PADDY W COOKIE JAR ii3$-A ttk* best ft cleon, thorp pinkinf. Mo4* •< fin* surgical imtrwiwirt steel twH nicWI pl«4»4. Smeeth b«orinf ectien. A cUvw tftstgn molcM in colorful, Axabli plotli*. Ideal for 'aeliios, coktt, cracktrt, *<c. T.79 Iheimwmfw $-5i^-V s3^0 Outside window type wife easy-to-read numerals on ttit dial. This famous Taylor instrO» assures reii ability. I SHAPlEKafc Tinners'Snips f#W/ng M.69 M60f.G 69«, F-S18-G Drop forftd slool with t*mpirtd blade I carefully ground. Woll bolancod, with largo bowt for comlorteblo grip and Kaoeth toty action. Bex End Wrenches Comb. PLIERS F-5M5-G 159 39* ln»idl marking* mako thu Sovtalo long pattrrn with 30° otf- 4 n>w u»cial --•-- rvU a reol »al«. F^iti lie »t for« lov.rage Drop forged from [,#WS*hoW dato to itio work o»on wM n»>0 .yocial awlfih stool with pitcWn-jliay , rt" ' **' w or®* P** only portly opined. V (t pomt thin wail oponingt. |awt end »lip-iaint adjwitwiinl. Cadmium piotrd. oil Hum •1-E89-E 10.95 Mand|(, tafo, portable auxiltory or small ip«t h«altr. Easy to operate,., ties oil indicator end self ejjusljif flemo sproador. t r STORE HOURS: 9:00 A .M. - 9:00 P. M. Including Sunday LILY LAKE UDWE. ROUTE 120 AT LILY LAKE ENDS SALE BEGINS SEPTEMBER 22, SEPTEMBER 29

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