lonn Gotfo "---- !' Julius Ooffo Of the Chapel Hill jfcolf course was pleasantly surprised at a birthday party given in jhlR horn or last Saturday evnin* at jthe clubhouse. '< Attending the party were Mr. {Uid Mrs. Ralph Bennett and chil- ||nB. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Koch, Mr. A£d Mrs. Harold Michels, Mr. and ~ 's. SamM)ubow, Mr .and Mrs. J. Gibson. Dr. and Mrs. Milton lith. Richard Michels, Joan Nell, irman Knaack, Hetty Corbett falter Nickel® Nancy, Anderson s. Lorraine Jones and chilJren it and Mrs. James Eagle, Mrs. 4a Doepgin, Eric Schiu^W.^bie »udin aad Bill Meeks. ' . *A tasty lunch was served late IB" the evening. • v" reand-PHserl h Aimoaiwed : Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Friund of IJohnsburg announce the engagement of their daughter. Clarene. *o Robert. L. Peisert. son of Mr. "•ad Mrs. Edward Peisert of Mc- IHwu-y. Large Crowd At Aitnmi Laacbeoe ' A good sized crowd was in atjtendance at the annual fall luncheon of the McHenr.v Woman's Clab, held last Friday afternoon lit Martlnetti's. near Crystal Lake The enjoyable program was fur- Dished by Mrs. Alice Barbian. who flayed lovely organ selections, ftnd Mrs. Tyng Mun. who presented a most interesting illustrated talk on bell* from all over the %rorld.. r----- Alpha Hieta At Harvard Mwthf 1 Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at the home of Mrs. Lillian Tesch in Harvard recently. Those attending from Mcfcfenry were Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. - ICharles Gibbs. Mrs. John Boiger. jMfes Genevieve Knox and Miss Nellie Doherty. On Saturday. Mrs. Bolger at- .tended a Delta Kappa Gamma planning coa£eren<;e held at Det u n > . • • • ~ • Ketiirns From Toledo Visit Mrs. D. R. Hemsley has returned from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Marjorie Harris, in Toledo, Ohio, where., the fatter observed her eighty-third birthday anniversary. Mrs. Harris, who had spent the previous eleven summers at the Hemsley home at Orchard Beach, was not able to make the trip this year because of poor health. However, she is reported to.. fce itaproftnfc jstcely at this ime. "*t>: •. ( ommnnity P. IVA*-,"* Will Meet Sept. The McHenry Community F".T.A. Will meet on Thursday evening. Sept! 27, at 8:15 o'clock in the high school auditorium. The speaker will be Mrs. Mary Kndreas. superintendent of school district 10. which includes Greenwood and Westwood schools near Woodstock. Mrs. Endreas was a delegate to the mid-century Whitehouse conference on children and youth at Washington. D. C. this past summer.6 She will speak in McHenry on the parents' and teachers' aims for children. A representative of the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness will be present at this meeting to explain to parents the part to be taken In the sight saving clinic to be conducted this fall in the McHenry schools. Hostesses for the meeting will be meinbers of the P.T.A. board. JOHNSON-CUNNY VOWS EXCHANGED fN CRYSTAL LAKE Tefftmeier-Pearsoa Engagement TeM * Mrs. William Pearson of Crys- J tal Lake announces the engage- j nient of her daughter. Eunice j Tegtmeier. to John Fuhler, son of! Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhler of Lily Lake. No date besu set for tfee wedding. ' ' THANK* ton We wish to take this means of thanking all those who sent flowers for the grand opening of Wilson's Radio and Television store Aug. 31 and Sept. *1. They were very much appreciated. MR. AND MRS. CLIFFORD WILSON 19 204 E. - Elm Street Plaa Fall festival The Greenwood cbarctk fa planning a tall festival, to be held Saturday, Sept. 29, with a chicken - dinner to be served starting at 6:30 o'clock. There will jbe a bazaar and entertainment. *• Coal Needs tvery new auto requires gfat tons •f coal in its manufacture. In a pretty wedding which took place in the First Congregational ohurch of Crystal Lake at 4 o'clock last Sunday, Sept. 16, Mis* Ruth Carol Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of ^ark street, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Kenneth B. Cunny, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Canny of Inland Lake. Rev. Dalrymple officiated at the afternoon service. Soloists were Miss Betty Long of McHenry, a friend of the bride, who sang "The Lord'R Prayer," tind William Watson, of Chicago, whose selection was "Be-cause." The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a white ballerina length dress, styled with net skirt and lace bodice. Her fingertip veil was held by a headpiece of tulle and she carried a bouquet of White roses and ate* plianoiis. Miss Mary Litterest of Fox Lake Mrs. Win. Watson of Bedford Park. 111.,'a friend, was bridesmaid and Miss Barbara Ann Trabor of Chicago, cousin of the bridegroom, was junior bridesmaid. Both were attired similarly to the matron of honor and carried bouquets of yellow roses and white mixed flowers. Mrs. William Watson of Argo, 111., a friend, was bridesmaid and Miss Barbara Ann Trabor of ChicagOj cousin of the bridegroom, was junior bridesmaid. Both were attired similarly to the matron of honor and carried bouquets of yellow roses and White mixed flowers. LeRoy Bergman" of Chicago, a close friend of the groom, was best man and groomsmen Were Lawrence Smith of Chicago, his cbusin. and Charles Johnson of McHenry, brother of the bride. For her daughter's ^redding, Mrs. Johnson chose a mink brown dress with which she wore matching accessories and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Cunny was attired in a navy dress, matching accessories and a similar corsage. Dinner was served in the church parlors for 175 guests following the nuptials, arter which the couple left on a trip into Wisconsin. Upon their return they will reside with his parents until their new home at Lily Lake is completed. ,s The former Miss Johnson is a graduate of Parker high school in Chicago and attended Beloit collrge. This past summer she has been employed as bookkeeper at the Alexander Lumber company office. The bridegroom attended Beloit college and the Milwaukee School of Engineering. At present he is employed by the Clough-Brengle company of Chicago, where he serves as electrical draftsman. GRAYCE SWEENEY, GtfNE DOBYNS WED AT ST. PATRICK'S Miss Grayce M. Sweeney, daughter of Mrs. Wiiliani Henry Swee^* Ml8S Marion Freund and Mr. ney of Fox street, McHenry, and Mr. Gene Dobyns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dobyns of Riverside Drive, were married laat Saturday, Sept. IS, at St. Patrick's church. Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley officiated at the wedding, which took place at 10:30 o'clock. The attractive bride wore a light pink tulle, floor length dress, styled with short sleeves. She had a Juliet cap Of the same material and she carried a white prayer book on which was placed a white orchid. Miss Mary Elodie Bousser oI McHenry, niece of the bride, at* tended her as maid of honor, attired in a ballerina length dress of blue net and matching Juliet cap. Her noaegay was made up of white mums and roses. Donald Mihan of Waukegan, close friend -of the bridegroom, served as best man and ushers were Clarence Anglese of McHenry and Henry Tholen of Arlington Heights. Mrs. Sweeney wore, for her daughter's wedding, a black dresB trimmed with turquoise, and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Dobyns was attired in a toast-colored lace gown, with which she wore brown accessories and an orchid. Breakfast was Served at the Villa Hotel for 200 guests following the service and later in the day the newlyweds left on a week's honeymoon trip. They will return to make their home in Emerald Park. The bride graduated from Alvernia high school in Chicago and attended Northwestern University and the Chicago Art Institute. She has been employed by the Com» merical Art Studio in Chicago. Mr. Dobyns attended Quincy ated from Spring, Hill college, Mobile, Ala. During the last war he serVed with the Afgty in Europe. „ X Frtun^KimwlMcli Nuptials Saturday Raymond H. Kennebeck exchang ed nuptial vows last Saturday morning, Sept. 15, at 9:30 o'clock at St. Mary's church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiating. Miss Freund is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Freund of McHenry and .Mr. Kennebeck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck of Johnsburg. The double ring service was solemnized on the twenty-fourth wedding anniversary of the bride's parents. Soloist for the service was Miss Betty Long, who sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." V > The radiant bride/ w** attired ih a white satin and lace gOwn. with fingertip illusion veil held by a bonnet style headpiece, primmed in pearls. Her bridal bouquet consisted of white mums and ivy. flliss Betty Freund. cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Catherine Schwerman and Mrs. Bernice Krueger of McHenry, friends, and Mrs. Lorraine Holm of Woodstock, sister of the bridegroom. All were attired similarly In gowns of gold satin and net, styled with bolero jackets and mandarin collars. THey Wore gauntlets and. bonnet style hea'Jpieces of satin and carried bronze mums. Arthur Kennebeck, brother of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Ray Gaylord and Earl Holm of Woodstock, his brothers-in-law. Mrs. Freund chose a rust-colored dress, dark brown accessories and a bronze mum corsage. Mrs. Kennebeck wore a steel grey dress, black accessories aud the same kind of- flowers. Breakfast was served to the bridal party at the home of his aunt. Miss Alvina Schumacher, at Johnsburg, with dinner at noon at hall for the two families. After 4 o'clock, 300 gueati" gathered there for a reception. Later the young bride and groom left on a short trip. Upoa their return they will reside in their newly constructed borne on Riverside Drive. The former Miss Freund is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1947 and has been employed at the McHenry State -bank for the past three years. The bridegroom graduated from St. John's school and is now employed as a caretaker at Pistakee Bay. CARP OF THANK^ v f Wottld like in this mSfinef to erpress my sincere thanks to the many friends who' sent, cards ami other expressions of sympathy at the time of ray sister's passing. 19 MRS. BEN J." MILLER college for two years and gradu- I St. Mary's-St. Patrick's scbo&l Sanson May Dinner Ralph liunson, who resides on Bay View Lane, Pistakee Bay, observed his birthday anniversary last week when he enjoyed dinner with his wife. Catherine Munson, and friends at Westlake's in f$ox Lake. The Munsons have three children, Lloyd, Ralph, Jr. •14 Plana. „ Community Methodist Church Main and Center Streets Sermon 10:45 a.m. "Jesus Weeps Over McHenry' , Church School 9:30 A. M. Youth Fellowship 7:15! P. M. Marjorie Young School of Dancing NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS - BALLET -- TAP -- ACROBATIC PERSONALITY SINGING -- BALLROOM LEGION HALL. McHENRY, ILL THURSDAYS: 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P. M. 1%I. Anlioch 405-M-l -- Morning or Evening Coaxial Cables U.S. telephone men have placed enough coaxial cable in the last five years to wrap two copper coaxial tubes around the earth's waistline. IX MEMORIAX In memory of our dear wife and mother, who died Sept 24, 1948. She Is--Just Away-- She would not want the ones she loves To Grieve for her today, ^ We must not say that Mi la dead ' ly' For she il1 just awAJf; Away upon a journey to a lind that is bright and fair, And though we all miss her here We know she's happy there; And memories of her will bring new comfort c?bry day-- As we recall--she la not dead. For she is Just away. ^ WALTER AND LOUIfS 'i JOHNSON CARD OF THAJTKS ' m We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings and cards of sympathy extended at the time of the death of Mrs. A. Hohmann. These remembrances w|ift very much appreciated. 'i t . . - MRS. LOWE ' 'C-". MRS. SCHWERjn' 1*S) ?P$L ' : MRS. toARCIBnH • PUBLIC TYPIST -Uv Mrs. Frcttili &ans 300 Riverside Drive PHONE 767-W W s t ]s and KNITTING • is' M Selection Color! ALSO ; >' , V/hislrucHon Books - Gloves. BIoums. Soxs, Jackets and Baby Clothes Geo. Colleite, Owner 103 Riverside Drive ^JUUUOUL# OTtt Phone 459 Convenient m row "IHDELIBLE CREME'VJhe miracle lipstick fabulous WEAR Take one of our clean, modern cabs to your destination and stop Worrying about the weather. Our cabs, driven by the most careful drivers, call for you at your door and leave you at the door any time of the day or night, anywhere in the city. For clean, aafe, oemvenient transportation. . Mr. Philip J. Skiba OF SKUA & COMPANY Wishes to on^ooncs the open- Speaking of protection . *. "I'M pYimarily in- ~ terested in sound bank management for protection of my funds." But there are two other safeguards foryour mbney in the bank -- careful supervision by governmental authorities, plus deposit in- " surance (up to $10,000 for each depositor) by our membership in the Federal Deposit ~~ Insurance Corporation, y r Be thrifty--with all these safeguards here. McHenry State Bank Member Federal Reserve Systes Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cor||» Interest Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE 1040 0 fabulous LUSTER fabulous CREAMINESS ttie first and wty truly creamy iniefibte lipstick I non-drying because its made with lip softening Lanotttej ing of a Real Estate, Rental Bureau, Mortgage Loan and General Insurcmcfl Office ^ IN fHE Riverside-Hotel For general information phone 913 No other lipstick is so good for jfour lips--thanks to , tcvlon's own Lanolite! And the colors! Not the thin, flat • shades you find in ordinary indelible lipsticks--but a full rang* •• M fobulous fathion-genim colors only Revlen could create!' Diicbyer "Indelible-Creme" now--don't wait another day I -110 I rtus Bolger's Drug Store Phone 40 McHenry, III. l u i i ; i - NOTICE WESTERN UNION AGENCY » NOW LOCATED AT Frett's Precision Watch Repair AU incoming and outgoing messages by direct teletype. . PHONE 293 For the correct time -- Remember FRETTS PRECISION WATCH REPAIR. . To save time -- Gall WestKtft Union. 294/ E. Eln^ St. McHenry, 111. PHONE 723 McHENRY f" "jjjitss SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE" eeriommi rirrtiulitifl •I UIimm Ball U yonr w your Fretting.' Bum* let TRETT do ««np ihc telephone company's a pretty big outfit, with thousands of people in many placee working to give you good service. But,' really, there's just one person whose job is to be your personal representative at Illinois Bell. ThatYJtti -- your 'Service Representative.* 44Any time you have a question about your bill, rates, moving your telephone, ordering an extension, getting an extra listing in the directory, or practically anything else about your service, please drop in or call me at your telephone business office. \ "Maybe I won't be able to answer every que#- lion you ask. But If I can't, I'll get the answer lor you. That's «ay job-to help you fa erfery jray I can." „ "Right here in my desk is a card with yonr nimr, address and a lot of informs* tion about your telephone eervire. It helps me answer your question* quickly. Yoqre is one of a number of accounts that' I serve exclusively and I'm pretty familiar with it now." No price can fta vsefvfaesa 'A* »iuwo*» tin m«PHON« company