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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1951, p. 8

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•im pH ZM ,.:W . > '.," 'it4-". 4PWFf;$ - K I M - . .^. r WONDER LAKE (Continued ••* ib itr from BBKttba Page 7) the weekend . . . Wlllium Hoeft, Shore Hills, served as Worthy patron at a recent guest night held in the Woodstock Order of Eastern Star. Mildred Howorka, Dee^, Baling Woods, •erved as treasurer .... Gene Dftcker was a surgical patient at the Woodstock hospital' Sept <*27 . . . . Tommy Martin Is enroll At Wilmington college, Wilmington, O An interested specs. tator at the trial of Milton Christy offersen in Woodstock was Wonder Lake's assistant supervisor, Carl Hallstrom .... John Lathrop was a delegate to the 1AA sessions held in Aurora "Thurso, day evening .... 82 per cent off the parents who sigued to partici-, Ittite in parent-teacher conference* At ;Harrison have completed their conferences and discussed any*; mutual problems they might have with the children . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hay were celebrating Millie's birthday Saturday. He kept adding twenty years to her age In order to have • littlfe fan. She r e a l l y i s n ' t 5 2 . . . . Twice Told Tales Forty Years Ag-o A steam heating plant is b£ing installed into the drug--store of E. V. McAllister 6 COfc, on the west side. Seibel, Bros, dog and pony show exhibited here laRt Friday e'vening and was accorded a verygood patronage considering the weather conditions, which were anything but favorable; for a tenf attraction. Peter B. Freund is having a new .cement tie bairn constructed in tin rear of his west side establishment. f Invitations for the wedding \of Anton Zens to Miss Anna V. Daluga. both of Waukegan, have been Received by McHenry. Mr. Zens was a former McHenry "fjoy. While passing through the ^village in their auto last Morfdby evening, some "smart" youngster threw a hard mud ball at the machine occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of Ringwood, j the ball striking Mrs. Stephenson of town that the hunters this fall -are taking greater liberties than ever before. Twenty-Five Years Ago St. Mary's church of Woodstock was the scene of one of the most beautiful of fall weddhigs Oct. 6, in the head and painfully injuring Fhen Mr- GeorRe Phalin of Mc- . .1 Henry and Miss Agnes Peter of ' - t J Woodstock plighted their troth It has been brought to our ^ before a large assembly of relaaotice rron farmers residing west 'tlvea and frienffi. '* •' V '• ' " " Y * : V, f,Y71 jr:^ m FL1A iiniiwc.1c*a jL. 1E "wRtif * ' " 5 ' v • '*'T • hu•«w.- dil'y./ . Odo» b1f.t r 4. 1v1 91 JV mimmm Alford Patzke suffered what B4war4:% might have proved to be a: fatal accident last Sunday night at the home of his brother, Carl, in Chicago. As he sat on the railing of the porch to smoke, he lost his balance an* fell over the rajl about nineteen feet and struck the cement sidewalk below.. He lay unconscious for several hourB until found by a passerby. The Theodore Sclilessle buildtiesfrtl Church »ws He Sunday School Rally Day am attracted an audience faf greater than we could properly accommodate. It was really another record attendance. Once again Ve have been challenged to provide more room for youn and old who desire to come to ou Sunday School session* and church services. A group of students from the- Trlnity Seminary and Bible college of Chicago were with us all day, giving very effective service in special music and testimonies, It was a real treat to hear those splendid young Christian meir " sing and play. Next Sunday, Oct. 7th, we will be back on our regular schedule with Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m.. Junior Church and Morning Worship Service at 11 o'clock Evening Gospel service, with Holy C6mmttiion at 7:45. A cord-* ial welcome to all. Regularly toe Syrup of White Pine & Tar 2 ^ 90 wc UJ DRUG STORE WED., THURS., FRI., & SAT. OCTOBER 3, 4, 5 & 6 fcgular'v OlHTMENT & ! w 1 • • • * • • ing in West McHenry is undergoing some repairs and Improvements. In answer to invitations, eighteen boys and girls met at the home of Miss Juanita Keg on Sat* urday afternoon to help her celebrate her thirteenth birthday anniversary. Present were Bob Peterson, Juanita Keg, Charles Petersen, Virginia Etiglen, Carl Rietrtel, Dorothy Wormley, Floyd Covalt, Ruth Phalin, Matthews, Frances Hughes, fin* gene Sayler, Bernice Ferwerdag ] Stanley Schaffer. Marie KinsalaJ | Jack Purvey, Marion Krause, Ray#-:'4r mond , Hughes and Mildred •' ffy "i* (Adored All cotton is not white. It varies from white to dark cream. There also are some brown and green lint cottons. ' " 1 >»' ' i »' '"'r'-r'y • & ^•rfectfon "and Cream 9-ounce jars/ " 2 <" 99c "OrHs" . (HloirtliWash Full pint 2 70' Laara Wenkel THIRD ARMY HEADQUARTERS, Atlanta, Ga.,--PfC. Laura G.~ Wenkel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August P. Wenkel, Wonder Lake, is a tnember of the Women's Army Corps. She enlisted in the service at Chicafctf ifc September, 1950, and went to Fort Lee for her basic training. Finishing this training In November she then went' to Fort, Ord, Calif., for an eight week course at the administrative school there, graduating with honors in February, 1951. Pvt. Wenkel was then assigned to Third Army Headquarters, Fort McPherson, Ga., beginning the job of clerk typist in the administrative office of the Post Stockade and reporting here for duty in February 1951. The young Wac has two brotherrf in the service also, one a twin brother, Cpl. Laurence Pf Wenkel, and the other a younger brother. Pvt. Howard D. Wenkel, both in the Illinois National Guard at Woodstock. Pvt. Wenkel graduated from the Woodstock Community high school, Woodstock, in June, 1950, majoring in commercial business She was elected president of her class from 1949 until 1950. Sh was also a member of the Girls Athletic association and an excellent basketball and hockey player in school. After finishing school and before entering the service, the young Wac held a position with the Wonder Lake Mill Inn for two year*. She Is a Protestant by religion, And attends the Posjt chapel regularly. COLD SORE /asasr^M for the price of 1 plus You buy one item at its REGULAR EVERYDAY SELLING PRICE, add a penny to get TWOJ if I poutfp buck or exo**" Walgreen Tooth Past, An|nioniated 2 f*r 44° fl-A Cream Sharon*00 ^ for 90C -~5fcT.5Q_ Minoyl Mineral PUTs 541 WAllGHEEN 5-GRAfN ASPIRIN ,TABLETS Reg. 49c Edch 2 inss 50 78c bottle of 200 COUPON jiesfttvf TM Xf&T sm2sm 2180' *«tuUr/y 43e tr ^JJam'ns & 2 for 521 cf«A ysPsO-eDtOf * 2 Fo* sq *5'98 Ola-Beron-12 • Bo»'c Of 100 B-Complex. -- - * W . m\- m g ^ ^ROCHROM si/c tubes . K ^ LIBRARY DOKATlOf The McHenry Public library announces that cement f6r feide* Walks in front of the recently purchased site and building has been offered by tacHenry Sand Oravel. 4 ^ORLIS. C H I L D R E N It's a big comfort to you to know that your children are every bit as safe in one of oar clean, modern cabs as they are at home. Our drivers are carefully trained and tested. Their characters and records are thoroughly investigated 1 before we employ them. For trtft transportation. ... PHONE 733 i jMcHENRY 42° BAY 8-ounce bottle Sc LUXURY MINTS OR FRUIT DROPS k2 •« 6e 49° WALTHO GARGLE 4-ounce bottle Effective 45° BRILLIANTINE LIQUID. 4-ounce bottle *322 Vitamin A Capsules 25.000 U S P. units. 100's 7s* FORMULA 20 Shampoo With Egg e-oz. QfAc bottles Ephedrme Solution af7m l-ounce s ze Keller I QT 31° FOOT POWDER "GLIDE. S'/i-ounce size & .2132 69^ Laxative Pellets Thurets Tube of 60 COLO-CREAM 2 Colorfully Trimmed PLASTIC TEA APRONS ^|L6REE* IS 59c CASTORIA LAXATIVE 6-ounce size MWHtSlft 33° Spirits of Camphor l-ounce size Lotion There's a large selection of styles and colors to choose from. 29° TOILET LANOLIN Softens skin 45c Milk ol Magnesia TABLETS Bottle of 100 R'auUrly 69c VAtENTfMc HAIR TONE 49c Diuretic Tablets ularly TO* "DOLPH " Bottle of 50 POWDER PUFFS b;„.2s15 S1.48 VALUE CANASTA Cards & Tray Salt 4 19 Sttridtnf* TOOTH BRUSHES ? 2:39 *1.39 MAGA Tablets With Vitamin C. Bottle of 100 79° Dolph 4-ounce size aytinal Liniment Wlu*tip*e Vitamins prietde.. Regularly 25c Each! Plastic Soap Saver Dish 2 26° A Value! Colorful PLASTIC 39c TIDY ARCTIC CREAM Kegularly 49c BISMADINL Bottles 100 tumblers 2.« 16e HEAVY KRAFT PAPER &08PAPG/AS/& Regular'y 43 8-ot. bottl® CMIVMtNE LOTION 2 ° 44° RtguUrly 49c eCTlNE EYE DROPS 2 \ 50' foguUrly 39c 3-oz! Size Regultrly 98c rinntm Antisept Powder 2 I 99 Regularly 98c 1000--Vz-gr Saccharin Tablets 2 i 99' Included for your convenience with each purchase at our Drug Department during this BIQ ONE CENT SALE! This offe good only while limited quantity last Camphorated Oil 2140 e ""Hen t ffta 1POMpi "GLIDE" CELENATE Powder, Ointment 2 .« 121 P»OjfWACDEE R oy Lcon Lartii 2 f £ i This stationery is not OFFERED at a ONE CENT SALE price but is toe teod a value te leave out of this salt. "FAMOUS SH OREL AWN" PACKAGE STATIONER* R»«ulei)y " ^ , O . 4 i»i 12c each . « . , . *4m for AO Your'choke of paper, taMet& ifr envelopes in white . or pastel shades; fine linen finish. 0

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